Q: What is Health Rewards? - the School District of Palm Beach

Health Rewards Frequently Asked Questions
Health Rewards Activities:
Q: What is Health Rewards?
A: UnitedHealthcare’s Health Rewards offer members an opportunity to earn points for achievement of pre-determined biometric
outcomes. This is a program that encourages you to be aware of your crucial health numbers, while encouraging you to adopt
healthy behaviors and earn financial rewards. There are five metrics that will be measured based upon values determined by the
medical community. Program members, like you, can earn incentives for achieving target levels at on-site biometric screenings or
completing an MD Form, documenting your biometrics, during a physician office or convenience care clinic visit. Individual results of
the screenings will be compared to target levels listed below. Program members will earn points based on the targets they meet or
upon completion of a reasonable alternative.
Q: How does the program work?
A: Complete the health actions within the earning period and you will earn points that will count towards your premium discount
reward—it’s that simple!
Q: What are the requirements of Health Rewards?
A: The activities listed below are required to complete the program. Specific health actions have been identified that are eligible for
points – including a biometric screening event where you can find out your blood pressure, body mass index, glucose and cholesterol
values. Each health action has a point value that you can earn upon completion. Employees and their covered spouse/domestic
partner must individually receive 300 points each to qualify for the reward.
Activity #1 -
Health Assessment = 100 points
Activity #2 -
Biometric Screening = 100 points
Activity #3 -
Onsite Biometric Screening
MD Form (Physician’s office / Convenience Care Clinics)
Achieve Biometric Targets* -must meet 4 out of 5 biometric targets = 100 points
*or complete Reasonable Alternative of a telephonic coaching program if targets not met
Biometric Targets (meet 4 out of 5)
My Body Mass Index Target <= 27.5 kg/m2
My Blood Pressure Target <= 140 mmHg Systolic AND <= 90 mmHg Diastolic
My Total Cholesterol Target < 200mg/dL
My LDL Cholesterol Target <= 130 mg/dL
My Total Glucose Target <100 mg/dL
Telephonic Coaching Program Completion (complete any 1)
Diabetes Lifestyle
Heart Healthy Lifestyle
Stress Management
Weight Management
Nutrition Management
Tobacco Cessation
 300 points maximum for each individual, 600 points maximum per family
 Each Activity is non-repeatable (can only earn points for each activity once)
 Each Activity is available Jan-Dec 2015
Q: Is Health Rewards mandatory?
A: No, Health Rewards is a voluntary program. However, you are encouraged to participate since the program is designed to
encourage healthy behaviors while earning financial rewards. This program is designed for those who are currently healthy and who
should maintain their good level of health as well as members who want to get healthier. Don’t delay, start earning today!
Q: Is Health Rewards available to employees, spouses or domestic partners?
A: Health Rewards is available for all employees and spouses/domestic partners who are enrolled in the medical plan. If you
participate in your employer’s health plan you are already enrolled in the Health Rewards program. Your participation will
automatically make you eligible to earn rewards.
General Questions:
Q: Why is the School District doing this?
A: The purpose of Health Rewards is to financially reward and motivate employees to take steps towards becoming aware and
active in their own health. The ultimate goal is to have employees live a healthier lifestyle and when possible, identify and take
actions to avoid or minimize preventable diseases. Participation in the program is voluntary. As always privacy as it relates to health
care information is protected by law. We care about you and your health and want you to be healthy. We want you to know your
numbers which can lead to a healthier lifestyle as well as help you work with your doctor to maintain good health.
Q: How is this confidential? Is it reported to the School District?
A: Your personal information will remain confidential. We understand the importance of protecting your privacy and Federal law
under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) protects your privacy. Your personal screening results will not
be shared and your personal information will be used only by UHC and its wellness program affiliates to provide indivualized health
information to you to improve your health practices. The district will only receive aggregate results and a list of participants to verify
who completed the requirements. You can view the privacy and security policies on myuhc.com.
Q: Is there a penalty for being overweight, having high blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes? Will I have to pay an extra
premium or increased health insurance?
A: No, there is not penalty- not directly. We care about you and your health and want you to be healthy. Your information is
confidential. Participation is optional. We want you to know your numbers which can lead to a healthier lifestyle as well as help you
work with your doctor to manage your condition and avoid future complications. Results provide information about health and are
intended for educational purposes. If you don’t meet the necessary biometric targets you have the option to complete telephonic
coaching to earn credit for Health Rewards, and determine if follow-up care is needed.
