Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS) for Quantitative Temperature and Concentration Measurements in a High-Pressure Gas Turbine Combustion Test Rig Robert P. Lucht and Jay P. Gore Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN Supersonics NRA Annual Review Cleveland, OH January 27, 2010 Acknowledgments • Graduate students Mathew P. Thariyan (PhD), Vijaykumar Ananthanarayanan (M.S., now at Cummins), and Aizaz H. Bhuiyan (PhD), Senior Research Engineer Scott E. Meyer, Senior Research Associate Sameer V. Naik, Postdoc Dr. Ning Chai • Technical advice from Drs. Nader Rizk, William Cummings, Mohan Razdan, Vic Oechsle, Dan Nickolaus, M. S. Anand, and Duane Smith at Rolls Royce Corporation in Indianapolis, Indiana • Funding from NASA Glenn under Cooperative Agreement Number NNX07AC90A , technical discussions with Drs. Yolanda Hicks, Clarence Chang, and Randy Locke Motivation • To demonstrate dual-pump CARS measurements of CO2, N2 and temperature in the gas turbine combustor over a wide range of simulated supersonic flight conditions. • To obtain high-quality data in the reacting flow field downstream of the NASA lean direct injection array for comparison with advanced computational models. Outline of the Presentation • Optically Accessible Gas Turbine Combustor Facility • Dual-Pump CARS Measurements: Challenges and Optical System • Temperature Measurements: PDFs, Mean Profiles, Standard Deviation Profiles • Conclusions and Accomplishments • Future Work Purdue Gas Turbine Combustion Facility (GTCF) Maximum Flow Capacity Max Operating Condition Natural Gas Heated High Pressure Air 9 lbm/sec 700 psi / 500 deg C Electric Heated Air or Nitrogen 1 lbm/sec 600 psi / 600 deg C Nitrogen 2 to 5 lbm/sec 1,500 psi Liquid Aviation Fuel (Kerosene) 1 lbm/sec/tank (2 tanks) 1,500 psi Cooling Water 40 gpm 400 psi High Pressure Lab System NASA 9-Point LDI Assembly (Top-Hat) • Nine simplex injectors arranged at throats of nine converging-diverging venturis in a 3 x 3 arrangement. • Axial swirlers with helical vanes at 60° impart swirl to incoming heated air. • Only central injector used for testing. Purdue GTCF – Window Assembly Window Assembly Details Stagnant Air Gap 3"x3" Inner Cross Section Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS) • Conventional “Single-Pump” CARS • Noninvasive • Coherent Laser-Like Signal • Spatially and Temporally Resolved • Excellent Gas Temperature Data (especially at higher temperatures) pump CARS Stokes pump V CARS Stokes Pump1 Pump1 Dual-Pump CARS of N2/CO2 Overall Experimental System CARS System for GTCF Measurements A: Aperture BD: Beam Dump CL: Camera Lens IF: Interference Filter L: Lens /2: Half-waveplate Pol: Polarizer S: Shutter TS: Translation Stage ZL: Zoom Lens Window 608 nm Assembly Entrance Translation Stages Exit Translation Stages L4 BD BD BD L5 Flow L3 Probe Volume 561 nm 532 nm /2 Pol. Main Leg S A Pol. Reference Leg /2 S SPEX CL /2 Pol. IF TS S ZL TS 496 nm BD A BD BD L2 Probe Volume L1 Use of Optical Parametric Oscillator/ Pulsed Dye Amplifier System Optical Arrangement for Laser Beam Generation To Purdue GTCF 607 nm BBDL PDA 2 0 Mirror 355 nm 970 nm BS PDA 1 0 Mirror ECDL BS Seeded Nd:YAG 532 nm 560 nm OPO BS Dual-pump CARS System Measurement Challenges in GTCF • Translation of probe volume inside the flame zone. • Installation of pin-hole for spatial overlap of CARS beams not possible, must use referemce leg alignment. • Measurement of non-resonant signal in the reference leg for spectral normalization of CARS signal. • Safety of thin window, CARS beams are focused tightly in the middle