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Feedback on learning
In the hands of the student
David Nicol
Emeritus Professor of Higher Education
University of Strathclyde, Scotland
Visiting Professor, University of Ulster
Adjunct Professor, University of Swinburne, Australia
Expert Consultant to JISC: Assessment and Feedback Programme
Talking about Teaching, York St John University, 25 Jan 2013
Focus of presentation
 Theoretical perspective – cognitive dimensions
 Teacher feedback and peer feedback
 Written assignments – open-ended and complex tasks
 Practice – illustrative cases – peer review
 UK JISC-funded PEER project, see website
Nicol (2012) Resituating feedback from the reactive to the proactive
Purpose of feedback
 Feedback should develop the students’ capacity to
make evaluative judgements about their own and
others work (Boud and Associates, 2010: Cowan,
2010; Sadler, 2010)
 Feedback should serve the function of progressively
enabling students to better monitor, evaluate and
regulate their own learning, independently of the
teacher (Nicol and Macfarlane-Dick, 2006: Nicol,
Teacher feedback in higher education
 Students are less satisfied with teacher feedback
than with any other aspect of their course (National
Student Survey UK)
feedback is not timely
feedback is not detailed
feedback did not clarify things I did not
Some Institutional Remedies
 Faster turnaround times for assignments
 Electronic feedback, including audio feedback
 Feedback calendars to clarify timings
 Improved feedback rubrics/criteria
 More attention to providing corrective advice
 Feedback on exams
 Awareness raising campaigns to highlight student role
in feedback
 Etc.
Cognitive processes in use of teacher feedback
Teacher activity
 Deliver feedback
Student activities
 Decode feedback messages, internalise, construct
meaning from them
 Evaluate and compare this external feedback against
own work
 Identify discrepancies, misconceptions, alternative
views, gaps in work
 Revise and reconstruct knowledge based on the inner
feedback that these processes generate
 Transfer this revised understanding to new contexts
and tasks
Cognitive processes
For feedback to be support learning, and develop
evaluative judgement, two cognitive processes must be
1. Evaluation – students must reflect on and evaluate
their own work in relation to a feedback input –
identify gaps, misconceptions, errors, structural
deficiencies, other perspectives, weaknesses etc.
2. Knowledge building – students must use the feedback
they generate from these evaluative processes to
repair misunderstandings and construct a better
understanding. This entails knowledge building.
 I use the following term borrowed from Roscoe and
Chi (2008) to represent both processes of evaluation
and knowledge building:
reflective knowledge building (RKB)
 The question addressed is not just how do we
improve use of teacher feedback but rather how do
we harness and strengthen inner feedback processes?
Practical strategies to encourage RKB
1. Students evaluate/respond to comments – e.g. put
them in own words and say what will do about them
When submit next assignment say how used earlier
feedback (University of London)
Sequence assignments so that feedback is actually
used – drafts and redrafts
Multi-stage projects and overlapping tasks
Patchwork text – different texts ‘stitched’ together
(Winter, 2003).
For 3,4 and 5 suggestive feedback rather than
corrective advice.
Technology: Recording comments and responses so that both teachers
and students can easily revisit earlier feedback
Specific example: Steve Draper (Glasgow Univ)
Proforma (prompt sheet) for making responses to feedback
– the responses are discussed in a tutorial.
1. Re-phrase (each of) my comments on your essay in your
own words: what do they mean? what did they apply to?
what future actions do they imply?
2. If you had to re-edit this essay then how would you
apply my feedback to do this, if at all?
3. How will you apply my feedback to writing your next
4. Is the feedback I wrote at all useful to you personally,
as far as you can tell now?
Guiding principle of good teacher feedback
Guiding principle in educational policy documents
 Teacher feedback should be planned in ways that
ensure that students are provided with explicit
opportunities to respond to, evaluate and act on it.
Might be the single most powerful way of addressing
the NSS issue
Limitations with this model
1. Can promote learning of scripted responses –
students dependent on teacher (Orsmond and Merry,
Assumes that ‘others are required to identify and
provide the information students need to learn and
that learning is driven by how others go about this’
(Boud and Malloy, 2012)
Good feedback is adaptive (Vygotsky, 1978)
Still a transmission model even though the feedback
loop is closed – students act on feedback
Practicality – workload
Feedback in professional and
workplace settings
1. In the professions, feedback never comes from a
single source: task is usually to evaluate, weigh up
and reconcile and respond to different and
sometimes contradictory feedback perspectives.
