2014 TIME OUT INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS PROJECT David Wilson – c00155938 Darragh O’Gorman – c00157687 Brian Lawlor – c00152799 Shaun Dowling – c00148568 0|Page Table of Contents Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................... 1 Introduction and Background ................................................................................................................. 2 Brand Audit ............................................................................................................................................. 3 Internal:............................................................................................................................................... 3 External: .............................................................................................................................................. 3 SWOT Analysis..................................................................................................................................... 4 Customer Profile ..................................................................................................................................... 5 ................................................................................................................................................................ 6 Communication Objective ...................................................................................................................... 7 Creative Idea ........................................................................................................................................... 8 Creative Strategy..................................................................................................................................... 9 Advertisements ..................................................................................................................................... 10 Social Media ...................................................................................................................................... 10 Television .......................................................................................................................................... 11 Social Media ...................................................................................................................................... 13 Newspaper Advertising ..................................................................................................................... 15 Billboard Advertising ......................................................................................................................... 15 Online Marketing .............................................................................................................................. 15 Media Plan Schedule and Budget ..................................................................................................... 16 Bibliography .......................................................................................................................................... 19 1|Page Introduction and Background Time out bar is a chocolate bar made by Cadbury’s which has found itself in a state of decline in recent years. The Time Out bar was selected by the group because it is felt that there is a large market for it providing the correct marketing campaign is implemented. There has been little effort put into marketing the product in recent years and as a result brand awareness and sales have begun to decrease. Once a target market is established for a marketing strategy to be implemented towards, the time out bar has the potential to have a very strong future. The Time Out bar was introduced into the Cadbury range in 1993 and quickly became one of Cadbury’s leading products in Ireland. Cadbury’s felt there was an opportunity for this product as it appealed to both the bar and biscuit segments of the market. This gave the Time Out bar its unique selling point and allowed it to enjoy a level of differentiation over its competitors. The Time Out name was chosen as the most appropriate product name as research showed that this name would greatly enhance the consumers understanding of what the product was designed for, this being a chocolate break suitable for consumption at anytime and anywhere. It was introduced to the market with the slogan ‘the wafer break with a layer of flake’. The bar was designed for people to have with a cup of tea or coffee, as can be seen in the advertisement campaigns run in the 90s. Cadburys mission statement is ‘Cadbury means quality’. They have built their reputation around the quality of the product they produce. The Time Out also comes under this brand promise as it is part of the Cadbury range. 2|Page Brand Audit In order to remarket the Time Out bar and begin a marketing campaign a brand audit must be first carried out to identify its strengths and weaknesses. These will be divided into two aspects the internal and external categories. Internal: Positioning- The Time Out bar is currently being positioned as an ideal accompaniment with a cup of tea. This can be seen in Time Out’s previous television advertisements where time would stand still and the consumer would have a Time Out bar and a cup of tea and time would commence again. Brand Values- Cadbury’s brand values are simply “Cadbury means Quality”. This simple but effective mission statement puts the consumers mind at ease when purchasing a Cadbury product that it is of the highest possible quality. Unique Selling Point- The Time Out bars have two main unique selling points. The first is that it is the perfect accompaniment with a cup of tea. The second unique selling point is that the Time Out bar has a low calorie count which makes it an attractive purchase to people who are health conscious and are looking for a chocolate bar. External: Corporate Identity- Time Out’s logo is the word Time Out in dark red which works well with the light blue packaging and clearly