Student Course Notes B Record of Evidence and Submitting Assessment Work The Assessment Kit BSB51413 Diploma of Project Management Transition materials – BSB51407 to BSB51413 This learning resource has been developed to assist those participating in the Certificate IV in Project Management Practice program conducted by The Moreland Group. License is granted for enrolled participants to print copies for the purpose of their studies. Copies shall not be distributed to any other persons or bodies without the expressed written permission of The Moreland Group. THE MORELAND GROUP PTY LTD ACN 007 222 424 The Moreland Group is a Registered Education Provider with the Project Management Institute. The Australian Institute of Project Management also endorses our courses. The courses are built around the Australian competency for project management, and are based on the Project Management Body of Knowledge – PMBOK© – which is the world standard in project management owned by the Project Management Institute. The Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) logo is a distinguishable mark of quality for promoting and certifying national vocational education and training leading to Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualifications or Statements of Attainment. The Moreland Group is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO-6332) and able to offer Nationally Accredited Training including project management qualifications. This photo used under creative commons license courtesy of Dave Heuts © Copyright 2014. V1.0. All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced in any form or by any process including information storage and retrieval system, which includes any other electronic book process including internet/web, without the expressed written permission of the copyright holders. ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 2 of 84 Contents EVIDENCE EXAMPLES 5 RECORD OF EVIDENCE 33 BSBPMG511A Manage Project Scope 41 BSBPMG512A Manage project time 45 BSBPMG513A Manage project quality 49 BSBPMG514A Manage project cost 53 BSBPMG515A Manage project human resources 57 BSBPMG516A Manage project information and communication 61 BSBPMG517A Manage project risk 65 BSBPMG518A Manage project procurement 69 BSBPMG519A Manage project stakeholder engagement 73 BSBPMG520A Manage project governance 77 BSBPMG521A Manage project integration 37 BSBWOR502B Ensure team effectiveness 81 ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 3 of 84 Section 1 Evidence Examples ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 5 of 84 Unit of Competencies – A comparison of old and new Previous Current BSBPMG501A Manage application of project integrative processes BSBPMG521A Manage project integration BSBPMG502A Manage project scope BSBPMG511A Manage project scope BSBPMG503A Manage project time BSBPMG512A Manage project time BSBPMG505A Manage project quality BSBPMG513A Manage project quality BSBPMG504A Manage project cost BSBPMG514A Manage project cost BSBPMG506A Manage project human resources BSBPMG515A Manage project human resources BSBPMG507A Manage project communications BSBPMG516A Manage project information and communication BSBPMG508A Manage project risk BSBPMG517A Manage project risk BSBPMG509A Manage project procurement BSBPMG518A Manage project procurement NA BSBPMG519A Manage project stakeholder engagement NA BSBPMG520A Manage project governance NA BSBWOR502B Ensure team effectiveness New/Current Remains same/Current ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 7 of 84 Previous Unit BSBPMG501A Manage application of project integrative processes Current unit code and title BSBPMG521A Manage project integration BSBPMG521A Manage project integration 1. Establish project 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2. Undertake project planning and design processes 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3. Execute project in work environment Identify, clarify and prepare project initiation documentation Example: Scope document; project charter Identify the relationship between the project and broader organisational strategies and goals Example: Documents describing governance processes; business case Negotiate and document project objectives, outcomes and benefits Example: Project charter Negotiate the project governance structure with relevant authorities and stakeholders Example: Project charter; meeting minutes Prepare and submit project charter for approval by relevant authorities Example: Project charter Establish and implement a methodology to disaggregate project objectives into achievable project deliverables Example: WBS; list of project deliverables; Identify project stages and key requirements for stage completion against client requirements and project objectives Example: Project plan; project milestones; stage completion documents Analyse project management functions to identify interdependencies and the impact of the triple constraints Example: Project plan Develop a project management plan that integrates all projectmanagement functions with associated plans and baselines Example: Project plan Establish designated mechanisms to monitor and control planned activity Example: Status reporting; project status meetings; project team meetings Negotiate approval of project plan with relevant stakeholders and project authority Example: Project plan 3.1 Manage the project in an established internal work environment to ensure work is conducted effectively throughout the project 3.2 Example: Project authorisation, tracking/status reports, phase descriptors; sign-offs Maintain established links to align project objectives with organisational objectives throughout the project life cycle Example: Document showing a discussion of the links between project goals and organisation goals ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 9 of 84 3.3 4. Manage project control 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 5. Manage project finalisation 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Within authority levels, resolve conflicts that may negatively affect project objectives Example: Minutes of governance meetings, notes of meetings/discussions of conflict resolution Ensure project records are updated against project deliverables and plans at required intervals Example: Updates to project plan and project documents; change log; risk register Analyse and submit status reports on project progress and identified issues with stakeholders and relevant authorities Example: status reports; issues log; risk register; variation log Analyse and submit impact analysis on change requests for approval where required Example: Change control documents; impact analysis Maintain relevant project logs and registers accurately and regularly to assist with project audit Example: Updates to project plan and project documents; change log; risk register Ensure associated plans are updated to reflect project progress against baselines and approved changes Example: Updates to project plan and project documents; change log; risk register Identify and allocate project finalisation activities Example: Project plan Ensure project products and associated documentation are prepared for handover to client in a timely manner Example: Warranties; “as built” documents; document transmittals; Finalise financial, legal and contractual obligations Example: Closure reports Undertake project review assessments as input to future projects Example: PIR; lessons learned ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 10 of 84 Previous Unit BSBPMG502A Manage project scope Current unit code and title BSBPMG511A Manage project scope BSBPMG511A Manage project scope 1. Conduct project authorisation activities 1.1 1.2 1.3 2. Define project scope 2.1 Develop and confirm procedures for project authorisation with an appropriate authority Example: Business Case; scoping processes documentation; signoff/acceptance processes; service level agreements; project charter Obtain authorisation to expend resources Example: Business Case; scoping processes documentation; signoff/acceptance processes; budget agreements and allocations; project charter Confirm project delegations and authorities in project governance arrangements Example: Project Scope Documents that include the above sections; Theory of Action documentation; Design room findings; project charter Identify, negotiate and document project boundaries Example: Theory of Action documentation; Design room findings, Project Scope Documents or PMP showing inclusions and exclusions 2.2 2.3 2.4 3. Manage project scopecontrol process 3.1 3.2 3.3 Establish measurable project benefits and outcomes to enable evaluation of project performance Example: Project Scope Document, PMP, Business Case; Bennett’s Hierarchies/Program Logic Establish agreement to a shared understanding of desired project outcomes with relevant stakeholders Example: Project Scope Document, PMP which includes evidence of stakeholder signoff or approval Develop and implement scope management plan Example: Project Scope Document, PMP which includes scope management plan Implement agreed scope-management procedures and processes Example: Change Management Documentation, Status reporting Manage the impact of scope changes within established time, cost and quality constraints according to change-control procedures Example: Change Management documentation; status reporting Identify and document scope-management issues and recommend improvements for future projects Example: Lessons Learned, PIR, investor feedback; SLA discussions ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 11 of 84 Previous Unit BSBPMG503A Manage project time BSBPMG512A Manage project time 1. Determine project schedule 1.1 Current unit code and title BSBPMG512A Manage project time Develop the work breakdown structure with sufficient detail to enable effective planning and control Example: Project Schedule, Gantt Chart, Work breakdown structure 1.2 Estimate the duration and effort, sequence and dependencies of tasks to achieve project deliverables Example: Project team meeting minutes, issues logs/registers; signoffs, Project schedule; RAMs 1.3 Use project-scheduling tools and techniques to identify schedule impact on project time management, resource requirements, costs and risks Example: Project Management Plans (PMPs), Tracking Gantt chart; stakeholder feedback; minutes of meetings; budget variance; risk register 1.4 Contribute to achieving an agreed schedule baseline and communication of the schedule to stakeholders Example: PMP; sign off; schedule management plan 2. Implement project schedule 2.1 Implement mechanisms to measure, record and report progress of activities in relation to the agreed schedule Example: Tracking Gantt; project status updates 2.2 Conduct ongoing analysis of options to identify baseline variance Example: Tracking Gantt; measure actual vs. baseline 2.3 Analyse and forecast the impact of changes to the schedule Example: Tracking Gantt, Change Mgt Documentation detailing schedule changes/adjustments 2.4 Review progress throughout the project life cycle and implement agreed schedule changes Example: Tracking Gantt, Change Mgt Documentation detailing schedule changes/adjustments 2.5 Develop responses to potential or actual schedule changes and implement them to maintain project objectives Example: Project Sign-off; change request approvals; change logs, Tracking Gantt, Change Mgt Documentation detailing schedule changes/adjustments 3. Assess time management outcomes 3.1 Review schedule performance records to determine the effectiveness of time-management activities Example: PIR 3.2 Identify and document time management issues and recommend improvements Example: Lessons Learned ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 13 of 84 Previous Unit BSBPMG505A Manage project quality Current unit code and title BSBPMG513A Manage project quality BSBPMG513A Manage project quality 1. Determine quality requirements 1.1 Determine quality objectives and standards with input