Traffic Light Intersection Version 9.50.11 Jenniffer Estrada EE365: Advanced Digital Design Prof. Khondker December 4, 2008 Executive Summary A traffic intersection is simulated on the DE1 board, using a button press, KEY0, for a pedestrian wanting to cross, a switch, SW0, to simulate a car waiting at the low priority street. Unless there is a pedestrian or a car in the low priority street, the green light will be set for the high priority street. Key1 is used to return the system to the initial default state, and 3 red and 3 green LEDs as well as three 7 segment displays are used to display the output of the system. Problem Description The traffic light control system will be implemented in a two street intersection that allows pedestrians to cross on request. A cross-walk button, KEY 0, can be used to halt all traffic to allow pedestrians to cross. Each traffic signal uses at two LED’s (green and red) per traffic light or the pedestrian crossing point, one of the two streets has a priority over the other. For the high priority street, the traffic signal will always remain green until the low priority street car sensor has been tripped or a pedestrian has pressed a crosswalk button. The occurrence of such an event gives the high priority street 5 seconds before the light changes to red. Switch, SW0, to simulate a car sensor at the low priority street and a button KEY0 to simulate the crosswalk request button for pedestrian use. Multiple button presses would be treated as a single press until the pedestrian gets a WALK (green) signal. The duration of the green light for the low priority street and the pedestrian crossing is 9 and 4 seconds, respectively. The system utilizes a second button, KEY1, to reset the circuit, at which the seven segment displays are set to their default values (5, 9, and 4) and the highest priority street becomes a green light. At no time should there ever be more than one green light in the system. Each traffic or pedestrian crossing light of this system will use seven segment displays that will display the number of seconds left that the light will remain green. When any of these seven segment displays reach zero they should reset to the default value (5, 9 and 4) and await the next countdown. Design Problem Statement The Traffic Light system defaults to having the high priority street having the green light unless the low priority street or the pedestrian are triggered. When this happens, the high priority street HEX2 will count down to zero, and the pedestrian or the low priority street will count down from 4 and 9 seconds, respectively. Problem Decomposition TrafficControl:ControlInters ect DecodeHex:HighPriority HIP ClockCounter:OneSec HiDone Clock CLOCK_50 Clock Enable HEX2[6..0] HexOutput[6..0] HEX3[6..0] 7' h7F -- LOWP EffClock LowDone crosswalktraffic LEDR[2..0] PED lowpriortraffic DecodeHex:LowPriority PedDone reset ClockCounter:OneMilliSec BitInput[3..0] HiCount[3..0] Edge_Detect:PedCros s LowCount[3..0] BitInput[3..0] HEX1[6..0] HexOutput[6..0] PedCount[3..0] Clock Clock Enable Enable LEDG[2..0] Output Input DecodeHex:Pedes trian Edge_Detect:Rs t BitInput[3..0] HEX0[6..0] HexOutput[6..0] Clock Enable KEY[1..0] Output Input SW[0..0] Figure.1. Main Entity TrafficLightIntersection RTL view countdown9[2..1] PRE D countdown4[3] PRE 0 D Add2 PRE D 1' h1 -- PRE DATAA OUT0 4' h9 -- D Q DATAB LowCount[3..0] ENA MUX21 CLR CLR HighPrior Q LowPrior ENA trip9~1 trip5 PRE trip5~[1..0] D cros s walktraffic D 5' h1D -- + Q Pedestrian DATAA DATAB 0 NextS~2_OUT0 COUNT5_Ped 1 Selector10 CLR COUNT5_Low ADDER OUT SELECTOR ENA OUT0 4' h4 -- count4Down~0 PRE Q CLR countdown4[3..0] SEL 1' h1 -B[4..0] regis ter[5..4] SEL[5..0] countdown5[3..0] NextS~2 Go2Ped~1 MUX21 CLR SEL 0 1 1 countdown5[2] DATAA countdown5[3] ENA OUT0 CurrentS_LowPrior DATA[5..0] 1' h0 -- NextS~6 PRE D D countdown9[3..0] CLR PRE Q 