stands out. The “O” letter in Time Out is represented by the face of a clock. Time Out’s slogan at the moment is a “wafer break with a layer of flake”. Advertising- Cadbury rarely does advertising for the Time Out bar which is unusual as Cadbury often do innovative and unique advertising that strikes a chord with their market. Any previous advertisement carried out by Time Out was done so in the mid 90’s and has since ceased. The advertisements that were carried out weren’t memorable but conveyed their value of being perfect with a cup of tea. Website- Although there is no Time Out bar website there is a Cadbury website. The Cadbury site is poorly designed, difficult to navigate and contains very little information about each individual product. Social Media- There is very little social media following for Time Out bar between both Facebook and Twitter. There is however a strong social media following for the Cadbury brand as a whole. 3|Page SWOT Analysis Strengths Low calorie product Appeals to both genders Has a wide target market Majority of people agree it tastes nice Packaging is easily recognisable Strong brand name (Cadbury) Strong product range Well known product Strong product name Weaknesses Little advertising in recent times Tough target market to aim towards Well established similar products Shadowed by more popular Cadbury products No identified target market Opportunities Identify target market Relevant marketing strategy Potential for innovative advertising Possibility for a mascot to be introduced Threat With reduce in sales, Cadbury could remove time out from product range Wide variety of chocolate bars already available Risk that marketing campaign might not take off Strong advertising campaigns by other brands 4|Page Customer Profile The Time Out bar will be repositioned to target workers, both male and female, between the ages of 25 and 45. The product is being aimed at this market because it is felt that the bar is ideal for consumption during a workers lunch. Leading on from that, it is important to target consumers who in fact bring a packed lunch to work. Bord Bia have conducted research on the food behaviour of Irish and British people at lunch time. The graph below represents an increase of people eating their lunch at the work place. One of the main reasons found for this is that the price of living in Ireland has increased over the past few years and as a result people have less money to spend. The graph to the right also was taken from the Bord Bia research on the food behaviour of Irish and British people at lunch times. As can be seen a dramatic increase is taking place in both Ireland and Britain. In Ireland as of 2013 over 50% of workers bring a packed lunch to work. This leaves a very large market to target for the Time Out. As can be seen from these graphs there is a very large lunch time market for Time Out to be marketed towards. The Time Out bar is a ripple of chocolate sitting between layers of wafer covered in Cadbury chocolate. Up to now it has been marketed as ideal to have with a cup of tea or coffee. With both of these in mind and the fact that it has a low calorie count, it is perfect to be pitched towards the lunch time market. The age group chosen is 25-45 to target the bar towards. The minimum age of 25 was chosen as it represents the start of a person’s professional career. The age 45 was chosen as at this stage of a person’s career they are moving away from packed lunches as they start to have lunch meetings as their careers are advancing. During the 25-45 year old age group, the majority of workers are financially stricken and can’t afford to be spending vast amounts of money of lunches each day. 5|Page Personal Profile Sarah Murphy Sarah is 27 years old and works for an accountancy firm in Dublin. Sarah graduated from Trinity College in 2008 with masters in Accounting. Sarah is currently single and is very much a career orientated woman. She attended St. Leo’s secondary school in County Carlow and was always very interested in business. Currently Sarah lives in Dublin as she doesn’t wish to commute. Sarah is a very dedicated worker and always strives to achieve a promotion. Lifestyle Sarah is always on the go and sometimes finds it difficult to keep her weight down. Sarah has always had trouble with her weight from a very young age; because of this Sarah has in recent years joined weightwatchers and a local gym. Sarah usually has a craving for chocolate but looks for something to satisfy this craving whilst being low in calories. She is a confident young woman who takes pride in her figure. She keeps this in mind when doing her shopping and rarely purchases fattening foods. Sarah regularly counts her calorie intake on a daily basis in order to ensure that she doesn’t gain weight. Sarah regularly attends her local gym and focuses a lot of her workout around cardio exercises such as going on the treadmill and the bike. money instead of buying expensive lunches. Sarah often treats herself with sweet treats that have a low calorie count and often implements these products into her lunch. She eats her lunch in the canteen with her work colleagues. She loves having a cup of tea/coffee with her lunch and often accompanies it with a low fat chocolate bar. She keeps all this in mind when doing her shopping and is always checking labels on the food for calories. Goals Sarah strives for a promotion in work as she is a goal orientated person. She has a goal to stay as fit and healthy as possible. She hopes that this will help her in finding ‘Mr. Right’ and eventually get married and have children. She hopes that this will happen in the next 5 years or so. Attitude towards food Sarah balances her food between healthy and nutritious food and low fat tasty snacks. Sarah likes to bring a packed lunch to work with her and packs a variety of healthy foods as she wishes to save her 6|Page Communication Objective 1. Increase awareness of the product One of the main objectives is to create awareness of the product in the consumers mind. The main reason for this objective is because the Time-Out bar has become absent in the consumer’s mind in the past number of years. Creating awareness of the product will in turn increase its popularity provided the marketing campaign is successful. 