1. Attendance 2. Tests: Shantese, Jamila, Lakota 3. I have storybooks from: Heather, Julisa, Mawazo, Destiny, Calisa, Shantese 4. I have Finch labs from:Shantese,Trev, Iesha, Jamila, Samiyah, Naima, Calisa, Lakota, Julisa, Mawazo, Destiny Genetic Engineering Genetic Engineers can alter the DNA code of living organisms. Selective Breeding Recombinant DNA PCR Gel Electrophoresis Transgenic Organisms Selective Breeding Breed only those plants or animals with desirable traits People have been using selective breeding for 1000’s of years with farm crops and domesticated animals. Recombinant DNA The ability to combine the DNA of one organism with the DNA of another organism. Recombinant DNA technology was first used in the 1970’s with bacteria. 1. Recombinant Bacteria Remove bacterial DNA (plasmid). 2. Cut the Bacterial DNA with “restriction enzymes”. 3. Cut the DNA from another organism with “restriction enzymes”. 4. Combine the cut pieces of DNA together with another enzyme and insert them into bacteria. 5. Reproduce the recombinant bacteria. 6. The foreign genes will be expressed in the bacteria. Benefits of Recombinant Bacteria 1. Bacteria can make human insulin or human growth hormone. 1. Bacteria can be engineered to “eat” oil spills. The DNA of plants and animals can also be altered. PLANTS 1. disease-resistant and insect-resistant crops 2. Hardier fruit 3. 70-75% of food in supermarket is genetically modified. How to Create a Genetically Modified Plant 1.Create recombinant bacteria with desired gene. 2. Allow the bacteria to “infect" the plant cells. 3. Desired gene is inserted into plant chromosomes. What do you think about eating genetically modified foods? Genetically modified organisms are called transgenic organisms. TRANSGENIC ANIMALS 1. Mice – used to study human immune system 2. Chickens – more resistant to infections 3. Cows – increase milk supply and leaner meat 4. Goats, sheep and pigs – produce human proteins in their milk Transgenic Goat Human DNA in a Goat Cell . This goat contains a human gene that codes for a blood clotting agent. The blood clotting agent can be harvested in the goat’s milk. How to Create a Transgenic Animal Desired DNA is added to an egg cell. Ha Ha Ha! Genetic Engineering and Crime Scenes…… Gel Electrophoresis This technology allows scientists to identify someone’s DNA! Steps Involved in Gel Electrophoresis 1. “Cut” DNA sample with restriction enzymes. 2. Run the DNA fragments through a gel. 3. Bands will form in the gel. 4. Everyone’s DNA bands are unique and can be used to identify a person. 5. DNA bands are like “genetic fingerprints”. This powerpoint was kindly donated to www.worldofteaching.com http://www.worldofteaching.com is home to over a thousand powerpoints submitted by teachers. This is a completely free site and requires no registration. Please visit and I hope it will help in your teaching. EVOLUTION Chapter 15 Charles Darwin Question for Thought Earth has millions of other kinds of organisms of every imaginable shape, size, and habitat. This variety of living things is called biological diversity. How did all these different organisms arise? How are they related? In your own words, describe what YOU think the theory of evolution means… Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Evolution, or change over time, is the process by which modern organisms have descended from ancient organisms. A scientific theory is a well-supported testable explanation of phenomena that have occurred in the natural world. How do you think Darwin came up with his theory? Voyage of the Beagle Voyage of Beagle Dates: February 12th, 1831 Captain: Charles Darwin Ship: H.M.S. Beagle Destination: Voyage around the world. Findings: evidence to propose a revolutionary hypothesis about how life changes over time Patterns of Diversity Darwin visited Argentina and Australia which had similar grassland ecosystems. those grasslands were inhabited by very different animals. neither Argentina nor Australia was home to the sorts of animals that lived in European grasslands. Patterns of Diversity Darwin posed challenging questions. Why were there no rabbits in Australia, despite the presence of habitats that seemed perfect for them? Why were there no kangaroos in England? Living Organisms and Fossils Darwin collected the preserved remains of ancient organisms, called fossils. Some of those fossils resembled organisms that were still alive today. Living Organisms and Fossils Others