Course Introduction

PSY 7700
Syllabus Review: Instructor Information
Contact: S. Kathleen Krach, Ph.D.
 Bldg 136, Suite 319, Montgomery Campus
 334-241-9598
Office Hours
 In-person:
listed on syllabus
 Virtual: email is responded to within 24 business hours.
Syllabus Review: Readings
Merrell, K.W., Ervin, R. A., &
Peacock, G. G. School
psychology for the 21st
century: Foundations and
Jacob, S., & Hartshorne, T. S.
Ethics and law for school
On e-Reserve
Not having your book on the first day
of class is not an excuse for late work
after the deadlines in the Schedule.
20 U.S.C. § 1414 Evaluations and IEPS
20 U.S.C. § 1415 Procedural Safeguards.
American Psychological Association (APA, 2010).
Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of
Conoley, J. C., & Conoley, C. W. (1992).
Appendix: School consultation: Practice and
training, Second edition.
Erchul, W. P., & Martens, B. K. (2002). Chapter 2:
In School Consultation: Conceputal and Empirical
Bases of Practice, Second Edition.
Fairbanks, S., Sugai, G., Guardino, D., & Lathrop,
M. (2007). Response to intervention:
Gresham, F.M. (2002). Responsiveness to
Hunley, S. & McNamara, K. (2010). Tier 3 of the
RTI model
National Association of School Psychologists
(NASP, 2010). Principles for Professional Ethics.
Shores, C. (2009). Chapter 1. In Comprehensive
RTI model:
Thompson, C.L. & Henderson, D. A. (2011).
Consultation. In Counseling Children, 8th Edition.
Syllabus Review: Student Expectations
Students are expected to check their e-mails daily and the
announcements at least every 48 hours.
Students are expected to use their email accounts.
Although physical class meetings are not part of this course,
participation in all interactive, learning activities is required.
This is an on-line class. Students must have access to a working
computer and access to the internet. Students can use the TROY
computer lab, a public library, etc., to insure they have access.
“Not having a computer” or “computer crashes” are not acceptable
excuses for late work.
This is an eCampus class. It is not a “correspondence course” in
which a student may work at his/her own pace. Each week there
will be assignments, on-line discussions, and/or exams with due
If you need an incomplete, please read the policies within the
Common Assignment/ Assessment #1
This is actually Project 2 in your syllabus
Students will describe all ethical and legal issues
presented in a hypothetical case study of a school
psychologist/ psychometrist in a school-based
situation. In addition, the student should be able to
identify the roles and relationships of each
identified individual in the case study. The case
study will be provided by the instructor and must be
submitted by the student through LiveText.
Common Assignment/ Assessment #1
You will be graded on the following
Knowledge of the Roles & Relationships of individuals in
case study (NASP 2.10)
 Knowledge of the legal issues. (AL BOE 290-3-3-.51-3f; AL
BOE 290-3-3-.54-3j)
 Knowledge of the ethical issues. (AL BOE 290-3-3-.51-3f;
AL BOE 290-3-3-.54-3j)
 APA quality of writing and use of appropriate grammar
More specific information will be available on
BlackBoard closer to the time of this assignment.
Common Assignment/ Assessment #2
This is actually Project 1 in your syllabus
Students will observe and interview a current school
psychologist or school psychometrist in the field and
provide a written description of the experience.
Specific questions will include a discussion of what
the professional identity of psychologists/
psychometrists and their roles as advocates.
Common Assignment/ Assessment #2
You will be graded on the following
 Knowledge
of the identity of a school psychologist
and/or school psychometrist
 Knowledge of advocacy issues in school psychology/
 APA quality of writing and use of appropriate
More specific information will be available on
Syllabus Review: Methods of Evaluation
Project 1: Livetext Assignment – Observations [note 1] (20%)
Project 2: Livetext Assignment – Case Study [note 1] (30%)
Online Quizzes/ Review (15% each; 30% total)
Class Participation [note 2] (10%)
Online Discussions [note 3] (2 substantive posts per lecture; 10%)
Note 1: Critical Assignment: submitted through LiveText when applicable
Note 2: PodCast attendance will be recorded through submitting into Blackboard a
copy of the notes that you took while listening to the Podcasts. These notes can be
.doc files of typed notes, they can be .pdfs files of notes written on copies of the
PowerPoint slides, or they can be notes taken within the .ppt document notes section.
Note 3: Discussion grades will not be posted until the last week of class. These are
graded PER LECTURE and not per week. Substantive usually means either a question
or a response of more than a few words pertaining to the lecture topic. Posts under
the instructor or student question sections do not count towards your total.
Syllabus Review: Quizzes and Assignments
Weekly course notes will
be submitted under the
Assignments BlackBoard
 Projects will be submitted
both through the
Assignments BlackBoard
tab AND LiveText
 Course Discussions will
take place through the
Discussion Board
BlackBoard tab.
The quizzes will be openbook, 30 items, multiplechoice.
They will be available for
a specific time period. You
have one hour once starting
to complete it.
The quizzes will be
delivered online via
Blackboard. They will be
found in the Exams/
Quizzes tab section.