from stakeholders Example: Project Scope Document specifying deliverables/key processes 1.2 Document in a quality-management plan the quality metrics for project and product output Example: Project Quality Plan 1.3 Select and use established quality management methods, techniques and tools to resolve quality issues Example: Project meetings minutes, sign offs; quality plan specifying characteristics/attributes 1.4 Distribute, discuss and support quality requirements with project team and stakeholders Example: Project meetings minutes, sign offs; quality plan specifying characteristics/attributes 1.5 Include agreed quality requirements in the project plan and implement as basis for performance measurement Example: PMP, Project Quality Plan 2. Implement quality processes 2.1 Undertake quality-assurance audit of project processes for compliance with agreed plans Example: QA processes; checks/audits; procedural documentation to assure quality; training exercises; meetings with team members 2.2 Assess quality control of project and product output according to agreed quality specifications Example: Change Management protocols/logs, Risk Management Plan 2.3 Identify causes of variance to quality metrics and undertake remedial action Example: Quality control documentation; tests; acceptance processes; statistical process control tools; failure identification and analysis; fixes/corrective action reports 2.4 Maintain a quality management system to enable effective recording and communication of quality audit data Example: Quality control documentation; acceptance forms; ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 15 of 84 3. Implement project quality improvements 3.1 Review processes and implement agreed changes continually throughout the project life cycle to ensure continuous quality improvement Example: Change Management documentation; emails; meeting minutes 3.2 Review project outcomes against performance requirements to determine the effectiveness of quality management processes and procedures Example: PIR 3.3 Identify and document lessons learned and recommended improvements Example: Lessons learned ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 16 of 84 Previous Unit BSBPMG504A Manage project costs BSBPMG514A Manage project costs 1. Determine project costs 1.1 Current unit code and title BSBPMG514A Manage project costs Determine resource requirements for individual tasks identified in the work breakdown structure, with input from stakeholders and guidance of others Example: Project team meetings minutes; resource spreadsheets; MS Project Resource Sheets 1.2 Estimate project costs to enable project budget to be prepared within agreed tolerances Example: Project Budget; Budget development working papers/spreadsheets 1.3 Develop a project budget Example: Project Budget; spreadsheets 1.4 Develop a cost-management plan, within delegated authority, to ensure clarity of understanding and ongoing management of project finances Example: Project Budget; cost management plan; delegation of authority limits 2. Monitor and control project costs 2.1 Implement agreed financial management processes and procedures to monitor actual expenditure against budget Example: Status Reporting showing cost tracking, variance assessment and actions recommended; S-Curves; Cashflow spreadsheets 2.2 Select and use cost analysis methods and tools to identify cost variations, evaluate alternative actions Example: Budgeting tools, Earned Value analysis 2.3 Implement and monitor agreed actions to maintain financial objectives Example: Status Reporting showing Financial Mgt system, variance assessment and actions recommended; S-Curves; Cashflow spreadsheets; project meeting minutes 2.4 Provide accurate and timely financial reports Example: Status Reporting, Financial Mgt system ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 17 of 84 3. Complete costmanagement processes 3.1 Conduct appropriate activities to signify financial completion Example: Financial Mgt system completion reporting/acquittals 3.2 Review project outcomes using available records and information to determine the effectiveness of project cost management Example: PIR 3.3 Review cost management issues and document improvements Example: Lessons Learned ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 18 of 84 Previous Unit BSBPMG506A Manage project human resources Current unit code and title BSBPMG515A Manage project human resources BSBPMG515A Manage project human resources 1. Plan human resources 1.1 Determine resource requirements for individual tasks to determine required project personnel levels and competencies Example: Stakeholder analysis Sheets , RAM; resource requirements analysis; role requirements 1.2 Establish project organisation and structure to align individual and group competencies with project tasks Example: Project organisation charts; RAMs 1.3 Allocate personnel to the project to meet planned work outputs throughout the project Example: RAMs; project organisation charts 1.4 Apply human resource management (HRM) methods, techniques and tools to support the engagement and performance of personnel Example: RAMs; emails; task allocation letters; PMPs; project organisation charts 2. Implement personnel training and development 2.1 Negotiate, define and communicate clear project role descriptions Example: RAMs; task allocation sheets; job descriptions; performance plans 2.2 Identify, plan and implement ongoing development and training of project team members to support personnel and project performance Example: TNA forms; performance management plans; staff training & development plans 2.3 Measure individuals' performance against agreed criteria and initiate actions to overcome shortfalls in performance Example: Performance feedback processes; emails/letters/action sheets/summaries of discussions pointing to agreed remedial actions 3. Lead the project team 3.1 Implement processes and take action to improve individual performance and overall project effectiveness Example: Summaries/records of discussions; minutes of meetings; training plans; 3.2 Monitor and report for remedial action internal and external influences on individual and project team performance and morale Example: Performance feedback processes; emails/letters/action sheets/summaries of discussions pointing to agreed remedial actions 3.3 Implement procedures for interpersonal communication, counselling and conflict resolution to maintain a positive work environment Example: Performance feedback processes; emails/letters/action sheets/summaries of discussions pointing to agreed remedial actions ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 19 of 84 3.4 Identify and manage inter-project and intra-project resource conflict to minimise impact on achievement of project objectives Example: Project Change Documentation; letters; summaries of discussions; minutes of meetings 4. Finalise human resource activities 4.1 Disband the project team according to organisational policies and procedures Example: Emails; notes; summaries of discussions 4.2 Identify and document human resource issues and recommended improvements Example: PIR, lessons learned ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 20 of 84 Previous Unit BSBPMG507A Manage project communications Current unit code and title BSBPMG516A Manage project information and communication BSBPMG516A Manage project information and communication 1. Plan information and communication processes 1.1 Identify, document and analyse information requirements, with input from stakeholders, as the basis for communications planning Example: Project communications plans/spreadsheets 1.2 Develop, within delegated authority , an agreed communications management plan to support the achievement of project objectives Example: Sign off, project authorisation within a communications plan; PMP with specified communications plan section 1.3 Establish and maintain designated project management information system to ensure the quality, validity, timeliness and integrity of information and communication Example: Communication plan; PMIS; filing system; network shared directory system 2. Implement project information and communication processes 2.1 Manage the generation, gathering, storage, retrieval, analysis and dissemination of information by project staff and stakeholders Example: Reports; project management information system (PMIS); followups; formal/informal processes 2.2 Implement, modify, monitor and control designated informationvalidation processes to optimise quality and accuracy of data Example: Meeting minutes outlining discussion of reports, status etc 2.3 Implement and maintain appropriate communication networks Example: mechanisms – meetings, agenda/minutes; consultation processes; newsletters 2.4 Identify and resolve communication and information-management system issues Example: emails; notes; summaries of discussions; 3. Assess communications management outcomes 3.1 Finalise and archive records according to agreed project information ownership and control requirements Example: PIR processes; review forums; reports ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 21 of 84 3.2 Review project outcomes to determine the effectiveness of management information and communications processes and procedures Example: Lessons learned documentation 3.3 Identify and document lessons learned and recommended improvements for application to future projects Example: Lessons learned documentation ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 22 of 84 Previous Unit BSBPMG508A Manage project risk BSBPMG517A Manage project risk 1. Identify project risks 1.1 Current unit code and title BSBPMG517A Manage project risk Determine risk objectives and standards, with input from stakeholders Example: Risk Management Plan 1.2 Establish project risk context to inform risk-management processes Example: RMP with analysis/response plans 1.3 Identify project risks using valid and reliable risk-identification methods Example: RMP, project team meeting minutes 1.4 Classify project risks within agreed risk categories Example: RMP; ongoing use of risk logs 2. Analyse project risks 2.1 Determine risk-analysis classification criteria and apply to an agreed riskranking system Example: RMP; risk logs; tracking of new risks 2.2 Use risk-analysis processes, within delegated authority, to analyse and qualify risks, threats and opportunities Example: Risk logs; tracking risk occurrence 2.3 Determine risk priorities in agreement with project client and other stakeholders Example: RMP with analysis/response plans 2.4 Document risk-analysis outcomes for inclusion in risk register and riskmanagement plan Example: RMP; adoption of contingency strategies 3. Establish risk treatments and controls 3.1 Identify and document existing risk controls Example: Organisational process assets 3.2 Consider and determine risk-treatment options using agreed consultative methods Example: Lessons learned 3.3 Record and implement agreed risk treatments Example: RMP with analysis/response plans; PMP updates 3.4 Update risk plans and allocate risk responsibilities to project team members Example: RMP/PMP updates; RAM updates 4. Monitor and control project risks 4.1 Establish regular risk-review processes to maintain currency of risk plans Example: Project team meeting minutes; RMP ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 23 of 84 4.2 Regularly monitor risk environment to identify changed circumstances that impact on project risks Example: Project team meeting minutes; RMP 4.3 Determine risk responses to changed environment Example: RMP with analysis/response plans; PMP updates 4.4 Implement agreed risk responses and modify plans to maintain currency of risk treatments and controls Example: RMP with analysis/response plans; PMP updates; status updates 5. Assess riskmanagement outcomes 5.1 Review project outcomes to determine effectiveness of risk-management processes and procedures Example: PIR 5.2 Identify and document risk-management issues and recommended improvements for application to future projects Example: Lessons learned ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 24 of 84 Previous Unit BSBPMG509A Manage project procurement Current unit code and title BSBPMG518A Manage project procurement BSBPMG518A Manage project procurement 1. Determine procurement requirements 1.1 1.2 2. Establish agreed procurement processes 2.1 2.2 2.3 3. Conduct procurement activities 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4. Implement and monitor procurement Identify procurement requirements with input from stakeholders as the basis for procurement planning and contracts Example: Business Case; resource spreadsheets; RAMs; procurement plans Establish and maintain, within delegated authority, an agreed procurement management plan Example: Project Procurement Plan –1. What has to be purchase? 