NORTHERN IRELAND RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME. 2014 -2020 INTERIM LOCAL RURAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY TEMPLATE [ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ] Local Action Group CONTENTS OF STRATEGY DESCRIPTION OF DELIVERY ORGANISATION Contact Details Final version 1/9/2015 G E 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Executive Summary SECTION 1 – ANALYSIS OF NEED 1.1 1.2 1.3 Consultation process Analysis of Need Assessment of funding gaps/synergy SECTION 2 - DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 2.1 2.2 2.3 Strategic Aim Description of proposed strategy Strategic priorities SECTION 3 – ADMINISTRATION/DELIVERY 3.1 3.2 Programme management functions and responsibilities Reporting systems SECTION 4 – COMMUNICATIONS AND PUBLICITY STRATEGY 4.1. Description the communications and publicity strategy SECTION 5 – CO-OPERATION 5.1 Describe co-operation actions/projects SECTION 6 – FINANCIAL PLAN 6.1 Detail of Programme Costs SECTION 7 – OUTPUT TARGETS 7.1 Detail output targets DECLARATION Final version 1/9/2015 G E 2 DESCRIPTION OF DELIVERY ORGANISATION This section should describe the following: The Local Action Group: Name of the Local Action Group: Chair of LAG: Contact name: Address: Telephone Number: E-mail address: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This section should provide a summary of the Strategy document and should be no longer than 3 A4 pages: SECTION 1- ANALYSIS OF NEED Describe the processes undertaken using the paragraph headings in this section to analyse the needs of your LAG area, based on the 4 defined themes and conform to the DARD ‘Design principles’ as set out in Appendix 1 of the ‘Guidance Notes’: Consultation process 1.1 Detail the Consultation process used to ensure residents of the LAG area and all section 75 Groups have been given the opportunity to consider socioeconomic data for the area, this must be equality proofed by council equality officers. This may be best presented in the form of a table. NB Evidence of the information used in the consultation process should be appended. Analysis of need 1.2 Detail your analysis of local socio-economic needs based on your research and consultations using a SWOT analysis. Particular reference should be made on how needs relate to children, young people, women, adults and older citizens and ethnic and minority groups. The Needs Analysis must as a minimum: Be derived from a socio-economic analysis of the local area; Be informed by the Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure; Be informed by Government’s cross cutting strategies; and Be consistent with the priorities described in 2014- 2020 Northern Ireland Rural Development Programme. Final version 1/9/2015 G E 3 Assessment of funding gaps/synergy 1.3 Detail :(a) How your interim strategy is or will be fully integrated with the Council Community plan in your area and the synergies it will have with other government strategies; (b) Your assessment of provision for funding gaps which exist in the area between what Government and other funding bodies aim to deliver and those needs identified through your analysis of local need (ie your assessment of what identified need is being or needs to be met by other bodies and what is not). SECTION 2 - INTERIM DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY Strategic Aim 2.1 What is the LAG’s strategic aim for Rural Development with funding under LEADER of the 2014- 2020 Northern Ireland Rural Development Programme? Note: The strategic aim will be the LAG’s Statement of Purpose to be achieved through the LEADER schemes in its area. It should be no more than one paragraph describing the desired change(s) which the LAG hopes to effect in its area through the use of Rural Development Funding under LEADER and will act as a reference point for all actions within the subsequent implementation plan. Description of proposed strategy 2.2 Describe the LAG’s proposed strategy for effecting economic and social improvement in the area in fulfilment of the described Strategic Aim. This should take the form of setting out the vision for the area and what the LAG sees as its priorities under the theme or themes. The objectives should be ‘S.M.A.R.T.’ and linked to DARD’s required outcomes from the NIRDP as detailed on the scheme level indicator tables at Appendix 1 of the template. Strategy Priorities 2.3 Describe how you will address the priorities you have chosen using the schemes (detailed at Appendix 4 of the Guidance Notes) and the reasons for the choices made i.e. targeting very specific business sectors for new business start- up; grant to capitalise upon opening markets; adoption of themes as a major economic driver in the area; Development of the Social Economy for both social and economic objectives; providing business development support to businesses in villages; or Providing Business Startup/Development support to female and young entrepreneurs. Describe the perceived advantages, disadvantages and costs for each option considered and clearly set out the rationale for the option selected. It is important that a full risk assessment including a comprehensive SWOT analysis is carried out on the options and how these risks can be mitigated against. Final version 1/9/2015 G E 4 (Note: The Key tenets of the strategy must be based upon both a Needs Analysis and an Option Appraisal. It should describe the identified need; the options considered; and the proposed solution by the LAG). SECTION 3 – ADMINISTRATION/DELIVERY Programme management 3.1 Describe how the LAG will discharge its Programme management responsibilities and the functions it has to carry out. Describe the roles and responsibilities of any sub-groups, the systems in place for appraising and selecting projects and for the decision making purposes which will constitute a quorum. Describe the administrative arrangements that will be in place to ensure full accountability for public funds including arrangements for separation of responsibilities and duties. The description should include details of the level of staffing including an outline job description and salary costs for each post. 3.2 Describe the management/reporting system setting out how the LAG will review progress against implementation plans and report progress within. SECTION 4 – COMMUNICATIONS AND PUBLICITY STRATEGY 4.1 Describe the LAG’s communications and publicity strategy and associated plan including costs. Specific areas to address are: (i) How will the LAG raise local awareness of the RDP