EPISD’s Title I Parental Engagement Program Vision El Paso Independent School District envisions a time when – Our parents will serve as equal partners in the educational enterprise Our parents will achieve adult literacy and receive technology training Our parents will demonstrate a willingness to rear healthy, well-educated children who will be able to take full advantage of the District’s instructional offerings. District Policy Title I Schools Parental engagement Monthly programs, activities, and procedures Monthly parent meetings/presentations Monthly documentation must include cover sheet with proof of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Cover Sheet Notification/ Invitation in English/Spanish Agenda in English/Spanish Sign in Sheets in English/Spanish *Minutes in English/Spanish *Distribution of the minutes in English/Spanish Evaluation in English/Spanish *Required for the CIP, Policy, and Compact Meetings Only. District Responsibilities Assist campuses with parental engagement Provide guidelines for the Parental Engagement component of the Campus Improvement Plan Disseminate information regarding parental engagement District Responsibilities Provide monthly training for staff and parents Host District Parent Academies Support the Region XIX and local parent conferences District Responsibilities Provide monthly training for staff by High School Feeder Pattern District Responsibilities Support Region XIX and District parent conferences District Improvement Plan • Involve parents in planning • Have all schools provide for parental engagement • Create initiatives that prepare parents to be their children’s first teachers District Initiatives • Encourage all schools to provide literacy and technology training for parents Promote the VIPS at all campuses Promote the PIES at all campuses • Promote the PTA at all campuses EPISD FATHERHOOD TO RAISE THE LEVEL OF AWARENESS OF FATHERHOOD TO RECOGNIZE THE CONTRIBUTION OF FATHERS AND FATHER ROLE MODELS •CARING •TRUST •FINANCIAL SUPPORT •SECURITY •HUMOR •COURAGE •INDEPENDENCE •SELF CONFIDENCE •PATIENCE •FORGIVENESS •SELF PROTECTION •IDENTITY •FAMILY •SPIRITUALITY Parental Engagement 2009-2010 Training Calendar Fall Semester Friday, September 11, 2009, at CCTE, Mandatory Title I Meetings (CIP, Policy, and Compact) and Budget from 8-11:30am or 1:304:00pm Saturday, October 3, 2009 The 6th Annual Dad & Kids Play (Fatherhood Initiative Title I) at Houston Elementary School from 8-11:30am Saturday, October 24, 2009 Irvin H.S. Parent Academy 8-12 noon Saturday, November 7, 2009 Region 19 Parent Academy at Americas High School (Socorro ISD) from 8:00am-3:30pm Friday, December 11, 2009 at CCTE, Dr. Ana Soledad DELA- (Department Of English Language Acquisition) Information for our parents and Linda Brown Ph.D. from Insights To Excellence Developing Parenting Skills 811:30am or 1:30-4:00pm Region 19 Parent Involvement Training No Child Left Behind Requirements Having a written parent involvement policy at the district and campus levels Building parents’ capacity to participate must be included in the policy Writing school-parent compacts at the campus level Holding annual school meetings Placing 1% of Title I funds in schools’ budgets Keeping parents informed NCLB Requirements For District/Campus Policies Statute requires that BOTH districts and campuses have written parental involvement policies that are Developed with parents Agreed upon by parents Distributed to parents Reviewed by parents P.L. 107-110, Section 1118 (a)(2), (b)(1) Living, Breathing Documents NCLB Requirements For Building Parents’ Capacity To Participate 1 Program Information for Parents – Each LEA and school shall provide assistance to parents of participating Title I children in understanding such topics as the state’s academic content and achievement standards, the assessments being used, the requirements of Title I, Part A, and how to monitor their children’s progress and work with educators to improve their achievement. 2 Materials and Training – Each LEA and school shall provide materials and training, such as literacy training and training on how to use technology, to help parents work with their children to improve achievement. 