6.2 Mutations - Hutchison


6.2 Mutations

Pages 234-239

Mutations can be caused by:

- environmental agents

- errors during cell division


Exposure to radioactive materials can cause genetic mutations.


• Examples: Nitrosonguanidine (NTG),

Hydroxylamine, Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), and Ethidium bromide


• Positive, negative or neutral effect on phenotype or cell death

Point Mutations

• A failure of the genetic machinery to copy the

DNA perfectly.

Base-pair substitution

The wrong nitrogenous base pair is included.


Extra nitrogenous bases are included during the copying of the DNA.


• One or more base pairs are left out during the copying of DNA

Chromosome mutations

Involve the entire chromosome or major chunks

Non-disjunction (sister chromatids fail to separate during meiosis)

• Down syndrome

• Turner syndrome

• Patau syndrome

Chromosome mutations

• Large scale deletions, insertions, duplications or inversions (flipping) of entire portions of a chromosome

Inheriting mutations

• The genetic machinery is designed to find and fix copying errors. (less successful with age)

Inheriting mutations

• Most of the DNA does not code for genes (so errors here are meaningless)

Inheriting mutations

• Mutations in autosomes are not passed on to the next generation

Inheriting mutations

• Mutations in sex cells can be passed on to the next generation

Dominant vs. Recessive

• Mutations can be dominant and appear in the first generation. Ex. Huntington’s disease

• Mutations can be recessive and appear only rarely when two individuals with the same mutation produce offspring. Ex. Cystic Fibrosis

Sickle cell anemia

• Misshapen red blood cells can cause pain and an increased risk of infection

Sickle cell anemia

• Malaria parasite enters red blood cell causing it to become sickle-shaped and leading to its destruction and removal.

Lactose Tolerance

• Most babies tolerate lactose producing the enzyme needed to digest their mother’s milk

• 75% of adults do not tolerate lactose

• 25% of adults have a mutation in their genes that allows them to digest lactose.

Spontaneous mutations

• Happen by accident

Induced mutations

• Result due to exposure to a physical or chemical agent

Antibiotic Resistance

• Usually antibiotics kill bacteria by weakening their cell wall.

• Mutations in genes that code for the cell wall allow the bacteria to be resistant to antibiotics.

Jumping Genes

• Transposons are segments of the DNA that can move from place to place.

• Transposition is the act of moving a segment of DNA from one place to another.

• Example: Indian corn


• A transposon can insert itself into a gene for normal blood factor VIII, causing hemophilia in boys (X-linked gene).

Microarray Technology


-small membrane or glass slide

-contains samples of hundreds or even thousands of DNA fragments

-arranged in a regular pattern.

-Each fragment corresponds to a gene

