Teacher: Mrs Glover Year: 3 Art-3D models of mythical creatures. To explore artworks from ancient Greece and experiment with similar styles, To make a clay head using techniques from artists or other cultures. My 3D model has a clear purpose. To add lines and shapes to my clay work which are effective. To add clay to work to add texture, feeling or movement. To evaluate 3D models and confidently comment on work with tips and guidance. Assessment Children will have made the head of a mythical creature from clay or paper mache. Term: Autumn 2015 DT-Pandora’s box mechanism. To make realistic plans, identifying processes, equipment and materials needed. To select from a wider range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks with increasing accuracy. To select from and use a wider range of materials and components according to their properties. To explore and use mechanisms, such as levers, sliders. To evaluate the materials and techniques used to make a product that uses movement. Assessment Children will have completed Pandora’s box, which uses a simple mechanism. Literacy ICT Topic- Gods and Mortals Character profiles/descriptions- Greek Gods Research Ancient Greek, Greek Life, Greek Gods and Legend, Greek Diary Writing- Icarus Myths. Instructions-How to make a Greek Powerpoint Presentations-Chn to create PPT on Ancient Greece Display- Myths and Legends shelter/Food/Weapon Purple Mash– Ancient Greece Templates Myths and Legends– Stories Online Maps to locate Greece Newspaper Reports-Battle of Sparta and Athens To know that information can be found using the internet Wow Factor- Myths and Maths To click links in a web site Coordinates- Mapping Ancient Greece and Modern To print a web page to use as a resource Legends Drama Greece. To conduct a search on a website Workshop Class Novel To refine my search to get more accurate results Usborne Greek Myths and Legends Assessment Children create a Powerpoint presentation about Ancient Greece using research. Geography Outdoor Learning Opportunities History Use a map to locate the world’s countries, including Tools-making weapons the Give reasons why certain events happened and people acted the way they did. those in Europe. Greek soldiers might have used. Explain how something from the past has had an effect on our lives. Describe the physical geography of an area. Den making- making campsite Use a variety of sources to answer questions and gather information. Describe the human geography of an area. the Greek soldiers may have Plot a timeline and use dates and historical vocabulary. Use a world map, atlas and a globe to identify stayed in. Assessment countries and describe features. Cooking-making and eating food Information text on Ancient Greek life, Gods, Myths and Legends. Assessment inspired by what Greek soldiers Information Text on Ancient Greece- Map skills workmay have eaten in Ancient identifying Greece, Making a key identifying physical and Greece. human features.