The document is published for the information of Members on Tuesday of each week when the Assembly is sitting and the first Tuesday of each month when not sitting. A copy of each statutory rule and instrument is available for inspection in the Assembly Office. Inquiries may be made by contacting the Assembly Office on
9230 2265.
Section 41 (1) of the Interpretation Act 1987 provides that notice of motions for the disallowance of a statutory rule may be given:
(b) at any time before written notice of a statutory rule is tabled; or within 15 sitting days after a written notice of a statutory rule has been tabled.
The House was prorogued on 22 December 2010. The last sitting day on which a notice of motion for disallowance may be given depends on the date that the notices are tabled:
+ Notices of the making of statutory rules and instruments tabled by the Clerk on 9 November 2010
(Votes and Proceedings No. 223). Notice of motion to disallow required within the first 4 sitting days in 2011 (V&P No. 4).
Notices of the making of statutory rules and instruments tabled by the Clerk on 23 November 2010
(Votes and Proceedings No. 227). Notice of motion to disallow required within the first 8 sitting days in 2011 (V&P No. 8).
Notices of the making statutory rules and instruments tabled by the Clerk on 30 November 2010 (Votes and Proceedings No. 231). Notice of motion to disallow required within the first 12 sitting days in 2011
(V&P No. 12).
+ From the Government Gazette and Legislation Website for the week ending 29 October 2010. Tabled on 9 November 2010. Latest date notice may be given of motion to disallow – V&P No. 4, 2011
Apiaries Act 1985—Apiaries Amendment Regulation 2010 LW 29 October 2010.
Local Court Act 2007—Local Court Rules (Amendment No 2) 2010 LW 29 October 2010.
Marine Safety Act 1998—Marine Safety (General) Amendment (Lifejackets) Regulation 2010 LW 29 October
Mental Health Act 2007—Mental Health Amendment (Corresponding Laws) Regulation 2010 LW 29 October
Police Act 1990—Police Amendment (Recognised Law Enforcement Officers) Regulation 2010 LW 29
October 2010.
Public Health Act 1991—Public Health Amendment (Swine Influenza) Regulation 2010 LW 29 October 2010.
+From the Government Gazette and Legislation Website for the week ending 5 November 2010. Tabled on 9 November 2010. Latest date notice may be given of motion to disallow - V&P No. 4, 2011
Fair Trading Act 1987—Fair Trading Amendment (Lead in Toys) Regulation 2010 LW 5 November 2010.
Mining Act 1992—Mining Regulation 2010 LW 5 November 2010.
*From the Government Gazette and Legislation Website for the week ending 12 November 2010. Tabled on 23 November 2010. Latest date notice may be given of motion to disallow - V&P No. 8, 2011
Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Act 1990—Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Amendment (Forensic
Patients) Regulation 2010 LW 12 November 2010.
Supreme Court Act 1970—Supreme Court Equity Division—Corporations List (GG No. 128 of 12 November
2010), p 5490.
*From the Government Gazette and Legislation Website for the week ending 19 November 2010. Tabled on 23 November 2010. Latest date may be given of motion to disallow - V&P No. 8, 2011
Passenger Transport Act 1990—Passenger Transport Amendment (Authorised Officers and Persons) Regulation
2010 LW 19 November 2010.
Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Act 1975—Report and Determination under section 13—Judges,
Magistrates and Related Group (GG No. 129 of 19 November 2010), p 5557.
Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Act 1975—Report and Determination under section 13—Public
Office Holders Group (Gazette Gazette No. 129 of 19 November 2010), p 5574.
** From the Government Gazette and Legislation Website for the week ending 26 November 2010. Tabled on 30 November 2010. Latest date may be given of motion to disallow - V&P No. 12, 2011
Legal Profession Act 2004—Rule amending Legal Profession Admission Rules 2005 (Government Gazette No.
130 of 26 November 2010), p 5634.
Liquor Act 2007—Liquor Amendment (Special Licence Conditions) Regulation (No. 2) 2010 LW 24
November 2010.
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974—Notice of reservation of a state conservation area under section 30A
(1)—reserve land as part of Garawarra State Conservation Area (Government Gazette No. 130 of 26 November
2010), p 5634.
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974—Notice of reservation of a national park and a state conservation area under section 30A (1) and (2)—reserve land as part of Toorale National Park and Toorale State Conservation
Area (Government Gazette No. 130 of 26 November 2010), p 5634.
Ports and Maritime Administration Act 1995—Ports and Maritime Administration Amendment (Port Botany
Landside Improvement Strategy) Regulation 2010 LW 26 November 2010.
Professional Standards Act 1994—Notification pursuant to section 13—The Australian Property Institute
Valuers Limited Scheme—Erratum (Government Gazette No. 130 of 26 November 2010), p 5637.
