eCampus TOP Course Template

TROY Online
An Introduction to Online Learning
Steer Clear of the Most Frequent Online Blunders
One very common misconception about distance learning is that online courses are easy. This
is not the case at Troy University. Our online courses and programs adhere to the same
standards, lead to the same degrees and, in many cases, are taught by the same faculty as
their on-campus counterparts. Therefore, it is important to recognize the pitfalls and the
challenges of online education and to try to avoid the common mistakes some online students
are prone to make.
The following topics will be discussed:
What kind of student will you be?
The importance of knowing about TROY’s online resources and using them
The importance of being prepared to start the course the first day of the term
The importance of staying involved in the course, following directions and participating
What kind of student will you be?
Do you want to finish at the top of your class? You definitely won’t get there by aggravating your
instructor. The book Online Learning by Leslie Bowman contains some very important
suggestions on what you should do:
 Know that your professors understand your situation as a student: they were once
students just like you, so they have been there and done that.
 Find ways to get the job done: be persistent and find ways to work through personal
difficulties that arise outside of the course.
 Avoid plagiarism and cheating when completing your course requirements: this will land
you on the failing list.
 Never ask for extra credit opportunities when you have a failing grade: this will
aggravate your instructor especially if the end of the course is drawing near.
 Refrain from correcting your classmates: this is the instructor’s job, and he/she should
handle it appropriately.
 Make it a priority in time of emergency to contact your professor as quickly as possible.
 Have an emergency contact who knows your instructor’s email and phone number in
emergency cases.
Know YOUR Resources
The book also suggests that you should be are aware of the resources that are available to you.
Troy University has ample resources to help you succeed:
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TROY Online
An Introduction to Online Learning
 Don’t skimp on the Orientation Course. Make sure to take the necessary time to go
through the Orientation course and learn about TROY’s online classes, how they work,
what to expect, etc. It will answer many of your questions.
 Keep tech support information handy and use it when needed. TROY provides
Blackboard technical support seven days a week from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm. You can
use the help desk ticket to submit any technical issues or problems with your course
 Make use of the Student Training page. This site has plenty of training materials to
help you learn about Pronto, Wimba, Blackboard, Respondus, TROJAN e-mail, etc.
 Learn about Smarthinking. It is a tutoring service provided by Troy University through a
third party to help students with many subjects such as writing and biology. USE IT!
First Things First: Be Prepared
TROY online courses are nine weeks in length. Therefore, it is important to know that every
minute of the day, every day of the week and every week of the term matters. Make it a point to
start strong and to finish strong.
 Make sure to set up your TROY e-mail and use it for all e-mail correspondence with your
instructor and TROY staff.
 Log in to Blackboard after you register to make sure your log in ID and your password
are working, if not submit a help desk ticket to get it resolved. Make sure to allow 24
hours for your courses to show up in Blackboard after you register.
 E-mail your instructor the first day of the term and establish contact.
 Buy your textbook as soon as you register, not on the first day of the term. The approved
textbook for your course is listed on the MBS website. MBS is the official TROY online
 Be sure to log in to the course and navigate through it as soon as it becomes available.
TROY online classes are made available as early as a week before the start of the term
and as late as the Friday before the start of the term.
 Communicate with your instructor and inform him/her if you registered late. Many
instructors provide students with the first three chapters of the book incase textbooks
don’t arrive on time.
Stay Involved
It is very important to stay active in the course. Some of the things to remember when you sign
up for an online course include:
 Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Use the “Ask the Instructor” forum in Blackboard to ask
 Follow instructions. Read the syllabus, course requirements, student expectations, and
the course schedule carefully. Inquire about ambiguous items in the course to make sure
you are on the right track.
 Submit your course assignments, Discussion Board posts, and exams properly and on
time. Print a copy of the course schedule with due dates and deadlines, and keep it
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TROY Online
An Introduction to Online Learning
Make sure to submit a proctor form, if your course requires one, at the beginning of the
term so you don’t miss the deadlines.
Review the instructor’s feedback periodically and make the suggested changes.
Take Charge
You made the first step to take charge of your education when you decided to sign up for an
online course and all the possibilities that come with it. Taking ownership of your course makes
you the A student you are working hard to be and brings you a step closer to fulfill your
educational goals. Know your Resources, Be Prepared, and Stay Involved.
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