Forced Marriage in the UK

Forced Marriage Procedures
One Chance to Save a Life
Responding to Forced
Marriage and Honour Based
“Multicultural sensitivity is no excuse for moral
Mike O’Brien former Solicitor General
Forced Marriage in the UK
“A marriage conducted without the valid
consent of both parties where duress is a
A Choice by Right (June 2000)
-Duress can include physical, psychological,
sexual, financial and emotional pressure
Child Protection Procedures
If a young person is under 18 years of age forced
marriage is a ‘child protection’ issue
Staffordshire Safeguarding Children Board have
developed multi-agency procedures to help us all
protect young people who have, or fear they will
be, forced into marriage
Allegations/reasonable concerns must be
reported to:
 First Response – Staffordshire Children’s
Social Care– 0800 1313126 or
 Child Abuse Central Referral Unit (Police)
0300 1234455
NB In the case of an adult over the age of 18 years,
report the matter to the police
Some General Principles:
“One chance rule” –
take it seriously, make it your problem
Ensure Confidentiality – including electronic data
Follow multi-agency procedures (SSCB)
Establish contact arrangements
Always think – is this child at risk? If so, ACT
Follow your agencies referral procedures – make
sure First Response or the Police are informed
Remember adults may also be forced into
 Including adults with disabilities
 This presentation focuses on procedures
that must be followed if a child is involved
 However, adults will also receive
protection, help and support
An Arranged Marriage is not a child
protection issue
Family take the lead in arranging match
 Couples have a choice as to whether to
 Young People over the age of 16 years
can enter into an arranged marriage in the
UK providing they have the consent of
both sets of parents
Why do forced marriages happen?
Controlling unwanted behaviour and sexuality,
particularly that of women
Preventing ‘unsuitable’ relationships
Peer group or family pressure
Protecting perceived cultural or religious ideals which
can often be misguided
Attempting to strengthen family links
Family honour or long-standing family commitments
Ensuring land remains within the family
Assisting claims for residence and citizenship
Providing a carer for a disabled family member /
reducing the ‘stigma’ of disability
Who is affected?
The Foreign Commonwealth Office, Forced Marriage
Deal with around 300 cases per year
The majority of individuals are aged 15-24, but 30%
of cases are minors. By November 08 this had risen
to 39%, 14% of which were minors under 16.
Affects young women and young men (15% of cases)
Majority of cases from South Asia
This is not fully representative of the problem. Forced
marriage exists in other communities (e.g. Turkish,
Iranian, Somali, Faith Groups, Travellers)
Dishonouring the family
Could include :
 Wearing make up
 Meeting young men e.g. whilst truanting
 Friendships which family disapprove of
 Clothing
 Having mobile phone numbers on their phone
which are unknown to parents
 Having a sexual relationship outside marriage
 Refusing or leaving the chosen ‘spouse’
So called ‘Honour’ killings
In October 2002,
Heshu Yunes, a 16
year-old Kurdish girl
was murdered by her
father because she
had a boyfriend.
In 2007 Arash
Ghorbani-Zarin, 19,
was murdered by his
girl friend's father and
two brothers (16 and
18) to "vindicate the
family's honour"
One Chance to Save a Life
Banaz Mahmoud – killed in the name of
Honour. Banaz paid the ultimate price for
walking out on her arranged marriage.
Brutally raped and murdered by uncle and
cousins. Her body was found in a suitcase
in a garden in Birmingham.
Forced Marriage and Honour
Based Violence can and do
happen in Staffordshire
How can you help to protect
these young people?
Mediation, reconciliation, and family
counselling as a response to forced
marriage can be extremely dangerous.
 There have been cases of young people
being murdered by their families whilst
mediation was being undertaken.
The One Chance Rule!
Take it seriously
Be prepared. Anyone can be faced with a
concern about potential Forced Marriage
This could come as a direct disclosure: verbal
or in the form of a note
Sometimes, the young person does not tell, but
his/her friend or sibling does
Believe the person. Telling you is a life changing
Take them to a room where there is privacy &
they cannot be overheard or seen
See the Young Person on their own if possible
The One Chance Rule! Cont.
