CDO Chemistry Syllabus

Canyon del Oro High School
2013-2014 College Preparatory Chemistry Syllabus
Mr. Trimble ● Room M220 ● 520-696-5622 ●
Course Descriptions and Outcomes:
Chemistry is the study of the composition and interactions of matter. The goal of this course is
for each student to acquire new information and develop skills through collaboration, discovery,
and hands-on learning. In addition, students will develop the understanding necessary to apply
what they have learned to solving problems outside of the classroom. Skills reviewed and
practiced in this course include, but are not limited to, collaboration with others, implementation
of laboratory safety, execution of common chemistry lab techniques, maintenance of a lab
notebook, dimensional analysis, mathematical modeling, statistical analysis, scientific writing,
and experimental design. Each semester of this Chemistry course serves as a half credit in
science and will tentatively include the following topics and experiments.
Unit 1: The
Foundations of
Unit 2: The
Composition of 
Unit 3: The
Structure of
Introduction to the Study of
Lab Safety
Measurement in Chemistry
Matter, Changes, and Energy
Elements, Compounds, and their
The Periodic Table
Chemical Nomenclature
Modern Atomic Theory
The Chemical Bond
Experiment 1: Densities of Liquids
and Solids
Experiment 2: Introduction to
Experiment 3: Identification of a
Chemical Compound
Experiment 4:Percent Water in a
Hydrated Salt
MID-TERM week of October 7, 2013
Unit 4:
Changes and
the Quantities
Chemical Reaction
Quantitative Relationships in
Experiment 5: Types of Chemical
Experiment 6: Empirical Formulas
Experiment 7: Limiting Reactant
Final Week of December 16, 2013
Unit 5: The
States of Pure
Matter and
The Gaseous, Liquid and Solids
Aqueous Solutions
Experiment 8: Molar Mass of A
Experiment 9: Unsaturated,
Saturated and Supersaturated
MID-TERM Week of March 10, 2014
Unit 6:
try and
Reaction Rates
Chemical Thermodynamics
Reaction Rates and Equilibrium
Unit 7:
Acids, Bases and Salts
Unit 8: Redox
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
Unit 10:
Special Topics
Nuclear Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Experiment 10: Calorimetry
Experiment 11: Thermodynamics of
the Dissolution of Borax
Experiment 12: Factors Affecting
Reaction Rates
Experiment 13: Rate Law and
Activation Energy
Experiment 14: Acids, Bases and
Experiment 15: Experimental
Determination of pH
Experiment 16: Oxidation
Reduction Reactions
Experiment 17: Establishing a Table
of Reduction Potentials
Experiment 18: Synthesis of Esters
FINAL Week of May 19, 2014
Requirements: Students are expected to attend class every day, follow school and class policies,
participate in class activities, and complete assignments.
 Attendance: Students are expected to attend class every day. Only students with an
excused absence will have an opportunity to make up missed work.
 Make-Up Work: Students are required to complete all missed assignments by the Friday
of the week of the student’s return. Students will make up quizzes the day the student
returns to class.
 Lab: To participate in labs is a privilege. Students must complete the following for lab
o Read and sign the Lab Safety Contract (Signature of Guardian required as well)
o Earn 100% on the Lab Safety Quiz
o Follow safety procedures while in the lab
o Participate in pre-lab activities (Generally the day before lab)
 Materials:
o Textbook: Malone, Leo J. (2004). Basic Concepts of Chemistry 7th ed. Davers, MA:
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (Textbooks are provided by the school and are in limited
supply. Students may check out books as needed. Textbooks will be the
responsibility of the student upon checkout and until its return.)
o Safety Equipment: Safety equipment is provided, however, students are
encouraged to purchase their own safety goggles.
Pencil and Pens
3 Ring Binder and Filler Paper
Composition Notebook
Scientific Calculator of better. Students may use phones on in class assignments
except when taking Quizzes or Exams.
Classroom Policies: Below are the expectations and consequences for the class.
Polite language and behavior
Enter class timely and prepared
Alternate assignment
Answer questions honestly
Teacher conference
Consume food and drinks outside
Evaluation with parents
Electronics only when allowed
Serious Offenses: Serious offenses will result in an immediate referral, which could mean
suspension or expulsion. These include but are not limited to: display of aggression, vandalism,
sexual harassment, and cheating or plagiarism. Consult the student handbook for more
Lab Considerations: Students are expected to follow all safety procedures, which are outlined in
the attached safety contract and are reviewed at the beginning of each class.
Below 59
The course grade depends on five areas:
1. Assignments/Homework (15%):
Items within this area include homework and in class assignments.
2. Weekly Quizzes (15%):
Students will take a quiz at the end of each week over the information covered during class.
Students will submit Binders and/or Lab notebook on weeks some weeks to be graded and
counted as a quiz grade.
3. Lab Reports (30%):
Lab reports will be written for many of the major lab experiments during the year. Many of
these lab experiments are difficult to make-up. For this reason it is vital that you attend
class on lab days.
4. Unit Exams (30%):
Unit Exams are comprehensive exams covering information from the unit, including
information from lab experiments and activities. Information from previous units can be
included as well.
5. Finals and Midterms (10%):
Finals and Midterms include questions from unit exams and are cumulative from the first
This signature sheet is due Monday August 12, 2013 and will be counted as a quiz grade.
Student and Guardian must sign this sheet to acknowledge they have read and
understand the syllabus and Lab Safety Contract. Lab privileges will not be given until this
sheet has been returned.
Disclaimer: The syllabus is subject to change in order to benefit the individual student
and/or the class. A new syllabus will be provided upon change.
Printed Student’s Name
Student Signature
Printed Guardian’s Name
Guardian Signature