2. How? 3. By whom? 4. When? Obtain information from suppliers capable of fulfilling procurement requirements Example: lists of possible providers/suppliers Determine or adopt established selection processes and selection criteria and communicate them to vendors to ensure transparency Example: Procurement selection criteria and process descriptions Obtain relevant approvals for procurement processes to be used for the project Example: PMP/Procurement Plan authorisation Identify and act according to probity and project-governance constraints Example: Tender Specifications; organizational process assets Communicate agreed proposals and/or specifications to prospective vendors to ensure clarity of understanding of project objectives Example: Procurement Process records; selection process records Solicit vendor responses according to proposal requirements Example: Procurement process records; notes; contracts; schedules to contracts Evaluate responses and select preferred vendors according to current legal requirements and agreed selection criteria Example: Procurement Process records; selection process records Negotiate with preferred contractor or supplier, to agree on terms and conditions of supply Example: Procurement process records; notes; contracts; schedules to contracts 4.1 Implement established procurement-management plan and make modifications in line with agreed delegations 4.2 Example: Documents showing management of supply contracts/suppliers; correspondence; emails; change requests/change logs Review progress and manage agreed variations to ensure timely completion of tasks and resolution of conflict within the legal framework of the supply agreement Example: Documents showing progress assessment/management; payment records; dispute resolution summaries of discussions ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 25 of 84 4.3 5. Manage procurement finalisation procedures 5.1 5.2 5.3 Identify and report procurement-management issues and implement agreed remedial actions to ensure project objectives are met Example: Documents showing dispute resolution Conduct finalisation activities to ensure vendor deliverables meet contracted requirements Example: Acceptance process documentation; letters; summaries of discussions Review project outcomes using available procurement records and information to determine effectiveness of procurement processes and procedures Example: PIR; documents describing review of contractor performance Document lessons learned and recommended improvements for application to future projects Example: Lessons learned reports ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 26 of 84 Previous Unit NA Current unit code and title BSBPMG519A Manage project stakeholder engagement BSBPMG519A Manage project stakeholder engagement 1. Identify and address stakeholder interests 1.1 Identify stakeholders relevant to project objectives Example: Stakeholder analysis; project charter 1.2 Segment stakeholder interests and determine forms of engagement Example: Stakeholder analysis; project charter; stakeholder needs analysis; communications management plan 1.3 Consider interests of stakeholders when considering and advising on project-management issues Example: Stakeholder analysis; project charter; stakeholder needs analysis; communications management plan 1.4 Identify and implement actions to address differing interests where required Example: Stakeholder analysis; project charter; stakeholder needs analysis; communications management plan 2. Manage effective stakeholder engagement 2.1 Support development of team members’ interpersonal skills in effective stakeholder engagement Example: Training plans; record of discussions; stakeholder needs analysis 2.2 Distribute team work effectively to ensure defined project roles are followed Example: Resource plans; minutes of team meetings; record of discussions 2.3 Identify and clarify stakeholder behavioural expectations where required Example: Organisational process assets; codes of conduct 2.4 Openly lead stakeholder performance reviews Example: Performance assessment documents; feedback; development plans 2.5 Identify and address individual development needs and opportunities to support stakeholder engagement Example: Performance assessment documents; feedback; development plans ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 27 of 84 3. Manage stakeholder communications 3.1 Determine and document stakeholder communication needs Example: Stakeholder needs analysis; communication plan 3.2 Ensure relevant stakeholders agree to communication method, content and timing of engagement Example: Record of discussion; meeting minutes; communication plan 3.3 Communicate information as planned and in line with authority levels, identifying and addressing variances Example: Meeting minutes; reports; status updates ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 28 of 84 Previous Unit NA Current unit code and title BSBPMG520A Manage project governance BSBPMG520A Manage project governance 1. Identify projectmanagement structure 1.1 Determine organisational governance policies, procedures and expectations of project stakeholders Example: Organisational process assets; project charter; project plan 1.2 Negotiate clear and discrete project governance roles and responsibilities with relevant authorities Example: Organisational process assets; project charter; project plan; record of discussion; meeting minutes 1.3 Establish delegated authorities for project decision making Example: Project charter; project documents 1.4 Identify and record differences between organisation’s functional authorities and project authorities Example: Project charter; meeting minutes; project plan 1.5 Adopt, document and communicate unambiguous governance plan to relevant stakeholders Example: Project charter; meeting minutes; project plan 2. Apply project governance policies and procedures 2.1 Distribute and present information on governance planning to the project team and other relevant stakeholders and ensure common understanding Example: Meeting minutes; position descriptions; codes of conduct 2.2 Include delegated authorities within role and project position descriptions Example: Role/position descriptions 2.3 Moderate conflicts regarding roles, responsibilities and authorities to support achievement of project objectives Example: Record of discussions; emails; memos; meeting minutes 2.4 Regularly report to organisation and project authorities on performance and issues arising from governance arrangements Example: Status reports; meeting minutes 3. Monitor and review project governance 3.1 Analyse and review project governance impact on achieving project objectives Example: Process audits; project health check meeting minutes; 3.2 Document lessons learned and recommendations to assist future projects Example: RIR; Lessons learned ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 29 of 84 Previous Unit Current unit code and title NA BSBPMG502B Ensure team effectiveness BSBWOR502B Ensure team effectiveness 1. Establish team performance plan 1.1 1.2 1.3 2. Develop and facilitate team cohesion 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3. Facilitate teamwork 3.1 3.2 3.3 4. Liaise with stakeholders 4.1 Consult team members to establish a common understanding of team purpose, roles, responsibilities and accountabilities in accordance with organisational goals, plans and objectives Example: Meeting minutes; HR Plan; record of discussions Develop performance plans to establish expected outcomes, outputs, key performance indicators and goals for work team Example: position descriptions; KPI’s; RAM Support team members in meeting expected performance outcomes Example: Training plan; development plans Develop strategies to ensure team members have input into planning, decision making and operational aspects of work team Example: Project team meeting minutes; governance plans Develop policies and procedures to ensure team members take responsibility for own work and assist others to undertake required roles and responsibilities Example: Organisational process assets; team rules and codes of conduct; performance review discussions Provide feedback to team members to encourage, value and reward individual and team efforts and contributions Example: performance review discussions; Develop processes to ensure that issues, concerns and problems identified by team members are recognised and addressed Example: project meeting minutes; record of discussions Encourage team members and individuals to participate in and to take responsibility for team activities, including communication processes Example: Project plan; RAM; roles and responsibilities documentation Support the team in identifying and resolving work performance problems Example: Escalation process; project team meeting minutes; Ensure own contribution to work team serves as a role model for others and enhances the organisation's image for all stakeholders Example: Team feedback; stakeholder feedback; self-performance review Establish and maintain open communication processes with all stakeholders Example: Communication plan 4.2 Communicate information from line manager/management to the team 4.3 4.4 Example: Project team meeting minutes Communicate unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by team members and follow-up with line manager/management and other relevant stakeholders Example: Escalation process outcomes; issues log Evaluate and take necessary corrective action regarding unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by internal or external stakeholders Example: Escalation process outcomes; issues log ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 31 of 84 Section 2 Record of Evidence ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 33 of 84 About the Record of Evidence DIPLOMA OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT RECORD OF EVIDENCE In order to prove workplace-based evidence of competency, you need to assemble evidence against all the performance criteria within each element of the twelve units. To satisfy The Moreland Group’s assessment of competency process, candidates need to demonstrate all elements of all units of competency to the standard indicated in the performance criteria. Evidence needs to be provided that fully demonstrates this level of competency. For an outline of what constitutes evidence, please refer to the Assessment Guide Details of the competencies are displayed in the following pages. SUGGESTED PROCEDURE There are a number of ways that evidence can be collected and provided for assessment. Here is our suggestion. 1. Read through and be aware of what is required in the units in the following pages and think about what sorts of documentary evidence might usefully demonstrate competency. 2. Start collecting evidence and storing it in a suitable directory or storage place (cloud). 3. When you have a substantial folio of evidence, undertake a cataloguing of it by working through each performance criteria from each element in each unit, and record the document name or the specific section/page number that is the evidence. 