AP Psychology 2014-2015 Mrs. Janis & Mrs. McGinley Chapter 4 & 5- Sensation/Perception & Variations of Consciousness 10/27(B) & 10/28 (A)- Thresholds Read pgs. 129-134 10/29 (B) & 10/30 (A)- Visual System HW DUE: read in text p.134-160 10/31 (B) & 11/3 (A)-Visual System Cont.& B day only. A day will do theirs another day TBD. Test Corrections (bring in your textbook) HW DUE: Read & take notes or talk to text Sight Unseen 11/3 (A) & 11/4 (B)- Chrome books to work on demonstration activities HW DUE: Current Events Folder due (last grade of Marking Quarter) & begin Dream Log 11/5 (A) & 11/12(B)- Chrome books to work on demonstration activities 11/13 (A) & 11/14 (B)- Hearing, Taste, Smell, Touch 11/17 (A) & 11/18 (B)- Sensation Lab to demonstrate two activities about your sense HW DUE: come prepared with anything you need to conduct your sensation lab 11/19 (A) & 11/20 (B)- QUIZ on all of Ch.4. HW DUE: Ch.4 Flashcards Due 11/21 (A) & 11/24 (B) Sleep Continued & Dreams HW DUE: Dream Log & read in text p.183-204 11/25 (A) & 11/26 (B) Analyze Dreams & Altered States and Hypnosis HW DUE: Read rest of chapter 5 & “Hypnosis” article with questions 12/1 (A) & 12/2 (B) TEST (Ch.5 flashcards due) Ch.4 Vocabulary to Know 1. Sensation 2. Perception 3. Receptor cells 4. Selective attention 5. Cocktail party phenomenon 6. Psychophysics 7. Absolute threshold 8. Signal Detection theory 9. Sensory adaptation 10. Parts of the eye: cornea, lens, pupil, iris, retina, fovea, optic disk, optic nerve 11. Nearsightedness/Farsightedness 12. Thresholds 13. Just noticeable difference (JND) 14. Subliminal messages 15. Light: wave length, amplitude, purity 16. Rods & Cones 17. Ganglion cells 18. Dark & Light adaptation 19. Blind spot 20. Receptive field 21. Accommodation 22. Visual pathways to the brain: optic chiasm, LGN of the thalamus, superior colliculus, visual cortex 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. Feature detectors Visual agnosia Prosopagnosia Subtractive & Additive color mixing Trichromatic theory Complementary colors Perceptual set Inattentional blindness Perceptual hypothesis Bottom-up processing Gestalt principles: phi phenomenon, figure-ground, proximity, closure, similarity, simplicity, continuity Depth perception Binocular depth cues Monocular depth cues Pictorial depth cues: linear perspective, texture gradient, relative size, interposition, height in plane, & light and shadow Opponent Process theory Afterimage Feature analysis Top-down processing Impossible figures Sound Localization Visual illusions Retinal disparity Perceptual consistency Color blindness: dichromats Dorsal & Ventral stream Hertz Decibels Parts of the ear: pinna, auditory canal, eardrum, ossicles (hammer, anvil, stir-up), cochlea, semicircular canals, basilar membrane, hair cells, auditory nerve Vestibular system Primary tastes Sensory systems in the skin Sound waves: amplitude, frequency, purity Place & Frequency theory Gustatory system Olfactory system Fast & slow pathways Gate control theory Transduction People to Know 62. Gustav Fechner (Fechner’s law) 63. Ernst Weber (Weber’s law) 64. Hubel & Wiesel’s research 65. Herman von Helmholtz Ch.5 66. Vocabulary to Know 67. Consciousness 68. EEG 69. Brain waves (beta, alpha, theta, delta) 70. Biological rhythms 71. Circadian Rhythms 72. Suprachiasmatic nucleus 73. Ascending reticular activating system (ARAS) 74. Melatonin 75. EMG, EOG, EKG 76. Sleep spindles 77. REM & Non-REM 78. Effects of sleep deprivation 79. Neurogenesis 80. Narcolepsy 81. Somnambulism 82. REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) 83. Freud’s dream theory (wish fulfillment, latent & manifest content) 84. Activation-synthesis theory 85. 2 theories of Hypnosis: role-playing & altered state 86. Dissociation 87. Psychoactive drugs: narcotics, sedatives, stimulants, hallucinogens, alcohol, MDMA, cannabis 88. Pineal gland 89. Stages of Sleep (1,2,3,4, REM) 90. slow-wave sleep 91. Evolutionary bases for sleep 92. Insomnia 93. Sleep apnea 94. Cartwright’s theory 95. Hypnosis 96. Meditation 97. Multifactorial causation 98. Reward Pathway 99. Overdose 100. Tolerance 101. Physical & psychological dependence 102. Withdrawal symptoms 103. Lucid dreams People to Know 104. William Dement 105. Sigmund Freud 106. Rosalind Cartwright 107. Hobson & McCarley