From the Government Gazette and Legislation Website for the week ending 2 December 2010 . Not tabled to date
Election Funding and Disclosures Act 1981—Election Funding and Disclosures Amendment (Transitional and
Miscellaneous) Regulation 2010 LW 24 December 2010.
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979—Environmental Planning and Assessment Further
Amendment Regulation 2010 LW 20 December 2010.
Local Court Act 2007—Local Court Practice Note No. 1 of 2010 (Government Gazette No. 140 of 24 December
2010), p 6221.
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974—Addendum (Government Gazette No. 140 of 24 December 2010), p
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974—Notice of reservation of a Nature Reserve under section 30A (1)— reserve land as part of Mother of Ducks Lagoon Nature Reserve (GG No. 140 of 24 December 2010), p 6166.
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 Notice of reservation of a National Park under section 30A (1)—reserve land as part of Wollemi National Park (GG No. 140 of 24 December 2010), p 6166.
Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997—Protection of the Environment Operations (Clean Air)
Amendment (Emissions Standards) Regulation 2010 LW 24 December 2010.
Rail Safety Act 2008—Order Approving Compliance Code 2010—No. 1(GG No. 140 of 24 December 2010), p
Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998—Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Amendment (Demerit Points
Reductions) Regulation 2010 LW 24 December 2010.
Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998—Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Amendment (Galston Gorge)
Regulation 2010 LW 24 December 2010.
Roads Act 1993—Roads Amendment (M2 Motorway Upgrade Declaration) Regulation 2010 LW 24 December
From the Government Gazette and Legislation Website for the week ending 3 December 2010.
Not tabled to date
Criminal Procedure Act 1986—Criminal Procedure Amendment (Forum Sentencing Program) Regulation 2010
LW 3 December 2010.
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979—Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment
(Bush Fire Prone Land) Regulation 2010 LW 1 December 2010.
Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009—Government Information (Public Access) Amendment
(Subsidiary Agencies) Regulation 2010 LW 3 December 2010.
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974—Notice of reservation of a National Park and a State Conservation Area under section 30A (1)—reserve land as part of:
Murrumbidgee Valley National Park and Murrumbidgee Valley State Conservation Area (GG No. 131 of 3 December 2010), p 5678.
Tuggerah State Conservation Area (GG No. 131 of 3 December 2010), p 5679.
Police Act 1990—Police Amendment (Initial Screening) Regulation 2010 LW 3 December 2010.
Property, Stock and Business Agents Act 2002—Property, Stock and Business Agents Amendment (Tenant
Databases) Regulation 2010 LW 3 December 2010.
Residential Tenancies Act 2010—Residential Tenancies Regulation 2010 LW 3 December 2010.
Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Act 1975—Report and Determination pursuant to section 14 of the
Act (Government Gazette No. 131 of 3 December 2010), p 5684.
From the Government Gazette and Legislation Website for the week ending 10 December 2010.
Not tabled to date
Civil Procedure Act 2005—Uniform Civil Procedure Rules (Amendment No. 39) 2010 LW 10 December 2010.
Criminal Case Conferencing Trial Act 2008—Criminal Case Conferencing Trial Further Amendment
(Extension) Regulation 2010 LW 10 December 2010.
Food Act 2003—Food Amendment (Food Standards Code) Regulation 2010 LW 10 December 2010.
Home Building Act 1989—Home Building Amendment (Temporary Exemption) Regulation 2010 LW 10
December 2010.
Liquor Act 2007—Liquor Amendment (Transfer Fee) Regulation 2010 LW 10 December 2010.
Plantations and Reafforestation Act 1999—Plantations and Reafforestation (Code) Amendment Regulation
2010 LW 10 December 2010.
Retail Leases Act 1994—Retail Leases Amendment Regulation 2010 LW 10 December 2010.
Veterinary Practice Act 2003—Veterinary Practice Amendment (Annual Returns) Regulation 2010 LW 10
December 2010.
From the Government Gazette and Legislation Website for the week ending 14 January 2011.
Not tabled to date
Evidence Act 1995—Evidence Amendment (Prescribed State or Territory Provisions) Regulation 2011 LW 14
January 2011.
Liquor Act 2007—Liquor Amendment (Special Events—Extended Trading Periods) Regulation 2011 LW 14
January 2011.
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974—Notice of reservation of a State Conservation Area under section 30A
(1)—reserve land as part of Lake Macquarie State Conservation Area and Munmorah State Conservation Area
(Government Gazette No. 2 of 14 January 2011, p 56.
Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998—Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Amendment (Police
Exemptions) Regulation 2011 LW 14 January 2011.
Road Transport (General) Act 2005—Road Transport (General) Amendment (Penalty Notice Offences)
Regulation 2011 LW 14 January 2011.
