ZECA School of the Arts and Technology Parent Involvement Policy In accordance with the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Title I Section 118(2), ZECA School of the Arts and Technology will: A. Involve parents in the development of the LEA Title I Plan by using selected parents for review of the Plan. B. Provide coordination, technical assistance, and other support from administration to assist in planning and implementing parent involvement activities know as Tea Tuesday’s, which included arts, reading, math and technology nights, healthy eating and exercise and brain-based education; that are designed to provide parents with a better understanding of how to partner with the school to ensure improvement in student academic achievement and school performance. C. To ensure family involvment, parents are required to donate 40 hours per school year by volunteering, tutoring and attending parent training. D. Build capacity for strong parental involvement by: 1. Delivering information related to parent guidelines and expectation in all language represented at ZECA. 2. Providing materials to parents to help them with their child’s education. 3. Working with school staff to ensure all school personnel understand the value of parental involvement. 4. Insuring that all communications are in easy to understand formats for all parents. 5. Including parents in the school improvement process. 6. Offering opportunities for the schools to conduct programs in the community. 8. Providing support based on reasonable parent requests. E. Coordinate and integrate all parental involvement strategies. F. Conduct annually with parents a review of this policy and of the strategies for parental involvement listed in the Title I application. G. Insure that parents are always involved in the school’s activities including being a part of the School Improvement team.