Year Group 5 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 WW2 GEOGRAPHY Places & Postcodes 2 weeks RRR HISTORY In Their Shoes English SCIENCE FICTION PERSUSSION (new building on land) Adventure with dilemma Recount (biographyHenry V111) Ancient Greece- Myths and legends Discussion Non chronological reports Adventure stories (Link Harry Potter) Narrative poetry (Highway man) Revision skills of different genres Maths Number / Using and Applying Shape Shape and statistics Multiplication and division Number and pl;ace value Fracrions Addition and subtraction Measurement REVIEW FROM PHASE 3 Fractions Multiplication and division Shape position and directuion Number and Place value Addition and subtraction Fractions Number and place value Multiplication and Division Addition and subtraction ANCIENT GREECE Shape- angles Measurement (linked to 4 operations) ENGLISH Lights, Camera, Action Multiplication and division Fractions Science AT1 Fair tests/ experiments To plan and carry out a fair test To make predictions To create a table to record my results clearly I can explain my findings I can plan an experiment Properties and change of materials I can plan an experiment I can investigate materials and their properties I can explain why different materials are used for different purposes I can explain that solids which are mixed or dissolved in water can be separated I can describe a scientific process in steps I can show an understanding of irreversible change Earth and space (planetarium trip) L.o: To draw and label the planets in order from the sun To generate scientific questions (for the trip) To describe the shape and relative size of the earth, moon and sun To investigate the features of other planets (create powerpoint presentation) To explore the conditions of other planets and discuss if we could live on them. Living things and animals (Paultons park trip) •describe the movement of the Earth and other planets relative to the sun in the solar system •describe the movement of the moon relative to the Earth •describe the sun, Earth and moon as approximately spherical bodies To explain what a habitat is To explain and reason which animals live in which habitats and why To explain how animals adapt to suit their environment describe the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, Forces (Paultons park trip) To explain what is meant by gravity To explore push and full forces To research forces independently explain that unsupported objects fall towards the Earth because of the force of gravity acting between the Earth and the falling object compare and group together everyday materials on the basis of their properties, including their hardness, solubility, transparency, conductivity (electrical and thermal), and response to magnets •know that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution, and describe how to recover a substance from a solution •use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated, including through filtering, sieving and evaporating •give reasons, based on evidence from comparative and fair tests, for the particular uses of everyday materials, including metals, wood and plastic •demonstrate that dissolving, mixing and changes of state are reversible changes •explain that some changes result in the formation of new materials, and that this kind of change is not usually reversible, including changes associated with •use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the sun across the sky an insect and a bird •identify the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction, that act between moving surfaces •recognise that some mechanisms including levers, pulleys and gears allow a smaller force to have a greater effect •describe the life process of reproduction in some burning and the action of acid on bicarbonate of soda History TUDORS (Mary Rose museum) To understand key events in British History. To explore the differences between the rich and poor in Tudor times. To write a biography about Henry VIII Know and sequence key events of time studied Use relevant terms and periods labels Relate current studies to previous studies Make comparisons between different times in the past Place current study on timeline in relation to other studies Use relevant dates and terms Ancient Greece WW2 To identify the features of modern day Greece. To locate Greece on a map of Europe] To place Ancient Greece in time in relation to other major periods of history. To understand the main differences between Athens and Sparta. To research how the Ancient Greeks have influenced the Western world. Study different aspects of lives of different people – differences between men and women Find out about beliefs, behaviour and characteristics of people, recognising that not everyone shared the same views and feelings Use appropriate terms, matching dates to people and events Record and communicate knowledge in different forms Work independently and in groups showing initiative Select aspects of a study to make a display Use a variety of ways to communicate knowledge and understanding including extended writing Plan and carry out individual investigations Geography Places and Postcodes Place knowledge K.Q – “Why are Re-cap worlds countries – Ancient Greece rivers not Europe – including Russia and N and S America). Locational Knowledge K.Q. – “Why is it not 1:00 at the same time straight?” everywhere?” Human and Locational Knowledge: Greece Physical – Rivers Human and Physical Fairtrade Research Spain and make Place Knowledge connections and links to the UK. - 3 key areas of the UK and look how land has Look at main cities in Spain changed over time Place Knowledge Fieldwork - Time Zones - Environmental regions, key physical and human characteristics, major cities and national parks. Look at counties, hills, mountains, coasts. Art Discrete – Equator and Tropics Portraits Drawing and colour Tudor boats Texture and form Produce increasingly accurate drawings of people Pattern and colour Form and colour Create pattern for Greek vases- clay Collage – texture Printing purpose organise own patterns Introduce the concept of perspective. Use shape to create pattern DT Spanish food tasting and preparation PE Val Saben RE Celebration Divali- concept- good/evil PSHE/RRR New Beginnings The Right to Education & Play Greek Temples/ vases CLAY: assemble, join and combine materials and components with some accuracy accurately apply a range of finishing techniques, including those from art and design refer to their design criteria as they design and make Greek food that seasons may affect the food available • how food is processed into ingredients that can be eaten or used in cooking that a healthy diet is made up from a variety and balance of different food and drink, as depicted in The eatwell plate Val Saben Val Saben Val Saben Val Saben Rounders Val Saben Athletics Christmas The Magi and their gifts Concept- prophecy Getting on & Falling Out The Right to Protection Creation Prayer/ reflection – concept- ritual Going for Goals The Right to Participation Easter Special Change Easter Eucharist concept Muhammed and the Q’ran – submission Ideas of god- Concept God Good to be Me The Right to Survival & Development Changes The Right to Freedom of Expression Relationships The Right to be Cared for Music Listen to Me P4C Linked to RRR Right to freedom of expression FAIR e-safety(DL) ICT Listen to Me Revisit spreadsheets from y4: Use pull down formula to (for example) make times tables charts. Change font size and colour in a way to aid memory- it as useful tool (DL) Revisit Y 4 skills- controlling sprite with arrows and space bar(CS) Listen to Me Listen to Me Listen to Me Listen to Me Use Scratch to draw shapes using the pen up/pen down feature, and comparing this to LOGO Use sensing blocks to use input as variable, for example, what is your name? Tom. Hello Tom Change colour of pen, changer shade Make a simple track game (DL) Using repeat to draw regular polygons(CS) Design a spreadsheet to solve simple problems such as the cost of a shopping list with various quantities of items. Design own data base in junior viewpoint (IT) Use a * formula to calculate each item then a SUM formula to total all items.(IT)