Roads Act 1993—Roads Amendment (Barangaroo) Regulation 2010 LW 14 January 2011.
From the Government Gazette and Legislation Website for the week ending 17 December 2010.
Not tabled to date
Anti-Discrimination Act 1977—Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Email Complaints) Regulation 2010 LW 17
December 2010.
Building Professionals Act 2005—Notice amending the Building Professionals Board Accreditation Scheme
Government Gazette No. 135 of 17 December 2010, p 5889.
Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998—Children’s Services Amendment Regulation
2010 LW 16 December 2010.
Constitution Act 1902—Constitution (Disclosures by Members) Amendment (De Facto Relationships)
Regulation 2010 LW 17 December 2010.
Constitution Act 1902—Constitution (Governor’s Salary) Amendment Regulation (No. 2) 2010 LW 17
December 2010.
Electricity Supply Act 1995—Electricity Supply (General) Amendment (Marketing Code of Conduct)
Regulation 2010 LW 17 December 2010.
Electricity Supply Act 1995—Electricity Supply (General) Further Amendment (Solar Bonus Scheme)
Regulation 2010 LW 17 December 2010.
First State Superannuation Act 1992—First State Superannuation Amendment (Payments for Parental Leave)
Regulation 2010 LW 17 December 2010.
Fisheries Management Act 1994—Fisheries Management Amendment (Declared Diseases and Noxious Fish)
Regulation 2010 LW 17 December 2010.
Fisheries Management Act 1994—Fisheries Management Legislation Amendment (Management Plans)
Regulation 2010 LW 17 December 2010.
Forestry Act 1916—Forestry Amendment (Fees) Regulation 2010 LW 17 December 2010.
Gas Supply Act 1996—Gas Supply (Natural Gas Retail Competition) Amendment (Marketing Code of
Conduct) Regulation 2010 LW 17 December 2010.
Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (NSW)—Health Practitioner Regulation (New South Wales)
Amendment (Savings and Transitional) Regulation 2010 LW 17 December 2010.
Health Services Act 1997—Health Services Amendment (Local Health Networks) Regulation 2010 LW 17
December 2010.
Home Building Act 1989—Home Building Amendment (Relevant Law) Regulation 2010 LW 17 December
Marine Safety Act 1998—Marine Safety (Commercial Vessels) Regulation 2010 LW 17 December 2010.
Marine Safety Act 1998—Marine Safety (General) Amendment (Commercial Vessels) Regulation 2010 LW 17
December 2010.
Mine Subsidence Compensation Act 1961—Mine Subsidence Compensation Amendment (Contributions)
Regulation 2010 LW 17 December 2010.
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974—Erratum (Government Gazette No. 135 of 17 December 2010), p 5905.
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974—Notice of reservation of a Nature Reserve under section 30A (1)— reserve land as part of:
Wiarborough Nature Reserve (Government Gazette No. 135 of 17 December 2010), p 5907.
Billinudgel Nature Reserve (Government Gazette No. 135 of 17 December 2010), p 5908.
Kemps Creek Nature Reserve (Government Gazette No. 135 of 17 December 2010), p 5909.
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974—Notice of reservation of a National Park under section 30A (1)—reserve land as part of:
Warrabah National Park (Government Gazette No. 135 of 17 December 2010), p 5908.
Boonoo Boonoo National Park (Government Gazette No. 135 of 17 December 2010), p 5908.
Wollemi National Park (Government Gazette No. 135 of 17 December 2010), p 5909.
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974—Notice of reservation of a State Conservation Area under section 30A
(1) and 30A (2)—reserve land as Cooleburba State Conservation Area (Government Gazette No. 135 of 17
December 2010), p 5908.
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974—Notice of reservation of a Historic Site under section 30A (1)—reserve land as part of Innes Ruins Historic Site (Government Gazette No. 135 of 17 December 2010), p 5908.
Photo Card Act 2005—Photo Card Amendment (Fee Exemption for Pensioners) Regulation 2010 LW 17
December 2010.
Retail Leases Act 1994—Retail Leases Further Amendment Regulation 2010 LW 17 December 2010.
Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998—Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Amendment (Fee Exemption for Pensioners) Regulation 2010 LW 17 December 2010.
Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997—Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Amendment (Fee
Exemption for Pensioners) Regulation 2010 LW 17 December 2010.
State Owned Corporations Act 1989—State Owned Corporations Regulation 2010 LW 17 December 2010.
Terrorism (Police Powers) Act 2002—Terrorism (Police Powers) Amendment Regulation 2010 LW 16
December 2010.
Victims Support and Rehabilitation Act 1996—Victims Support and Rehabilitation Amendment Regulation
2010 LW 17 December 2010.
Victims Support and Rehabilitation Act 1996—Victims Support and Rehabilitation Amendment Rule 2010 LW
17 December 2010.
Water Industry Competition Act 2006—Water Industry Competition (General) Amendment (Licensing
Exemptions) Regulation 2010 LW 17 December 2010.