Q: When will my results show up so I can officially track my progress of Health Rewards on myuhc.com?
A: To view your results go to myuhc.com, click on the Health & Wellness tab, click on Health Points. Results may take up to 30 days
or longer. Please get your steps completed early. Tracking your progress online at www.myuhc.com is most effective when activities
are completed early. Activities completed by July 31 (full credit) or December 31 (partial credit) will apply; however, you may not have
confirmation of those activities until after the deadline on myuhc.com.
Q: Does my spouse have to do the health rewards steps for me to receive the medical premium discount?
A: Yes, both you and your spouse (if on district insurance) will need to complete the steps. Any employee with single coverage will
need to earn 300 points by July 31 (full credit) or December 31 (partial credit), to earn a discount. For employees with a covered
spouse/domestic partner, both the employee and the covered spouse/domestic partner will each need to earn 300 points to qualify
for one medical premium discount of $50.00 per month; a potential savings of $600.00 in calendar year. This District contributes
significantly more money towards the premium for those employees with spouse/domestic partner coverage, thus the reason for the
discount being $600, even though both employee and covered spouse/domestic partner must each earn 300 points.
Q: Can you explain to me the program savings?
A: Health Rewards is a discount off the current medical insurance premiums. Current medical insurance costs can be found the
Benefits Reference Guide. Those that completed the program last year will receive $25 off the medical premium each pay period, or
$50 a month. By completing the program by July 31 (full credit) or December 31 (partial credit) you will continue to receive a savings
on the medical insurance rates. All Health Rewards steps completed between January 1and July 31 will receive a discount beginning
with the first payroll deduction on our after January 1 the following year. All steps completed by December 31 will receive the
discount beginning with the first payroll deduction on or after June 1 the following year. Health Rewards and the Tobacco Surcharge
are two separate programs. Health Rewards is a coupon for savings off your medical premium by participating in activities you
already should be doing to stay healthy. The Tobacco Surcharge is an additional monthly cost of $25 a paycheck or $50 a month for
an unhealthy behavior. Confirm or update your status on the District’s Self-Service by October 15.
Q: Do covered children have to do the health rewards steps to receive the medical premium discount?
A: No, covered children are not eligible to participate in health rewards.
Q: If I don’t have the School District medical insurance do I still have to participate in health rewards?
A: No, those who waive medical coverage are excluded from the health rewards and are not eligible. However we recommend that
you consider wellness in your day to day activities. Please be aware that if you enroll in a district medical plan in the future the
premium discount would not be awarded upon enrollment.
Q: I do not need health insurance at this time through the district, my husband’s job provides it for our family. If I decide that I
need to be insured through the district will I get the discount?
A: No, the discount will only be provided for participants who are enrolled in a medical plan and who completed the required actions
by July 31 (full credit) or December 31 (partial credit).
Q: How can I stay informed on Health Rewards communications?
A: Knowing what to do is critical to success and to receiving the Health Rewards points. We want you to succeed and save. You must
do your part and stay informed. Inaction or late action will have a financial impact, so be sure to read the information we send out to
you by email and make sure that your home address information in Peoplesoft is accurate and up to date. If you miss any of the
information please visit the wellness website.
Q: What additional health and wellness programs are available?
A: The School District is committed to helping employees adopt a healthy lifestyle and improve their quality of life. To do this we give
employees easy access to the resources needed to make well-informed decisions about health and healthcare. For example, Diabetes
Health Plan, Nurseline, Health Kiosk, Health Discounts, Employee Assistance Program, HealthAdvocate and more. Please visit the
wellness website for additional employee wellness programs available. Include website right here?
Biometric Screenings
Q: What is a biometric screening?
A: A biometric screening is a general health check that can identify any significant cardiovascular or nervous system problems. This
health check provides several biometric measures including: cholesterol levels for full lipid panel; blood pressure; blood glucose levels
and also includes a measurement of height, weight and body mass index (BMI). Discuss your results of the screenings with your
healthcare provider.
Q: What if I’m unable to attend an onsite biometric screening?