If you aren’t in a position to be able to talk to the
person (e.g. because you work on the reception
desk) find someone appropriate (e.g. Designated
Person for Child Protection) who can, without
Make sure that the young person is comfortable
with whoever you suggest – and check this
before disclosing the allegation to your colleague
Don’t ask them to come back later – remember
‘One Chance’
Don’t tell friends and colleagues – the information
may get into the victim’s community. This could
put him/her at risk of severe harm.
Secure your records and be wary of electronic
recording systems
Find out:
Why he/she feels at risk e.g.
 Family history of forced marriage (siblings, cousins)
 Being pulled out of education
 Threats
 Being subjected to violence
 Being pregnant
 Having a girlfriend/boyfriend that parents don’t
approve of
 Sexuality – Gay or Lesbian
 Imminent and unanticipated holiday overseas
 Recent family involvement with the community
‘marriage broker’
Always Record
Date of disclosure
Details of third party disclosing if relevant
Name of person under threat
Date and place of birth
Full details of allegation/fears
Names and address(es) of parents/carers
School/College/Work details
Passport details/driving licence number – if known
Good Practice
Ask how the young person can be
 If
it is by mobile phone, establish a code word
to ensure that the agency worker dealing with
matter is speaking to right person
 Consider risks of interception to emails, text
messages, post
 Consider arranging ‘safe’ places to meet, e.g.
public places such as a library
 Consider contact via a trusted third party
chosen by young person
Good Practice
If young person does not require immediate
protection, who can they go to in case of
Give young person contact number for Forced
Marriage Unit and details of local support
Advise them not to travel overseas if it can be
Recommend he/she gives copies of important
documents such as passport and birth certificate
to trusted friend
Good Practice cont.
Don’t send them away if you think they are at
risk. Contact the Police Child Abuse Central
Referral Unit 0300 1234455 and wait for their
If the risk is imminent, ring 999
Remember only the Police can take a young
person into immediate protection under Police
Protection Powers
“Missing Persons”
Be wary of people who are seeking information
about the whereabouts of a person – even if
they are from a statutory agency
You may be shown photos, posters, leaflets –
begging for information for the distraught
parents and family
Remember there may be sinister motives for the
campaign (e.g. Bounty Hunters)
Do not offer any assistance in these cases –
including displaying posters.
“Missing Persons” cont.
Some people have to hide from their families
and communities due to the threat of violence
If you have information, contact the police who
should know if the case is genuine, and how to
progress it safely
Remember community networks are deep and
extensive so beware of using colleagues as
interpreters, or local taxi firms to take the young
person to a police station or place of safety
General Principles:
“One chance rule” –
take it seriously, make it your problem
Ensure Confidentiality – including electronic data
Follow multi-agency Safeguarding Children Board
Establish contact arrangements
Always think – is this child at risk? If so, ACT
Under 18 years, you must:
Follow your agencies referral procedures –
 make sure First Response (Staffordshire
Children’s Social Care) or the Police are
informed immediately
 If child resident in Stoke, the Child Abuse
Central Referral Unit of the Police covers both
Authorities 0300 1234455
One Chance to Save a Life
Rukhsana Naz, from Normanton, Derbyshire,
wanted to divorce her husband, whom she had
seen only twice since her marriage when she
was 15, and marry her boyfriend.
But her mother and brother considered she
had "brought shame on her family" and killed
Rukhsana was 19 years old and 28 weeks
pregnant when she was restrained by her
mother, and strangled to death by her brother
Do you need further information?
Staffordshire SSCB Procedures are on the
following website:
Staffordshire ‘First Response’ referral team:
0800 1313126
Stoke on Trent Children’s Services referrals –
Advice and Access team 01782 235100
Foreign Commonwealth Office – Forced
Marriage Unit – 020 7008 0151
Leaflets, information and guidance for
victims, survivors and practitioners can be
found at:
 Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007 –
can be accessed from the ‘useful links’ menu on
the above website
 Resources for schools can be found on the
Every Child Matters website