Water Management Act 2000—Water Management (General) Amendment (Cane Drains and Replacement
Access Licences) Regulation 2010 LW 17 December 2010.
Water Management Act 2000—Water Management (General) Amendment (Transformation) Regulation 2010
LW 17 December 2010.
From the Government Gazette and Legislation Website for the week ending 24 December 2010.
Not tabled to date
Election Funding and Disclosures Act 1981—Election Funding and Disclosures Amendment (Transitional and
Miscellaneous) Regulation 2010 LW 24 December 2010.
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979—Environmental Planning and Assessment Further
Amendment Regulation 2010 LW 20 December 2010.
Local Court Act 2007—Local Court Practice Note No. 1 of 2010 (GG No. 140 of 24 December 2010), p 6221.
Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997—Protection of the Environment Operations (Clean Air)
Amendment (Emissions Standards) Regulation 2010 LW 24 December 2010.
Rail Safety Act 2008—Order Approving Compliance Code 2010—No. 1 (GG No. 140 of 24 December 2010), p
Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998—Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Amendment (Demerit Points
Reductions) Regulation 2010 LW 24 December 2010.
Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998—Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Amendment (Galston Gorge)
Regulation 2010 LW 24 December 2010.
Roads Act 1993—Roads Amendment (M2 Motorway Upgrade Declaration) Regulation 2010 LW 24 December
From the Government Gazette and Legislation Website for the week ending 14 January 2011.
Not tabled to date
Evidence Act 1995—Evidence Amendment (Prescribed State or Territory Provisions) Regulation 2011 LW 14
January 2011.
Liquor Act 2007—Liquor Amendment (Special Events—Extended Trading Periods) Regulation 2011 LW 14
January 2011.
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974—Notice of reservation of a state conservation area under section 30A
(1)—reserve land as part of Lake Macquarie State Conservation Area and Munmorah State Conservation Area
(GG No. 2 of 14 January 2011), p 56.
Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998—Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Amendment (Police
Exemptions) Regulation 2011 LW 14 January 2011.
Road Transport (General) Act 2005—Road Transport (General) Amendment (Penalty Notice Offences)
Regulation 2011 LW 14 January 2011.
Roads Act 1993—Roads Amendment (Barangaroo) Regulation 2010 LW 14 January 2011.
From the Government Gazette and Legislation Website for the week ending 21 January 2011.
Not tabled to date
Drug Court Act 1998—Drug Court Amendment (Court Expansion) Regulation 2011 LW 21 January 2011.
Macquarie University Act 1989—Macquarie University Amendment By-law 2010 LW 21 January2011.
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974—Notice of reservation of a national park under section 30A (1)—reserve land as part of:
Towarri National Park (GG No. 6 of 21 January 2011), p 177.
Bundjalung National Park (GG No. 6 of 21 January 2011), p 177.
Kosciuszko National Parks (GG No. 6 of 21 January 2011), p 178.
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974—Notice of reservation of a nature reserve under section 30A (1) and 30A
(2)—reserve land as Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve (GG No. 6 of 21 January 2011), p 177.
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974—Notice of reservation of a state conservation area under section 30A
(1)—reserve land as part of Garawarra State Conservation Area (GG No. 6 of 21 January 2011), p 177.
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974—Addendum (GG No. 6 of 21 January 2011), p 178.
Public Authorities (Financial Arrangements) Act 1987—Public Authorities (Financial Arrangements)
Amendment (Cobbora) Regulation 2011 LW 21 January 2011.
Road Transport (General) Act 2005—Road Transport (General) Amendment (Written-off Vehicles) Regulation
2011 LW 21 January 2011.
Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997—Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Amendment (Writtenoff Vehicles) Regulation 2011 LW 21 January 2011.
University of Sydney Act 1989—University of Sydney Amendment (Senate Appointments) By-law 2010 LW
21 January 2011.
From the Government Gazette and Legislation Website for the week ending 27 January 2011.
Not tabled to date
Marine Parks Act 1997—Marine Parks (Zoning Plans) Amendment (Solitary Islands and Jervis Bay Marine
Parks) Regulation 2011 LW 27 January 2011.
Marine Safety Act 1998—Marine Safety (General) Amendment (Pilotage) Regulation 2011 LW 28 January
Public Authorities (Financial Arrangements) Act 1987—Public Authorities (Financial Arrangements)
Amendment (Cobbora Investment Powers) Regulation 2011 LW 28 January 2011.
Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998—Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Amendment (Professional
Drivers) Regulation 2011 LW 28 January 2011.