4. Also write a paragraph explaining why that object demonstrates competency for that criteria. Keep in mind, the assessor is not allowed to guess – they can only assess what you give them. So you need to ensure there is no doubt which piece of evidence applies to each criteria and why you believe it is appropriate. REMEMBER This project, getting the Award of Diploma of Project Management, requires dedication to see it through, as would any other project. The process itself mirrors many of the competencies of project management. Work steadily in collecting evidence – don’t leave it until the end of the timeframe and then ask for an extension. You can lodge your evidence for assessment when it is all assembled – you don’t have to wait until the end of the timeframe. TRANSITIONING Students from the old training package may have already commenced compiling the record of evidence for assessment. If this is the case go carefully through this new record of evidence to see the changed elements highlighted. You need to address each element so if there is something new that you are unsure of refer back to the Evidence Examples for guidance. Use only this record of evidence when submitting as the old record is no longer relevant. It is the criteria listed in the following pages that you will be assessed against. ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 35 of 84 3-1 BSBPMG521A Manage project integration Element Performance Criteria Student Reference Assessor Comments 5. Manage project finalisation 4. Manage project control 3. Execute 2. Undertake project planning and project in work design processes environment 1. Establish project BSBPMG521A Manage project integration 1.1 Identify, clarify and prepare project initiation documentation 1.2 Identify the relationship between the project and broader organisational strategies and goals 1.3 Negotiate and document project objectives, outcomes and benefits 1.4 Negotiate the project governance structure with relevant authorities and stakeholders 1.5 Prepare and submit project charter for approval by relevant authorities 2.1 Establish and implement a methodology to disaggregate project objectives into achievable project deliverables 2.2 Identify project stages and key requirements for stage completion against client requirements and project objectives 2.3 Analyse project management functions to identify interdependencies and the impact of the triple constraints 2.4 Develop a project management plan that integrates all project-management functions with associated plans and baselines 2.5 Establish designated mechanisms to monitor and control planned activity 2.6 Negotiate approval of project plan with relevant stakeholders and project authority 3.1. Manage the project in an established internal work environment to ensure work is conducted effectively throughout the project 3.2. Maintain established links to align project objectives with organisational objectives throughout the project life cycle 3.3. Within authority levels, resolve conflicts that may negatively affect project objectives 4.1. Ensure project records are updated against project deliverables and plans at required intervals 4.2. Analyse and submit status reports on project progress and identified issues with stakeholders and relevant authorities 4.3. Analyse and submit impact analysis on change requests for approval where required 4.4. Maintain relevant project logs and registers accurately and regularly to assist with project audit 4.5. Ensure associated plans are updated to reflect project progress against baselines and approved changes 5.1. Identify and allocate project finalisation activities 5.2. Ensure project products and associated documentation are prepared for handover to client in a timely manner 5.3. Finalise financial, legal and contractual obligations 5.4. Undertake project review assessments as input to future projects ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 37 of 84 STUDENT DECLARATION Unit Code BSBPMG521A Unit Name Manage project integration Please complete the declaration below by ticking each box & signing where indicated I declare that – I hold a copy of this assessment that can be produced if the original is lost/ damaged. This assessment is my original work and no part of it has been copied from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made. No part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been agreed with the course facilitator. I have not previously submitted this work for this or any other program/unit. I have not allowed this work to be copied by another person. I give permission for this work to be reproduced, communicated, compared and archived for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. I give permission for a copy of my marked work to be retained by the RTO for review and comparison, including review by external auditors. I understand that plagiarism is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person as though it is your own. Plagiarism occurs when the origin of the material used is not appropriately cited. NAME SIGNATURE DATE ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 38 of 84 ASSESSOR USE ONLY Element Performance Criteria Competent (Y/N) Comments 5. Manage project finalisation 4. Manage project control 3. Execute project in work environment 2. Undertake project planning and design processes 1. Establish project Assessment Record BSBPMG521A Manage project integration 1.1 Identify, clarify and prepare project initiation documentation 1.2 Identify the relationship between the project and broader organisational strategies and goals 1.3 Negotiate and document project objectives, outcomes and benefits 1.4 Negotiate the project governance structure with relevant authorities and stakeholders 1.5 Prepare and submit project charter for approval by relevant authorities 2.1 Establish and implement a methodology to disaggregate project objectives into achievable project deliverables 2.2 Identify project stages and key requirements for stage completion against client requirements and project objectives 2.3 Analyse project management functions to identify interdependencies and the impact of the triple constraints 2.4 Develop a project management plan that integrates all project-management functions with associated plans and baselines 2.5 Establish designated mechanisms to monitor and control planned activity 2.6 Negotiate approval of project plan with relevant stakeholders and project authority 3.1. Manage the project in an established internal work environment to ensure work is conducted effectively throughout the project 3.2. Maintain established links to align project objectives with organisational objectives throughout the project life cycle 3.3. Within authority levels, resolve conflicts that may negatively affect project objectives 4.1. Ensure project records are updated against project deliverables and plans at required intervals 4.2. Analyse and submit status reports on project progress and identified issues with stakeholders and relevant authorities 4.3. Analyse and submit impact analysis on change requests for approval where required 4.4. Maintain relevant project logs and registers accurately and regularly to assist with project audit 4.5. Ensure associated plans are updated to reflect project progress against baselines and approved changes 5.1. Identify and allocate project finalisation activities 5.2. Ensure project products and associated documentation are prepared for handover to client in a timely manner 5.3. Finalise financial, legal and contractual obligations 5.4. Undertake project review assessments as input to future projects ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 39 of 84 OVERALL UNIT ASSESSMENT BSBPMG521A MANAGE PROJECT INTEGRATION Was the competency demonstrated against all assessment criteria? Yes No Signature of Assessor: Date: If not, what elements were not demonstrated In the opinion of the assessor, the gaps evident in demonstrated competency Requires significant development and learning Requires some development and learning Require minor development and learning and could be explained by lack of knowledge of the organisation and tasks addressed ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 40 of 84 3-2 BSBPMG511A Manage Project Scope Element Performance Criteria Student Reference Assessor Comments 3. Manage project scope-control process 2. Define project scope 1. Conduct project authorisati on activities BSBPMG511A Manage project scope 1.1 Develop and confirm procedures for project authorisation with an appropriate authority 1.2 Obtain authorisation to expend resources 1.3 Confirm project delegations and authorities in project governance arrangements 2.1 Identify, negotiate and document project boundaries 2.2 Establish measurable project benefits, outcomes and outputs 2.3 Establish a shared understanding of the desired project outcomes with relevant stakeholders 2.4 Document scope-management plan 3.1 Implement agreed scope-management procedures and processes 3.2 Manage the impact of scope changes within established time, cost and quality constraints according to change-control procedures 3.3 Identify and document scope-management issues and recommend improvements for future projects ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 41 of 84 STUDENT DECLARATION Unit Code BSBPMG511A Unit Name Manage project scope Please complete the declaration below by ticking each box & signing where indicated I declare that – I hold a copy of this assessment that can be produced if the original is lost/ damaged. This assessment is my original work and no part of it has been copied from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made. No part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been agreed with the course facilitator. I have not previously submitted this work for this or any other program/unit. I have not allowed this work to be copied by another person. I give permission for this work to be reproduced, communicated, compared and archived for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. I give permission for a copy of my marked work to be retained by the RTO for review and comparison, including review by external auditors. I understand that plagiarism is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person as though it is your own. Plagiarism occurs when the origin of the material used is not appropriately cited. NAME SIGNATURE DATE ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 42 of 84 ASSESSOR USE ONLY Element Performance Criteria Competent (Y/N) Comments 3. Manage project scope- 2. Define project scope control process 1. Conduct project authorisation activities Assessment Record BSBPMG511A Manage project scope 1.1 Develop and confirm procedures for project authorisation with an appropriate authority 1.2 Obtain authorisation to expend resources 1.3 Confirm project delegations and authorities in project governance arrangements 2.1 Identify, negotiate and document project boundaries 2.2 Establish measurable project benefits, outcomes and outputs 2.3 Establish a shared understanding of the desired project outcomes with relevant stakeholders 2.4 Document scope-management plan 3.1 Implement agreed scope-management procedures and processes 3.2 Manage the impact of scope changes within established time, cost and quality constraints according to change-control procedures 3.3 Identify and document scope-management issues and recommend improvements for future projects ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 43 of 84 OVERALL UNIT ASSESSMENT BSBPMG511A MANAGE PROJECT SCOPE Was the competency demonstrated against all assessment criteria? Yes No Signature of Assessor: Date: If not, what elements were not demonstrated In the opinion of the assessor, the gaps evident in demonstrated competency Requires significant development and learning Requires some development and learning Require minor development and learning and could be explained by lack of knowledge of the organisation and tasks addressed ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 44 of 84 3-3 BSBPMG512A Manage project time Element