2. Increase Sales It is believed that the marketing campaign will renew the reputation of the product and in turn will increase its sales. As with any product, high annual revenue is desired and the Time-Out bar is no exception. If sales of the product are increased, more funding can be allocated to keep up to date marketing campaigns of the product. 3. Create awareness of the Brand Slogan The group believe that the marketing campaign should be built around a brand slogan. A slogan is beneficial to a marketing campaign as it should be catchy and memorable. The thought behind a slogan is that it will become memorable to the consumer and will aid Time-Out in renewing its past popularity. 4. Increase Social Media followings Social media sites will be beneficial in increasing the popularity of the product as it is available worldwide. The amount of followers on the social media pages can be monitored as a method of determining the popularity of the product. The group believe that a social media marketing campaign will address a wide audience with a new Time-Out slogan. 5. Achieve Brand Loyalty Loyalty to a brand is essential for a product to continue along the maturity stage of the product life cycle. Provided the marketing campaign is a success, the rebuilt reputation of the product will potentially create brand loyalty and thus maintain a lasting consumer interest in the product. 6. To increase awareness of the Time-Out bars’ low calorie count The Time-Out bar is a low calorie chocolate bar. Creating the awareness of the low calorie content of the bar will increase its popularity in the target market. The thought behind this is that the bar will become more appealing to consumers, especially those who are active and watching their weight. 7|Page Creative Idea Up to now there have been very little advertisements for the Time Out bar. The advertisements that were brought out didn’t stand out to the consumers and didn’t differentiate the Time Out bar from competing products. Cadbury has been renowned for its innovative and memorable advertisements such as the gorilla playing drums advert and the eyebrows advert. These advertisements show humour which in turn makes them memorable in the eyes of the audience. They also signify the epitome of the Cadbury brand which is ‘happiness’ and ‘joy’. With Cadbury’s brand value in mind, it was felt that a similar approach would be beneficial to Time Out product as it is a Cadbury’s production. To remarket the Time Out bar it was thought it would be necessary to have something that stands out from competitors and is easily identified. It was then decided to create a slogan and build the marketing campaign around it. The main aim of a slogan is to help the audience remember the product/brand and in this particular case the product. In recent times the Time Out bar has not attempted to advertise or engage in marketing campaigns which allows people to remember the product. It was for this reason that a slogan would be key to the new marketing campaign in order to restore brand awareness. The chosen slogan will be included in the different advertising mediums used to publicise the Time Out bar and to create awareness of the slogan. The slogan that was chosen is: ‘To be the best, you need to rest… Have a Time Out’ It was chosen as it is catchy, memorable and bodes well in the overall aim of remarketing the Time Out bar. It was also felt to be important to include the words Time Out in the slogan. This allows consumers to associate the slogan with the product in question. The way the slogan is worded, it also signifies actually taking a Time Out (break). The ‘to be the best, you need a rest’ part of the slogan indicates to the audience of the importance of a rest (break) in order to help performance. This in combination with the latter part of the slogan enforces the aim stated above; to create a new awareness of the Time Out bar. The main aim of a slogan is to help the audience remember the product/brand and in this particular case the product. In recent times the Time Out bar has not attempted to advertise or engage in a marketing campaign which allows people to remember the product. It was for this reason that a slogan would be key to our marketing campaign in order to restore brand awareness. The slogan was also chosen as it is related to the proposed target audience that the product is aimed towards. As the main target audience is people in the work place, it has always been known that it is important to take a time out (rest) so that the worker can do their best. 8|Page Creative Strategy The first objective of our marketing campaign is to increase the awareness of the product. This will be done through a social media campaign firstly. The group believe that a social media campaign will appeal to a mass audience and potentially create awareness with the audience. A television advertisement will also be run to communicate the product to a mass audience which will run for four months. As there hasn’t been a Time-Out television advertisement in a long period of time, the group believe that a memorable advertisement will renew the popularity of the product. A newspaper advertisement will then be run to increase awareness of the product through the tabloids and broadsheets. Provided the marketing campaign is successful, it may contribute to an increase in sales of the product. A good advertising campaign can mean the difference between a product being successful and failing. A high degree of annual revenue is what every company is trying to achieve and a good marketing campaign will aid in achieving this desire. The marketing campaign that has been designed is built around the new slogan that has been devised by the group. The slogan must become aware to the consumer and allow them to associate