NWQ ALC Room Application Process

Process for Requesting
North West Quadrant Active Learning Classrooms (NWQ ALCs)
As is the case on most campuses, the demand for UWM active learning classrooms will exceed
availability. Based on consultation with numerous campuses and the unique contextual needs of
UWM, the NWQ ALC Committee has developed the following process for requesting and
allocating space in the NWQ ALCs. In the event that demand for these rooms exceeds supply,
preference will be given to instructors who have completed all three steps. A subcommittee of
the NWQ ALC Committee will review the Course Applications and Agreements, as well as
completion of technological and pedagogical training in order to maximize the use of the spaces.
First time NWQ ALC course instructors will be given preference for the semester following due to
their course design investment. Application Forms and Agreements for fall 2015 are due
electronically to CETL- January 16th, 2015.
Step 1: Complete the regular room scheduling process for rooms in the general classroom pool
through your department scheduler. Typically this is due in August for spring and February for fall.
Step 2. Each instructor must complete the Course Application and Agreement Form each
semester for each course. Alternative course session time slots may need to be considered based
on requests. Flexibility is encouraged. Application and Agreement Forms with room diagrams and
capacities are available on the CETL website: https://www4.uwm.edu/cipd/Partners/
Step 3. Complete the Technology Orientation Session sponsored by Classroom Support and Active
Learning/Small Group Learning workshops sponsored by CETL a semester ahead of when you plan
to teach and before the Course Application and Agreement Form deadline as completion of the
training raises your selection chances. Sessions are available on the CETL website
North West Quadrant Active Learning Committee
Phyllis King, Associate Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs; Professor College of Health Sciences
Karen Brucks, Associate Dean; Mathematical Sciences
Diane Reddy, Director, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning; Professor Psychology
Connie Schroeder, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Kevin Jahnke, Classroom Services
Jonnie Dvorak, Director Panther Academic Support Services
Danielle Willis, Registrar’s Office
Christopher Miller, Information Process Consultant
Mike Priem, Senior Facilities Planning Support
Dennis Stecker, Campus Planning
Please contact Connie Schroeder, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, connies@uwm.edu
with further questions.