looked completely unlike any creature he had ever seen. As Darwin studied fossils, new questions arose. Why had so many of these species disappeared? How were they related to living species? Fossils The Galapagos Island The smallest, lowest islands were hot, dry, and nearly barren-Hood Island-sparse vegetation The higher islands had greater rainfall and a different assortment of plants and animals-Isabela- Island had rich vegetation. The Galapagos Island Darwin was fascinated in particular by the land tortoises and marine iguanas in the Galápagos. Giant tortoises varied in predictable ways from one island to another. The shape of a tortoise's shell could be used to identify which island a particular tortoise inhabited. Animals found in the Galapagos Land Tortoises Darwin Finches Blue-Footed Booby Marine Iguanas Animals The Journey Home Darwin Observed that characteristics of many plants and animals vary greatly among the islands Hypothesis: Separate species may have arose from an original ancestor Ideas that shaped Darwin’s Thinking James Hutton: 1795 Theory of Geological change Forces change earth’s surface shape Changes are slow Earth much older than thousands of years Ideas that Shaped Darwin’s Thinking Charles Lyell Book: Principles of Geography Geographical features can be built up or torn down Darwin thought if earth changed over time, what about life? Lamarck Lamarck’s Theory of Evolution Tendency toward Perfection(Giraffe necks) Use and Disuse (bird’s using forearms) Inheritance of Acquired Traits Are you still paying Attention? Population Growth Thomas Malthus19th century English economist If population grew (more Babies born than die) Insufficient living space Food runs out Darwin applied this theory to animals Publication of Orgin of Species Russel Wallace wrote an essay summarizing evolutionary change from his field work in Malaysia Gave Darwin the drive to publish his findings Natural Selection & Artificial Selection Natural variation--differences among individuals of a species Artificial selection- nature provides the variation among different organisms, and humans select those variations they find useful. Evolution by Natural Selection The Struggle for Existence-members of each species have to compete for food, shelter, other life necessities Survival of the Fittest-Some individuals better suited for the environment Struggle For Existence & Survival of The Fittest Natural Selection Over time, natural selection results in changes in inherited characteristics of a population. These changes increase a species fitness in its environment Descent Descent with Modification-Each living organism has descended, with changes from other species over time Common Descent- were derived from common ancestors Evidence of Evolution The Fossil Record Geographic Distribution of Living Things Homologous Body Structures Similarities in Early Development Evidence for Evolution The Fossil RecordLayer show change Geographic Distribution of Living Things Homologous Body Structures Similarities in Early Development Evidence of Evolution The Fossil Record Geographic Distribution of Living Things-similar environments have similar types of organisms Homologous Body Structures Similarities in Early Development Homologous Structures Homologous Structures-structures that have different mature forms in different organisms, but develop from the same embryonic tissue Evidence for Evolution Vestigial organs-organs that serve no useful function in an organism i.e.) appendix, miniature legs, arms Similarities in Early Development Summary of Darwin’s Theory Individuals in nature differ from one another Organisms in nature produce more offspring than can survive, and many of those who do not survive do not reproduce. Summary of Darwin’s Theory Because more organisms are produce than can survive, each species must struggle for resources Each organism is unique, each has advantages and disadvantages in the struggle for existence Summary (cont.) Individuals best suited for the environment survive and reproduce most successful Species change over time Summary (cont.) Species alive today descended with modification from species that lived in the past All organisms on earth are united into a single family tree of life by common descent Darwin & Evolution by Natural Selection Cactus eater Insect eaters Seed eaters Bud eater Regents Biology 2006-2007 Charles Darwin Proposed a way how evolution works How did creatures change over time? by