Performance Criteria Student Reference Assessor Comments 3. Assess 2. Implement project schedule timemanagem ent outcomes 1. Determine project schedule BSBPMG512A Manage project time 1.1 Develop the work breakdown structure with sufficient detail to enable effective planning and control 1.2 Estimate the duration and effort, sequence and dependencies of tasks to achieve project deliverables 1.3 Use project-scheduling tools and techniques to identify schedule impact on project time management, resource requirements, costs and risks 1.4 Contribute to achieving an agreed schedule baseline and communication of the schedule to stakeholders 2.1 Implement mechanisms to measure, record and report progress of activities in relation to the agreed schedule 2.2 Conduct ongoing analysis to identify baseline variance 2.3. Analyse and forecast the impact of changes to the schedule 2.4 Review progress throughout the project life cycle and implement agreed schedule changes 2.5 Develop responses to potential or actual schedule changes and implement them to maintain project objectives 3.1 Review schedule performance records to determine the effectiveness of time-management activities 3.2 Identify and document time-management issues and recommend improvements ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 45 of 84 STUDENT DECLARATION Unit Code BSBPMG512A Unit Name Manage project time Please complete the declaration below by ticking each box & signing where indicated I declare that – I hold a copy of this assessment that can be produced if the original is lost/ damaged. This assessment is my original work and no part of it has been copied from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made. No part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been agreed with the course facilitator. I have not previously submitted this work for this or any other program/unit. I have not allowed this work to be copied by another person. I give permission for this work to be reproduced, communicated, compared and archived for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. I give permission for a copy of my marked work to be retained by the RTO for review and comparison, including review by external auditors. I understand that plagiarism is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person as though it is your own. Plagiarism occurs when the origin of the material used is not appropriately cited. NAME SIGNATURE DATE ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 46 of 84 ASSESSOR USE ONLY Element Performance Criteria Competent (Y/N) Comments 3. Assess timemanagemen t outcomes 2. Implement project schedule 1. Determine project schedule Assessment Record BSBPMG512A Manage project time 1.1 Develop the work breakdown structure with sufficient detail to enable effective planning and control 1.2 Estimate the duration and effort, sequence and dependencies of tasks to achieve project deliverables 1.3 Use project-scheduling tools and techniques to identify schedule impact on project time management, resource requirements, costs and risks 1.4 Contribute to achieving an agreed schedule baseline and communication of the schedule to stakeholders 2.1 Implement mechanisms to measure, record and report progress of activities in relation to the agreed schedule 2.2 Conduct ongoing analysis to identify baseline variance 2.3. Analyse and forecast the impact of changes to the schedule 2.4 Review progress throughout the project life cycle and implement agreed schedule changes 2.5 Develop responses to potential or actual schedule changes and implement them to maintain project objectives 3.1 Review schedule performance records to determine the effectiveness of timemanagement activities 3.2 Identify and document timemanagement issues and recommend improvements ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 47 of 84 OVERALL UNIT ASSESSMENT BSBPMG512A MANAGE PROJECT TIME Was the competency demonstrated against all assessment criteria? Yes No Signature of Assessor: Date: If not, what elements were not demonstrated In the opinion of the assessor, the gaps evident in demonstrated competency Requires significant development and learning Requires some development and learning Require minor development and learning and could be explained by lack of knowledge of the organisation and tasks addressed ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 48 of 84 3-4 BSBPMG513A Manage project quality Element Performance Criteria Student Reference Assessor Comments 3. Implement project quality improvements 2. Implement quality processes 1. Determine quality requirements BSBPMG513A Manage project quality 1.1 Determine quality objectives and standards with input from stakeholders 1.2 Document in a quality-management plan the quality metrics for project and product output 1.3 Select established quality-management methods, techniques and tools to resolve quality issues 1.4 Distribute, discuss and support quality requirements with project team and stakeholders 1.5 Include agreed quality requirements in the project management plan and implement as basis for performance measurement 2.1 Undertake quality-assurance audit of project processes for compliance with agreed plans 2.2 Assess quality control of project and product output according to agreed quality specifications 2.3 Identify causes of variance to quality metrics and undertake remedial action 2.4 Maintain a quality management system to enable accurate and timely recording of quality audit data 3.1 Review processes and implement agreed changes continually throughout the project life cycle to ensure continuous quality improvement 3.2 Review project outcomes against performance requirements to determine the effectiveness of quality-management processes and procedures 3.3 Identify and document lessons learned and recommended improvements ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 49 of 84 STUDENT DECLARATION Unit Code BSBPMG513A Unit Name Manage project quality Please complete the declaration below by ticking each box & signing where indicated I declare that – I hold a copy of this assessment that can be produced if the original is lost/ damaged. This assessment is my original work and no part of it has been copied from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made. No part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been agreed with the course facilitator. I have not previously submitted this work for this or any other program/unit. I have not allowed this work to be copied by another person. I give permission for this work to be reproduced, communicated, compared and archived for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. I give permission for a copy of my marked work to be retained by the RTO for review and comparison, including review by external auditors. I understand that plagiarism is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person as though it is your own. Plagiarism occurs when the origin of the material used is not appropriately cited. NAME SIGNATURE DATE ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 50 of 84 ASSESSOR USE ONLY Element Performance Criteria Competent (Y/N) Comments 3. Implement project quality improvements 2. Implement quality processes 1. Determine quality requirements Assessment Record BSBPMG513A Manage project quality 1.1 Determine quality objectives and standards with input from stakeholders 1.2 Document in a quality-management plan the quality metrics for project and product output 1.3 Select established quality-management methods, techniques and tools to resolve quality issues 1.4 Distribute, discuss and support quality requirements with project team and stakeholders 1.5 Include agreed quality requirements in the project management plan and implement as basis for performance measurement 2.1 Undertake quality-assurance audit of project processes for compliance with agreed plans 2.2 Assess quality control of project and product output according to agreed quality specifications 2.3 Identify causes of variance to quality metrics and undertake remedial action 2.4 Maintain a quality management system to enable accurate and timely recording of quality audit data 3.1 Review processes and implement agreed changes continually throughout the project life cycle to ensure continuous quality improvement 3.2 Review project outcomes against performance requirements to determine the effectiveness of quality-management processes and procedures 3.3 Identify and document lessons learned and recommended improvements ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 51 of 84 OVERALL UNIT ASSESSMENT BSBPMG513A MANAGE PROJECT QUALITY Was the competency demonstrated against all assessment criteria? Yes No Signature of Assessor: Date: If not, what elements were not demonstrated In the opinion of the assessor, the gaps evident in demonstrated competency Requires significant development and learning Requires some development and learning Require minor development and learning and could be explained by lack of knowledge of the organisation and tasks addressed ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 52 of 84 3-5 BSBPMG514A Manage project cost Element Performance Criteria Student Reference Assessor Comments 3. Complete cost- 2. Monitor and control management project costs processes 1. Determine project costs BSBPMG514A Manage project cost 1.1 Determine resource requirements for individual tasks identified in the work breakdown structure, with input from stakeholders and guidance from others 1.2 Estimate project costs to enable project budget to be prepared within agreed tolerances 1.3 Develop a project budget 1.4 Develop a cost-management plan, within delegated authority, to ensure clarity of understanding and ongoing management of project finances 2.1 Implement agreed financial-management processes and procedures to monitor actual expenditure against budget 2.2 Select and use cost-analysis methods and tools to identify cost variations and evaluate alternative actions 2.3 Implement and monitor agreed actions to maintain financial objectives 2.4 Provide accurate and timely financial reports 3.1 Conduct appropriate activities to signify financial completion 3.2 Review project outcomes using available records to determine the effectiveness of project cost management 3.3 Review cost-management issues and document improvements ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 53 of 84 STUDENT DECLARATION Unit Code BSBPMG514A Unit Name Manage project cost Please complete the declaration below by ticking each box & signing where indicated I declare that – I hold a copy of this assessment that can be produced if the original is lost/ damaged. This assessment is my original work and no part of it has been copied from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made. No part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been agreed with the course facilitator. I have not previously submitted this work for this or any other program/unit. I have not allowed this work to be copied by another person. I give permission for this work to be reproduced, communicated, compared and archived for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. I give permission for a copy of my marked work to be retained by the RTO for review and comparison, including review by external auditors. I understand that plagiarism is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person as though it is your own. Plagiarism occurs when the origin of the material used is not appropriately cited. NAME SIGNATURE DATE ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 54 of 84 ASSESSOR USE ONLY Element Performance Criteria Competent (Y/N) Comments 3. Complete costmanagement processes 2. Monitor and control project costs 1. Determine project costs Assessment Record BSBPMG514A Manage project cost 1.1 Determine resource requirements for individual tasks identified in the work breakdown structure, with input from stakeholders and guidance from others 1.2 Estimate project costs to enable project budget to be prepared within agreed