Typical Bus Routing Software Input Information 1) 2013-2014 Bus information a. Route assignment number b. School assignments (both pickup and drop-off) i. Elementary primary ii. Elementary secondary iii. Middle iv. High v. Special Center vi. Combination c. Bus number d. Bus lot assignment (cost center) for departure/arrival points e. Departure/Arrival time windows i. Normal school day 1. Morning a. Earliest departure from lot b. Latest departure from lot 2. Mid-day a. Earliest arrival to lot b. Latest departure from lot 3. Afternoon a. Earliest arrival to lot b. Latest arrival to lot ii. Early out (Wednesday) school day 1. Morning a. Earliest morning departure from lot b. Latest morning departure from lot 2. Mid-Day a. Earliest mid-day arrival to lot b. Latest mid-day departure from lot 3. Afternoon a. Earliest after noon arrival to lot b. Latest afternoon arrival to lot f. Site ingress/egress for buses i. Entrance location ID ii. Exit location ID Required/Suggested Software Input Data Page 1 Typical Bus Routing Software Input Information 2013-2014 g. Maximum Seating capacity (with & without monitor for elementary/middle/high) i. Student seats (with no wheelchairs) ii. Student seats (with max. wheelchairs) h. Arrival or departure delays (non-driver bus prep) i. Operational information i. Day of week route assignments (if different for different days) ii. Fuel economy in miles/gallon iii. Fuel type (gas, diesel, or LP) iv. Fuel cost per gallon by fuel type v. Cost per mile operational cost (based on past maintenance history) vi. Average daily fixed cost (based on past maintenance history) vii. Maximum route distance of travel viii. Maximum route travel time Required/Suggested Software Input Data Page 2 Typical Bus Routing Software Input Information 2) 2013-2014 Driver/monitor information a. Driver i. Name(s) ii. Contact phone number iii. Earliest start work time iv. Latest start work time v. Minimum hours required to work (drive-time with or without trip prep time) vi. Maximum hours allotted (drive-time with or without trip prep time) vii. Normal hourly rate cost (dollars/hour) viii. Over-time rate cost (dollars/hour) ix. Number of hours (per day or per week) before over-time starts x. Certification requirements 1. Annual medical (date for renewal) 2. Yearly In-service training xi. Seniority start date of service b. Monitor i. Name ii. Contact phone number iii. Earliest start work time iv. Latest start work time v. Minimum hours required to work (drive-time with or without trip prep time) vi. Maximum hours allotted (drive-time with or without trip prep time) vii. Normal hourly rate cost (dollars/hour) viii. Over-time rate cost (dollars/hour) ix. Number of hours (per day or per week) before over-time starts x. Date of last in-service training xi. Seniority start date of service c. Bus number assignment d. Primary route type i. General education ii. Special needs iii. Shuttle (Ag or 9th Grade Center) or center to center transport iv. Other (or combination) Required/Suggested Software Input Data Page 3 Typical Bus Routing Software Input Information 3) 2013-2014 School Information a. Cost center code [CNTR] – TEXT(4) b. School name [Name] – TEXT (50) c. Grades serviced [Ed_Type] – TEXT (18) i. Elementary ii. K-6 iii. K-8 iv. Middle v. 9th Grade vi. High vii. Technical viii. Adult ix. Special needs x. Other special programs d. Physical (full) street address (from E911) i. Street Address [Address] – TEXT (50) ii. City (Postal) [City] – TEXT (25) iii. ZIP [ZIP] – TEXT (5) e. Assigned personnel responsible for transportation coordination i. Principal [Principal] – TEXT (35) 1. Office phone number [Principal_Office] – TEXT (12) 2. Cell phone number [Principal_Cell] – TEXT (12) ii. Assistant Principal [Asst_Principal] – TEXT (35) 1. Office phone number [Asst_Principal_Office] – TEXT (12) 2. Cell phone number [Asst_Principal_Cell] – TEXT (12) iii. Other assigned staff [Other_Staff] – TEXT (35) 1. Office phone number [Other_Staff_Office] – TEXT (12) 2. Cell phone number [Other_Staff_Cell] – TEXT (12) f. Site access for buses from Right-of-Way i. Entrance location ID [Bus_Entr_ID] – TEXT (12) ii. Exit location ID [Bus_Exit_ID] – TEXT (12) g. Maximum length (Feet) for bus staking