the slogan with the product immediately. Like the television advertisement, the slogan of the campaign must be memorable in the consumers mind. The group feel that the slogan, ‘To be the best, you need to rest…. Have a Time-Out’ is a good message to communicate as the bar is generally seen as a complimentary product with tea or coffee. From the launch date of the social media campaign through sites such as Facebook and Twitter, it is desired to generate as many followers as possible. This will assist in creating the awareness of the product. The more social media followers the product has, the greater the chance is of the product becoming more aware to the target market and potentially increases the sales of the product. The social media campaign will be reinforced by competitions. A total of ten Cadbury Easter egg hampers will be given away through social media, five on Facebook and five on Twitter. Once the marketing campaign has begun running, a second competition will take place through social media shortly afterwards. There will be two prizes of weekend away breaks awarded to the winners. Brand loyalty is one of the main objectives the group wish to achieve from the marketing campaign. The group believe that the Time-Out bar has decreased in popularity because of the emergence of a multitude of competitors. However, the advertisements and slogan will potentially aid in renewing the popularity of the product. This will potentially aid in increasing brand loyalty to the product and the consumers may become accustomed to using the Time-Out as their complimentary product with their cup of tea or coffee. The Time-Out bar is a low calorie chocolate bar with only 170 calories. There are many dietary plans set out in modern times and the group believe that the bar will appeal greatly to the consumers who are trying to watch their weight or are involved in a dietary plan. The will also aid in increasing the awareness of the product among the members of the target market who are concerned with fitness and being healthy. 9|Page Advertisements The marketing techniques found below are placed in chronological order. Social Media “Social media marketing is a form of internet marketing that utilizes social networking websites as a marketing tool. The goal of social media marketing is to produce content that users will share with their social network to help a company increase brand exposure and broaden customer reach.”(Rouse, 2011). Ten years ago social media wasn’t seen as a marketing tool, nowadays it is one of the main forms of communicating a brands values to the consumers. In the current competitive market, if a company doesn’t have a social media following they tend to fall behind their competitors. As a result it has become one of the leading methods of marketing in the 21st –century. This way of communication has also had a huge impact on companies, where they have realized that without a social media strategy they have no chance to differentiate from competitors in the rapidly changing digital environment. It is due to these reasons that the Time Out bar should have a social media presence and following. It is felt by the group that Facebook and Twitter would be suitable social media channels as most of the target audience are members on this site. Currently there is a Facebook and Twitter account, however there is a poor social media following. The main aim is to remedy this and improve the overall following in both social media sites. The purpose of the social campaign is to make people aware of the marketing campaign (‘To be the best, you need to rest… Have a Time Out’) and to reestablish the product. In order to gain social media followings, promotion of the Time Out bars social media pages must take place, as the pages have very little followers as can be seen below. 10 | P a g e As a priority, the first port of call is to re-design both social media outlets that Time Out currently use. As can be seen above the current social media pages are very plain and not very attractive to the consumer. As the marketing campaign is being designed around the slogan ‘To be the best, you need to rest… Have a Time Out’, it is what the social media outlets should be designed around. A well designed cover photo (Facebook) and header (Twitter) that incorporate the slogan is essential if the campaign is going to work. As the social media pages have little followers currently, it is thought it is important to increase the amount of followers before introducing the marketing campaign. As Easter is fast approach, it seems the perfect opportunity to make more people aware of the Time Out pages. A competition that involves people ‘liking and sharing’ on Facebook and ‘retweeting’ on Twitter seems the best way of publicising the pages. There will be ten Cadbury Easter hampers to be won by the lucky entrant to the Easter hamper giveaway, five for Facebook and five for Twitter. It is important to design the social media pages around the current campaign being run for a product/ company. With this in mind a cover photo for Facebook and a header for Twitter should be designed for the Easter hamper giveaway. Television In the past, the Time-Out television advertisements have not been very memorable to their audience. There have been a very small number of Time-Out bar advertisements in the past ten years and this has led our group to believe that this is a problem that needs remedying. The past Time-Out advertisements were of low quality and had a very low lasting effect in the consumers mind. This is evident in the fact that the product in question has had decreased popularity in recent years. The group firmly believe that the decrease in popularity of the product is a result of the low funding and time allocated to the Time-Out marketing campaign in the past. 11 | P a g e The group believe that television advertisements will be a beneficial marketing strategy and it is available to a large amount of the population. The advertisements must be catchy and memorable to the consumer. The