A: If you miss your assigned biometric screening (due to a work related or personal matter) you can still participate in a biometric
screening – and earn your points. Please call 1-877-818-5826 to speak with a customer service representative who can assist you or
go on the Health &Wellness website on www.myUHC.com. You will be sent an MD form that you take to your primary physician or
convenience care clinic to administer the biometric test(s). Be sure to completely fill out each section of your form – missing fields or
incorrect information could result in delays. You are responsible for ensuring that the MD Form has been received and processed.
Q: What if I have a valid reason for not passing a biometric target?
A: If you score outside of an ideal ‘target range’ on one or more of the biometric tests and you feel you have a valid reason; you can
utilize the Reasonable Alternative Process (RAP) to see if you qualify for your points through an alternative means. Click Here to
download the form. Take the downloaded form to your primary physician for his/her medical evaluation of your situation. After your
physician signs the form, fax it to 1-855-232-7346. Your request will be reviewed by the UnitedHealthcare medical staff and if you
qualify for an alternative – you may be assigned Telephonic Coaching (covering: exercise, nutrition, heart health, Diabetes lifestyle,
tobacco cessation weight management and stress management). Once you complete your telephonic coaching you’ll qualify for your
Telephonic Coaching
Q: What is a Telephonic Coaching Program?
A: If you miss 2 or more biometric markers you will need to complete a telephonic coaching program in order to earn your reward.
Telephonic Coaching is a lifestyle program that supports and reinforces changes to help improve weight, stress management,
exercise, nutrition, tobacco cessation, heart health and diabetes. The objective of Telephonic Coaching is to help you understand your
overall risk profile and to take a proactive and long-lasting approach to health and wellness.
Q: How much time does the coaching program take?
A: The programs are completely tailored to you and usually take between 9 to 12 weeks on average.
Q: How do I get started on my Telephonic Coaching?
A: Call 1-800-478-1057 to connect one-on-one with a phone-based wellness coach to begin your personal health improvement plan.
Telephonic coaches are wellness professionals in fields such as nutrition, psychology and health education. They can help you
understand your health risks and give you information and tools to help you make informed decisions about how to live a healthy
MD Form Physician’s Office or Convenience Care Questions:
Q: Will the School District notify the physicians as to the steps we need to take?
A: The School District will not notify physicians of the steps; however they have been alerted of the program and requirements. Each
employee must be responsible for his or her health rewards points.
Q: Will I have to pay a co-pay when I go to the doctor?
A: You are currently allowed a yearly annual routine physical. So for example if you go to your provider in January for an annual
routine physical that claim would be paid at 100% but if you were to then try to go again in August that would not be covered at
100% as you had already had a preventive exam this calendar year. Due to Health Care Reform, the benefit allows for preventive
medical care to be covered at 100%. Keep in mind the provider must code the claim as preventive medical care for it to be covered at
100%. Please review the benefits reference guide for information on understanding preventive care services or visit the wellness
website. You can also check online at http://www.uhcpreventivecare.com/.
Q: Do I have to see an in-network doctor?
A: In order to receive the 100 points for the Biometric Screenings you must Schedule an appointment with an in-network doctor. The
majority of employees are enrolled in the High and Low HMO which offer in-network benefits only (except for emergencies) so the
cost for seeking non-emergency services would not be covered by the plan. You can find an in-network doctor by
visiting www.myuhc.com and logging in with your UHC User Name and Password. This is not your District log in. You will then want
to click on Find a Doctor. A basic annual checkup is all that is required at this time. Again, preventative service should be at no copayment.
Q: Where should I go for my lab work?
A: During your annual wellness exam, you can obtain a form or prescription from your doctor for the blood work and take it
LabCorp. It is also the only lab that can be used to count towards Health Rewards.
Q: My doctor usually draws my blood in his/her office. Can I have my blood drawn while I am at my doctor’s office?
A: Only if the blood draw is sent to LabCorp by your doctor’s office. You should obtain a copy of the results so that you are aware of
your lab values and you can confirm that the results are on LabCorp paper.
Q: If during my wellness exam they do other blood tests, for example iron is tested. Will this create a problem in getting the
results for earning the 100 points?
A: It should not as long as the lab work includes the required tests and is completed on the MD Form. However, the co-insurance and
deductible will apply to other services.
Online Health Assessment Questions:
Q: What is the online health assessment?