of the test section. CARS Probe Volume Translation A: Aperture BD: Beam Dump CL: Camera Lens IF: Interference Filter L: Lens /2: Half-waveplate Pol: Polarizer S: Shutter TS: Translation Stage ZL: Zoom Lens Exit Translation Stages Window 608 nm 561 nm 532 nm Assembly Entrance Translation Stages L4 BD BD BD L5 Flow L3 Probe Volume Main Leg /2 S A Reference Leg SPEX CL /2 Pol. Pol. /2 S Pol. IF TS S ZL TS 496 nm BD A BD BD L2 Probe Volume L1 Optical System near GTCF CARS System Reference Leg CARS System Reference Leg A: Aperture BD: Beam Dump CL: Camera Lens IF: Interference Filter L: Lens /2: Half-waveplate Pol: Polarizer S: Shutter TS: Translation Stage ZL: Zoom Lens Window 608 nm Assembly Entrance Translation Stages Exit Translation Stages L4 BD BD BD L5 Flow L3 Probe Volume 561 nm 532 nm /2 Pol. Main Leg S A Pol. Reference Leg /2 S SPEX CL /2 Pol. IF TS S ZL TS 496 nm BD A BD BD L2 Probe Volume L1 Probe Volume Translation DP-CARS Detection Optics Operating Conditions, Measurement Locations and Sample DP-CARS Spectra 125 psia (8.5 atm.) ■ 150 psia (10 atm.) ■ ■ ■ Φ=1.0 F = 0.6 P = 100 psi DP/P = 4% Comb. Pr. = 100 psia., Eq. Ratio = 0.8 Note: Distance between points along the centerline is 5 mm + 11 mm + 9 mm + 6 mm 10 mm • Burner Inlet Temperature: 850 0F (725 K) • Fuel: Jet-A • Normalized injector pressure drop = 4% ■ + 3 mm - 3 mm - 6 mm - 9 mm - 11 mm (arb. units) ■ Φ=0.80 1/2 100 psia (7.0 atm.) Φ=0.59 (CARS Intensity) Φ=0.4 75 65 55 T = 1325 K CO2/N2 = 0.079 N2 Data Theory Residual 45 35 N2 25 CO2 15 5 -5 -15 1300 1320 1340 1360 Raman Shift (cm-1) 1380 1400 Purdue GTCF in Operation Central injector operation F= 0.45, Pcomb= 120 psia, Tinlet = 780° F Flame Characteristics @ 100 psia Φ =0.4 Φ =0.8 Φ =0.59 Φ =1.0 Data Analysis 1000 to 2000 spectra collected at each measurement location. Spectra with low average N2 signal counts and droplet interferences rejected. Square-root of background corrected normalized CARS spectra analyzed using Sandia CARSFT code in the batch processing mode. N2 spectra analyzed for optimal temperature, horizontal and vertical shift, instrument function etc. Spectra with low peak CO2 counts rejected. CO2 part of the spectrum analyzed for CO2/N2 concentration ratio. Data Processing Corrected Averaged Background Final Image Corrected Non-Resonant Stokes Corrected Image Blocked Signal Image Raw Temp PDFs Along Centerline Combustor Pressure: 104 psia, Equivalence Ratio: 0.4 Temperature PDF: Z = 10 mm, R = 0 mm Temperature PDF: Z = 15 mm, R = 0 mm 100 160 Mean Temp. = 2020 K Std. Dev. = 370 K (a) Mean Temp. = 1820 K Std. Dev. = 340 K (b) 120 60 Counts Counts 80 140 40 100 80 60 40 20 20 0 1000 0 1500 2000 2500 3000 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 Temperature (K) Temperature (K) Temperature PDF: Z = 25 mm, R = 0 mm Temperature PDF: Z= 50 mm, R= 0 mm 100 80 Mean Temp. = 1595 K Std. Dev. = 267 K (a) Mean Temp. = 1340 K Std. Dev. = 180 K 80 Counts Counts 60 40 60 40 20 0 1000 20 0 1200 1400 1600 1800 Temperature (K) 2000 2200 2400 1000 1200 1400 1600 Temperature (K) 1800 2000 Temp PDFs at Different Locations Combustor Pressure: 104 psia., Equivalence Ratio: 0.4 Temperature PDF: Z = 10 mm, R = 9 mm Temperature PDF: Z = 10 mm, R = 6 mm 120 140 Mean Temp. = 1835 K Std. Dev. = 340 K (b) 120 100 Counts 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 1000 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 1500 2000 2500 3000 Temperature (K) Temperature (K) Temperature PDF: Z = 20 mm, R = 6 mm Temperature PDF: Z = 20 mm, R = 9 mm 80 80 Mean Temp. = 1520 K Std. Dev. = 235 K (e) 60 (f) Mean Temp. = 1405 