Peter Sokolowsky
Noah Webster (1758-1843)
The first person to write a
dictionary of American
Through his spelling book
taught millions of American
children to read for the
first half-century of the
republic and millions more
for the following halfcentury
Spelling bees are an American educational
tradition. They provide an easy and active way
to focus on vocabulary.
 A good bee follows straightforward rules and
practices which are often neglected or confused
in local and school-level competitions; the
correct organization of a bee is essential to an
event that is fair and fun.
 The following will address the three most
common mistakes made in running an English
spelling bee.
dictionary in case of dispute
 A pronouncer to read words, definitions and
sample sentences to spellers.
 A judge (at least one, and up to three) to
check spellings against the word list.
 A stopwatch and a designated person to keep
 A bell or buzzer to indicate a misspelling.
 A recording device to record the event in
case of dispute (optional).
 What
should the word list consist of?
The list shows each word with its
pronunciation, definition and a sample
 Where
do the words come from?
Select words from a dictionary that is
appropriate to the age and ability of the
Avoid words with alternate spellings and
variant pronunciations.
 How
One word per speller per round (gradual
reduction of words toward the last rounds).
 How
many is enough?
difficult should the words be?
Plan for spellers 'success in the first round. For
later rounds difficulty should be adjusted
according to time and ability.
 What
if the bee goes too long?
Adjust to a more difficult round if no speakers
are eliminated two rounds in a row. Always have
a “championship round” of difficult words.
 Conduct
the spelling bee in rounds.
 Establish a time limit (for example 2
minutes) for each speller (optional)
 Clearly explain what the speller may ask of
the pronouncer.
 Describe
the elimination procedure for each
round, including the final round.
 Demonstrate a correct spelling and an
incorrect spelling immediately before the
spelling bee begins.
 Insist
on silence (from spellers and audience)
during the spelling of words.
 Seat spellers in spelling order.
 The next speller should stand and wait
nearby in a designated spot.
 Spellers return to their seats after correctly
spelling a word.
 Spellers sit in a different area after
incorrectly spelling a word.
 ….
such as writing gestures on their hand ,
arm, or name card.
 Speller
may start over but cannot change any
spelling already spoken
 Speak
 Be consistent
 Remain calm
 Repeat a word if asked
 If a word is misspelled, say “The correct
spelling is….”
 Identify homophones
 Respond to spellers 'request for:
word history
example sentence
Ensure the speller repeats the word correctly.
 Time
with a stopwatch, starting when
pronouncer first speaks the word.
 Ensure the pronouncer pronounces the word
 Encourage spellers to repeat the word
 Listen for exact letters given by the speaker.
 Procedure
 If all spellers but one misspell in a single
the winner is declared
 Rounds of two until one speller mispells;
the winner is declared.
 Procedure
 If all spellers but one misspell in a single
round, what follows is a single round of ONE
 If the word is correctly spelled,
the winner is declared
 If the word is misspelled, another round is
conducted including ALL spellers from the
previous round in their original order.