A: The health assessment is an online 58 question survey which allows you to assess your lifestyle habits that are directly linked to
health status and health care costs. These lifestyle habits include: activity/exercise, alcohol use, back care, driving, eating, exams,
self-care, smoking, stress, weight control and well-being. The results and recommendations from the health assessment provide
immediate feedback to help you improve or maintain your health. It also assesses your risk for some key disease like heart attack,
diabetes and cancer. Most importantly, your results are completely confidential and created especially for you, based on your
answers to basic questions about your health habits.
Q: Is there online help available if I’m having difficulty accessing or completing the health assessment?
A: Yes, you may go the site demo on myuhc.com. Instructions for accessing the health assessment are also available on the wellness
website. Technical support is also available by calling 1-877-844-4999, 8:00 AM-10:00 pm ET (Monday- Friday).
Q: What is the purpose of the health assessment questions?
A: The Health Assessment, administered by the University of Michigan, is the most globally researched HRA in the world. The Health
Assessment has been used in over one hundred forty (140) publications and is continuously updated, and includes 17 medical
conditions, including mental health, productivity issues, major health risks, diseases and biometrics data. Individually identifiable
answers are never shared with the school district. Aggregate health information gathered is used to provide wellness and health
management programs.
Q: Where can I find the Health Assessment?
A: Go to www.myuhc.com. Log in with your user name and password (this is separate from any District password). Look over to the
far right column. Click on the Health Assessment tab located there, or click on the Health & Wellness portal. You may enter your
biometric results as you answer questions in the Health Assessment, but it is optional.
Q: How can I be sure I submitted the Health Assessment?
A: Make sure you completely submit your responses. When you complete the Health Assessment you will be provided a certificate of
completion with the date, as well as see a summary of your results which highlights areas you might want to work on for health
improvement as well as a wellness score. Points (100 points) will be immediately recorded on your tracking section of the
UnitedHealthcare website. You can go back to www.myuhc.com anytime after to review this health assessment summary page, as
well as track your completion in the Health Points section of the myuhc.com Health & Wellness page.
Q: How is my Health Assessment data kept confidential?
A: Protection of privacy as it relates to health care information is not only good business practice but it is regulated by Federal Law
and therefore it is taken very seriously. For more details you will find the answers within the privacy information located on the
UnitedHealthcare website. Should you need additional information, you are encouraged to call the customer service number listed on
the back of your UHC I.D. card.
Q: How does my covered spouse/domestic partner complete the online Health Assessment?
A: They will need to go online to myuhc.com and register to create their own user name and password. Both the employee and the
covered spouse/domestic partner will each need to earn 300 points to qualify for the medical discount.
MYUHC.com Questions:
Q: I forget the myuhc password? Or how do I log on?
A: Click on “forgot my password” and follow directions. If you don’t have a password or username then click on “Get a username and
password through our free registration process for people enrolled in a UnitedHealthcare plan”. For additional website technical
assistance please call Unitedhealthcare at 1-877-844-4999.
Tobacco Surcharge Questions:
Q: Why is this being implemented for the School District?
A: Tobacco is considered the leading preventable risk factor for illness and disease. The School District approved the surcharge as a
financial incentive to motivate behavior change.
Q: Is there a penalty for smoking or tobacco use?
A: Yes. A $50.00 a month surcharge will be added to your monthly premiums in January for an entire calendar year unless you
submit the online affidavit in the District’s Self-Service by October 15 indicating that you have been tobacco-free for at least 60 days.
Take advantage of tobacco cessation resources to quit smoking and avoid the surcharge. You can visit the wellness website for
available resources.
Q: Where do we get the online tobacco affidavit?
A: The Affidavit is available under the Self-Service Module of PeopleSoft. Open an Internet Explorer Browser Window, Log into the
School District Employee Portal, Click on the PeopleSoft Tile, Click on Self- Service, Enter your District Username and Password, Go to
Benefits, then Wellness Rewards and Surcharge to review your status.
Q: How does my spouse/domestic partner complete the online affidavit?
A: Currently the tobacco surcharge only applies to employees. Only school district employees need to visit Self Service to review or
update their status.
Q: What is considered tobacco use?