2. Professionals are not just ‘consumers’ of feedback
but also ‘producers’
Nicol (2013) Rethinking feedback practices in higher education:
a peer review perspective
Peer review
Definition of peer review
 Peer review is an arrangement whereby students
make evaluative judgements about the work of peers
and provide a written feedback commentary.
 In peer review, students produce as well as receive
The focus
 Not talking about scenarios involving
..….informal feedback in collaborative tasks
.....students evaluating each other’s contribution to
group working
.....students grading/marking each other’s work,
although some rating might be part of peer design
Peer feedback receipt: augmenting
teacher feedback
 Increases quantity and variety of feedback
 No extra workload on teacher when software used
(e.g. PeerMark)
 Often perceived as more understandable as peers ‘on
the same wavelength’ (Topping, 2003: Hounsell,
Cognitive perspective: receiving reviews
 After receiving peer feedback students have
opportunities to update their assignments. Hence
activates reflective and knowledge re-construction
 Simulates professional scenarios – evaluating and
reconciling different feedback perspectives – calls for
acts of judgement
 Cho and MacArthur (2010) showed that students made
more complex revisions to their work when feedback
received from multiple peers when compared against
a single peer or a single teacher.
Not enough attention has been focused on the
potential of peer feedback not just as a way of
increasing the quantity and quality of the feedback
students receive, but also as a way of giving
students practice in making evaluative judgements
and constructing feedback
See Nicol (2010) Developing students’ ability to construct feedback.
Available at:
PEER project funded by JISC UK
One aim was to:
Separate out the different feedback components
involved in peer review – receipt versus production
Prior research had either reported only receipt of peer
Or on combined effects of producing and receiving
Much research on peer review was confounded by an
emphasis on students marking each other’s work
see http://www.reap.ac.uk/peer.aspx
Cognitive benefits of feedback construction
1. High-level cognitive activity: students cannot easily be
Students actively exercise assessment criteria from
many perspectives
Writing commentaries causes students to evaluate and
rehearse their own knowledge
Evaluate different approaches to same work and learn
that quality can be produced in different ways
Shifts responsibility to student – puts them in role of
assessor exercising critical judgement
Cognitive benefits of feedback construction
6. Learn to evaluate their own work – as exactly the same
skills are involved
Develops capacity to make evaluative judgements - a
fundamental requirement for life beyond university.
Also, this capacity underpins all graduate attribute
development (Nicol, 2010)
Nicol, D (2011) Developing students’ ability to construct feedback,
Published by QAA for Higher Education, UK
Example 1: Engineering Design
Peer Project case study
 DM 100 Design 1: first-year class
 Dr Avril Thomson, Course Leader, Design
Manufacturing and Engineering Management (DMEM),
University of Strathclyde
 Caroline Breslin, Learning Technology Adviser,
University of Srathclyde
Funded by JISC: see www.reap.ac.uk/PEER.aspx
Engineering Design 1
 82 first-year students
 Design a product – ‘theme eating and resting in the
 Research in groups (in city, in library etc.)
 Individually produce a Product Design Specification
(PDS) – detailed requirements for and constraints on
design (rationale, performance,standards, manufacturing etc)
 Given a PDS exemplar from another domain to show
what’s required (stainless steel hot water cylinder)
 Online learning environment: Moodle and PeerMark
part of Turnitin suite
Product Design Specification
Typical Headings
 Rationale
 Patents
 Performance
 Product costs
 Environment
 Aesthetics
 Packaging
 Ergonomics
 Maintenance
 Materials
 Weight and size
 Testing
 Disposal
 Quality/reliability
 Shipping
 Competition
 Processes
 Marketing
 Time Scale
 Life in service
DM 100: Design 1
Peer review task
 Individually, each student peer-reviewed and provided
feedback on the draft PDS of two other students
 Criteria: (i) completeness (ii) convincingness of
rationale (iii) specificity of values (performance) (iv)
one main suggestion for improvements with reasons
 Students used experience, giving and receiving
feedback to update own PDS
 Peer review not assessed directly but 10% marks for
professionalism which included participation in peer
Online survey completed by 64 students
Focus group interviews
Peer review comments recorded online
Course work marks compared to previous years
Results 1
Which aspects of the peer review did you learn from?
