Remote Sensing and Soil Thermal Properties:


Remote Sensing and Soil Thermal


Conductivity, Heat Capacity, and

Electromagnetics! OH MY!

Eric Russell


Agron 577: Soil Physics


• What is remote sensing?

– Microwave remote sensing

• Very basic electromagnetics

– Blackbody radiation, Wien’s law, Stefan-Boltzmann law, brightness temperature

• Soil thermal properties

• Combining the previous two (the OH MY! part)

• Figures

What is remote sensing?

• Taking measurements from a place when not being in physical contact of that place.

• Satellites, MRI’s, IR thermometers, RADAR,

LiDAR, camera

– For this presentation: microwaves

• Utilizes the electromagnetic spectrum (EM)

EM Spectrum

Base Electromagnetic equations

• Maxwell’s equations

– Set of equations that relate the characteristics and propagation of magnetic and electrical fields


• Theoretical concept

– Perfect absorber and emitter

• Objects can exhibit blackbody-like characteristics at certain temperatures

– Preferentially emits at specific wavelength/frequency

• Can use as an approximation (usually pretty good)

Temperature and Radiation

• Temperature is defined as the average kinetic energy of molecules in a substance

• Anything that has a temperature radiates via the Stefan-

Boltzmann law:

J = εσT 4

, where ε = emissivity and σ = 5.67x10

-8 [W/m 2 K 4 ]

• Wien’s Displacement law: l max

 b

T l

= wavelength, b = 2.8977685(51)×10 −3 m·K

• a (absorbtivity) + r (reflectivity) + t (transmissivity) = 1

• Kirchoff’s Law: at thermal equilibrium, emissivity ( ε ) = a

• Higher the temperature, greater the radiation emitted

Brightness Temperature

• Standard measurement for remote sensing signal

• More strictly correct is the spectral irradiance

I( l

,T) obtained via Plank’s Law:


 

2 h c

2 l


 e h l kT



(J·s -1 ·m -2

• But brightness temperature is easier:

·sr -1 ·Hz -1 )

T b

= εT where T b

= brightness temperature (K), T = temperature of material (K), and ε = emissivity

Simplify to Rayleigh-Jean law

• Bypass Plank’s law: estimate T b using the spectral brightness B l

(T) from the Rayleigh-

Jean law:

B l

 

2 ckT b l

4 where k = Boltzmann constant,

c = speed of light, T b

= brightness temperature, and λ= wavelength.

• Then back out the brightness temperature

Example of data collected

Soil Thermal Properties

• Thermal conductivity k

: Heat transfer through a unit area of soil (J/s m K, or W/m K)

• Heat capacity c r b

: Change in unit volume’s heat content per unit change in temperature (J/m 3 K)

• Soil Thermal Inertia: P

• From remote sensing: P

 k sat c sat r b






 where


G = variation in surface heat flux,


T = T max

– T min

, and ω = 2 p


Thermal Inertia and Soil Moisture

• As discussed, thermal properties depend upon many factors

– Focus on soil moisture (because it’s awesome… and where my research lies)

• Can create relationships between θ and thermal inertia (can’t separate the individual properties through remote sensing)

• We are now done with big scary equations and models

Even more on this…

• Can’t separate conductivity from capacity from just remote sensing

– Properties depend on too many variables

– Can estimate thermal inertia P using model shown

– Can estimate parameters in thermal inertia if know soil type/texture/moisture content, etc.

• Due to variable needs in approximation, need more than one measurement

– Can model heat flux through energy balance

– Diurnal temperature changes are easy to get

Left: Nighttime temperature over bare soil

Right: Daytime temperature over bare soil

Minacapilli and Blanda 2009

(a) Ground heat flux G ≡ Q(0, t) (W m −2 ), and (b) surface (skin) temperature T s

≡ T(0, t) (°C) measured at the Lucky Hill site in the

Walnut Gulch Watershed, 5 –16 June 2008.

Wang et al 2010

Left: Soil thermal inertia P as a function of θ

Right: Normalized soil thermal inertia K p as a function of degree of saturation (normalized q


Lu et al. (2009)

Idso et al 1976

Idso et al1976

Smits et al 2010


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• Campbell, Gaylon S., and John M. Norman. Introduction to Environmental Biophysics. 2nd ed. New

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• Hillel, Daniel. Introduction to Environmental Soil Physics. Amsterdam: Elsevier Academic, 2004.

• Idso, Sherwood B., Ray D. Jackson, and Robert J. Reginato. "Compensating for Environmental

Variability in the Thermal Inertia Approach to Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture." Journal of

Applied Meteorology 15 (1976): 811-17.

• Lu, Sen, Zhaoqiang Ju, Tusheng Ren, and Robert Horton. "A General Approach to Estimate Soil

Water Content from Thermal Inertia." Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 149 (2009): 1693-698.

• Lu, Xinrui, Tusheng Ren, and Yuanshi Gong. "Experimental Inverstigation of Thermal Dispersion in

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• Minacapilli, M., M. Iovino, and F. Blanda. "High Resolution Remote Estimation of Soil Surface

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• Smits, Kathleen M., Toshihiro Sakaki, Anuchit Limsuwat, and Tissa H. Illangasekare. "Thermal

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• Wang, J., R. L. Bras, G. Sivandran, and R. G. Knox. "A Simple Method for the Estimation of Thermal

Inertia." Geophysical Research Letters 37 (2010): L05404.

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