CLASSROOM INFORMATION SHEET for Honors Advanced Algebra from Ms. Lijewski Voice Mail Number: (763) 506-6970 E-mail: us __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MATERIALS NEEDED ON A DAILY BASIS: *Math text *One inch three ringed binder with three hole punched lined paper OR a notebook and a two pocket folder (with 3 prongs) *Graphing calculator *Pencil and pen *Highlighters *Graph paper Headphones should not be heard, seen, or touched unless permission has been granted. Headphones used without permission will be confiscated. CLASS POLICIES: 1. GRADING. Your course grade will be determined by the following: Assignments = 5% of your grade Classwork/Notes = 5% of your grade Quizzes = 15% of your grade Unit Tests = 65% of your grade Final Exam = 10% of your grade NOTE: One test retake opportunity is available. Test corrections on the original unit test must be correctly completed and an approximate one week deadline will be given for the test retake. 2. GRADING SCALE. The following grading system will be used: 93 - 100% A 73 - 76% C 90 - 92% A70 - 72% C87 - 89% B+ 67 - 69% D+ 83 - 86% B 65 - 66% D 80 - 82% B0 - 64% F 77 - 79% C+ 3. ASSIGNMENTS. If you are a responsible listener, you will always know when assignments are due; therefore, no late assignments will be accepted. Assignments are generally turned in daily by the end of the class period the following school day, if not, it is considered late. Each assignment will be worth a maximum possible score of five points. 4. LATE WORK COUPONS. Two late work coupons will be issued. Late assignments must accompany the coupons before the end of the unit in order to receive credit. In other words, the coupons do not replace doing the assignments. You could use one or both of the coupons for extra credit points at the end of the trimester. The extra credit points will be awarded only if ALL of your assignments have been turned in for the trimester. No additional extra credit will be offered throughout the course. 5. MAKE-UP WORK. If you miss class, get the notes from Synergy and/or classmate. Also, get the assigned work from Synergy, a classmate, or the classroom assignment calendar. You have two days to complete any make-up assignments and they must be turned into the class period basket. 6. TRUANCY. If you are truant on an assignment day, your assignment will be considered late. If you are truant on a quiz or test day, you will need to complete the quiz or test at a time designated by me. 7. CHEATING. If you cheat on any assessment, your parent/guardian will be contacted, you will possibly receive a score of zero, and MLC may be assigned. 8. GRADES. I update grades frequently within our online system. Assignment, quiz, and test scores are available, as well as your overall course grade. 9. TARDIES. You are expected to be in your seat at the beginning of the class period. Tardies will be handled in the following manner: Third tardy Warning Additional tardies 15 minute teacher’s detention before/after school If your detention time is not completed in a timely manner, your parent/guardian will be contacted and your assistant principal may be notified for further disciplinary action. 10. PASSES. NO locker passes will be issued during the class period and only a maximum of three bathroom and/or drink passes will be allowed for the trimester. ADDITTIONAL ON-LINE HELP AND RESOURCES: More Information to come!