K Std. Dev. = 265 K 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 60 Counts Counts Counts 100 80 Mean Temp. = 1760 K Std. Dev. = 410 K (c) 40 40 20 20 0 0 1000 1200 1400 1600 Temperature (K) 1800 2000 Temperature (K) 2200 (a) Z = 10 mm Z = 20 mm Z = 45 mm 2000 Temperature (K) Mean Temperature & Temperature Standard Deviation Profiles 1800 1600 1400 1200 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Radial Distance (mm) Equivalence Ratio: 0.4 Relative Temp. Std. Dev. (%) Combustor Pressure: 104 psia 40 Z =10 mm Z = 20 mm Z = 45 mm (b) 35 30 25 20 15 10 0 2 4 6 8 Radial Distance (mm) 10 12 Mean Temperature Profiles F = 0.4 100 psia 2100 F = 0.8 F= 0.4 2000 Mean Tempearture (K) Mean Tempearture (K) 2200 1800 1600 1400 150 psia 100 psia 2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1200 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Axial Distance (mm) 45 50 1300 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Axial Distance (mm) 45 50 Mean Temperature Profiles Z = 20 mm, 150 psia, F = 0.4 Mean Tempearture (K) 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 -12 -8 -4 0 4 8 Vertical Distance (mm) 12 Temperature and CO2/N2 PDFs Combustor Pressure: 104 psia., Equivalence Ratio: 0.4 Temperature PDF: Z = 30 mm, R = 3 mm Temperature PDF: Z = 25 mm, R = 0 mm 80 100 Mean Temp. = 1595 K Std. Dev. = 267 K (a) Mean Temp. = 1515 K Std. Dev. = 205 K (b) 80 Counts Counts 60 40 60 40 20 20 0 1000 0 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 1000 2400 1200 2200 Mean CO2/N2 = 0.0546 Std. Dev. = 0.019 (d) 30 30 Counts Counts 2000 40 Mean CO2/N2 = 0.0625 Std. Dev. = 0.0212 40 1800 CO2/N2 Conc. Ratio PDF: Z = 30 mm, R = 3 mm CO2/N2 Conc. Ratio PDF: Z = 25 mm, R = 0 mm (c) 1600 Temperature (K) Temperature (K) 50 1400 20 20 10 10 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 CO2/N2 Concentration Ratio 0.12 0.14 0 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 CO2/N2 Concentration Ratio 0.12 Temperature and CO2/N2 Scatter Combustor Pressure: 104 psia., Equivalence Ratio: 0.4 Temp. vs CO2/N2 Correlation: Z = 25 mm, R = 0 mm Temp. vs CO2/N2 Correlation: Z = 30 mm, R = 3 mm 0.12 CO2/N2 Concentration Ratio CO2/N2 Concentration Ratio 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 1000 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 1200 1400 1600 Temperature (K) 1800 1000 1200 1400 Temperature (K) 1600 1800 Accomplishments and Conclusions GTCF has been operated at wide range of simulated supersonic flight conditions. The optically accessible GTCF has been operated up at pressures up to150 psia, single-shot dual-pump CARS measurements obtained at all operating conditions. Approximately 500,000 single-shot spectra were acquired in a test campaign conducted during the summer of 2009. These spectra are being processed to obtain temperature and CO2/N2 concentration ratio values at various equivalence ratios at multiple axial and vertical positions downstream of the LDI injector. Accomplishments and Conclusions A new OPO/PDA system was used to generate the 560nm pump beam in the dual-pump CARS system. Considerable care in allignment was required for all beams to obtain good beam quality in the combustor test cell. The Zaber translation stages performed well, alignment was maintained over the entire spatial region of interest during the test. The reference leg was invaluable for alignment and for frequent recording of the nonresonant signal. Alignment was maintained before and after translation of the large 2-inch prisms. Accomplishments and Conclusions Data analysis is still in progress. Filtering techniques