Terms of Reference

Joint Standards Initiative
Three of the largest quality and accountability initiatives in humanitarian aid (HAP International, People In
Aid and the Sphere Project) are collaborating to contribute towards an improvement of humanitarian
standards, to support aid-workers and their agencies to improve humanitarian action to affected
populations. This collaborative process is called the Joint Standards Initiative (JSI). Visit
www.jointstandards.org for further details.
JSI are seeking the support of specialists in organisational development and change management, with
particular expertise in joint ventures, strategic partnerships, and other types of partnerships, to optimise our
contribution to the sector and help shape a vision for quality standards.
As part of the JSI project proposal, funded by Danida, the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) and the
Steering Committee for Humanitarian Response (SCHR), there is an expectation that the JSI process will
explore solutions around the convergence of the 3 standards. Expert assistance is therefore being sought, to
explore organisational models that will most effectively and efficiently deliver the standards.
The current three individual initiatives (two with a legal basis and each with a separate governing Board),
offer a variety of services to their members and stakeholders and the wider humanitarian and development
sector. See Annex 1 for a brief comparison of the three initiatives.
The JSI has conducted a wide ranging and open consultation with stakeholders of the three standards
initiatives, which commenced mid Dec 2012 and runs until mid Mar 2013, to consider how users currently
apply the standards, and how they might be more effective.
The Organisational Development enquiry is anticipated to take place in two distinct phases:
Phase 1 is about scenario setting and considering theoretical models, in order that the initiatives that
make up JSI can be best prepared for whatever emerges from the JSI Stakeholder Consultation. This is a
short desk study which will offer a range of options to JSI.
Phase 2 will be more focused and will be dependent on;
o the outputs of the first phase, building on the theoretical models.
o the performance of the Consultants in phase 1.
o the findings from the Consultation with stakeholders – final recommendations about how to
improve coherence of humanitarian standards are related to decisions on the most efficient
organisational model, so it is anticipated that the organisational review elements in phase two
would be fully informed by the results of the Stakeholder Consultation, due to be published in
early April.
Working with JSI will offer the opportunity to help positively shape the future quality and accountability
system for humanitarian organisations globally.
To develop options and recommendations on optimal organisational models, informed by the results from
the JSI Stakeholder Consultation.
3 days in late March/early April 2013
Scoping optimal organisational models
What are the optimal organisational models that could deliver effective standards (as part of this consider:
staffing, location, basic operating model etc). The chart below is a starting point, but what are the other
options, or combinations of options? Also not to lose sight of the other activities the initiatives offer to the
sector e.g. research, support to organisations etc.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the various options including outline costings and bearing in
mind the potential need to incorporate other quality and accountability initiatives in future.
An overarching question is to consider the future needs of the sector in 3-5 years’ time and therefore what
kind of architecture is required for future standard(s) which will be relevant for all stakeholders?
Implications for organisational structure, finance,
and autonomy
Philips and Sony to create the CD
Organisational and financial autonomy
Clear interface between organisations
Star Alliance in Airlines
Joint Venture
Focused on a particular product or service
Ford and VW
Dramatic implications for all organisations
RedR and IHE, Time Warner, Price
Waterhouse Coopers, etc.
Organisational autonomy
Common operating frameworks, policies, and
ACT Alliance and Interagency
Network on Education in
12 days in April 2013
Organisational review
Once the Stakeholder Consultation findings are published and the Advisory Group and Steering Group1 have
taken a view on whether an organisational review is necessary, options explored in Phase 1 will be deepened
and refined and are likely to consider:
An analysis of what the 3 initiatives have in common, differences and potential synergies (to include
membership, services, donor sources with clarity on overlaps, differences and synergies). See Annex 1
Advisory Group provides expert support and advice to the JSI. Steering Group consists of Chairs and Directors/Project
Manager of the 3 initiatives
for the initial analysis of the 3 initiatives and Annex 2 for wider mapping exercise of quality and
accountability initiatives.
How to ensure any new organisation is sustainable and able to anticipate and adapt to future changes in
the sector?
Brand impact analysis. How to retain maximum brand equity in the face of any transition?
Suggestions on how to deal with any ‘residual’ components not considered within a joint standard or
organisational structure?
How to incorporate training organisations, learning organisations, other initiatives, other standards?
Governance issues and considerations. What is the most appropriate governance structure for each of
the proposed models?
Location of a future organisation(s)?
Possible steps and transitional arrangements towards a potential new organisational structure, bearing
in mind the various models, change management implications and costs?
How will the initiatives ensure buy-in from their members and the wider sector to a proposed final
How will different models be funded? (options likely to include; membership fees, core budget support,
project funding, paid for services etc).
JSI anticipates a 15 day assignment, involving discussions with; JSI Steering Group (Chairs and
Directors/Project Manager of the 3 initiatives), JSI Advisory Group and the Consultants who led the
Stakeholder Consultation.
Phase 1 is anticipated to take 3 working days. An initial maximum 5 page report (plus annexes) will be
required for JSI Advisory Group and Steering Group to consider by 5th April 2013.
Phase 2 is anticipated to take 12 working days. A final report of maximum 10 pages (plus annexes) will be
required as an input to the JSI Advisory Group by 25th April 2013. The report will include clear
recommendations for the short and medium term on the various organisational models and any anticipated
transition arrangements.
Final recommendations from the Consultants should aim to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the
three initiatives singly and collectively, and ensure that stakeholders’ needs are better served.
An Advisory Group has been established by the JSI, which is supporting and overseeing the work on both
standards and organisational development. The membership of this group is made up of Board members
from each of the 3 initiatives plus external experts. This group will work alongside the JSI Coordinator to
commission the Organisational Development enquiry and to select suitable Consultant(s).
ToR’s circulated to interested Consultants and promoted on websites w/c 18th March.
In order to be considered for this assignment, Consultants should submit a CV (including recent
references and a maximum 3 page expression of interest, describing how you would approach this
Consultancy, including an estimate of fees, by midday on 22nd March to pkarbassi@jointstandards.org.
Selection of Consultants to take place w/c 25th March
Start assignment last week of March or first week of April and complete by 25th April
The Consultant (s) will report to the JSI Coordinator, Robert Schofield.
In order to be considered for this assignment, Consultants will need to be able to demonstrate:
 Extensive experience of organisational design, organisational development and change management in
relation to joint ventures.
 Track record on joint ventures.
 Understanding of humanitarian standards and the broader quality and accountability landscape.
 Availability for approximately 15 days in late March and April 2013.
Organisational change is a sensitive subject. It is important to communicate clearly that Phase 1 of this
organisational development enquiry is to explore the issues and options around harmonisation and
sustainability, with the aim of providing a good baseline of information to the JSI and the 3 Boards ahead of
the findings being published from the Stakeholder Consultation. This will help avoid any perceptions that
there is a pre-determined outcome to the JSI process.
JSI will ensure there is a thorough, robust and impartial design process for this organisational development
enquiry and that this is clearly and transparently communicated.
Annex 1 – ‘Comparing the Initiatives’ document
Annex 2 – Mapping of Quality and Accountability Initiatives, Liza Cragg, Dec 2012
Last revised 15th March 2013