Road Transport (General) Act 2005—Road Transport (General) Amendment (Nomination Penalty Notice
Offences) Regulation 2011 LW 28 January 2011.
Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997—Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Amendment
(Suspension of Registration) Regulation 2011 LW 28 January 2011.
Workers Compensation Act 1987 and Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998—
Workers Compensation Regulation 2010 LW 28 January 2011.
From the Government Gazette and Legislation Website for the week ending 4 February 2011.
Not tabled to date
Building Professionals Act 2005—Notice amending the Building Professionals Board Accreditation Scheme
(GG No. 12 of 4 February 2011), p 534.
Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998—Children and Young Persons Legislation
Amendment Regulation 2011 LW 4 February 2011.
Children’s Court Act 1987—Practice Note No. 3—The Children’s Court of New South Wales—Alternative
Dispute Resolution Procedures in the Children’s Court (Gazette Gazette No. 12 of 4 February 2011), p 546.
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974—Notice of reservation of a Nature Reserve under section 30A (1)— reserve land as Minimbah Nature Reserve (GG No. 12 of 4 February 2011), p 543.
From the Government Gazette and Legislation Website for the week ending 11 February 2011.
Not tabled to date
Civil Procedure Act 2005—Uniform Civil Procedure Rules (Amendment No. 40) 2011 LW 11 February 2011.
Conveyancers Licensing Act 2003—Conveyancers Licensing Amendment (Qualifications) Order 2011 LW 11
February 2011.
Criminal Procedure Act 1986—Criminal Procedure Amendment (ECM Committal Proceedings) Regulation
2011 LW 11 February 2011.
Electronic Transactions Act 2000—Electronic Transactions (ECM Courts) Amendment (Local Court) Order
2011 LW 11 February 2011.
Firearms Act 1996—Firearms Amendment (Exemption) Regulation 2010 LW 11 February 2011.
Local Court Act 2007—Local Court Practice Note No. 1 of 2011—Online Court Protocol for Committal
Matters at Downing Centre (GG No. 14 of 11 February 2011), p 600.
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974—
(a) Notice of reservation of a regional park under section 30A (1)—reserve land as part of
Wianamatta Regional Park (GG No. 14 of 11 February 2011), p 598.
(b) Notice of reservation of a state conservation area under section 30A (1)—reserve land as part of Barwon State Conservation Area (GG No. 14 of 1 February 2011), p 598.
(c) Notice of reservation of a national park under section 30A (1)—reserve land as part of Blue
Mountains National Park (GG No. 14 of 11 February 2011), p 598.
Surrogacy Act 2010—Surrogacy Regulation 2011 LW 11 February 2011.
From the Government Gazette and Legislation Website for the week ending 18 February 2011.
Not tabled to date
Biofuels Act 2007—Biofuels Amendment (E10) Regulation 2011 LW 18 February 2011.
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1995—Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment
(Fee Exemptions) Regulation 2011 LW 14 February 2011.
Building Professionals Act 2005—Building Professionals Amendment (Categories of Accreditation) Regulation
2011 LW 18 February 2011.
Building Professionals Act 2005—Notice under section 4 (7) of the Act (GG No. 15 of 18 February 2011), p
Companion Animals Act 1998—Companion Animals Amendment (Greyhound Muzzling Exemption)
Regulation 2011 LW 18 February 2011.
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979—Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment
(Part 4A Certificates and DCPs) Regulation 2011 LW 17 February 2011.
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979—Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment
(Planning Appeals) Regulation 2011 LW 18 February 2011.
Local Government Act 1993—Local Government (General) Amendment (Long Service Leave) Regulation 2011
LW 18 February 2011.
Local Government Act 1993—Local Government Amendment (Environmental Upgrade Agreements)
Regulation 2011 LW 18 February 2011.
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974—
(a) Erratum (GG No. 15 of 18 February 2011), p 779.
(b) Notice of reservation of a national park under section 30A (1)— reserve land as part of:
Hunter Wetlands National Park (GG No. 15 of 18 February 2011), p 779.
Mares Forest National Park (GG No. 15 of 18 February 2011), p 779.
(c) Notice of reservation of a state conservation area under section 30A (1) and (2)—reserve land as
Chambigne State Conservation Area (GG No. 15 of 18 February 2011), p 780.
(d) Notice of reservation of a nature reserve under section 30A (1)—reserve land as part of:
Darawank Nature Reserve (GG No. 15 of 18 February 2011), p 780.
Burrinjuck Nature Reserve (GG No. 15 of 18 February 2011), p 780.
(e) Notice of reservation of a regional park under section 30A (1)—reserve land as part of Wolli
Creek Regional Park (GG No. 15 of 18 February 2011), p 780.
Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000—Occupational Health and Safety Amendment (Residual Current
Devices) Regulation 2011 LW 18 February 2011.
