10-9-12 - ISD 15, St. Francis

From Evernote:
Bulbless Projectors
A.) Capital Requests
B.) Use regular projectors until a bulb expires
App Purchases
A.) Schoolstream form
B.) Over quantity of 20 is 1/2 price (typically)
C.) Upper left "Bldg Forms"
SMART Boards
A.) Purchase for LA and SS, FACS, 164 Lisa-Marie, for next year
B.) Feedback
C.) PCR and administrative meetings
Other technology requests
A.) Computer Chairs
1.) 80 new chairs are in
2.) 236 and 282 are labs with new chairs
3.) Evaluate
4.) Rotation of orders (80)
B.) Computer tables like in Tandberg room
C.) Switch in computer in lab B-3
Lab Updates
A.) All are up and running
B.) Mulit-point servers seem to be going well
C.) Brian and Adam's phone number in each lab
D.) Phone numbers on phones
Facebook and YouTube
A.) If we unblock these
B.) Concerns/Questions
C.) Would anyone like to be on a committee to make recommendations about this?
D.) Principals information
International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE) Update
A.) Lee Graves
1.) Flipped classroom (how to, what does it look like?)
2.) Schmoop.com (everyday speak for kids)
3.) Lee will provide staff with websites and apps
4.) Blog (http://www.stfrancis.k12.mn.us/page.cfm?p=3057)
a.) ISD 15 Technology Blog
b.) Apps and websites
Mobile Cart
A.) Where to store it?
B.) Work with World Language?
Food and drink in the labs
A.) No food or drink in the labs
B.) Leslie has a milk crate in the lab for students to place their stuff
Paul Neubauer
Scott Schmidt
Adam Sanasac
Paul Neubauer
Leslie Sworsky
Lee Graves
Beth Widell
Kimberly Dilauro-Rief
Steven Fetzik
Corey Tramm