natural selection Collected a lot of evidence to support his ideas 1809-1882 British naturalist Regents Biology Voyage of the HMS Beagle Invited to travel around the world 1831-1836 (22 years old!) makes many observations of nature main mission of the Beagle was to chart South American coastline Robert Fitzroy Regents Biology Voyage of the HMS Beagle Stopped in Galapagos Islands 500 miles off coast of Ecuador Regents Biology Galapagos Recently formed volcanic islands. Most of animals on the Galápagos live nowhere else in world, but they look like species living on South American mainland. Regents Biology 800 km west of Ecuador Darwin found…many unique species Many of Darwin’s observations made him wonder… Why? Darwin asked: Why were these creatures found only on the Galapagos Islands? Regents Biology Darwin found…clues in the fossils Darwin found: Evidence that creatures have changed over time present day Armadillos Darwin asked: ancient Armadillo Regents Biology Why should extinct armadillos & modern armadillos be found on same continent? Darwin found: Different shells on tortoises on different islands Darwin asked: Is there a relationship between the environment & what an animal looks like? Regents Biology Darwin found… birds Darwin found: Many different birds on the Galapagos Islands. He thought he found Finch? very different kinds… Regents Biology Sparrow? QuickTime™ and a Photo - JPEG decompressor are needed to see this picture. Woodpecker? Warbler? But Darwin found… a lot of finches Darwin was amazed to find out: All 14 species of birds were finches… But there is only one species of finch on the mainland! Large ground Small ground Finch? Sparrow? Finch? Sparrow? QuickTime™ and a - JPEG decompressor finch arePhoto finch needed to see this picture. Darwin asked: If the Galapagos finches came from the mainland, why are they so different now? Regents Biology Warbler finch Woodpecker? Woodpecker? Tree finch Warbler? Warbler? The finches cinched it! different beaks are Darwin found: The differences between species of finches were associated with the different food they ate. Regents Biology inherited variations serve as adaptations that help birds said: compete Darwin for food Ahaaaa! these birds survive & Aeater flock of South Big Large seed ground Small Small seed ground eater Finch? Sparrow? reproduce finch finch American finches pass on the genes for were stranded on the those more fit beaks Galapagos… over time nature selected for different species with different beaks QuickTime™ and a Photo - JPEG decompressor are needed to see this picture. Warbler Insect eater finch Woodpecker? Leaf Tree & bud finch eater Warbler? Relationship between species (beaks) & food Regents Biology Darwin’s finches Darwin’s conclusions variations in beaks differences in beaks in the original flock adaptations to foods available on islands natural selection for most fit over many generations, the finches were selected for specific beaks & behaviors offspring inherit successful traits accumulation of winning traits: both beaks & behaviors separate into different species Regents Biology From 1 species to 14 species… Warbler finch Cactus finch Woodpecker finch Sharp-beaked finch Small insectivorous tree finch Large insectivorous tree finch Small ground finch Cactus eater Insect eaters Seed eaters Vegetarian tree finch variation Regents Biology Bud eater Medium ground finch Large ground finch natural selection for best survival & reproduction Earlier ideas on Evolution LaMarck evolution by acquired traits creatures developed traits during their lifetime give those traits to their offspring example in reaching higher leaves giraffes stretch their necks & give the acquired longer neck to offspring not accepted as valid Regents Biology Darwin’s view of Evolution Darwin giraffes that already have long necks survive better leave more offspring who inherit their long necks variation selection & survival reproduction & inheritance of Regents Biologymore fit traits Asking Questions is a good adaptation! Regents Biology 2006-2007 Darwin found… more fossils Darwin found: Evidence that creatures have changed over time present day Sloth (extinct) Giant ground sloth Darwin asked: Regents Biology Why should extinct sloths & modern sloths be found on the same continent? Chapter 17 The History of Life Fossil imprint The Fossil Record • Provides evidence about the history of life on Earth. • It also shows how different groups of organisms, including