funding opportunities through animation activities? (ii) What actions will be taken to encourage project applications and generally publicise the programme? (iii) How will the public be kept appraised of the benefits to the area from the operation of the Programme. SECTION 5 - CO-OPERATION 5.1 Co-operation activities are considered to take place in : Northern Ireland; United Kingdom; Ireland; and The European context. The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development considers Cooperation Actions to be a priority activity for the 2014 2020 Programme with a particular emphasis on cross border projects. As a result strategies must make provision for the development and funding of at least 2 North/South Cooperation Projects. Co-operation projects that involve a North South, East Final version 1/9/2015 G E 5 West or European basis are also eligible. The Department would encourage co-operation projects, which are focused on the development of opportunities, afforded by unique landscape or natural resources that cross the boundaries of 2 or more LAG areas. The Department has supplied a table of prospective North/South projects (Appendix 2 of the template) that the Managing Authorities in both jurisdictions would consider to be eligible. These will form the basis of the first call by DARD. The LAG will also be able to take forward it’s own co-operation projects. While there is no maximum or minimum amount that can be spent on individual Co-operation actions and while the details of the proposed Cooperation actions may be developed at a later stage, it would be helpful if your Strategy could at least provide high level detail on any Co-operation objectives that the LAG would hope to achieve and indicate on the table at Appendix 2 of the template those DARD proposed projects that you may have an interest in. SECTION 6 - FINANCIAL PLAN 6.1 Detail the programme costs (rounded to nearest thousand) in the form of the table at Appendix 3 of the template, covering the period 2015 to 2020. These should clearly show the project and administration costs for each year of the programme and should have a supporting explanation of the intended calls for applications under specific schemes. NB Up to 22% of the eligible project spend may be factored as Administration cost (to include animation, information/ publicity, cooperation and network costs). A list of administration activities is attached at Appendix 5 of the Guidance Notes. SECTION 7 – OUTPUT TARGETS 7.1 You should detail your intended outputs against the programme targets on the table at Appendix 1of the template, there will be an opportunity to review these when the full strategy is developed later. Final version 1/9/2015 G E 6 NB This declaration should be completed once the strategy and implementation plan has been approved by the LAG Board. DECLARATION – Local Action Group I declare that on behalf of ……………………………………….LAG, to the best of my knowledge, the information contained in this Interim Strategy is accurate, and that the proposals are consistent and representative of the area to be included in the proposed strategy. Signed on behalf of ………………………………………………………… (Name of LAG) Official Address ………………....................................………. ..…………....................................…………… . ..…………...................................…………... …………………………………………………Chairman ………………………………………………….Date Final version 1/9/2015 G E 7 Appendix 1 LAG Output Targets Rural Business Investment Scheme Name of Indicator Number of Jobs Created (FTE) Value / Target 700 Number of businesses supported LAG Target 300 Number of people completing bespoke training (necessary/directly linked to the development supported) Number of Beneficiaries/People receiving capital grant for their business Number of businesses supported to introduce/expand E-business Number of businesses who have started to export as result of grant 30 500 20 20 Basic Services Name of Indicator Value / Target LAG Target Number of people benefiting from 10,000 improved services / infrastructure Number of participants in bespoke 200 training Number of projects supported for investments in local basic services 100 for the rural population Village Renewal Name of Indicator Number of people benefiting from village renewal projects Number of Villages supported to draw up or enhance village development plans Number of projects supported for investments in village development Number of derelict/vacant properties brought back into use Value / Target 5,000 100 50 50 8 LAG Target Rural Broadband Name of Indicator Number of operations for investments in broadband infrastructure and access to broadband, including e-government services Number of people benefiting from new or improved IT infrastructures (e.g. broadband internet) Value / Target 5 1,200 9 LAG Target Appendix 2 Potential Co-operation project themes Project Title Project description Possible partners Lough Neagh Develop Lough Neagh as a destination by learning from others how to develop waterways to play an integral part in the rural community and economy. Pilgrimage trails Develop religious based walking and cycling trails leading to the economic development of corridors along the routes. Canal development Develop canals as a centre piece for tourism through innovation and ensuring that they play an integral part in the rural community and economy. Community lead rescue services Develop skills and introduce new technology to community rescue services Biker tourism Develop motor cycling tourism linked to (development road racing to create a fuller experience of road for visitors so that they stay longer. racing tourism) 10 Participate Y or N Community development of heritage sites Develop community projects re-using heritage buildings with the aim of integrating them into the community and as a means to create community lead economic projects. Greenway development of old railway lines Develop walkways using abandoned railway lines to expand the offering across rural areas and link together including cross border to gain a better critical mass. Tourist trails developed around the arts Examine a means to link various arts and literary trails and individual projects to create a better more in depth experience for visitors. Better use of broadband Examine the use of broadband across communities and businesses, eg online booking for accommodation. 11 PROGRAMME COSTS Expenditure Year Appendix 3 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Project expenditure Administration expenditure TOTAL 12 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 TOTAL