capability [Bus_Stack_Dist] – INTEGER h. Bus depot/lot assignment i. Primary location ii. Alternate location i. School administrative hours Required/Suggested Software Input Data Page 4 Typical Bus Routing Software Input Information 2013-2014 i. Start time ii. End time j. Bell times i. Normal day 1. Start [BellStart_Reg] -- DATETIME 2. Finish [BelleEnd_Reg] -- DATETIME ii. Early out 1. Start [BellStart_Early] -- DATETIME 2. Finish [BellEnd_Early] -- DATETIME Required/Suggested Software Input Data Page 5 Typical Bus Routing Software Input Information 2013-2014 k. Student arrival/departure time windows i. Normal day earliest student arrival ii. Normal day latest student departure iii. Early out latest student departure l. Bus arrival/departure time windows i. Normal school day 1. Morning a. Earliest arrival b. Latest arrival c. Earliest departure d. Latest departure 2. Afternoon a. Earliest arrival b. Latest arrival c. Earliest departure d. Latest departure ii. Early out (Wednesday) school day 1. Morning a. Earliest arrival b. Latest arrival c. Earliest departure d. Latest departure 2. Afternoon a. Earliest arrival b. Latest arrival c. Earliest departure d. Latest departure Required/Suggested Software Input Data Page 6 Typical Bus Routing Software Input Information 4) 2013-2014 Bus depot/lot information a. Cost center code b. Lot name c. Assigned schools (might can modify this to represent assignment zones) i. Elementary (list names) ii. K-8 (list names) iii. Middle (list names) iv. High (list names) v. Adult (list names) vi. Special needs (list names) vii. Other special programs (list names) d. Physical street address e. Site ingress/egress for buses i. Entrance location ID ii. Exit location ID f. Bus depot/lot assignment i. Primary ii. Secondary g. Lot administrative hours i. Start time ii. End time h. Assigned personnel i. Lot/Route manager & phone number ii. Lead driver & phone number iii. Other Required/Suggested Software Input Data Page 7 Typical Bus Routing Software Input Information 5) 2013-2014 Student information a. Normal day morning pickup i. Address location ii. Bus stop assignment b. Normal day drop-off i. Address location ii. Bus stop assignment c. Special day morning pickup i. Address location ii. Bus stop assignment iii. Day of the week occurrence d. Special day drop-off i. Address location ii. Bus stop assignment iii. Day of the week occurrence e. Pickup and drop-off address locations (morning/afternoon different day of week for grandparents or divorced parent changes by time period) f. School of assignment g. Special needs category (primary exceptionality or see item j below) h. Maximum amount of time on bus i. Special needs requirements for transportation i. Autistic [one child per seat] ii. Wheelchair iii. Car seat iv. Oxygen (other) v. Requires nurse vi. Requires monitor j. Stop time allotted for each student type (time to load & unload student) i. Typical student ii. Autistic student iii. Child that requires car seat iv. Student in Wheel chair v. Other special needs that impact time to load and unload Required/Suggested Software Input Data Page 8 Typical Bus Routing Software Input Information 6) 7) 2013-2014 Bus stop information a. Location i. XY Coordinate ii. Closest door-side address b. Students assigned to stop c. Route assignment number i. By day of week (ex. early-out Wednesday) 1. Estimated time of morning pickup 2. Estimated time of afternoon drop-off General policy and procedures information a. Maximum student ride time (General Ed) b. Delivery or assignment zones, actual or perceived for bus lots (if any) c. Specific roads, types of roads, communities or areas considered off limits (ex. dirt roads, private roads in gated communities, sexual predators/offenders) d. Maximum distance between bus stops e. Safety considerations from GIS i. Location of stops from intersections ii. Minimum clear view sighting distance 1. Horizontal curve distance 2. Vertical curve height f. Allowable percent of maximum bus capacity i. Elementary ii. Middle iii. High iv. Exceptional education g. Student stop arrival times i. Time window in minutes before and after designated time ii. Maximum wait time for students at stop Required/Suggested Software Input Data Page 9