species, have changed over time. Relative vs. Absolute Dating Comparing Relative and Absolute Dating of Fossils Can determine Is performed by Drawbacks Relative Dating Absolute Dating Age of fossil with respect to another rock or fossil (that is, older or younger) Age of a fossil in years Comparing depth of a fossil’s source stratum to the position of a reference fossil or rock Determining the relative amounts of a radioactive isotope and nonradioactive isotope in a specimen Imprecision and limitations of age data Difficulty of radioassay laboratory methods Principle of Superposition • In an undisturbed sequence of sedimentary rocks, the oldest rocks are on the bottom with the most recent on top. How fossils are formed Water carries small rock particles to lakes and seas. Dead organisms are buried by layers of sediment, which forms new rock. The preserved remains may later be discovered and studied. Geological Time Scale • After the Precambrian Time, the time scale is divided into eras, which are subdivided into periods. Era Period (millions of Time years ago) Quaternary 1.8–present Tertiary 65–1.8 Cretaceous 145–65 Jurassic 208–145 Triassic 245–208 Era (millions of Period Time years ago) Permian 290 – 245 Carboniferous 360–290 Devonian 410–360 Silurian 440–410 Ordovician 505–440 Cambrian 544–505 Era (millions of Period Time years ago) Vendian 650–544 Geological Time Scale • The major eras are Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic. Era Period (millions of Time years ago) Quaternary 1.8–present Tertiary 65–1.8 Cretaceous 145–65 Jurassic 208–145 Triassic 245–208 Era (millions of Period Time years ago) Permian 290 – 245 Carboniferous 360–290 Devonian 410–360 Silurian 440–410 Ordovician 505–440 Cambrian 544–505 Era (millions of Period Time years ago) Vendian 650–544 Geologic Time Scale • Each period hosts significant evolutionary changes to species diversity and extinction. Era Period (millions of Time years ago) Quaternary 1.8–present Tertiary 65–1.8 Cretaceous 145–65 Jurassic 208–145 Triassic 245–208 Era (millions of Period Time years ago) Permian 290 – 245 Carboniferous 360–290 Devonian 410–360 Silurian 440–410 Ordovician 505–440 Cambrian 544–505 Era (millions of Period Time years ago) Vendian 650–544 Summary of major events (pg. 429-34) Era Cenozoic Mesozoic Paleozoic Precambrian Time Period Quaternary Tertiary Cretaceous Jurassic Triassic Permian Carboniferous Devonian Silurian Ordovician Cambrian Time (millions of years ago) 1.8–present 65–1.8 145–65 208–145 245–208 290–245 363–290 410–363 440–410 505–440 544–505 650–544 Key Events Glaciations; mammals increased; humans Mammals diversified; grasses Aquatic reptiles diversified; flowering plants; mass extinction Dinosaurs diversified; birds Dinosaurs; small mammals; cone-bearing plants Reptiles diversified; seed plants; mass extinction Reptiles; winged insects diversified; coal swamps Fishes diversified; land vertebrates (primitive amphibians) Land plants; land animals (arthropods) Aquatic arthropods; mollusks; vertebrates (jawless fishes) Marine invertebrates diversified; most animal phyla evolved Anaerobic, then photosynthetic prokaryotes; eukaryotes, then multicellular life Hypothesis of early Earth • Very hot surface from colliding meteorites • Very hot planet core from radioactive materials • Volcanoes spewing lava and gases that helped to form the early atmosphere Hypothesis of early Earth • About 4.4 billion years ago, Earth might have cooled enough for the water in its atmosphere to condense. • This might have led to millions of years of rainstorms with lightning, enough rain to fill depressions that became Earth’s oceans. • The oldest rocks dated are 3.9 million years old. Fossils: evidence of an organism that lived long ago that is preserved in Earth’s rocks • Paleontologists estimate that about 95% species are extinct from life’s origins. • Climate and ancient geography can be determined from fossils. Types of Fossils Formation Fossils Types A trace fossil is any indirect A trace fossil is anyevidence indirect evidence Trace fossils left by an animal and may include a footprint, a trail, or a burrow. When minerals in rocks fill a space left by a decayed organism, they make a replica, or cast, of the organism. Casts Molds A mold forms when an organism is A mold forms when an organism is Petrified/ Permineralized fossils AmberPreserved or frozen fossils buried in sediment and then decays, leaving an empty