Rural Lands Protection Act 1998—Rural Lands Protection Amendment (Stock Transportation Particulars)
Regulation 2011 LW 18 February 2011.
Trustee Companies Act 1964—Trustee Companies Regulation 2011 LW 18 February 2011.
Water Management Act 2000—Water Management (General) Amendment (Poon Boon Water Trust) Regulation
2011 LW 18 February 2011.
From the Government Gazette and Legislation Website for the week ending 25 February 2011.
Not tabled to date
Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 1999—Building and Construction Industry
Security of Payment Amendment Regulation 2011 LW 25 February 2011.
Central Coast Water Corporation Act 2006—Central Coast Water Corporation Regulation 2011 LW 25
February 2011.
Civil Procedure Act 2005—Uniform Civil Procedure Rules (Amendment No. 41) 2011 LW 25 February 2011.
Entertainment Industry Act 1989—Entertainment Industry Amendment Regulation 2011
LW 25 February 2011.
Liquor Act 2007—Liquor Amendment (Biennial Returns) Regulation 2011 LW 25 February 2011.
Mental Health Act 2007—Mental Health Amendment Regulation 2011 LW 25 February 2011.
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974—
(a) Erratum—Notice of reservation of a nature reserve under section 30A (1)—reserve land as part of Burrinjuck Nature Reserve (GG No. 20 of 25 February 2011), p 1412.
Erratum (GG No. 20 of 25 February 2011), p 1412.
Erratum (GG No. 20 of 25 February 2011), p 1412.
Erratum (GG No. 20 of 25 February 2011), p 1412.
Notice of reservation of a state conservation area under section 30A (1)—reserve land as part of:
Livingstone State Conservation Area (GG No. 20 of 25 February 2011), p 1413.
Columbey State Conservation Area (GG No. 20 of 25 February 2011), p 1415.
(d) Notice of reservation of a state conservation area under section 30A (1) and (2)—reserve land as:
Brigalow State Conservation Area (GG No. 20 of 25 February 2011), p 1414.
Gwydir Wetlands State Conservation Area (GG No. 20 of 25 February 2011), p
Notice of reservation of a nature reserve under section 30A (1)—reserve land as part of:
Barton Nature Reserve (GG No. 20 of 25 February 2011), p 1413.
Clarence Estuary Nature Reserve (GG No. 20 of 25 February 2011), p 1414.
Notice of reservation of a national park under section 30A (1)—reserve land as part of:
National Parks (GG No. 20 of 25 February 2011), p 1413.
Goulburn River National Park (GG No. 20 of 25 February 2011), p 1413.
Bongil Bongil National Park (GG No. 20 of 25 February 2011), p 1414.
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974—Notice of reservation of a state conservation area and national park under section 30A (1)—reserve land as Keverstone State Conservation Area and part of Keverstone National Park (GG No. 20 of 25 February 2011), p 1414.
(h) National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974—Notice of reservation of an aboriginal area under section 30A (1) and (2)—reserve land as Ukerbarley Aboriginal Area (GG No. 20 of 25
February 2011), p 1415.
Retail Trading Act 2008—Retail Trading Amendment Regulation 2011 LW 25 February 2011.
From the Government Gazette and Legislation Website for the week ending 4 March 2011.
Not tabled to date
Animal Diseases (Emergency Outbreaks) Act 1991—Animal Diseases (Emergency Outbreaks) Amendment
(Prescribed Persons) Regulation 2011 LW 3 March 2011.
Assisted Reproductive Technology Act 2007—Assisted Reproductive Technology Amendment Regulation
2011 LW 2 March 2011.
Building and Construction Industry Long Service Payments Act 1986—Building and Construction Industry
Long Service Payments Amendment Regulation 2011 LW 3 March 2011.
Child Protection (Offenders Registration) Act 2000—Child Protection (Offenders Registration) Amendment
Regulation 2011 LW 3 March 2011.
Civil Procedure Act 2005—Civil Procedure Amendment (Excluded Proceedings) Regulation 2011 LW 3
March 2011.
Coastal Protection Act 1979—Coastal Protection Regulation 2011 LW 3 March 2011.
Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998—Commission for Children and Young People
Amendment Regulation 2011 LW 3 March 2011.
Crown Lands Act 1989—Crown Lands (General Reserves) Amendment (Sustainable Burials) By-law 2011 LW
3 March 2011.
Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Act 1981—Election Funding and Disclosures Amendment
Regulation 2011 LW 3 March 2011.
Electricity Supply Act 1995—Electricity Supply (General) Amendment Regulation 2011
LW 3 March 2011.
Energy Services Corporations Act 1995—Energy Services Corporations Amendment (Change of Name)
Regulation 2011 LW 2 March 2011.