tolerances 1.3 Develop a project budget 1.4 Develop a cost-management plan, within delegated authority, to ensure clarity of understanding and ongoing management of project finances 2.1 Implement agreed financial-management processes and procedures to monitor actual expenditure against budget 2.2 Select and use cost-analysis methods and tools to identify cost variations and evaluate alternative actions 2.3 Implement and monitor agreed actions to maintain financial objectives 2.4 Provide accurate and timely financial reports 3.1 Conduct appropriate activities to signify financial completion 3.2 Review project outcomes using available records to determine the effectiveness of project cost management 3.3 Review cost-management issues and document improvements ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 55 of 84 OVERALL UNIT ASSESSMENT BSBPMG514A MANAGE PROJECT COST Was the competency demonstrated against all assessment criteria? Yes No Signature of Assessor: Date: If not, what elements were not demonstrated In the opinion of the assessor, the gaps evident in demonstrated competency Requires significant development and learning Requires some development and learning Require minor development and learning and could be explained by lack of knowledge of the organisation and tasks addressed ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 56 of 84 3-6 BSBPMG515A Manage project human resources Element Performance Criteria Student Reference Assessor Comments 4. Finalise 3. Lead the project team human resource activities 2. Implement personnel 1. Plan human resources training and development BSBPMG515A Manage project human resources 1.1 Determine resource requirements for individual tasks to determine required project personnel levels and competencies 1.2 Establish project organisation and structure to align individual and group competencies with project tasks 1.3 Allocate personnel to the project to meet planned work outputs throughout the project 1.4 Apply human resource management (HRM) methods, techniques and tools to support the engagement and performance of personnel 2.1 Negotiate, define and communicate clear project role descriptions 2.2 Identify, plan and implement ongoing development and training of project team members to support personnel and project performance 2.3 Measure individuals' performance against agreed criteria and initiate actions to overcome shortfalls in performance 3.1 Implement processes and take action to improve individual performance and overall project effectiveness 3.2 Monitor and report for remedial action internal and external influences on individual and project team performance and morale 3.3 Implement procedures for interpersonal communication, counselling and conflict resolution to maintain a positive work environment 3.4 Identify and manage inter-project and intra-project resource conflict to minimise impact on achievement of project objectives 4.1 Disband the project team according to organisational policies and procedures 4.2 Identify and document human resource issues and recommended improvements ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 57 of 84 STUDENT DECLARATION Unit Code BSBPMG515A Unit Name Manage project human resources Please complete the declaration below by ticking each box & signing where indicated I declare that – I hold a copy of this assessment that can be produced if the original is lost/ damaged. This assessment is my original work and no part of it has been copied from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made. No part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been agreed with the course facilitator. I have not previously submitted this work for this or any other program/unit. I have not allowed this work to be copied by another person. I give permission for this work to be reproduced, communicated, compared and archived for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. I give permission for a copy of my marked work to be retained by the RTO for review and comparison, including review by external auditors. I understand that plagiarism is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person as though it is your own. Plagiarism occurs when the origin of the material used is not appropriately cited. NAME SIGNATURE DATE ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 58 of 84 ASSESSOR USE ONLY Element Performance Criteria Competent (Y/N) Comments 4. Finalise human resource activities 3. Lead the project team 2. Implement personnel training and development 1. Plan human resources Assessment Record BSBPMG515A Manage project human resources 1.1 Determine resource requirements for individual tasks to determine required project personnel levels and competencies 1.2 Establish project organisation and structure to align individual and group competencies with project tasks 1.3 Allocate personnel to the project to meet planned work outputs throughout the project 1.4 Apply human resource management (HRM) methods, techniques and tools to support the engagement and performance of personnel 2.1 Negotiate, define and communicate clear project role descriptions 2.2 Identify, plan and implement ongoing development and training of project team members to support personnel and project performance 2.3 Measure individuals' performance against agreed criteria and initiate actions to overcome shortfalls in performance 3.1 Implement processes and take action to improve individual performance and overall project effectiveness 3.2 Monitor and report for remedial action internal and external influences on individual and project team performance and morale 3.3 Implement procedures for interpersonal communication, counselling and conflict resolution to maintain a positive work environment 3.4 Identify and manage inter-project and intra-project resource conflict to minimise impact on achievement of project objectives 4.1 Disband the project team according to organisational policies and procedures 4.2 Identify and document human resource issues and recommended improvements ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 59 of 84 OVERALL UNIT ASSESSMENT BSBPMG515A MANAGE PROJECT HUMAN RESOURCES Was the competency demonstrated against all assessment criteria? Yes No Signature of Assessor: Date: If not, what elements were not demonstrated In the opinion of the assessor, the gaps evident in demonstrated competency Requires significant development and learning Requires some development and learning Require minor development and learning and could be explained by lack of knowledge of the organisation and tasks addressed ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 60 of 84 3-7 BSBPMG516A Manage project information and communication Element Performance Criteria Student Reference Assessor Comments 3. Assess information and communication outcomes 2. Implement project information and communication processes 1. Plan information and communication processes BSBPMG516A Manage project information and communication 1.1 Identify, analyse and document information requirements, with input from stakeholders, as the basis for communication planning 1.2 Develop, within delegated authority, an agreed communication management plan to support the achievement of project objectives 1.3 Establish and maintain designated projectmanagement information system to ensure the quality, validity, timeliness and integrity of information and communication 2.1 Manage the generation, gathering, storage, retrieval, analysis and dissemination of information by project staff and stakeholders 2.2 Implement, modify, monitor and control designated information-validation processes to optimise quality and accuracy of data 2.3 Implement and maintain appropriate communication networks 2.4 Identify and resolve communication and informationmanagement system issues 3.1 Finalise and archive records according to agreed project information ownership and control requirements 3.2 Review project outcomes to determine the effectiveness of management information and communication processes and procedures 3.3 Identify and document lessons learned and recommended improvements for application to future projects ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 61 of 84 STUDENT DECLARATION Unit Code BSBPMG516A Unit Name Manage project information and communication Please complete the declaration below by ticking each box & signing where indicated I declare that – I hold a copy of this assessment that can be produced if the original is lost/ damaged. This assessment is my original work and no part of it has been copied from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made. No part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been agreed with the course facilitator. I have not previously submitted this work for this or any other program/unit. I have not allowed this work to be copied by another person. I give permission for this work to be reproduced, communicated, compared and archived for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. I give permission for a copy of my marked work to be retained by the RTO for review and comparison, including review by external auditors. I understand that plagiarism is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person as though it is your own. Plagiarism occurs when the origin of the material used is not appropriately cited. NAME SIGNATURE DATE ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 62 of 84 ASSESSOR USE ONLY Element Performance Criteria Competent (Y/N) Comments 3. Assess information and communication outcomes 2. Implement project information and communication processes 1. Plan information and communication processes Assessment Record BSBPMG516A Manage project information and communication 1.1 Identify, analyse and document information requirements, with input from stakeholders, as the basis for communication planning 1.2 Develop, within delegated authority, an agreed communication management plan to support the achievement of project objectives 1.3 Establish and maintain designated project-management information system to ensure the quality, validity, timeliness and integrity of information and communication 2.1 Manage the generation, gathering, storage, retrieval, analysis and dissemination of information by project staff and stakeholders 2.2 Implement, modify, monitor and control designated information-validation processes to optimise quality and accuracy of data 2.3 Implement and maintain appropriate communication networks 2.4 Identify and resolve communication and information-management system issues 3.1 Finalise and archive records according to agreed project information ownership and control requirements 3.2 Review project outcomes to determine the effectiveness of management information and communication processes and procedures 3.3 Identify and document lessons learned and recommended improvements for application to future projects ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 63 of 84 OVERALL UNIT ASSESSMENT BSBPMG516A MANAGE PROJECT INFORMATION AND COMMUNICTION Was the competency demonstrated against all assessment criteria? Yes No Signature of Assessor: Date: If not, what elements were not demonstrated In the opinion of the assessor, the gaps evident in demonstrated competency Requires significant development and learning Requires some development and learning Require minor development and learning and could be explained by lack of knowledge of the organisation and tasks addressed ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 64 of 84 3-8 BSBPMG517A Manage project risk Element Performance Criteria Student Reference Assessor Comments Determine risk objectives and standards, with input from stakeholders 1.2 Establish project risk context to inform riskmanagement processes 1.3 Identify project risks using valid and reliable riskidentification methods 1.4 Classify project risks within agreed risk categories 2.1 Determine risk-analysis classification criteria and apply to an agreed risk-ranking system 2.2 Use risk-analysis processes, within delegated authority, to