space. Petrified-minerals sometimes penetrate and replace the hard parts of an organism. Permineralized-void spaces in original organism infilled by minerals. At times, an entire organism was quickly trapped in ice or tree sap that hardened into amber. What has been learned from fossils • several episodes of mass extinction that fall between time divisions – mass extinction: an event that occurs when many organisms disappear from the fossil record almost at once • The geologic time scale begins with the formation of Earth about 4.6 billion years ago. Precambrian – 87% of history • Oldest fossils about 3.4 billion years old resembling cyanobacteria stromatolites. • Stromatolites still form today in Australia from mats of cyanobacteria. • The stromatolites are evidence of the existence of photosynthetic organisms on Earth during the Precambrian. • Only prokaryotic life found in fossil record End of Precambrian – 543 MYA • multicellular eukaryotes, such as sponges and jelly-fishes, diversified and filled the oceans Paleozoic and Cambrian Period • Paleozoic Era: more animals and plants – Early: fishes, aquatic vertebrates, ferns – Middle: amphibians – Late: reptiles and mass extinction – Cambrian Period: oceans teemed with many types of animals, including worms, sea stars, and unusual arthropods Mesozoic - 248 MYA • Triassic Period: mammals and dinosaurs • Jurassic Period: dinosaurs and birds • Cretaceous Period: more mammals, flowering plants, but mass extinction of dinosaurs 65 MYA Continental drift • Earth’s continents have moved during Earth’s history and are still moving today at a rate of about six centimeters per year. • The theory for how the continents move is called plate tectonics. Geologic Time Scale video Click on image to play video. Miller-Urey experiment showed one possible way for inorganic molecules to form organic molecules. Mixture of gases simulating atmospheres of early Earth Spark simulating lightning storms Condensation chamber Water vapor Cold water cools chamber, causing droplets to form Liquid containing amino acids and other organic compounds How eukaryotic cells evolved • Lynn Margulis proposed the endosymbiotic theory. Chloroplast Aerobic bacteria Ancient Prokaryotes Nuclear envelope evolving Plants and plantlike protists Photosynthetic bacteria Mitochondrion Primitive Photosynthetic Eukaryote Ancient Anaerobic Prokaryote Primitive Aerobic Eukaryote Animals, fungi, and non-plantlike protists Endosymbiotic theory • Heterotrophic bacteria have plasmids (DNA loop) & simple ribosomes in their cytoplasm • Mitochondria have circular DNA & bacteria-like ribosomes • So…Eukaryotic cells may have engulfed prokaryotic cells & by mutualism created the “first mitochondria.” • Autotrophic bacteria are Cyanobacteria with chlorophyll • So, Eukaryotic cells may have engulfed prokaryotic cyanobacteria & by mutualism created the “first chloroplast.” • Heterotrophic symbiosis = symbiont produces ATP, host uses ATP, host protects symbiont • Autotrophic symbiosis = symbiont produces sugar, host uses sugar, host protects symbiont • Relationships may allow host to live longer & reproduce more, thus over time creating more complex eukaryotic cells Evolution of life video Click on image to play video. Macroevolution Large-scale evolutionary patterns and processes that occur over long periods of time. Includes 6 topics: Extinction Adaptive radiation Convergent evolution Divergent evolution Punctuated equilibrium Changes in developmental genes Patterns of evolution • Darwin believed that organisms evolved gradually. • Niles Eldredge and Stephen Jay Gould believed punctuated equilibrium is how organisms evolved, periods of rapid evolution followed by periods of stasis. Adaptive Radiation • Single species or small groups of species evolved into diverse forms living in different ways. Convergent Evolution • Adaptive radiation can produce unrelated organisms that look similar due to similar environments. Coevolution The process by which two species evolve in response to changes in each, other over time. http://ecology.botany.ufl.edu/ ecologyf02 • Example: “This butterfly acquires a cardiac glycoside from members of the genus Asclepias. Because of their milky sap, these are commonly referred to as milkweed plants. The plants produce this toxin as a defense against herbivory, but the Monarch has the ability to sequester the toxin in fatty tissues so that it makes the butterfly unpalatable while not poisoning the butterfly.”