Giving feedback
Receiving feedback
Giving and receiving feedback
Neither giving or receiving
Results 2
Did you modify your initial submission as a result of the
peer review activity?
Yes, as a result of the peer review
Yes, as a result of the peer review
Yes as a result of the peer review
given AND received
Results: student comments
If yes, please give specific examples of modifications (n=41)
[Comments are from different students]
 I added a couple of paragraphs and improved existing
paragraphs, this added two full A4 pages to my work
 I provided more specific numeric values and expanded my
rationale after seeing someone else’s PDS and after
receiving feedback
 I added a legal and patents section
 Improved the rationale, included more facts
 I made some of my numeric points more specific to my
final design concept.
Results: learning from RECEIVING feedback
Please give examples of what you learned from RECEIVING peer reviews
from other students (n=54)
 Specific content mentioned: Depth of analysis needed, more
numerical data and figures, stronger rationale, how to structure it
better etc.
 Receiving peer reviews gave me insight into what others thought of
my work and gave me a direction to improve (reader response)
 Where the PDS was confusing to understand (reader response)
 Parts that I had previously missed were brought to eye such as market
competition (noticing)
 The person who peer reviewed my PDS gave me positive feedback
which helped me a lot (motivational)
 Not much, they...[the peer reviews]...weren’t very good (no value)
Results: learning from PROVIDING feedback
Please give examples of what you learned from PROVIDING peer reviews
of other’s work (n=47)
 How to look at work critically that isn’t your own [critical
 Thinking from a critical point of view [critical judgement]
 I was given a greater understanding of the level of the work the
course may be demanding [attention to expectations/criteria]
 Allowed me to see from an assessor’s perspective
 When giving advice to people on theirs, it gave me greater
perception when reviewing my own work by listening to my own
advice for example [transfer]
 I had a chance to see other peoples work and aspects of their work
that I felt were lacking in my work, this helped me to improve my
work [transfer]
Results: How you carried out peer review
Could you make any comments about how you carried out the
peer review? How did you evaluate the quality of the work to
provide a response to the peer review questions? (n=37)
 I compared it to mine and ...and said how I would improve it
 Partly by comparing my work to theirs
 I tried to think about what I wrote and whether this PDS was
better or worse
Focus groups
 How did you go about reviewing?
‘I read it through and compared it with what I had done to see if
they had put something I had not done and then I added it in if
they hadn’t. The four questions...[provided by the
teacher]...were useful as they provided a framework for the
review. If we hadn’t had the questions it would have been
difficult. I did the reviews separately and then answered one then
the other. The first was a better standard than the other – so I
used the ideas from the better one to comment on the weaker
one. I also read the guidelines in class when I did the peer review.
There were ideas from the good one that I hadn’t even thought of
in mine’
Focus groups
 What do you think is best for learning – giving or
receiving feedback?
‘For me it would probably be to give feedback because I think
seeing what other people have done is more helpful than getting
other people’s comments on what you have already done. By
looking at other people’s work you can see for yourself what you
have forgotten or not even thought about. When people give
feedback on yours they generally just talk about what is there.
They don’t say, well I did this on mine and you could put that in
Focus groups
 What do you think is best for learning – giving or
receiving feedback?
I think when you are reviewing...[the work of peers]...it’s more a
self-learning process, you’re teaching yourself; well, I can see
somebody’s done that and that’s a strength, and I should maybe try
and incorporate that somehow into my work. Whereas
getting...[teacher]... feedback you’re kind of getting told what to
do; you’re getting told this is the way you should be doing it, and
this is the right way to do it. You’re not really thinking for
yourself.... I think...[reviewing]... would help you not need so much
of teacher feedback, if there was more of this. Whereas, I think if
you’re not being able to do...[reviewing]... then you will always be
needing more...[teacher feedback]...
Would you choose to participate in a peer review
exercise in the future?