2' h3 -- SEL[5..0] trip9 DATAB Q PRE countdown5~[3..0] Add0 D Equal0 ENA ENA MUX21 A[4..0] Count5Down~0 B[4..0] 5' h1D -- + CLR B[4..0] DATAA 5' h00 -- OUT0 4' h5 -- countdown5[1] SELECTOR OUT 1' h1 -- A[4..0] SEL 1' h1 -- CLR Q HiCount[3..0] ENA CLR = CurrentS_Pedes trian 1' h1 -- DATAB CurrentS_COUNT5_Ped DATA[5..0] Selector13 ADDER EQUAL CurrentS_COUNT5_Low PRE D Q PedDone Go2Ped~1_OUT0 3' h7 -0 LowDone L2Ped ENA res et countdown9[3] SEL + ENA DATA[1..0] 1 A[4..0] trip9~0 countdown9~[3..0] 1' h1 -- ADDER lowpriortraffic reset countdown4~[3..0] Q 1 1 5' h1D -- OUT countdown4[2] 0 1 CLR Q Go2Ped Selector6 CLR B[4..0] count9Down~0 PRE D SEL[1..0] Q ENA Add1 A[4..0] ENA regis ter9 crosswalktraffic PRE D Q Selector9 CurrentS clk Go2Ped Selector8_OUT MUX21 EffClock WideOr5_OUT0 ENA SELECTOR CLR SEL[5..0] LOWP countdown5[0] Works~0 PRE D CurrentS_L2Ped OUT trip9~3 Q Works~0_OUT0 1' h1 -- PED DATA[5..0] ENA CLR CurrentS_HighPrior 3' h7 -- Works~2 trip4~2 SELECTOR 1' h0 -- Works~3 countdown4[1..0] Equal2 PRE D A[4..0] Q B[4..0] 5' h00 -- = PedCount[3..0] ENA EQUAL CLR Works~1 1' h0 -- countdown9[0] Equal1 PRE D A[4..0] Q B[4..0] 5' h00 -- = ENA EQUAL CLR trip9~5 Selector11 trip4 SEL[1..0] PRE OUT D trip4~0_OUT0 Selector12 DATA[1..0] Q ENA 1' h1 -- CLR SELECTOR SEL[5..0] OUT 2' h3 -- trip9~4 DATA[5..0] trip9~6 SELECTOR lowpriortraffic Clock Figure.1. Traffic Control RTL view count~[15..0] Add0 count[15..0] A[15..0] SEL B[15..0] 16' h0001 -- + PRE DATAA OUT0 16' h0000 -- D Enable~reg0 PRE B[15..0] DATAB 16' hC34E -- ADDER Equal0 A[15..0] Q = D Q Enable ENA MUX21 EQUAL ENA CLR CLR Clock Figure.2. Clock Counter RTL view Instead of using a clock divider, a counter is used to count up to an arbitrary value, UpperBound, to create an enable signal. Since the Altera DE1 board has an internal 50 MHz clock, the counter will count up to 49999999 and 49999, to create a 1 second and 1 millisecond enable signal, respectively. Q[2..0] OutSig~0 PRE D OutSig PRE Q D Q Input Output Clock ENA Enable ENA CLR CLR Figure.3. Edge Detect RTL Edge Detect is used to prevent metastability within the circuit that may cause glitches. Both D Flip Flops are seeing the same clock and same enable signal. Mux0 BitInput[3..0] SEL[3..0] OUT 16' h1083 -- DATA[15..0] MUX Mux1 SEL[3..0] OUT 16' h208E -- DATA[15..0] MUX Mux2 SEL[3..0] OUT 16' h02BA -- DATA[15..0] MUX Mux3 SEL[3..0] OUT 16' h8692 -- HexOutput[6..0] DATA[15..0] MUX Mux4 SEL[3..0] OUT 16' hD004 -- DATA[15..0] MUX Mux5 SEL[3..0] OUT 16' hD860 -- DATA[15..0] MUX Mux6 SEL[3..0] OUT 16' h2812 -- DATA[15..0] MUX Figure.4. Seven Segment Display Decoder RTL view Seven Multiplexers are used to determine the correct output to the seven segment displays given by BitInput. Significant Details of Design Process The design is written to be modular for future use of components. The Top Level Entity, TrafficLightIntersection, has four components, ClockCounter, Edge_Detect, TrafficControl and DecodeHex. One instantiation of ClockCounter.vhd uses the 50Mhz clock from the DE1 board to count 50000000 pulses to synchronously enable TrafficControl at 1 second intervals and the other to count 50000 pulses to enable Edge_Detect at 1 millisecond intervals Edge_Detect.vhd takes in an input from a key press and sends an enable signal to TrafficControl confirming that the button has been pressed and released. Edge_Detect runs at 1 millisecond to ensure that TrafficControl has the correct input in time. TrafficControl.vhd controls all three states of the intersection. When initialized, the system is set to the default settings, with the green light on the high priority light, and the displays reading the default values, 5, 9, 4. When KEY0 is pressed or SW is toggled, the system will begin counting down the high priority light and give the green light to the pedestrian or the low priority light, respectively. The 7 segment displays