to remove spectra with signals that were too low have been developed and are still being optimized. . Experimental results will be compared with computational results obtained from, for example, the National Combustion Code (NCC). The data will be provided in a form decided in collaboration with NASA personnel. Accomplishments and Conclusions Estimated uncertainty in temperature measurements : Accuracy: 1-2% Precision: 2-3% Uncertainty in CO2/N2 ratio measurements : Very dependent on CO2 concentration and on the temperature, approximately 10% relative standard deviation in the range of 5% CO2 concentation around 1500 K. Probe volume dimensions: 500 μm along the laser propagation direction. 50 μm perpendicular to the laser direction. Papers and Presentations 1. Mathew P. Thariyan, Aizaz H. Bhuiyan, Sameer V. Naik, Jay P. Gore, and Robert P. Lucht, “Temperature and CO2 Concentration Measurements in a High-Pressure, Lean Direct Injector Combustor using Dual-Pump CARS,” paper submitted to the 33rd Combustion Symposium. 2. Mathew P. Thariyan, Aizaz H. Bhuiyan, Scott E. Meyer, Sameer V. Naik, Jay P. Gore, and Robert P. Lucht, “Optically Accessible, High-Pressure Gas Turbine Combustion Facility and Dual-Pump CARS System,” paper in preparation for submission to Measurement Science and Technology. Papers and Presentations 3. M. P. Thariyan, V. Ananthanarayanan, A. H. Bhuiyan, S. E. Meyer, S. V. Naik, J. P. Gore and R. P. Lucht, “Dual-Pump CARS Temperature and Major Species Concentration Measurements in Laminar Counterflow Flames and in a Gas Turbine Combustor Facility,” Paper AIAA-2009-1442, presented at the 47th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, Florida, January 5-8, 2009. 4. M. P. Thariyan, A. H. Bhuiyan, N. Chai., S. V. Naik, R. P. Lucht, and J. P. Gore, “Dual-Pump CARS Temperature and Major Species Concentration Measurements in a Gas Turbine Combustor Facility,” Paper AIAA 2009-5052, 45th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Denver, Colorado, 2-5 August 2009. 5. M. P. Thariyan, A. H. Bhuiyan, N. Chai, S. V. Naik, R. P. Lucht, and J. P. Gore, “Dual-Pump CARS Measurements in a Gas Turbine Combustor Facility Using the NASA 9-point LDI Injector,” Paper AIAA-2010-1401, presented at the 48th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, Florida, January 4-7, 2010. Typical Dual-Pump CARS spectra T = 1274 K (arb. units) 100 Data Theory 80 80 T = 1414 K 40 20 0 1300 60 1315 1330 1345 1360 1375 40 20 0 1300 1315 (arb. units) Data Theory 1/2 50 40 (CARS Intensity) (arb. units) 1/2 (CARS Intensity) 70 T = 1528 K 30 20 10 0 1300 1315 1330 1345 1330 1345 1360 1375 Raman Shift (cm-1) Raman Shift (cm-1) 60 Data Theory 1/2 60 (CARS Intensity) (CARS Intensity) 1/2 (arb. units) Pressure: 100 psia. @ F = 1.0, 40 mm Center-line 1360 Raman Shift (cm-1) 1375 25 T = 2198 K Data Theory 20 15 10 5 0 1300 1315 1330 1345 1360 Raman Shift (cm-1) 1375 Modified Combustor Window Assembly (CWA) for RRC Injector Cross section increased from 3"x3“ to 4.2"x4.2". The modified CWA is fabricated from Hastelloy-X instead of stainless steel. Brazing has been eliminated. Film cooling air passages are incorporated in the injector assembly rather than in the CWA. Thermal barrier coatings are being applied to the window assembly inner surfaces. Upstream spool section has been redesigned to accommodate the larger injectors and to ensure uniform flow into the injector. Downstream spool sections redesigned for larger flow cross section. Modified Combustor Window Assembly (CWA) for RRC Injector Modified Combustor Window Assembly (CWA) for RRC Injector