Final Exam

Final Exam Study Guide
Civil War
Abraham Lincoln
Freeport Doctrine
Secession – Confederate States of America
Fort Sumter
Anaconda Plan
Bull Run I
George McClellan
54th Massachusetts
Federal Draft
Ulysses S Grant
Election of 1864
Appomattox Courthouse
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Election of 1860
James Buchanan
Constitutionality and Lincoln
Border States
Limited War
Emancipation Proclamation
Military Prisons
Gettysburg & Vicksburg
William T Sherman
Sherman’s March to the Sea
John Wilkes Booth
Civil Rights
Slave Trade Supply Chain
Early Years of Slavery (1619-1660s)
Cotton Gin
Harriet Tubman – Underground Railroad
Fugitive Slaves
Nat Turner Rebellion
Wade-Davis Bill
Andrew Johnson
Black Codes
Election of 1866
Civil Rights Act of 1866
Tenure in Office Act
Ku Klux Klan
Civil Rights Act of 1875
Grandfather Clauses
Literacy Tests
Booker T. Washington
Tuskegee Institute
The Great Migration
African American Neighborhoods
Harlem Renaissance
Jazz Age
Emmitt Till
Little Rock Crisis – Integration of Schools
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
Middle Passage
Decline of Slavery
American Colonization Society
Necessary Evil - Positive Good
Master and the Slave
Denmark Vesey Rebellion
Lincoln's 10% Plan
Radical Republicans
Freedman's Bureau
13th - 15th Amendment
Freedman's Bureau Bill
Military Reconstruction Act
Johnson's Impeachment
Enforcement Act
Compromise of 1877
Poll Taxes
Plessy v. Ferguson
Atlanta Compromise
WEB DuBois
Jim Crowism
Marcus Garvey
Langston Hughes
Harry Truman
Brown v. Board of Education
Montgomery Bus boycott
Lunch Counter Sit ins
Student Nonviolent Coordinate Committee (SNCC) Freedom Rides
Martin Luther King
Letter from a Birmingham Jail
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Voting Rights Act 1965
Freedom Summer
Elijah Muhammad – Nation of Islam
Malcolm X
Black Panthers
Bull Connor
Foreign Policy
Washington’s Farewell Address
Treaty of Ghent
Monroe Doctrine
Treaty of 1818
Webster-Ashburton Treaty
Annexation of Texas
Mexican American War
Gadsden Purchase
Matthew C. Perry
Teddy Roosevelt
Roosevelt Corollary
Open Door Policy
Spanish American War
“Remember the Maine”
Platt Amendment
Great White Fleet
Zimmerman telegram
Liberty Bonds
Espionage Act
Wilson’s Fourteen Points
Italian Fascism
Imperial Japan
Cash & Carry
Destroyer Deal
Atlantic Charter
Pearl Harbor
Battle of Midway
Island Hopping
Operation Overlord
Final Solution
Yalta Conference
Vietnam War
Kent State
Neutrality Proclamation
Louisiana Purchase
Adams Onis Treaty
Manifest Destiny
Buchanan Pakenham Treaty
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Alaska Purchase (Seward’s Folly)
Alfred Thayer Mahan
Panama Canal
Russo-Japanese War
Queen Liloukalani
Big Stick Diplomacy
deLome Letter
Yellow Journalism
Teller Amendment
Causes of WWI
Sussex Pledge
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
Selective Service Act
Sedition Act
Treaty of Versailles
German Nazism
Neutrality Acts
Lend Lease Act
Invasion of Poland
Bataan Death March
Executive Order 9066
Operation Torch
Dwight Eisenhower
Hiroshima & Nagasaki
Ho Chi Minh
Iran Hostage Crisis
Marine Barracks Bombing
Ronald Reagan
Persian Gulf War
Yugoslavia – Kosovo War
Mikhail Gorbachev
War on Terror
Saddam Hussein
Social Transitions
Jacksonian Democracy
Alexis de Tocqueville
Seneca Falls Convention
WWI & Carpe Diem
19th Amendment – Women’s Suffrage
Al Capone
Betty Friedan – The Feminine Mystique
Kate Millett
Elvis Presley
Allen Ginsberg – Howl
Port Huron Statement
Summer of Love
Roe v. Wade
Equal Rights Amendment
Phyllis Schlafly
Music genres of the 1970s
Heavy Metal
Technological Revolution
80s Rap/Hip Hop
Cold War
Truman Doctrine
CIA Created
Hungary in 56
Duck and Cover
Marshall Plan
Berlin Blockade
Ho Chi Minh
Domino Theory
Francis Trollope
Second Great Awakening
18th Amendment – Prohibition
21th Amendmt – Repeal Prohibition
Gender Roles
Women in the Workplace
The Beatles
Jack Kerouac – On the Road
Students for a Democratic Society
Anti-War Demonstrations
Gloria Steinem
Decline of Activism 60s to 70s
Grunge Movement
Warsaw Pact Formed
Suez Crisis
Nuclear Test Ban Treaties
Red Scare
Panama Canal Returned
Camp David Accords
Nuclear Subs
Shah of Iran
SALT Negotiations
Alliance for Progress
Cuban Missile Crisis
Liberation Theology
El Salvador
Flower Power
U2 Incident
"We Will Bury You"
Star Wars
"An Evil Empire"
1980 Olympic Boycott
Tear Down This Wall
Yuri (Andropov) and Samantha (Smith)
Ortega Elected in Nicaragua
Iran Contra Scandal
Iranian Hostage Crisis
The Reformer (Gorbachev)
Aldrich Ames