JJ Thompson! - chem20-2011

By: Elise, Erica and Camisha.
 Real
name is Joseph John.
 Born in Cheetham Hill, Manchester.
 Born on December 18 1856.
 Died August 30 1940.
 His religion is Anglican
 He discovered the electron.
He discovered the
Electron in 1904.
 The chips are the
electrons and the
dough is a cloud of
positive particles surrounding the
Atoms are a sphere with a positive charge
distributed evenly through the atom containing
negatively charged electrons separately
embedded into the atom.
 Atoms as a whole are neutrally charged because
the amount of positive charge in it cancels out
the amount of negatively charged electrons. This
means as a whole atoms are neutrally charged.
 Electrons can be moved around or taken out of
the atom, the positive charge can not.
Cathode Ray
When investigating cathode rays using a highly
evacuated discharge tube he was able to use the
calculated velocity and deflection of the beam
to calculate the ratio of electric charge to mass
of the cathode ray. This was found to be
constant regardless of the gas used in the tube
and the metal of the cathode and was
approximately 1000 times less than the value
calculated for hydrogen ions in the electrolysis
of liquids.
J.J Thomson created this experiment in 1897.
He did three different trials of this
The first trial he determined how to build it
with a metal cylinder at the end.
The second trial he proved the rays carry a
negative charge.
The third trial he discovered that series of
experiments can gradually uncover truths.
• http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/1906/t
• http://www.aip.org/history/electron/jjhome.htm
• http://www.nndb.com/people/479/000099182/
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._J._Thomson
• http://www.experiment-resources.com/cathode-ray.html