Brief & storyboard template: Hacker documentary A mockumentary about a pair of amateur cyber hackers, shot in the style of a BBC3 expose. Shooting dates: 14/2/15 Crew: Director – Michael Pritchard – *********** Producer – Lily-Evelina Mitchell - *********** Editor – Edson Cameron - *********** Camera – Courtney Hughes – *********** Actors: Hannah Haddad - *********** Edson Cameron – *********** Overview: The intention of the film is to raise questions in the viewer’s mind about online privacy, by using humour but also making a serious point. Just because you can hack into others peoples private information, does that mean you should? Kit list: - Camera - Boom mic - 3x radio mics - Computer The camera, boom mic and radio mics are being picked up on Friday from Watershed by the Director and being driven to his house. The computer is already at his house and belongs to him. They will be driven back to Watershed after filming. On the first editing day, the Editor will transfer the footage to a computer. Prop list: Props MLG T-shirt White board Fedora hat Doritos (200g) Mountain Dew (1L) Mountain Dew (500ml) String (40m) Quantity 1 1 1 4 2 2 1 Price Sourced Sourced Sourced £4 £3 £1.50 £1.20 Source Tesco Tesco Tesco Tesco Sticky notes (76x127mm) Chocolate digestives Storyboard and shot list: Shot number 1 1 £0.50 £0.44 Tesco Tesco 1 Shot type (LS, CU, POV, etc) Mid shot. Duration Description 2 MCU, OS. 3 Tracking. 4 LS. Camera stays near bedroom door as Nathanial walks towards Melvin and stands near him. 5 MCU. 6 LS with zoom. 7 Panning with zoom. The shot is a medium close up as this scene is Nathanial within an interview setting. Nathanial remains sat within chair throughout the scene. Camera is situated behind Nathanial and Melvin. Camera zooms into the computer they are using to see what work is being done. This happens during their conversation. The camera pans away from the characters mid conversation and zooms into a whiteboard with their plan on. It then zooms out and pans back to Nathanial and Melvin. Interviewer is stood in front of Nathanial’s door whilst providing her monologue. Interviewer knocks on Nathanial’s door. Nathanial opens the door and the interviewer follows him. Nathanial and the interviewer go into his room, with the camera following behind. 8 ECU to panning shot and then to ECU. 9 Panning shot. 10 MCU. An extreme close up of Melvin’s keyboard is shown. The camera then pans to an extreme close up of Nathanial’ face. The camera pans from Nathanial to show his mum entering the room. The scene contains an interview like scenario, meaning the shot is a medium close up as it would place emphasis on Nathanial. SCENE 1 1. INT Shot description – Mid shot of interviewer stood in front of Nathaniel’s door. Camera movement within the shot – No movement. Figure movement within the shot – No movement. Sound – Dialogue from interviewer. 2. INT Shot description – Medium close up, over shoulder, of interviewer knocking on Nathanial’s door. Nathanial opens door and greets interviewer. Interviewer follows Nathanial into his room. Camera movement within the shot - No movement. Figure movement within the shot – Interviewer proceeds to knock on door. Nathanial appears on screen. Sound – Dialogue of Nathanial greeting interviewer. 3. INT Shot description – Camera tracks Nathanial and interviewer into room and stops just inside the door. Nathanial announces his room. Camera movement within the shot – Camera tracks characters inside room. Figure movement within the shot – Characters walk inside the room. Sound – 4. INT Shot description – Camera tracks Nathanial and maintains a long shot from bedroom door of Nathanial stood near Melvin and gesturing to him. Camera movement within the shot – No movement. Figure movement within the shot – Earnest provides gesture to Melvin. Sound – Dialogue from Nathanial. CUTAWAY FROM SCENE 1 5. INT Shot description – Medium close up of Nathanial sat in armchair. Camera movement within the shot – No movement. Figure movement within the shot – Nathanial stays remained in chair. Sound – Dialogue from Nathanial SCENE 2 6. INT Shot description – Camera is situated behind Nathanial as he looms over Melvin. The shot is a long shot. Camera zooms into screen to capture work being done by Melvin. Camera movement within the shot – Zooms into screen during conversation between Nathanial and Melvin. Figure movement within the shot – Characters stay situated in front of desk. Sound – Dialogue amongst characters. 7. INT Shot description – Camera pans away and zooms into whiteboard with plan on. Nathanial and Melvin continue talking. Camera eventually pans back to Nathanial and Melvin. Camera movement within the shot – Camera pans away from characters and zooms into various parts of the whiteboard. Figure movement within the shot – No figure. Sound – Dialogue can be heard from Nathanial and Melvin’s conversation. 8. INT Shot description – Extreme close up of the keyboard Melvin is using. Camera pans to an Extreme close up of Nathanial’s face. Camera movement within the shot – Panning shot used to move to Nathanial’s face. Figure movement within the shot – Sound – Dialogue heard from Nathanial and Melvin. 9. INT Shot description – Camera pans away from Nathanial’s face and towards the door to show Nathanial’s mum. Camera movement within the shot – Panning shot used to move from Nathanial to Mum. Figure movement within the shot – Mum enters room. Sound – Dialogue heard from Mum and Nathanial. CUTAWAY FROM SCENE 2 10. INT Shot description – Medium close up of Nathanial sat in armchair. Camera movement within the shot – No movement. Figure movement within the shot – Nathanial stays remained in chair. Sound – Dialogue from both Interviewer and Earnest. Shooting schedule: The shooting will take place on location at the Director’s house: **** 78/75/76/73 buses run form Bristol city centre to the location. 10 am 10.30am 11.30am 12.30pm 1pm 3pm 3pm onwards 14/2/15 Get-in – Crew and Hannah arrive and set up for the shoot Shooting begins on scenes which feature only Hannah and Edson “Mum” actress arrives and shooting begins on her scene Lunch – Mum leaves Shooting resumes – “Presenter” arrives and shooting begins on her scene Presenter leaves If shooting with Hannah and Edson has been completed then Hannah can leave at 3pm, too. If not, she may have to stay for a short while after 3pm. After shooting has wrapped, the crew do their get-out and must be out by 5pm at the latest. Food on shooting day: £5 has been allocated to each crew member for lunch. We have decided to spend our money on a burger each from the takeaway near the Director’s house. If any of the actors would like to do the same then the Producer will collect their receipts so they can be reimbursed later. Budget: Props Lunch Total (With added allowance for actor expenses): £10.64 £20 (£35 if actors claim food expenses) £45.64