Presentation 15.09.14

St Peter’s Parent Council
Annual General Meeting
15th September 2014
6.00 pm Refreshments
6.15 pm Welcome and context for meeting
6.20 pm Finance Update and Approval of Accounts
6.30 pm Reports on 2013- 2014:
 Events
 Items funded by the Parent Council
 Parental Involvement
6.50 pm Headteacher’s Report/ School Improvement Plan
Question Time
7.05pm The Year Ahead :
 Proposed Events
 Aberdeen City Council Parent Forum and Key Dates
 Election of officers
 Arranging meeting days and times
Close of meeting
What do we mean by parental
Three elements:
• Learning at home
parents are the first and ongoing educators of their own children
• Home/School Partnership
schools, parents and the community working together to educate children
• Parent representation
parents have an opportunity to have their views represented
Parental Involvement Act, 2007
What is the Parent Council?
The St Peter’s Parent Council brings
together parents, carers, school staff
and other members of the school
community to support the school.
• Its aims are:
to create a welcoming and inclusive school
to promote partnership
to have Gospel values at the heart of all we do
to identify and represent parents' views
to support our children's education in practical ways and fundraise
to apply for and obtain grants to support the school
Collaboration and representation
A school is good to
the extent that…
A school is excellent to the extent that…
It consults parents
on key issues
relating to school
life and provision.
What parents think is important for the school and for
their own children has a significant influence on the
school’s vision. They help to formulate and agree with
the school’s priorities for improvement.
It actively seeks out
the views of parents
and the wider
community on its
strengths and areas
for development.
It consults effectively with parents on the
improvements and changes it is planning. It asks them
for formal feedback on specific events, the quality of
education, school leadership and on the way the
school is run.
It ensures that
parents are fully
involved as it
implements its
plans for
It involves parent representatives alongside pupils and
staff in identifying improvements. Parents are
confident in contributing ideas, expressing concerns
and making suggestions. Parent representatives
communicate regularly with the rest of the parent
body, systematically canvassing opinions and views.
Finance Update and Approval of
Reports on 2013- 2014
 Events
 Items funded by the Parent Council
 Parental Involvement
Headteacher’s Report
Staff updates
Class composition
School estate
School Improvement Plan
1. Authority
• New Learning and Teaching Policy
2. Our school
• Parental involvement
• Meeting learners’ needs - personal learning
• Developing staff capacity
• Pupil Voice
3. Working with other schools in our area
• Raising attainment in numeracy
Question Time
• Will St Peter’s get its own After School Club?
The Year Ahead
Proposed Events
Aberdeen City Council Parent Forum and Key
Election of officers
Arranging meeting days and times