3 Educate Educators – Each LEA and school shall educate teachers, pupil services personnel, principals and other staff, with the assistance of parents, in the value and utility of contributions of parents, and in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners, implement and coordinate parent programs and build ties between parents and the school. NCLB Requirements For Building parents’ capacity to participate (cont) 4 Preschool Coordination – Each LEA and school shall, “to the extent feasible and appropriate,” coordinate and integrate parental involvement programs with Head Start, Even Start, and other preschool programs, and conduct other activities, such as parent resource centers, that encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children. 5 Understandable Communication – Each LEA and school shall ensure that information related to school and parent programs, meetings and other activities is sent to the parents of participating children in the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand. 6 Other Required Activities – Each LEA and school shall provide such other reasonable support for parental involvement activities as parents may request. NCLB Requirements For Campus Compacts describe the school's responsibility to provide high-quality curriculum and · - instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the children served under Title I, Part A to meet the State's student academic achievement standards, and the ways in which each parent will be responsible for supporting their children's learning, such as monitoring attendance, homework completion, and television watching; volunteering in their child's classroom; and participating, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children and positive use of extracurricular time; and address the importance of communication between teachers and parents on an ongoing basis through, at a minimum — parent-teacher conferences in elementary schools, at least annually, during which the compact shall be discussed as the compact relates to the individual child's achievement; frequent reports to parents on their children's progress; and reasonable access to staff, opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child's class, and observation of classroom activities. NCLB Requirements For Holding Annual School Meetings Each Title I, Part A campus must— Convene an annual meeting, at a convenient time, to which all parents of participating children shall be invited and encouraged to attend, to inform parents of their school's participation in Title I, Part A and to explain the Title I, Part A requirements and the right of the parents to be involved; Offer a flexible number of meetings, such as meetings in the morning or evening, and may provide, with Title I, Part A funds, transportation, child care, or home visits, as such services relate to parental involvement; Involve parents, in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, review, and improvement of Title I, Part A programs, including the planning, review, and improvement of the school parental involvement policy and the joint development of the school wide program plan under section 1114(b)(2), except that if a school has in place a process for involving parents in the joint planning and design of the school's programs, the school may use that process, if such process an adequate representation of parents of participating children; NCLB Requirements For Holding Annual School Meetings (Cont) Provide parents of participating children — timely information about Title I, Part A programs; a description and explanation of the curriculum in use at the school, the forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet; and if requested by parents, opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children, and respond to any such suggestions as soon as practicably possible; and if the school wide program plan under section 1114(b)(2) is not satisfactory to the parents of participating children, submit any parent comments on the plan when the school makes the plan available to the LEA. NCLB Requirements For Placing 1% of Title I funds NCLB requires an LEA with a Title I, Part A entitlement exceeding $500,000 to reserve at least 1% of that entitlement to carry out the Title I, Part A parent involvement activities, including promoting family literacy and parenting skills. Parents of children who receive Title I, Part A services must be involved in the decisions