A: “Tobacco product” is defined to include any lighted or unlighted cigarettes, cigars, clove cigarette, blunts, bidis, pipes, hookah,
chewing tobacco, snuff, roll your own tobacco, smokeless tobacco and any other items containing or reasonably resembling tobacco
or tobacco products. “Tobacco use” includes smoking, chewing, dipping, electronic cigarette or any other use of tobacco products
within the last sixty days.
Q: How do I avoid the tobacco use surcharge?
A: All employees will need to review the online affidavit by October 15. Non- tobacco users who complete the online affidavit by
October 15 will avoid having a surcharge. The affidavit does not need to be submitted each year. Once your tobacco status is
accurately recorded you are done. New hires will complete an online affidavit during New Employee Orientation.
Q: What happens if I do not complete the tobacco use form?
A: Employees who do not complete the tobacco use form on PeopleSoft by the deadline will be subject to the tobacco-use surcharge
of $50 a month. If you completed last year your status will remain the same unless you want to change it, so no need to redo it unless
your status has changed.
Q: Does the tobacco-use surcharge apply to covered spouses/domestic partners?
A: No. At this time it only applies to the employee status.
Q: Where can I find out more about how to quit?
A: Please refer to the wellness website: http://www.palmbeachschools.org/riskmgmt/Wellness2/TobaccoPolicy.asp for tobacco
cessation resources available.
Q: What is the official quit date to be exempt from the surcharge?
A: If you are currently trying to quit you have until October 15 to complete the form stating you’ve been smoke-free for at least 60
days. If you start using tobacco after that date you need to notify Risk and Benefits Management for a classification change by
completing a tobacco certification form located on our website.
Q: What if someone completes the tobacco user’s affidavit with a non-tobacco user status but really still uses tobacco products?
A: The individual will have committed a third degree felony and may face consequences-including civil and criminal penalties for
Q: Why are tobacco users being penalized?
A: Tobacco use for many years has been tied to increasing health risk factors. Our wellness initiatives will continue to encourage
employees to make healthy lifestyle choices.
Q: Is this discrimination or illegal?
A: No. Tobacco use surcharge is permissible under both federal and state law. Many other organizations have similar surcharges or
higher deductibles for tobacco users.
Q: I forget my School District Self-Service password?
A: You may go to the School District Homepage. Click on the Employees tab, then go to Technology on the left hand menu, and click
“forgot my password” and follow directions. For additional website technical assistance please call the Technology Service Desk at
561-242-4100 or PX44100.
Tracking my Participation Questions:
Q: How can I track my points with Wellness Rewards?
A: You can officially track your progress at www.myuhc.com. Progress tracking is most effective when activities are completed early.
Results may take up to 30 days. Activities completed will apply, however, you may not have confirmation of those activities until after
the program deadline.
1. To view your current wellness rewards points go to www.myuhc.com, and enter your username and password. If you do
not have a username and password registration is easy.
2. Next click on the Health & Wellness tab on the homepage. We upgraded this site so the first time you enter the Health
& Wellness portal you’ll need to create an username, password and answer a few security questions.
3. Once on the Health & Wellness tab you will see “Health Points”.
4. Click on that link which will take you to your specific rewards page. “My Health Points” shows the points you have
received to date. You can access this page as often as you like.
5. As you complete your health actions, your points will be updated on the “My Health Points” tab. Updates may take up
to 30 days, so start early!
6. Click on “Earning Health Points” to see all of the requirements to achieve your 300 points.
Q: What if I still have questions about Health Rewards?
A: In addition to reviewing your points information online, you can call our toll free incentive support line at 1-877-818-5826 with
questions about your points. You can also contact the UHC on-site representatives at The School District of Palm Beach County:
 For last names starting with A thru K: Gabriela Coolican, 561-434-8092, gabriela_coolican@uhc.com
 For last names starting with L thru Z: Stacey Brooks, 561-357-7564, Stacey_brooks@uhc.com
Q: How can verify my current tobacco status?
A: Visit the school district website (www.palmbeachschools.org). Next, click on the Employees tab, Select Self Service, Log into
PeopleSoft (user I.D. & password), Click Benefits, Click Wellness Rewards and Surcharge. You do not need to resubmit your status if
you completed already, you just need to review and verify you still have the current tobacco status shown in our system. If anything
has changed you can submit and update by October 15 for medical premiums.