advertisement must also contain a degree of humour in order to make it memorable. The advertisements that are proposed involve a degree of humour and information about the product. The group felt that two different advertisements with the same idea would be beneficial as it will appeal to both genders of the working sector. The advertisements will be run during the break in the RTE news at six o clock. The group feel that this will be the most beneficial time for workers to view the advertisement as they will be finished work and the news is the first show on television that most workers view at six o clock. There are two television advertisements proposed for the product: The first television advertisement involves a busy female office worker in her own cubical surrounded by other cubicles filled with office workers bustling around. She is wearing a black blazer and a black skirt. She is surrounded by a large amount of office workers and continuously ringing phones and she is constantly making mistakes while typing on the keyboard of her computer. She is clearly under a lot of pressure and stress in her job. Her supervisor has been walking around the office and notices her frantically banging on the keyboard and recognises the pressure she is under. He walks over to her and taps her gently on the shoulder and proceeds to hand her a Time-Out bar and utter the slogan ‘To be the best, You need to rest.... Have a Time-Out’. She slowly unwraps the packaging and bites into the bar. As she leans back in her chair and relaxes, everything around her seems to slow down and she has the time to steady her mind. When she finishes the bar, her surroundings return to normal pace and she is free to continue her work in a calmer frame of mind. Her supervisor continues walking around smiling as the advertisement comes to a conclusion. The second advertisement involves a male construction site worker, hard at work using a jack hammer on a long stretch of road. He is wearing a high visibility jacket, jeans, a hard hat and earmuffs. He is sweating profusely and is continually veering off the trail that is marked out for him to follow and hitting the pavement. Suddenly he hits a water main and he throws the machine to the ground in frustration as water pours down on his head. The construction worker throws his hard hat to the ground and holds his head as he jumps up and down. He is clearly under duress and is unable to concentrate on the job. His foreman who has been observing the situation is standing nearby shaking his head. He walks over to the worker and puts his hand on his shoulder while uttering the slogan, ‘To be the best, You need to rest... Have a Time-Out’. The foreman hands the worker a Time-Out bar. The worker un-wraps the bar and leans up against a wall. As he bites into the bar, time begins to slow down around him and he can relax as he is enjoying the bar. He has had the time to calm his mind and concentrate on the job. As he returns to work, his surroundings return to normal and he returns to work. He returns to the stretch of road he was formerly working on and completes it with ease. Thanks to the break with the Time-Out bar, he is now able to return 12 | P a g e to work and concentrate on his job in a calmer frame of mind. The foreman gives the worker thumbs up and walks off smiling as the advertisement ends. Both advertisements end with an image of the Time-Out bar and the slogan written beneath it. This ties in with other Cadbury advertisements in the glass and a half production marketing campaign. This is to create a lasting memory of the advertisement in the consumers mind and, at the same time, inform them about the product without bombarding them continuously with messages about the product. It is the belief behind these advertisements that the marketing campaign will reach the objectives that have been set out. These television adverts will be run from the month of May to the end of August. The duration of four months was decided on because it is believed that this period of time will have the best effect of the group’s target market. Due to the advertisement’s humour, it is believed that it will continue to raise awareness and promote the Time Out bar positively. However, it is of the group’s opinion that after four months the advertisement loses its positive effect and becomes costly. Social Media After the two social media sites gain more followers through the Easter hamper competition another competition will be created once the ‘To be the best, you need to rest… Have a Time Out’ campaign has been launched. This competition will be launched a month after the television adverts have begun to be shown. This is so the public already know about the marketing campaign through the television adverts. Although the hamper giveaway was small, it was a necessary stepping stone for the next competition, a weekend break. The reason for this is to get initial followers as this competition wouldn’t be as effective without an already well-established social media following. The competition will ask followers of the Time Out bar to upload pictures of themselves or colleagues in a funny situation at work when they need a ‘rest’. This makes the followers of the two pages interested in the competition and adds a “fun” aspect to the brand. A draw will take place and the winner’s photo will be used in the billboard and newspaper campaign with the slogan attached. The winner will win a weekend away in the Delphi Mountain Resort and Spa in the Connemara County Galway for themselves and a guest. Delphi was chosen as for its location and also the service they provide. It is felt that this give away would be ideal as it is in keeping with the “Rest” and “Time Out” value that the brand will have. It is giving the follower who need a “Rest” so they can be at their “Best” the chance to do so. This will 13 | P a g e increase the numbers of followers on Facebook and Twitter increasing the awareness of the brand and fulfilling some of the advertising objectives. In order to run this