regarding how these funds are allotted for parental involvement activities. Not less than 95% (of the 1% reservation) of the Title I, Part A funds for parental involvement must be distributed to Title I, Part A campuses, and must be in addition to the campus’s regular Title I, Part A campus allocation. Mandatory Procedures For Title 1 School MeetingsNotification PARENTS WILL BE NOTIFIED IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH ABOUT UPCOMING MEETINGS NOTIFICATION WILL BE DONE BY USING AS MANY OF THE FOLLOWING NCLB RECOMMENDATIONS AS NECESSARY: o EMAIL o LETTER (MAIL) o STUDENT HANDBOOK o NEWSPAPER o NEWSLETTER AND CORRESPONDENCE SENT HOME WITH STUDENTS o MEETINGS:HOW THE MEETING WAS PUBLICIZED,SIGN-IN SHEET,AGENDA,MINUTES OR PRODUCT: OR CONFERENCES:TEACHER AND PARENT MEETING, SIGN-IN SHEETS SHOULD BE MAINTAINED. o TELEPHONE: MAINTAIN A PHONE LOG o WEBSITE:SAVE AN E-MAIL OF ALL WEBSITE DOCUMENTS o MARQUIS POSTING Mandatory Procedures For Title 1 School MeetingsCompliance Folder 3. A COMPLIANCE FOLDER WILL BE KEPT IN THE PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE AND MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. NAME OF ADMINISTRATOR DATE OF MEETING COVER SHEET NOTIFICATION/INVITATION IN ENGLISH/SPANISH AGENDA IN ENGLISH/SPANISH SIGN IN SHEETS IN ENGLISH/SPANISH *MINUTES IN ENGLISH/SPANISH *DISTRIBUTION OF MINUTES IN ENGLISH/SPANISH EVALUATION IN ENGLISH/SPANISH *Required for the CIP, Policy, and Compact Meetings Only Mandatory Procedures For Title 1 School MeetingsAgenda Items THE FOLLOWING AGENDA ITEMS MUST BE COVERED: 1) *CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT PLAN- CIP 2) DISTRICT PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT POLICY 3) *CAMPUS PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT PLAN 4) *CAMPUS COMPACT 5) TITLE I, PART A-IMPROVING BASIC PROGRAMS 6) TITLE I,PART C-MIGRANT EDUCATION 7) TITLE II, PART A –TEACHER AND PRINCIPAL TRAINING AN RECRUITING 8) TITLE II, PART D –ENHANCING EDUCATION THROUGH TECHNOLOGY 9) TITLE III, PART A –LEP AND IMMIGRANT 10) TITLE IV, PART A-SAFE AND DRUG FREE SCHOOLS AND COMMUNITIES 11) TITLE V PART A-INNOVATIVE PROGRAMS 12) TITLE VI PART B-RURAL EDUCATION ACHIEVEMENT PROGRAM 13) TITLE IX-USCO, SCHOOL SAFETY CHOICE OPTION 14) TITLE X-MCKINNEY-VENTO HOMELESS ASSISTANCE ACT * Mandatory Campus Meetings Mandatory Procedures For Title 1 School Meetings-Agenda Items (Spanish) TEMAS REQUIRIDOS PARA LAS JUNTAS DE PADRES DE TITULO 1 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) * PLAN DE MEJORAMIENTO DE LA ESCUELA CIP PLAN DE INVOLUCRAMIENTO DE PADRES DEL DISTRITO * PLAN DE INVOLUCRAMIENTO DE PADRES DE LA ESCUELA * COMPACTO ENTRE ESCUELA Y PADRES TITULO 1 PARTE A-MEJORANDO LOS PROGRAMAS BASICOS TITULO 1 PARTE C-EDUCACION DE MIGRANTES TITULO 11 PARTE A-ENTRENAMIENTO Y SELECCIÓN DE MAESTROS Y DIRECTORES 8) TITULO 11 PARTE D-MEJORANdO LA EDUCACION CON LA TECNOLOGIA 9) TITULO 111 PARTE A-ESTUDIANTES CON INGLES LIMITADO Y MIGRANTES 10) TITULO IV PARTE A-EL PROGRAMA DE ESCUELAS Y COMUNIDADES SEGURAS Y LIBRES DE DROGAS 11) TITULO V PARTE A-PROGRAMAS INNOVADORES 12) TITULO VI PARTE B-EL PROGRAMA DE LOGROS PARA LA EDUCACION RURAL 13) TITULO IX-USCO, LA OPCION DE ASISTIR A ESCUELAS SEGURAS 14) TITULO X-MCKINNEY-VENTO PROGRAMA DE ASISTENCIA PARA LOS ESTUDIANTES DESAMPARADOS * Juntas mandatorias en cada escuela Mandatory Forms For Title 1 School MeetingsInvitation/Notification Examples EPISD PARENTAL ENGAGEMENT/ENLACE DE PADRES INVITATION/NOTIFICATION EXAMPLES: 1. NEWSPAPER 2. RADIO 3. TV 4. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE 5. TELEPHONE 6. MARQUIS 7. COMPUTER 8. MEETING (MUST BE DONE IN ENGLISH AND IN SPANISH.) Mandatory Forms For Title 1 School MeetingsAgenda EPISD PARENTAL ENGAGEMENT/ENLACE DE PADRES AGENDA SCHOOL/ESCUELA TOPIC/TEMA ________________ ________________ DATE/FECHA SPEAKER/PRESENTADOR ________________ ________________ TIME/HORA LOCATION/LUGAR ________________ _______________ CAMPUS DESIGNEE___________________________________ 1. ________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Mandatory Forms For Title 1 School Meetings-Sign In Sheet EPISD PARENTAL ENGAGEMENT/ENLACE DE PADRES SIGN-IN/APUNTARSE SCHOOL/ESCUELA TOPIC/TEMA ________________ _______________ DATE/FECHA SPEAKER/PRESENTADOR ___________________ _______________ TIME/HORA LOCATION/LUGAR ________________ _______________ NOTE: PLEASE SEND THE ORIGINAL SIGN-IN SHEET NAME/NOMBRE ROLE/FUNCION TELEPHONE/TELEFONO 1._______________________________________________________________________________________ 2._______________________________________________________________________________________ 3._______________________________________________________________________________________ 4._______________________________________________________________________________________ 5._______________________________________________________________________________________ 6._______________________________________________________________________________________ 7._______________________________________________________________________________________ 8._______________________________________________________________________________________ 9._______________________________________________________________________________________ 10.______________________________________________________________________________________ 11._______________________________________________________________________________________ 12._______________________________________________________________________________________ Mandatory Forms For Title 1 School Meetings Minutes/Distribution Required only for the CIP, Policy, And Compact Meetings EPISD PARENTAL ENGAGEMENT/ENLACE DE PADRES MINUTES SCHOOL/ESCUELA ________________ DATE/FECHA ________________ TIME/HORA ________________ CAMPUS DESIGNEE__________________________________ 1._________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ TOPIC/TEMA _______________ SPEAKER/PRESENTADOR _______________ LOCATION/LUGAR ________________ Mandatory Forms For Title 1 School MeetingsEvaluation EPISD PARENTAL ENGAGEMENT/ENLACE DE PADRES PARENT EVALUATION/EVALUACION DE PADRES SCHOOL/ESCUELA________________________________________ SPEAKER/PRESENTADOR___________________________________ TOPIC/TEMA ____________________________________________ DATE/FECHA ____________________TIME/HORA______________ LOCATION/LUGAR________________________________________ DID YOU LIKE THE PRESENTATION? YES NO WHY? ¿LE GUSTO LA PRESENTACION? SI NO ¿POR QUE? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ WOULD YOU LIKE MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS TOPIC? YES NO WHY? ¿LE GUSTARIA MAS INFORMACION SOBRE ESTE TEMA? SI NO ¿POR QUE? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ IS THIS INFORMATION VALUABLE TO YOU? YES NO WHY? ¿ES VALIOSA ESTA INFORMACION PARA USTED? SI NO ¿POR QUE? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ COMMENTS/COMENTARIOS ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ TEN THINGS TEACHERS WISH PARENTS WOULD DO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Be involved in their children’s education. Provide resources at home for reading and learning. Set a good example. Encourage children to do their best in school. Academics should be parents’ first concern. Support school rules and goals. Use pressure positively. Call teachers as soon as a problem becomes apparent. 9. Exercise parental responsibility. 10. Understand that alcohol, tobacco, and excessive partying are problems as serious as drug abuse. Ten Things Parents Wish Teachers Would Do 1. Build students’ self-esteem. 2. Get to know each child’s needs. 3. Communicate often and openly with parents. 4. Regularly assign homework that helps children learn. 5. Set high academic standards. 6. Care about children. 7. Treat all children fairly. 8. Enforce a positive discipline code. 9. Be aware of students’ different learning styles. 10. Encourage parent participation. Parental Engagement Resources • Title I Statewide School Support/ Parental Involvement Initiative http://www.esc16.net/ • No Child Left Behind http://www.tea.state.tx.us/nclb http://nclb@tea.state.tx.us • Region 19-Education Service Center http://www.esc19.net/ Parental Engagement Staff Saul B Torres, Facilitator 6531 Boeing Drive El Paso, Texas 79925 915-881-2369 Fax 915-771-1131 sbtorres@episd.org Carlos A. Martinez, Director Community & Governmental Relations 915-887-5888 Fax 915-887-5887 camarti1@episd.org Albert Segovia, Program Assistant 915-881-2370 afsegovi@episd.org Maria Hortensia Vitela, Secretary Community & Governmental Relations 915-887-5877 mhvitela@episd.org Oralia Maldonado, Clerk 915-881-2323 oxmaldon@episd.org