Don’t know
Theoretical considerations : peer review
Elicits multiple acts of evaluative judgement
Students both create and apply evaluative criteria
Evaluate peer’s work against own
Evaluate one peer’s work against another (and own)
Evaluate work against given criteria to produce response
Create criteria as they compare work with own (holistic)
Apply explicit criteria (analytic) to instances of practice
New perspective on good feedback practice
Students construct feedback ‘meanings’ for themselves while
they produce it for others
More control over feedback and less need for teacher feedback
Some tentative conclusions
 Giving and receiving feedback are qualitatively different
 Feedback receipt helps bring deficiencies in own work to
students’ attention, can be motivational and gives a experience
of different audiences (readers)
 Feedback production a more direct means of developing
evaluative judgement – critical thinking, using criteria and
standards, being more objective about own work
 Fortunately receiving and giving usually occur in the same
domain of assignment production – hence double duty – as both
processes help develop important professional skills.
Enhancing evaluative judgement
through peer review
 Maximise the number of reviews within practical limits
 Integrate peer and self reviews – would enhance
Embed opportunities for dialogue in reviewing process
Broaden the scope of the review criteria –beyond
Make reviewing a regular activity
Change focus of teacher feedback to commenting on
quality of peer reviews.
Design decisions
1. Target task – draft, factual or open-ended (design,
computer programme, essay, report etc)
2. Unit for task: individual, pair, group
3. Unit for review: individual, pair, group work
4. Matching reviewers: random, ability, topic
5. Number of reviews (counteracting poor reviews)
6. Privacy: anonymous or public outputs
7. Peer review rubric – not-given: guidelines: fixed
8. Review focus: generic v disciplinary, holistic v
9. Using peer feedback: drafts, self-review, new task
10. Requesting and responding to feedback
11. Grading: no marks, marks for participation, for
reviews, marks for self-review after peer review
Principles of effective peer review
1. Ensure an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect
2. Engage students in active use of criteria and standards
3. Involve students in constructing commentaries in
relation to peer judgements, not just awarding marks
Give practice in both analytic (componential) and
holistic (configurational) judgements about quality
Facilitate dialogue around the object and quality of the
Integrate self-review activities within peer review
Ensure that peer review is a regular activity and not a
one-off event
Boud, D. and Associates (2010) Assessment 2020: Seven propositions for assessment reform in higher
education. Sydney: Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) Available from
Cowan, J. (2010) Developing the ability for making evaluative judgements, Teaching in Higher Education,
15(3), 323-334.
Nicol, D. and Macfarlane-Dick, D. (2006), Formative assessment and self-regulated learning: A model and
seven principles of good feedback practice. Studies in Higher Education, 31(2), 199-218
Nicol, D (2009) Assessment for learner self-regulation: enhancing achievement in the first year using learning
technologies, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 34(3), 335-352.
Nicol, D (2010) From monologue to dialogue: improving written feedback in mass higher education,
Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 35:5, 501-517
Nicol, D (2010) The foundation for graduate attributes: developing self-regulation through self and peer
assessment, QAA Scotland, Enhancement Themes. Available at:
Nicol, D (2011) Developing students’ ability to construct feedback, QAA Scotland, Enhancement Themes.
Available at http://www.enhancementthemes.ac.uk/resources/publications/graduates-for-the-21st-century
Nicol, D (in press), Resituating feedback from the reactive to the proactive. In D. Boud and L. Malloy (Eds)
Effective Feedback in Higher and Professional Education: understanding it and doing it well, Routledge UK
Roscoe, R. & Chi, M. (2008) Tutor learning: the role of explaining and responding to questions, Instructional
Science, 36, 321-350.