competition, proper designed social media pages will have to be put in place. These will have to be designed with both the competition and the slogan in mind. Firstly as is with all social media pages these days, a proper designed cover photo and header has to be put in place. There will be a direct link from the social media pages to Delphi Mountain Resort and Spa website so that the pages followers can see what the resort has to offer and also see the beautiful scenery located around the site. After the competition period is over, the photos that best describes the slogan will be chosen. In other words somebody that is not performing or thinking to the “Best” of their ability and is in need of a “Rest”. The winning photos will looking something like the following when used on the billboards and in newspapers. The competition will substantially increase the number of Social media followers the Time Out bar has. This will be a major advantage for Time Out in the future and will allow for the majority of advertising to be done through social media. 14 | P a g e Newspaper Advertising Other forms of media advertising should be used during a marketing campaign. Traditional forms of advertising such as newspapers would be beneficial to the marketing campaign that the group is planning to implement. The group decided that a tabloid such as The Star and a broadsheet such as The Irish Independent. These two papers will appeal to the working sector we intend to market the Time-Out bar towards. As The Star is a tabloid newspaper, it will appeal to the younger people in the working sector. Both papers will display an advertisement for the Time-Out bar. The group believe that the broadsheet, the Irish Independent will appeal to the older segment of the working sector. Advertising through both newspapers will allow the marketing campaign to reach both the young and older members of the working sector. Both of these papers extensively target the market that the Time Out bar will be aimed at. Crystal and Davy have discussed in the past that the two newspaper types have very different readers and therefore use different language and style to appeal to different age groups of people. This is why the group decided to advertise in both types of newspaper. (This example was taken from the article Investigating English Style, Crystal and Davy). Billboard Advertising Billboards are another form of traditional advertising. They usually display the catchy or witty slogan of a product. A good billboard advertisement should be placed in areas of high traffic and where it will be made available to a large amount of people to view. It is a suitable method of communicating a product to a large amount of people and to spread awareness of the product. The group believe that a billboard may be a suitable form of advertising our product as many people in the working sector may be commuting on a daily basis and will be able to view the billboard as they pass by whether in their own car or public transport. The billboards we intend to put in place will be on ad-shells in city centres such as Cork, Limerick, Galway, and Dublin. The group feel that these are the main city centres around the country and will be the most beneficial to the working sector we intend to target. The billboard will display the Time-Out bar and the slogan that has been created by the group. The winning photos in the social media competition will be displayed on both the billboards and the newspaper advertisements in the Irish Independent and The Irish Daily Star. The belief is that the displays will create a humorous and memorable lasting effect to the advertising campaign in the mind of the target market and potentially aid in creating greater loyalty to the brand. Online Marketing As a part of the online advertising campaign it was agreed that Google AdWords would be used. Google AdWords is a form of advertising directly related to Google search. The way that it works is very basic. “You create ads and choose keywords, which are words or phrases related to your 15 | P a g e business”(Google, Adboards) You also pick the general area in which you want to target your customers so for example if you had a small business you could target that only people in your town could see the advertisement. It is also a very cost effective form of online advertising as you “PayPer-Click” so the popularity of your advertisement determines how much you pay. The end result is that if a person in Ireland Googles “Time” or “Out” for example there is a direct link on the side of the Google search page to the group’s social media sites. Media Plan Schedule and Budget Time Out Advertising Budget Online, 4% Outdoor, 0.76% Television, 45.20% Newspaper, 50.50% Total Budget: €1,089,844 Figures Calculations: Newspapers Irish Daily Star Half page colour = €10,165 3 times a week for 4 months (16 weeks) = €487,920 Irish Independent Run of paper SCC Colour = €98.35 4 times a week for 4 months (16 weeks) = €4720 16 | P a g e Television 58,032/10.63 TVR = 5461 5 days a week for 1 month = €109,222 For 4 months =€ 733,952 Online Facebook/ Twitter costs per day = €5 x 2 x 365 days = €1825 Wages 9 – 5 @ €15 = €120 a day x 5 days a week = €600 a week €600 x 52 weeks = €31200 Google AdWords Average actual cost per click: €.40 Approximate number of clicks per day: 25 25 x .40 x 365 days = €3650 Outdoor AdShell First two weeks of month = €375 Second two weeks of month = €410 €375 x 2 months + €410 x 2 = €1570 x 4 cities = €6280 AdBox €245 per month x 4 cities = €980 €980 x 2 = €1960 17 | P a g e January February March April May June July August September October November December Online Social Media (Facebook) Social Media (Twitter) Social Media 1 (Facebook) Social Media 1 (Twitter) Google AdWords Social Media 2(Facebook) Social Media 2(Twitter) Television RTE Six one News Slot Newspaper Irish Daily Mail Irish Independent Outdoor Billboard 1(AdShell) Billboard 2(AdBox) 18 | P a g e Bibliography Accounts.google.com. 2014. 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