AP Biology Carbon Compounds ppt


AP Biology: Organic


T H E V E R S A T I L I T Y O F C A R B O N - T H E

B U I L D I N G B L O C K S O F L I F E !

Why Carbon Compounds? (Why not another element?

Bonding Properties

4 Covalent Bonds

Endless possibilities!

Living Organisms and Carbon

All life is built on Carbon

75% Water

25% Carbon compounds!

Four Types:




--Nucleic Acids


These are examples of hydrocarbons.



-Very little attraction between molecules

-Mostly gases at normal temperatures and pressures

Hydrocarbons Can Grow


Molecules with the same elements, but with different physical structures

They have different chemical properties and can affect living systems in different ways.

Form Affects Function

Structural differences create important functional significance


 medicines

L-version active

 but not D-version

 sometimes with tragic results…

Form Affects Function

 Thalidomide

 prescribed to pregnant women in 50s & 60s

 reduced morning sickness, but…

 stereoisomer caused severe birth defects

Functional Groups of Carbon Compounds

 Parts of organic molecules that are involved in chemical reactions

 give organic molecules distinctive properties

 hydroxyl

 amino carbonyl

 carboxyl sulfhydryl phosphate methyl

Effects of Different Functional Groups

 Basic structure of male & female hormones is identical

 attachment of different functional groups interacts with different targets in the body—produces different effects!

Hydroxyl Group


Organic compounds with OH groups are called alcohols

Names typically end in “ol” (example: ethanol)

Amino Group


Carbon compounds attached to NH2 are called amines

--NH2 acts as a base and can easily pick up H+ ions

Found in amino acids

Carbonyl Group

Carbon double-bonded to oxygen

May be in the middle or at the end of the carbon chain

Carboxyl Group

Carbon is double-bonded to oxygen and singlebonded to a hydroxyl (OH) group.

Compounds with a Carboxyl group (COOH) are acids.

Examples: Amino Acids, Fatty Acids

Sulfhydryl Group


Carbon compound is bonded to a sulfur-hydrogen group.

Compounds with sulfhydryl groups are called thiols.

Sulfhydryl groups stabilize protein molecules.

Phosphate Group


Lots of oxygen=lots of negative charge! (Why?)

Highly reactive group

Transfers energy between organic molecules (ex:


Methyl Group


May be attached to any carbon on a compound.
