Mrs. Gerhards – Theatre Arts II Theatre Arts II Syllabus William P. Clements High School Mrs. Louise Gerhards – Room 1602 Objectives: 1) Increase your understanding of self and others and develop clear ideas of the world. 2) Through a variety of theatrical experiences, you will communicate in a dramatic form, make artistic choices, solve problems, build positive self-concepts, and relate interpersonally. 3) Increase your understanding of heritage and traditions through historical and cultural studies in theatre. Course Description: Theatre Arts II is an active performance class that requires the students to apply research and analysis towards the creation of a living character on stage. Throughout this class, the student will experiment with different approaches towards characterizations allowing the development of a personal process toward character creation and storytelling. *All students are encouraged to participate in all theatre productions in order to gain further experience. General Course Requirements: 1. Maintain a 3-ring binder or folder and bring it to class daily. The following should be in your binder/folder at all times: The Syllabus Loose Leaf Paper Daily Work Monologue/Scene Scripts Actor’s Workbook Notes/Vocabulary Hand Outs Reflections CLEMENTS HIGH SCHOOL THEATRE DEPARTMENT Mrs. Gerhards – Theatre Arts II 2. Audition for Student-Directed One-Act Plays. Part of the experience is not only learning how to audition, but, also, to put it into practice. When auditioning, you will need to attend both days. If offered a role, you do not have to accept; however, you must inform the directors of this fact before the audition. You will need to sign a sheet upon completion of the audition each day in order to get the credit. Each audition is for a class grade. Mandatory audition dates are: Thursday September 3rd and Thursday January 14th. 3. You are required to participate in the Theatre Arts II Showcase in December and the full length play that will be presented in May. Both performances are the final semester exam. Units of Study: 1. Warm ups – the how and the why (1 week) a. Voice, Body, and Mind i. Relaxation, self-awareness, spatial relationships, energy ii. Vocal iii. Mind or imagination b. Creating a daily warm up routine 2. Voice and Diction (1 week) a. How the voice works i. Breath ii. Vocal Folds iii. Articulators iv. Resonators 3. Scene Study #1 (3 weeks) a. Analysis of script and scene b. Character analysis c. Finding the physical character d. Discovering the relationship between the characters e. Performing in front of the class f. Creating a digital portfolio 4. Monologues (3 weeks) a. Analysis of script and monologue b. Character Analysis c. Peer Evaluations d. Performing in front of the class e. Adding to the portfolio CLEMENTS HIGH SCHOOL THEATRE DEPARTMENT Mrs. Gerhards – Theatre Arts II 5. Scene Study #2 (3 weeks) a. Analysis of script and scene b. Character Analysis c. Peer Evaluations d. Performing in front of the class e. Adding to the portfolio 6. Musical Theatre (3 weeks) a. Brief History b. Re-create musical numbers from a musical c. Peer Evaluations d. Perform in front of class e. Adding to the portfolio 7. Fall Showcase Monday, December 14, 2015 @ 7:00 pm in the Room 1602 (Black Box) Everyone is REQUIRED to participate because it is your final for Fall Semester. 8. Production Team/Careers in Theatre (2 weeks) a. Production team members and their responsibilities b. Careers in theatre – What are they? How do you get there? 9. Scene Study #3 (3 weeks) a. Using the Actor’s Workbook b. Focusing on the physical character c. Performance in front of class d. Peer Evaluations e. Adding to the portfolio 10. Play Production *Auditioning, Rehearsing, and Building a Play. *After school rehearsals in the Black Box are mandatory the week before performances. *Public Performance/Spring Final Grade: Tuesday, May 17th @ 7:00 pm *Everyone is REQUIRED to participate whether acting or as production team members* CLEMENTS HIGH SCHOOL THEATRE DEPARTMENT Mrs. Gerhards – Theatre Arts II -Every 3 weeks you earn your participation grade- *Daily Participation Grades* *Every day you will have the possibility of earning or deducting points from your participation grade. You earn a grade every three weeks for daily participation. It is simple. If you participate fully, I don’t have to remind you to stay on task constantly, and you are present and active- you will earn a high grade.* CLEMENTS HIGH SCHOOL THEATRE DEPARTMENT Mrs. Gerhards – Theatre Arts II Sign up for Remind 101 in order to receive updates and reminders throughout the school yearStudents & parents are strongly encouraged to sign up Here’s how- *To receive messages via text, text @gerhards2 to 81010. (You can optout of messages at any time by replying, 'unsubscribe @gerhards1') [Trouble using 81010? Try texting @gerhards2to (832) 463-4595 instead.] *Or to receive messages via email, send an email to (To unsubscribe, reply with 'unsubscribe' in the subject line) CLEMENTS HIGH SCHOOL THEATRE DEPARTMENT Mrs. Gerhards – Theatre Arts II Theatre Class Supply List: Students should have the following in class on a daily basis. There is no textbook that is required to be taken to and from the classroom. It is very important that scripts and handouts are kept in the student’s binder or folder that is brought to class daily. Any handouts we are working on in class- any notes I’ve given you or that you’ve taken in class Highlighter Pencil AND Pen Notebook paper Any script I’ve given you to work with Each student should bring the following for the class no later than Friday, September 4th _ Two boxes of tissue Three packs of notebook paper One large bottle of hand sanitizer CLEMENTS HIGH SCHOOL THEATRE DEPARTMENT