Course Introduction - Spectrum

Course Introduction
PSY 5559
S. Kathleen Krach, Ph.D.
Professor at the Troy
 School Psychology/
School Psychometry
 Electronic Office
◦ 334-241-9598 (office)
◦ Martin, G & Pear, J. (20011). Behavior
Modification (9th ed.). New York: Pearson.
◦ From Troy Library E-Reserves
◦ Instructor = Krach
◦ Password = grits
 Discussion Boards
 Groups
 Projects
 Weekly Notes
 Quizzes
 Final Exam
 PowerPoint Slides
 Audio Podcasts
 Readings and Forms
Instructional Materials
Required for students in:
◦ Psychology Programs
◦ Psychometry Programs
◦ Counseling Programs
May be required for students in:
◦ Education Programs
LiveText Assignments
◦ PSY 5559 B-Mod Project Grade Assessment
◦ PSY 5559 Behavior Modification Manual Assessment
Email Policies
All students were required to obtain and use the TROY email address that is automatically assigned to them as TROY
students. All official correspondence will be sent ONLY to
the ( address.
 All students are responsible for ensuring that the
correct e-mail address is listed in Blackboard by the
beginning of Week #1. E-mail is the only way the
instructor can, at least initially, communicate with you. It is
your responsibility to make sure a valid e-mail address is
provided. Failure on your part to do so can result in your
missing important information that could affect your grade.
 It is also your responsibility to keep your email cleared and
sorted. An emailed response stating that you were unable to
receive the email because your inbox was full is not a valid
reason for missing the information. It is YOUR responsibility
to keep this all going.
But, !!!!!!!!
“Not having a
computer” or
“computer crashes”
are not acceptable
excuses for late work.
Have a backup plan in
place in case you have
computer problems.
◦ Most public libraries
offer computers for use.
◦ Troy University
campuses often have
“open lab” times for
computer use.
Timelines and Deadlines
Online not Correspondence Course
 Late Registration:
◦ Students who register during the first week of
the term, during late registration, will already
be one week behind. Students who fall into
this category are expected to catch up with
all of Week #1 and Week #2's work by the
end of Week #2. No exceptions, since two
weeks constitutes a significant percentage of
the term's lessons.
Course Requirements: Projects
Project 1: B-Mod Project Grade
Assessment [note 1] (20%)
 Project 2: Behavior Modification Manual
Assessment [note 1] (20%)
 Note 1: Critical Assignment: submitted
through LiveText when applicable
Course Requirments: Tests
◦ Online Quizzes/ Review (10% each; 20% total)
◦ Online Final Exam (20%)
Quiz/ Exam Information
◦ The quizzes will be open-book, 30 items, multiplechoice.
◦ They will be available for a specific time period. See
the Course Schedule in the back of this syllabus for
the dates during which time the exams will be
◦ The quizzes will be delivered online via Blackboard.
They will be found in the Exams/ Quizzes tab section.
The quizzes will be timed. Students are allowed one
hour to complete the quiz.
Course Requirements: Attendance
Class Participation [note 2] (10%)
Note 2: PodCast attendance will be
recorded through submitting into
Blackboard a copy of the notes that you
took while listening to the Podcasts. These
notes can be .doc files of typed notes, they
can be .pdfs files of notes written on copies
of the PowerPoint slides, or they can be
notes taken within the .ppt document notes
Attendance graded weekly!
Course Requirements: Posts
Online Discussions [note 3] (2 substantive
posts per lecture; 10%)
Note 3: Discussion grades will not be posted
until the last week of class. These are graded
PER LECTURE and not per week.
Substantive usually means either a question
or a response of more than a few words
pertaining to the lecture topic. Posts under
the instructor or student question sections
do not count towards your total.
Although posts are required weekly, they are
graded at the end of the term!
Makeup Work
Missing any part of this schedule may prevent completion of
the course. If you foresee difficulty of any type (i.e., an illness,
employment change, etc.) which may prevent completion of
this course, notify the instructor as soon as possible. Failure
to do so will result in failure for an assignment and/or failure
of the course. See “Attendance,” above.
If I have not heard from you by the deadline dates for
assignments, exams, or forums, no make-up work will
be allowed (unless extraordinary circumstances existed, such
as hospitalization). Requests for extensions must be made in
advance and accompanied by appropriate written
documentation if the excuse is acceptable to the instructor.
"Computer problems" are not an acceptable excuse.
Incomplete Policy
Students must REQUEST an incomplete prior to the last week of
An incomplete request form (available from Dr. Krach) must be
Students must have a legitimate reason for not being able to
complete the work.
Over 70% of the course work must already be completed with a
passing grade prior to the incomplete.
It is the STUDENT’S responsibility to notify the professor as soon
as an emergency happens. Notification of an emergency later than
10 days after the event (unless the student is physically incapable of
doing so) is considered negligent on the part of the student, and no
accommodations can be made.
An INC is not a substitute for an F. If a student has earned
an “F” by not submitting all the work or by receiving an
overall F average, then the F stands.
In all interactions with the
professor as well as any other
personnel, professionalism will be
maintained at all times.
Professionalism refers to 1)
Manner of dress; 2) Handling
conflict (e.g., behind closed doors,
in person, and with respect); 3)
Preparation (e.g., read prior to
class, have materials needed for the
class day); 4) Confidentiality (e.g.,
within the class, within the schools,
etc.); 5) Self-awareness (e.g., know
what you don’t know, know when
to get supervision, know when to
ask for consultation, etc.).
All students studying in the
field of psychology and
counseling are responsible for
knowing and behaving under
the American Psychological
Association’s Ethical Principles
of Psychologists and Code of
Conduct. If you are unaware
of what is state on the code,
it can be found at:
Krach’s Policies
Working in Groups
Some of your work for Project 1 and 2 will
You must let me know ahead of time if there
is conflict.
You may be asked to rate your group
members’ contributions and/or have others
rate your contributions.
If you have not contributed to a project, and
your group members rate you as not
contributing, then you may receive a lower
grade than your group members.