PHS 398/2590 OTHER SUPPORT Provide active support for all key personnel. Other Support includes all financial resources, whether Federal, non-Federal, commercial or institutional, available in direct support of an individual's research endeavors, including but not limited to research grants, cooperative agreements, contracts, and/or institutional awards. Training awards, prizes, or gifts do not need to be included. SANCHEZ, M.M. ACTIVE 1 P50 MH078105 (Gunnar, PI; Sanchez, PI Proj3) 03/01/2009-02/28/2014 PI (Project 3) NIH/NIMH $1,500,000 3.60 calendar Early Experience, Stress and Neurobehavioral Development Center Goal of this project: To examine the effects of early adverse care on neurobehavioral development, both in humans and nonhuman primates. No budgetary, scientific or effort overlap. 3 P50 MH078105-01A2S1 (Styner, PI) 07/01/2009-06/30/2011 co-Inv NIH/NIMH $224,275 0 calendar Recovery Act Administrative Supplement to P50 MH078105 (Gunnar, PI) Goal of this project: a) build macaque brain MR (MRI, DTI) and connectivity atlases at early developmental stages (2 weeks, 3months, 6 months), b) adapt of human neonate neuroimaging tools developed by Dr. Styner’s lab to the nonhuman primate brain, and c) development of a single, coherent software tool for computing the brain MRI analysis of neurodevelopmental changes across the ages studied and between groups. No budgetary, scientific or effort overlap. 1RO1 MH050268-11 (Wallen, PI) 12/01/2007-07/31/2012 Co-Inv NIH/NIMH $341,699 1.20 calendar Amygdala: sex differences in behavior, cognition, and neuroendocrine development Goal of this project: To investigate social, emotional, cognitive and neuroendocrine consequences of neonatal amygdalectomy in male and female rhesus monkeys. No budgetary, scientific or effort overlap. 1 RO1 MH079100 (Wilson, PI) 04/01/2008-03/31/2013 Co-Inv NIH/NIMH $416,897 2.40 calendar Neurobiology of Increased Vulnerability to Social Stressors During Adolescence Goal of this project: To elucidate the complex interplay between social stress, genetics, and reproductive maturation, providing a comprehensive understanding of the role of adolescence as a critical period for the emergence of psychiatric disorders and aid in the development of effective interventions to limit its negative impact, using a nonhuman primate model. No budgetary, scientific or effort overlap. 1R01 MH081816-01A1 (Toufexis) 04/01/2009 – 02/28/2013 Co-Inv NIH/NIMH $388,129 1.80 calendar Psychosocial disruption of estradiol action on behavior This project examines how psychosocial stress, imposed by social subordination in rhesus monkeys, disrupts the ability of estradiol to facilitate socio-sexual behavior and relieve anxiety. Role: Co-investigator No budgetary, scientific or effort overlap. 1 RC1MH088985 (Davis, PI) 10/01/2009-08/31/2011 Co-Inv NIH/NIMH $452,881 0.6 calendar Safety Signal Learning in Rhesus Monkeys Following early Life Stress Goal of this project: To evaluate whether early life stress in rhesus monkeys is associated with deficits in safety signal learning using the same objective measure of fear inhibition used with patients with PTSD. No budgetary, scientific or effort overlap. OVERLAP: None