Fisheries Management Act 1994—Fisheries Management Legislation Amendment Regulation 2011 LW 3
March 2011.
Gas Supply Act 1996—Gas Supply (Safety and Network Management) Amendment (Safe Gas Supply)
Regulation 2011 LW 3 March 2011.
Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009—Government Information (Public Access) Amendment
(Subsidiary Agencies) Regulation 2011 LW 3 March 2011.
Health Services Act 1997—Health Services Amendment (Local Health Network Areas) Regulation 2011 LW 3
March 2011.
Local Government Act 1993—Local Government (General) Amendment (Minimum Rates) Regulation 2011
LW 3 March 2011.
Marine Safety Act 1998—Marine Safety (General) Amendment Regulation 2011 LW 3 March 2011.
Nation Building and Jobs Plan (State Infrastructure Delivery) Act 2009—Nation Building and Jobs Plan (State
Infrastructure Delivery) Amendment (Planning Legislation) Regulation 2011 LW 3 March 2011.
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974—
Notice of reservation of a national park under section 30A (1)—reserve land as part of:
Crowdy Bay National Park (GG No. 24 of 4 March 2011), p 1685.
Wollemi National Park (GG No. 24 of 4 March 2011), p 1685.
South East Forest National Park (GG No. 24 of 4 March 2011), p 1689.
Notice of reservation of a state conservation area under section 30A (1) and (2)—reserve land as:
Gandangara State Conservation Area (GG No. 24 of 4 March 2011), p 1685.
Macquarie Marshes State Conservation Area (GG No. 24 of 4 March 2011), p 1685.
Mugii Murum-ban State Conservation Area (GG No. 24 of 4 March 2011), p 1687.
(c) Notice of reservation of a state conservation area under section 30A (1)—reserve land as part of:
Dharawal State Conservation Area and land as part of Illawarra Escarpment State
Conservation Area (GG No. 24 of 4 March 2011), p 1685.
Lachlan Valley State Conservation Area (GG No. 24 of 4 March 2011), p 1686.
Werakata State Conservation Area (GG No. 24 of 4 March 2011), p 1689.
(d) Notice of reservation of a nature reserve under section 30A (1)—reserve land as part of Mount
Yarrowyck Nature Reserve (GG No. 24 of 4 March 2011), p 1687.
Native Vegetation Act 2003—Native Vegetation Amendment (Assessment Methodology) Regulation 2011 LW
3 March 2011.
Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Act 1971—Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation
Amendment (Family Law) Regulation 2011 LW 3.3.2011.
Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Act 1912—Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Amendment
Regulation 2011 LW 3 March 2011.
Police Act 1990—Police Amendment (Sergeants Reserve Promotion List) Regulation 2011 LW 3 March 2011.
Ports and Maritime Administration Act 1995—Ports and Maritime Administration Amendment Regulation 2011
LW 3 March 2011.
Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998—Privacy and Personal Information Protection
Amendment Regulation 2011 LW 3March 2011.
Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997—Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste)
Amendment (Australian Packaging Covenant) Regulation 2011 LW 3 March 2011.
Public Authorities (Financial Arrangements) Act 1987—Public Authorities (Financial Arrangements)
Amendment (Landcom) Regulation 2011 LW 3 March 2011.
Public Finance and Audit Act 1983—Public Finance and Audit Amendment (Energy Services Corporations)
Regulation 2011 LW 2 March 2011.
Public Finance and Audit Act 1983—Public Finance and Audit Amendment (Illawarra Health and Medical
Research Institute Limited) Regulation 2011 LW 3 March 2011.
Public Health Act 1991—Public Health Legislation Amendment (Fees) Regulation 2011 LW 3 March 2011.
Road Transport (General) Act 2005—Road Transport (General) Amendment (Heavy Vehicle) Regulation 2011
LW 3 March 2011.
Road Transport (General) Act 2005—Road Transport (General) Amendment (Tracked Vehicles) Regulation
2011 LW 3 March 2011.
Road Transport (Safety and Management) Act 1999—Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management)
Amendment (Tracked Vehicles) Regulation 2011 LW 3 March 2011.
Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997—Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Amendment (Tracked
Vehicles) Regulation 2011 LW 3 March 2011.
Swimming Pools Act 1992—Swimming Pools Amendment Regulation 2011 LW 3 March 2011.
Unlawful Gambling Act 1998—Unlawful Gambling Regulation 2011 LW 3 March 2011.
Victims Support and Rehabilitation Act 1996—Victims Support and Rehabilitation Amendment (Compensation
Levy) Regulation 2011 LW 3 March 2011.
Water Management Act 2000—Water Management (General) Amendment (Bega and Brogo Rivers Water
Sharing Plan) Regulation 2011 LW 3 March 2011.