analyse and qualify risks, threats and opportunities 2.3 Determine risk priorities in agreement with project client and other stakeholders 2.4 Document risk-analysis outcomes for inclusion in risk register and risk-management plan 3.1 Identify and document existing risk controls 3. Establish risk treatments and controls 3.2 Consider and determine risk-treatment options using agreed consultative methods 3.3 Record and implement agreed risk treatments 3.4 Update risk plans and allocate risk responsibilities to project team members 4.1 Establish regular risk-review processes to maintain currency of risk plans 4.2 Regularly monitor risk environment to identify changed circumstances that impact on project risks 4.3 Determine risk responses to changed environment 4.4 Implement agreed risk responses and modify plans to maintain currency of risk treatments and controls 5.1 Review project outcomes to determine effectiveness of risk-management processes and procedures 5.2 Identify and document risk-management issues and recommended improvements for application to future projects 5. Assess riskmanagement outcomes 2. Analyse project risks 1. Identify project risks 1.1 4. Monitor and control project risks BSBPMG517A Manage project risk ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 65 of 84 STUDENT DECLARATION Unit Code BSBPMG517A Unit Name Manage project risk Please complete the declaration below by ticking each box & signing where indicated I declare that – I hold a copy of this assessment that can be produced if the original is lost/ damaged. This assessment is my original work and no part of it has been copied from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made. No part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been agreed with the course facilitator. I have not previously submitted this work for this or any other program/unit. I have not allowed this work to be copied by another person. I give permission for this work to be reproduced, communicated, compared and archived for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. I give permission for a copy of my marked work to be retained by the RTO for review and comparison, including review by external auditors. I understand that plagiarism is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person as though it is your own. Plagiarism occurs when the origin of the material used is not appropriately cited. NAME SIGNATURE DATE ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 66 of 84 ASSESSOR USE ONLY Element Performance Criteria Competent (Y/N) Comments 5. Assess riskmanagement outcomes 4. Monitor and control project risks 3. Establish risk treatments and controls 2. Analyse project risks 1. Identify project risks Assessment Record BSBPMG517A Manage project risk 1.1 Determine risk objectives and standards, with input from stakeholders 1.2 Establish project risk context to inform risk-management processes 1.3 Identify project risks using valid and reliable risk-identification methods 1.4 Classify project risks within agreed risk categories 2.1 Determine risk-analysis classification criteria and apply to an agreed riskranking system 2.2 Use risk-analysis processes, within delegated authority, to analyse and qualify risks, threats and opportunities 2.3 Determine risk priorities in agreement with project client and other stakeholders 2.4 Document risk-analysis outcomes for inclusion in risk register and riskmanagement plan 3.1 Identify and document existing risk controls 3.2 Consider and determine risk-treatment options using agreed consultative methods 3.3 Record and implement agreed risk treatments 3.4 Update risk plans and allocate risk responsibilities to project team members 4.1 Establish regular risk-review processes to maintain currency of risk plans 4.2 Regularly monitor risk environment to identify changed circumstances that impact on project risks 4.3 Determine risk responses to changed environment 4.4 Implement agreed risk responses and modify plans to maintain currency of risk treatments and controls 5.1 Review project outcomes to determine effectiveness of risk-management processes and procedures 5.2 Identify and document riskmanagement issues and recommended improvements for application to future projects ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 67 of 84 OVERALL UNIT ASSESSMENT BSBPMG517A MANAGE PROJECT RISK Was the competency demonstrated against all assessment criteria? Yes No Signature of Assessor: Date: If not, what elements were not demonstrated In the opinion of the assessor, the gaps evident in demonstrated competency Requires significant development and learning Requires some development and learning Require minor development and learning and could be explained by lack of knowledge of the organisation and tasks addressed ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 68 of 84 3-9 BSBPMG518A Manage project procurement Element Performance Criteria Student Reference Assessor Comments 2. Establish agreed 1. Determine procurement procurement processes requirements BSBPMG518A Manage project procurement 1.1 Identify procurement requirements with input from stakeholders as the basis for procurement planning 1.2 Establish and maintain, within delegated authority, an agreed procurement-management plan 2.1 Obtain information from suppliers capable of fulfilling procurement requirements Determine or adopt established selection processes and selection criteria and communicate them to vendors to ensure transparency Obtain relevant approvals for procurement processes to be used for the project Identify and act according to probity and projectgovernance constraints Communicate agreed proposals and/or specifications to prospective vendors to ensure clarity of understanding of project objectives Solicit vendor responses according to proposal requirements Evaluate responses and select preferred vendors according to current legal requirements and agreed selection criteria Negotiate with preferred contractor or supplier, to agree on terms and conditions of supply Implement established procurement-management plan and make modifications in line with agreed delegations Review progress and manage agreed variations to ensure timely completion of tasks and resolution of conflict within the legal framework of the supply agreement Identify and report procurement-management issues and implement agreed remedial actions to ensure project objectives are met Conduct finalisation activities to ensure vendor deliverables meet contracted requirements Review project outcomes using available procurement records and information to determine effectiveness of procurement processes and procedures Document lessons learned and recommended improvements for application to future projects 2.2 2.3 3.1 4. Implement and monitor 3. Conduct procurement procurement activities 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4.1 4.2 4.3 5. Manage procurement finalisation procedures 5.1 5.2 5.3 ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 69 of 84 STUDENT DECLARATION Unit Code BSBPMG518A Unit Name Manage project procurement Please complete the declaration below by ticking each box & signing where indicated I declare that – I hold a copy of this assessment that can be produced if the original is lost/ damaged. This assessment is my original work and no part of it has been copied from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made. No part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been agreed with the course facilitator. I have not previously submitted this work for this or any other program/unit. I have not allowed this work to be copied by another person. I give permission for this work to be reproduced, communicated, compared and archived for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. I give permission for a copy of my marked work to be retained by the RTO for review and comparison, including review by external auditors. I understand that plagiarism is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person as though it is your own. Plagiarism occurs when the origin of the material used is not appropriately cited. NAME SIGNATURE DATE ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 70 of 84 ASSESSOR USE ONLY Element Performance Criteria Competent (Y/N) Comments 2. Establish agreed procurement processes 1. Determine procurement requirements Assessment Record BSBPMG518A Manage project procurement 1.1 Identify procurement requirements with input from stakeholders as the basis for procurement planning 1.2 Establish and maintain, within delegated authority, an agreed procurement-management plan 2.1 Obtain information from suppliers capable of fulfilling procurement requirements Determine or adopt established selection processes and selection criteria and communicate them to vendors to ensure transparency Obtain relevant approvals for procurement processes to be used for the project Identify and act according to probity and project-governance constraints Communicate agreed proposals and/or specifications to prospective vendors to ensure clarity of understanding of project objectives Solicit vendor responses according to proposal requirements Evaluate responses and select preferred vendors according to current legal requirements and agreed selection criteria Negotiate with preferred contractor or supplier, to agree on terms and conditions of supply Implement established procurementmanagement plan and make modifications in line with agreed delegations Review progress and manage agreed variations to ensure timely completion of tasks and resolution of conflict within the legal framework of the supply agreement Identify and report procurementmanagement issues and implement agreed remedial actions to ensure project objectives are met Conduct finalisation activities to ensure vendor deliverables meet contracted requirements Review project outcomes using available procurement records and information to determine effectiveness of procurement processes and procedures Document lessons learned and recommended improvements for application to future projects 2.2 2.3 3. Conduct procurement activities 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4. Implement and monitor procurement 4.1 4.2 4.3 5. Manage procurement finalisation procedures 5.1 5.2 5.3 ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 71 of 84 OVERALL UNIT ASSESSMENT BSBPMG518A MANAGE PROJECT PROCUREMENT Was the competency demonstrated against all assessment criteria? Yes No Signature of Assessor: Date: If not, what elements were not demonstrated In the opinion of the assessor, the gaps evident in demonstrated competency Requires significant development and learning Requires some development and learning Require minor development and learning and could be explained by lack of knowledge of the organisation and tasks addressed ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 72 of 84 3-10 BSBPMG519A Manage project stakeholder engagement Element Performance Criteria Student Reference Assessor Comments 3. Manage stakeholder communications 2. Manage effective stakeholder engagement 1. Identify and address stakeholder interests BSBPMG519A Manage project stakeholder engagement 1.1 Identify stakeholders relevant to project objectives 1.2 Segment stakeholder interests and determine forms of engagement 1.3 Consider interests of stakeholders when considering and advising on project-management issues 1.4 Identify and implement actions to address differing interests where required 2.1 Support development of team members’ interpersonal skills in effective stakeholder engagement 2.2 Distribute team work effectively to ensure defined project roles are followed 2.3 Identify and clarify stakeholder behavioural expectations where required 2.4 Openly lead stakeholder performance reviews 2.5 Identify and address individual development needs and opportunities to support stakeholder engagement 3.1 Determine and document stakeholder communication needs 3.2 Ensure relevant stakeholders agree to communication method, content and timing of engagement 3.3 Communicate