will count down until the counter hits zero and will return to the default state and await another input. KEY1 is used to asynchronously reset the entire system to the default values. DecodeHex.vhd takes the four bit binary vector and acts as a 4 to 7 Multiplexer, displaying the corresponding decimal number on the 7 segment display. The top level entity, TrafficLightIntersection, uses structural architecture and instantiates the component DecodeHex three times and ClockCounter twice. Alternative Designs An alternate design for this project is the extent of modularity for the component, TrafficControl, could be explored further. Another change would be to make the states on the case statement into numbers, instead of words. Instead of having one giant file that does all the needed functions to control the intersection, many small counters and signals could be implemented to help aide with the extent of the project’s modularity. Design Documentation HighPriority COUNTDOWN5Ped COUNTDOWN5Low LowPriority reset Figure.5. State Machine Pedes trian L2Ped Library ieee; Use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; Use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; ENTITY TrafficLightIntersection IS PORT (CLOCK_50: IN std_logic; KEY : IN std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); SW : IN std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); HEX0 : OUT std_logic_vector(6 DOWNTO 0); HEX1 : OUT std_logic_vector(6 DOWNTO 0); HEX2 : OUT std_logic_vector(6 DOWNTO 0); HEX3 : OUT std_logic_vector(6 DOWNTO 0); LEDR : OUT std_logic_vector(2 DOWNTO 0); LEDG : OUT std_logic_vector(2 DOWNTO 0)); END TrafficLightIntersection; ARCHITECTURE Behavior OF TrafficLightIntersection IS COMPONENT DecodeHex IS PORT ( BitInput: HexOutput: END COMPONENT DecodeHex; IN std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0); OUT std_logic_vector(6 DOWNTO 0)); COMPONENT ClockCounter IS GENERIC (UpperBound: integer); PORT ( Clock: IN std_logic; Enable: OUT std_logic); END COMPONENT ClockCounter; component TrafficControl IS PORT ( EffClock: IN STD_LOGIC; Clock : IN STD_LOGIC; crosswalktraffic: IN STD_LOGIC; lowpriortraffic: IN STD_LOGIC; reset : IN STD_LOGIC; HIP : OUT STD_LOGIC; LOWP : OUT STD_LOGIC; PED : OUT STD_LOGIC; HiDone : OUT STD_LOGIC; LowDone : OUT STD_LOGIC; PedDone : OUT STD_LOGIC; HiCount : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0); LowCount : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0); PedCount : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0)); END component TrafficControl; COMPONENT Edge_Detect Port( Clock: Enable: Input: Output: is IN std_logic; IN std_logic; IN std_logic; OUT std_logic); END COMPONENT Edge_Detect; signal signal signal signal signal signal signal Enable1s : Enable1ms : PedXing : reset : HiCountsig : LowCountsig : PedCountsig : STD_LOGIC; STD_LOGIC; STD_LOGIC; STD_LOGIC; STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0); STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0); STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0); begin PedCross: Edge_Detect port map (Clock => CLOCK_50, Input => KEY(0), Enable => Enable1ms, Output=> PedXing); Rst: Edge_Detect port map( Clock => CLOCK_50, Input => KEY(1), Enable => Enable1ms, Output => reset); OneSec: ClockCounter Generic map ( UpperBound=>49999999) port map( Clock => CLOCK_50, Enable => Enable1s); OneMilliSec: ClockCounter Generic map( UpperBound=>49999) port map( Clock => CLOCK_50, Enable => Enable1ms); ControlIntersect: TrafficControl port map (EffClock => Enable1s, Clock => CLOCK_50, crosswalktraffic => PedXing, lowpriortraffic => SW(0), reset => reset, HIP => LEDG(2), LOWP => LEDG(1), PED => LEDG(0), HiDone => LEDR(2), LowDone => LEDR(1), PedDone => LEDR(0), HiCount => HIcountsig, LowCount => LOWcountsig, PedCount => PEDcountsig); Pedestrian: DecodeHex port map(BitInput => PEDcountsig, HexOutput => HEX0); LowPriority: DecodeHex port map(BitInput => LOWcountsig, HexOutput => HEX1); HighPriority: DecodeHex port map(BitInput => HIcountsig, HexOutput => HEX2); HEX3 <= "1111111"; --Always off-end Behavior; Figure.6. Top Level Entity VHDL Code library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; ENTITY ClockCounter IS GENERIC (UpperBound: integer); PORT ( Clock: IN std_logic; Enable: OUT std_logic); END ClockCounter; ARCHITECTURE behavior OF ClockCounter IS signal count : integer range 0 to(UpperBound-1); BEGIN PROCESS (Clock) BEGIN IF (rising_edge(Clock)) then IF(count = (UpperBound-1)) then count <= 0; Enable <= '1'; else count <= count+1; Enable <= '0'; end if; end if; END PROCESS; END behavior; Figure.7. Modular Clock Counter Component VHDL Code library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY DecodeHex IS PORT( BitInput: IN std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); HexOutput: OUT std_logic_vector(6 downto 0)); END DecodeHex; ARCHITECTURE Behavior OF DecodeHex IS BEGIN WITH BitInput SELECT HexOutput <= "1000000" WHEN "0000", "1111001" WHEN "0001", "0100100" WHEN "0010", "0110000" WHEN "0011", "0011001" WHEN "0100", "0010010" WHEN "0101", "0000010" WHEN "0110", "1111000" WHEN "0111", "0000000" WHEN "1000", "0011000" WHEN "1001", "0001000" WHEN "1010", "0000011" WHEN "1011", "1000110" WHEN "1100", "0100001" WHEN "1101", "0000110" WHEN "1110", "0001110" WHEN "1111", "1111111" WHEN others; END Behavior; Figure.8. Modular 7 Segment Display Decoder VHDL Code library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; Entity Edge_Detect is Port( Clock: IN std_logic; Input: IN std_logic; Output: OUT std_logic); END Edge_Detect; Architecture structural of Edge_Detect IS signal Q1:std_logic; signal Q0:std_logic; Begin Process(Clock) BEGIN if (rising_edge (Clock)) then Q0<=not Input; Q1<=Q0; Output <= not(Q0) and (Q1); END IF; end process; end structural; Figure.9. Modular Edge Detection VHDL File Library ieee; Use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; Use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; Use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; Entity TrafficControl is PORT (EffClock: IN STD_LOGIC; Clock : IN STD_LOGIC; crosswalktraffic : IN STD_LOGIC; lowpriortraffic : IN STD_LOGIC; reset : IN STD_LOGIC; HIP : OUT STD_LOGIC; LOWP : OUT STD_LOGIC; PED : OUT STD_LOGIC; HiDone : OUT STD_LOGIC; LowDone : OUT STD_LOGIC; PedDone : OUT STD_LOGIC; HiCount : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0); LowCount : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0); PedCount : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0)); end TrafficControl; architecture Behavioral of TrafficControl is type State is (HighPriority, LowPriority, Pedestrian, COUNTDOWN5Ped, COUNTDOWN5Low, L2Ped); signal CurrentState , NextState : State; signal countdown9 : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); signal countdown4 : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); signal countdown5 : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); signal resetsig : std_logic; signal HiEnable : std_logic; signal LowEnable : std_logic; signal PedEnable : std_logic; signal register5 : std_logic; signal register9 : std_logic; signal register4 : std_logic; signal trip5 : std_logic; signal trip9 : std_logic; signal trip4 : std_logic; signal Go2Ped : std_logic; begin HiCount <= countdown5; LowCount <= countdown9; PedCount <= countdown4; resetsig <= reset; Works : process (Go2Ped, reset, CurrentState, countdown4, countdown5, countdown9, NextState, crosswalktraffic, lowpriortraffic, Clock) begin case CurrentState is when HighPriority => NextState <= CurrentState; HIP <= '1'; LOWP <= '0'; PED <= '0'; HiDone <= '0'; LowDone <= '1'; PedDone <= '1'; HIenable <= '0'; LowEnable <= '0'; PedEnable <= '0'; trip5 <= '1'; trip4 <= '1'; trip9 <= '1'; Go2Ped <= '0'; if crosswalktraffic = '1' then NextState <= COUNTDOWN5Ped; elsif lowpriortraffic = '1' then NextState <= COUNTDOWN5Low; elsif reset = '1' then NextState <= HighPriority; trip4 <='1'; trip5 <='1'; trip9 <='1'; end if; when Pedestrian => NextState <= CurrentState; HIP <= '0'; LOWP <= '0'; PED <= '1'; HiDone <= '1'; LowDone <= '1'; PedDone <= '0'; HIenable <= '0'; LowEnable <= '0'; PedEnable <= '1'; trip4 <= '0'; Go2Ped <= '0'; if countdown4 = 0 and lowpriortraffic = '1' then NextState <= LowPriority; trip4 <= '1'; elsif countdown4 = 0 and lowpriortraffic = '0' then NextState <= HighPriority; trip4 <= '1'; elsif reset = '1' then NextState <= HighPriority; trip4 <='1'; trip5 <='1'; trip9 <='1'; end if; when LowPriority => NextState <= CurrentState; HIP <= '0'; LOWP <= '1'; PED <= '0'; HiDone <= '1'; LowDone <= '0'; PEDdone <= '1'; HiEnable <= '0'; LowEnable <= '1'; PedEnable <= '0'; trip9 <= '0'; if countdown9 = 0 and Go2Ped = '0' then NextState <= HighPriority; trip4 <='1'; trip5 <='1'; trip9 <='1'; elsif countdown9 = 0 and Go2Ped = '1' then NextState <= L2Ped; trip4 <='1'; trip5 <='1'; trip9 <='1'; elsif crosswalktraffic = '1' then Go2Ped <= '1'; elsif reset = '1' then NextState <= HighPriority; trip4 <='1'; trip5 <='1'; trip9 <='1'; end if; when COUNTDOWN5Ped => NextState <= CurrentState; HIP <= '1'; LOWP <= '0'; PED <= '0'; HiDone <= '0'; LowDone <= '1'; PedDone <= '1'; HiEnable <= '1'; LowEnable <= '0'; PedEnable <= '0'; trip5 <= '0'; Go2Ped <= '0'; if countdown5 = 0 then NextState <= pedestrian; trip5 <= '1'; elsif reset = '1' then NextState <= HighPriority; trip4 <='1'; trip5 <='1'; trip9 <='1'; end if; when COUNTDOWN5low => NextState <= CurrentState; HIP <= '1'; LOWP <= '0'; PED <= '0'; HiDone <= '0'; LowDone <= '1'; PedDone <= '1'; HiEnable <= '1'; LowEnable <= '0'; PedEnable <= '0'; trip5 <= '0'; Go2Ped <= '0'; if countdown5 = 0 then NextState <= LowPriority; trip5 <='1'; elsif crosswalktraffic = '1' then NextState <= COUNTDOWN5Ped; elsif reset = '1' then NextState <= HighPriority; trip4 <='1'; trip5 <='1'; trip9 <='1'; end if; when L2Ped => NextState <= CurrentState; HIP <= '1'; LOWP <= '0'; PED <= '0'; HiDone <= '0'; LowDone <= '1'; PedDone <= '1'; HiEnable <= '1'; LowEnable <= '0'; PedEnable <= '0'; trip5<='0'; if countdown5 = 0 then NextState <= Pedestrian; trip5 <= '1'; elsif reset = '1' then NextState <= HighPriority; trip4 <='1'; trip5 <='1'; trip9 <='1'; end if; end case; end process; CountDOWN5Down : process (EffClock, HiEnable, resetsig, countdown5, trip5) begin if register5 = '1' or resetsig = '1' then countdown5 <= "0101"; elsif (RISING_EDGE (EffClock)) and HiEnable = '1' THEN if countdown5 = 0 then countdown5 <= "0101"; else countdown5 <= countdown5 - 1; end if; end if; end process; count9Down : process (EffClock, LowEnable, resetsig, countdown9, trip9) begin if register9 = '1' or resetsig = '1' then countdown9 <= "1001"; elsif (Rising_Edge(EffClock)) and LowEnable = '1' THEN if countdown9 = 0 then countdown9 <= "1001"; else countdown9 <= countdown9 - 1; end if; end if; end process; count4Down : process (EffClock, PedEnable, resetsig, countdown4, trip4) begin if register4 = '1' or resetsig = '1' then countdown4 <= "0100"; elsif (rising_edge (EffClock)) and PedEnable = '1' THEN if countdown4 = 0 then countdown4 <= "0100"; else countdown4 <= countdown4 - 1; end if; end if; end process; PROCESS(Clock) begin IF Rising_Edge(Clock) THEN CurrentState <= NextState; register5 <= trip5; register4 <= trip4; register9 <= trip9; END IF; END PROCESS; end Behavioral; Figure.10. ControlTraffic VHDL File Performance Results and Analysis Figure.11. Flow Summary of Compilation Report The design implemented based on the specifications was successful. It is a possibility that the circuit might experience failure due to issues with timing and metastability from the asynchronous inputs and outputs.