Homework Policy

Homework Policy: Math 109C
Fall 2013
Deirdre A. Smith
MTL 121C
E – mail: dsmith@math.arizona.edu
Website: http://math.arizona.edu/~dsmith
Office Hours:
Monday 3 - 4
Tuesday 10 – 11
Thursday 11 – 12 (8/26 – 9/18) and 12 – 1 (9/19 – 12/11)
and by appointment
There will be 100 points in the homework/quiz category. The bulk of these points will come from WileyPlus
homework assignments and in-class group work. However, other assignments/quizzes may be added as
WileyPlus Homework Assignments:
Due to time constraints, it will not possible to cover every detail in the classroom. Pages from
the course notes will be assigned for the upcoming class period – read the definitions and
explanations and glance over the examples. It will be assumed that you have looked over the
basics of the material before each class.
Homework assignments are available as soon as the new section is begun in class, and are due
according to the following table:
Date material is
finished in class:
WileyPlus assignment
to be completed by:
Thursday, 11 PM*
Sunday, 11 PM*
Tuesday, 11 PM*
You will receive unlimited attempts to complete each assignment. Only the highest score will
count towards your final homework grade. * means if you are online working on your
assignment before 11 PM, you will be allowed to finish the assignment.
Resources are available to assist you with these assignments. WileyPlus has similar sample
problems in the reading for the section with answers provided. You are encouraged to work on
the problems with your classmates. Office hours are also an excellent opportunity to ask any
questions about the assignments.
In-Class Group Work:
Throughout the semester, you will be working with a small group of 3 – 4 students. This work
will be focused on examining real-life data and analyzing it. This is your opportunity to discuss
mathematical concepts with your fellow students and help you learn how to express
mathematical ideas in a strong and convincing manner. Some of this work will be collected
throughout the semester.
Each team member is expected to contribute equally to all group assignments. In the event that
not everyone in the team is contributing equally, the team may mutually agree to leave a
member’s name off the assignment. If a student’s name is not signed on the assignment when
the assignment is handed in, that student will not receive credit for the assignment. NO
If you cannot attend class on the day that the group analysis is done in class you can make up the
analysis provided that you can show me a Dean’s excuse. If this happens more than once, even
if you do have a documented excuse, you must talk to be first. It is my decision as to whether or
not you can make up the work.
Handed In Homework Assignments:
You will be given frequent assignments from the workbook and other sources that will be
handed in. These assignments will generally be due the class period after they are assigned.
1. Missed class work CANNOT be made up, and late homework and group work will NOT be accepted.
No exceptions. If you know of an absence ahead of time, you must schedule to complete the work
before the missed class. At the end of the semester, I will deduct 10% from the total number of
points and divide the number of points you earned on all handed in assignments, quizzes and class
work by that adjusted number. Since you are given multiple tries on the WileyPlus assignments, I
will not deduct any points from your grades on those assignments.
2. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to get any missed notes from a classmate. Exams may be
made up only in the case of a verifiable emergency when the instructor is notified prior to the next
regularly scheduled class period.
3. Due to the large amount of work completed in class, regular attendance is of the utmost importance.
Attendance will be taken on a daily basis through a sign-in sheet. It is your responsibility to sign
yourself in each day. Signing in for another student who is not in class that day will be viewed as a
violation of academic integrity for both the student who falsified the sign-in sheet AND the student
who is not in attendance. Missing more than three days may result in an administrative drop by
the instructor.
4. We will be working from the Math 109C Course notes and Class Notes daily. These two booklets are
available in the book store and are required materials for the course. You must bring these booklets
to class every day. You also should always bring your graphing calculator.
Success in mathematics requires lots of practice. You should be spending a minimum of nine hours each
week in this course. Use the resources that are available to you:
Instructor office hours
ThinkTank or any other tutoring services
Regularly ask and answer questions in class
Form a study group