Water Management Act 2000—Water Management (General) Amendment (Greater Metropolitan Region Water
Sharing Plans) Regulation 2011 LW 3 March 2011.
Water Management Act 2000—Water Management (General) Amendment (Metering Equipment) Regulation
2011 LW 3 March 2011.
Water Management Act 2000—Water Sharing Plan for the Bega and Brogo Rivers Area Regulated, Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2011 LW 2 March 2011.
Water Management Act 2000—Water Sharing Plan for the Greater Metropolitan Region Groundwater Sources
2011 LW 2 March 2011.
Water Management Act 2000—Water Sharing Plan for the Greater Metropolitan Region Unregulated River
Water Sources 2011 LW 2 March 2011.
Workers Compensation Act 1987—Workers Compensation Amendment (Latest Index Number) Regulation
2011 LW 3 March 2011.
From the Government Gazette and Legislation Website for the week ending 11 March 2011.
Not tabled to date
Civil Procedure Act 2005—Uniform Civil Procedure Rules (Amendment No. 42) 2011 LW 11 March 2011.
Crown Lands Act 1989—Proposed revocation of dedication of Crown land for a public purpose under section
84 (GG No. 27 of 11 March 2011), p 1918.
Local Court Act 2007—Practice Note No. 2 of 2011—Forum Sentencing Programme (GG No. 27 of 11 March
2011), p 1950.
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974—Erratum (GG No. 27 of 11 March 2011), p 1949.
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974—Erratum (GG No. 27 of 11 March 2011), p 1949.
From the Government Gazette and Legislation Website for the week ending 18 March 2011.
Not tabled to date
Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Act 1975—Report and Determination pursuant to section 14 of the
Act in respect of the Privacy Commissioner (GG No. 28 of 18 March 2011), p 2258.
From the Government Gazette and Legislation Website for the week ending 15 April 2011.
Not tabled to date
Civil Procedure Act 2005—Uniform Civil Procedure Rules (Amendment No 43) 2011 LW 15 April 2011.
Civil Procedure Act 2005—Uniform Civil Procedure Rules (Amendment No 44) 2011 LW 15 April 2011.
Legal Profession Act 2004—Rule amending Legal Profession Admission Rules 2005 (GG No 37 of 15 April
2011), p 2649.
Local Court Act 2007—Local Court Practice Note No 5 of 2002—Magistrates Early referral into treatment
(merit) programme (GG No 37 of 15 April 2011), p 2649.
From the Government Gazette and Legislation Website for the week ending 22 April 2011.
Not tabled to date
Liquor Act 2007—Liquor Amendment (Restrictions on Authorisation to Trade on Certain Premises) Regulation
2011 LW 21.4.2011
Plant Diseases Act 1924—Plant Diseases (Authorisation of Fruit Fly Treatments in the NSW Fruit Fly
Exclusion Zone and Risk Reduction Zone) Order 2011 (GG No 38 of 21.4.2011, p2680)
From the Government Gazette and Legislation Website for the week ending 29 April 2011.
Not tabled to date
Superannuation Act 1916—Superannuation Amendment (Breakdown Pension) Regulation 2011
From the Government Gazette and Legislation Website for the week ending 6 May 2011.
Not tabled to date
Business Names Act 2002—Business Names Amendment (Fees) Regulation 2011 LW 2.5.2011
Conveyancers Licensing Act 2003—Conveyancers Licensing Amendment (Fees) Regulation 2011 LW 2.5.2011
Home Building Act 1989—Home Building Amendment (Fees) Regulation 2011 LW 2.5.2011
Legal Aid Commission Act 1979—Legal Aid Commission Regulation 2011 LW 2.5.2011
Motor Dealers Act 1974—Motor Dealers Amendment (Fees) Regulation 2011 LW 2.5.2011
Motor Vehicle Repairs Act 1980—Motor Vehicle Repairs Amendment (Fees) Regulation 2011 LW 2.5.2011
Pawnbrokers and Second-hand Dealers Act 1996—Pawnbrokers and Second-hand Dealers Amendment (Fees)
Regulation 2011 LW 2.5.2011
Plant Diseases Act 1924—Plant Diseases (Treatment and Eradication of Queensland Fruit Fly, Riverina) Order
2011 GG No 45 of 6.5.2011, p2831
Property, Stock and Business Agents Act 2002—Property, Stock and Business Agents Amendment (Fees and
Contributions) Regulation 2011 LW 2.5.2011
Sheriff Act 2005—Sheriff Regulation 2011 LW 6.5.2011
Travel Agents Act 1986—Travel Agents Amendment (Fees) Regulation 2011 LW 2.5.2011
Uncollected Goods Act 1995—Uncollected Goods Regulation 2011 LW 6.5.2011
LW 2.5.2011 Valuers Act 2003—Valuers Amendment (Fees) Regulation 2011