Sadler, D.R (2010) Beyond feedback: Developing student capability in complex appraisal, Assessment and
Evaluation in Higher Education, 35:5, 535-550
Examination of module and
course approval documents
Rare to find a learning outcome of the following types:
At the end of this module:
…you will be able to evaluate critically the quality and/or impact of
your own work
…you will be able to evaluate critically the quality and impact of the
work produced by others
Questions and Discussion
Example 2: Biochemistry labs
Peer Project case study
 Biochemistry: third-year class with 30 science
students (BM310)
 Professor Peter Halling, University of Strathclyde
 Dr Sue Barnes, Learning Technology Adviser,
University of Strathclyde
BM310: Biochemistry labs
 Students do 3 labs in groups of 4 – produce shared
results on spreadsheet template
 Labs (i) Enzyme Kinetics (EK) (ii) Adenylate Kinase
Equilibrium (AKE) and (iii) Fat Analysis (FA)
 Individually produce their own interpretation
 Lab report format comprises a set of 18-21 questions
to answer
 Question types – analysis of data, judge significance
of results, do calculations, suggest an explanation
(simple and complex, where other explanations
 Online learning environment: PeerMark part of
Turnitin suite
Aims of Biochemistry pilot
 To ensure that students actively engage with, process
and use teacher feedback
 To develop students own skills in making evaluative
judgements and in producing feedback
 Study possible because teacher had been producing
feedback for many years on labs – saw this feedback
data as a potential reusable resource
BM310: Biochemistry labs
Assessment and feedback – a summary
 Wrote three lab eports
 Got feedback and mark from academic on one (FAT)
 Got feedback from fellow students on other two (EK
and AKE)
 Gave feedback on two reports written by fellow
 Was given a mark for the quality of feedback on one
of these two reports
Scaffolded peer review task
Three conditions of support for peer review task:
 Menu of Feedback Comments (MFC)
e.g. ‘You are confusing the meaning of retention times and
areas – retention times tell you nothing about whether a
reaction is proceeding. It’s only the areas that tell you whether
the concentrations are still changing’
 Menu of Feedback Questions (MFQ)
e.g. ‘Have they understood the link with increased pH of the
borate promoting full ionization of nitrophenol to the yellow
nitrophenolate anion?’
 No menu (NM) – must produce comments un-aided.
1. Analysis of quality of feedback comments
provided to peers under the 3 different
scaffolding conditions: this involved coding the
students feedback provision
2. Survey asking students about their experiences
[Only selected data reported here]
Analysis of students’ feedback on work of peers
 Initial results show that the MFQ (feedback questions)
led to better quality feedback comments than the MFC
(feedback comments)
 No Menu condition not significantly different from MFQ
or MFC conditions.
 However, further research needed as effects might be
due to difficulty of questions and have not tested
pairings of students for reviews.
Survey responses: students’ reports
 All reported that reviewing engaged them in comparing
peer’s work with own work and with the menu template
(MFQ or MFC). Most made a physical comparison.
 Reported that MFQ made them think more than MFC and
were more helpful for their understanding
 Were less happy about the NM condition
Findings: MFC versus MFQ
The teacher’s feedback comments help me understand the basic point
to the assignments, however the questions allowed me to understand
the assignment better as I had to research the answers myself and
this allowed me to gain a better understanding of the topic
I prefer the questions provided from the AK equilibrium because it
made me think more about the right answers and it allowed me to
write my own comments using the questions as guidance. Having
feedback comments from the Enzyme kinetics made it too easy to just
copy and paste previous feedback comments in and I did not
understand what some of the feedback comments referred to.
Findings survey: No Menu (NM) condition
 NM condition had mixed results as some students claimed
that without any external input difficult to go beyond
the ideas they had for their own work.
Without teacher support we only know what we answered – our
Without the teacher feedback we lose an important area of the
question we may not have known was even a requirement to answer
Highlights value of having an external reference point
when providing feedback
Students engage with teacher feedback while also
developing their evaluative skills to question others’
Teacher’s feedback on the peer review helps develop
students’ own feedback skills.
Implementation in a science discipline where feedback
might differ - about accuracy as well as quality of
Addresses issue that use of teacher feedback leads to
‘scripted’ responses (Boud, 2012).
Enables feedback to become a reusable resource.
Questions and Discussion
Problems with feedback as ‘telling’
Research shows that students learn through ‘reflective
knowledge building’ not through information receipt (Phillips,
No evidence that delivery of more teacher-feedback, on its
own, improves learning [despite Black and Wiliam, 1998)]
Feedback must be adapted to students’ prior knowledge
(Vygotsky, 1978: Orsmond & Merry, 2010) and to current level of
The feedback paradox!
Does not directly develop students’ capacity to evaluative and
judge the quality of their own work and that of others.