information as planned and in line with authority levels, identifying and addressing variances ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 73 of 84 STUDENT DECLARATION Unit Code BSBPMG519A Unit Name Manage project stakeholder engagement Please complete the declaration below by ticking each box & signing where indicated I declare that – I hold a copy of this assessment that can be produced if the original is lost/ damaged. This assessment is my original work and no part of it has been copied from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made. No part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been agreed with the course facilitator. I have not previously submitted this work for this or any other program/unit. I have not allowed this work to be copied by another person. I give permission for this work to be reproduced, communicated, compared and archived for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. I give permission for a copy of my marked work to be retained by the RTO for review and comparison, including review by external auditors. I understand that plagiarism is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person as though it is your own. Plagiarism occurs when the origin of the material used is not appropriately cited. NAME SIGNATURE DATE ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 74 of 84 ASSESSOR USE ONLY Element Performance Criteria Competent (Y/N) Comments 3. Manage stakeholder communicatio ns 2. Manage effective stakeholder engagement 1. Identify and address stakeholder interests Assessment Record BSBPMG519A Manage project stakeholder engagement 1.1 Identify stakeholders relevant to project objectives 1.2 Segment stakeholder interests and determine forms of engagement 1.3 Consider interests of stakeholders when considering and advising on project-management issues 1.4 Identify and implement actions to address differing interests where required 2.1 Support development of team members’ interpersonal skills in effective stakeholder engagement 2.2 Distribute team work effectively to ensure defined project roles are followed 2.3 Identify and clarify stakeholder behavioural expectations where required 2.4 Openly lead stakeholder performance reviews 2.5 Identify and address individual development needs and opportunities to support stakeholder engagement 3.1 Determine and document stakeholder communication needs 3.2 Ensure relevant stakeholders agree to communication method, content and timing of engagement 3.3 Communicate information as planned and in line with authority levels, identifying and addressing variances ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 75 of 84 OVERALL UNIT ASSESSMENT BSBPMG519A MANAGE PROJECT STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT Was the competency demonstrated against all assessment criteria? Yes No Signature of Assessor: Date: If not, what elements were not demonstrated In the opinion of the assessor, the gaps evident in demonstrated competency Requires significant development and learning Requires some development and learning Require minor development and learning and could be explained by lack of knowledge of the organisation and tasks addressed ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 76 of 84 3-11 BSBPMG520A Manage project governance Element Performance Criteria Student Reference Assessor Comments 3. Monitor and 2. Apply project governance policies 1. Identify project-management review project and procedures structure governance BSBPMG520A Manage project governance 1.1 Determine organisational governance policies, procedures and expectations of project stakeholders 1.2 Negotiate clear and discrete project governance roles and responsibilities with relevant authorities 1.3 Establish delegated authorities for project decision making 1.4 Identify and record differences between organisation’s functional authorities and project authorities 1.5 Adopt, document and communicate unambiguous governance plan to relevant stakeholders 2.1 Distribute and present information on governance planning to the project team and other relevant stakeholders and ensure common understanding 2.2 Include delegated authorities within role and project position descriptions 2.3 Moderate conflicts regarding roles, responsibilities and authorities to support achievement of project objectives 2.4 Regularly report to organisation and project authorities on performance and issues arising from governance arrangements 3.1 Analyse and review project governance impact on achieving project objectives 3.2 Document lessons learned and recommendations to assist future projects ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 77 of 84 STUDENT DECLARATION Unit Code BSBPMG520A Unit Name Manage project governance Please complete the declaration below by ticking each box & signing where indicated I declare that – I hold a copy of this assessment that can be produced if the original is lost/ damaged. This assessment is my original work and no part of it has been copied from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made. No part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been agreed with the course facilitator. I have not previously submitted this work for this or any other program/unit. I have not allowed this work to be copied by another person. I give permission for this work to be reproduced, communicated, compared and archived for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. I give permission for a copy of my marked work to be retained by the RTO for review and comparison, including review by external auditors. I understand that plagiarism is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person as though it is your own. Plagiarism occurs when the origin of the material used is not appropriately cited. NAME SIGNATURE DATE ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 78 of 84 ASSESSOR USE ONLY Element Performance Criteria Competent (Y/N) Comments 3. Monitor and review project governance 2. Apply project governance policies and procedures 1. Identify project-management structure Assessment Record BSBPMG520A Manage project governance 1.1 Determine organisational governance policies, procedures and expectations of project stakeholders 1.2 Negotiate clear and discrete project governance roles and responsibilities with relevant authorities 1.3 Establish delegated authorities for project decision making 1.4 Identify and record differences between organisation’s functional authorities and project authorities 1.5 Adopt, document and communicate unambiguous governance plan to relevant stakeholders 2.1 Distribute and present information on governance planning to the project team and other relevant stakeholders and ensure common understanding 2.2 Include delegated authorities within role and project position descriptions 2.3 Moderate conflicts regarding roles, responsibilities and authorities to support achievement of project objectives 2.4 Regularly report to organisation and project authorities on performance and issues arising from governance arrangements 3.1 Analyse and review project governance impact on achieving project objectives 3.2 Document lessons learned and recommendations to assist future projects ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 79 of 84 OVERALL UNIT ASSESSMENT BSBPMG520A MANAGE PROJECT GOVERNANCE Was the competency demonstrated against all assessment criteria? Yes No Signature of Assessor: Date: If not, what elements were not demonstrated In the opinion of the assessor, the gaps evident in demonstrated competency Requires significant development and learning Requires some development and learning Require minor development and learning and could be explained by lack of knowledge of the organisation and tasks addressed ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 80 of 84 3-12 BSBWOR502B Ensure team effectiveness Element Performance Criteria Student Reference Assessor Comments 2. Develop and facilitate team cohesion 1. Establish team performance plan BSBWOR502B Ensure team effectiveness 1.1. Consult team members to establish a common understanding of team purpose, roles, responsibilities and accountabilities in accordance with organisational goals, plans and objectives 1.2. Develop performance plans to establish expected outcomes, outputs, key performance indicators and goals for work team 1.3. Support team members in meeting expected performance outcomes 2.1. Develop strategies to ensure team members have input into planning, decision making and operational aspects of work team 2.2. Develop policies and procedures to ensure team members take responsibility for own work and assist others to undertake required roles and responsibilities 2.3. Provide feedback to team members to encourage, value and reward individual and team efforts and contributions 2.4. Develop processes to ensure that issues, concerns and problems identified by team members are recognised and addressed 4. Liaise with stakeholders 3. Facilitate teamwork 3.1. Encourage team members and individuals to participate in and to take responsibility for team activities, including communication processes 3.2. Support the team in identifying and resolving work performance problems 3.3. Ensure own contribution to work team serves as a role model for others and enhances the organisation's image for all stakeholders 4.1. Establish and maintain open communication processes with all stakeholders 4.2. Communicate information from line manager/management to the team 4.3. Communicate unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by team members and follow-up with line manager/management and other relevant stakeholders 4.4. Evaluate and take necessary corrective action regarding unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by internal or external stakeholders ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 81 of 84 STUDENT DECLARATION Unit Code BSBWOR502B Unit Name Ensure team effectiveness Please complete the declaration below by ticking each box & signing where indicated I declare that – I hold a copy of this assessment that can be produced if the original is lost/ damaged. This assessment is my original work and no part of it has been copied from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made. No part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been agreed with the course facilitator. I have not previously submitted this work for this or any other program/unit. I have not allowed this work to be copied by another person. I give permission for this work to be reproduced, communicated, compared and archived for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. I give permission for a copy of my marked work to be retained by the RTO for review and comparison, including review by external auditors. I understand that plagiarism is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person as though it is your own. Plagiarism occurs when the origin of the material used is not appropriately cited. NAME SIGNATURE DATE ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 82 of 84 ASSESSOR USE ONLY Element Performance Criteria Competent (Y/N) Comments 3. Facilitate teamwork 2. Develop and facilitate team cohesion 1. Establish team performance plan Assessment Record BSBWOR502B Ensure team effectiveness 1.1. Consult team members to establish a common understanding of team purpose, roles, responsibilities and accountabilities in accordance with organisational goals, plans and objectives 1.2. Develop performance plans to establish expected outcomes, outputs, key performance indicators and goals for work team 1.3. Support team members in meeting expected performance outcomes 2.1. Develop strategies to ensure team members have input into planning, decision making and operational aspects of work team 2.2. Develop policies and procedures to ensure team members take responsibility for own work and assist others to undertake required roles and responsibilities 2.3. Provide feedback to team members to encourage, value and reward individual and team efforts and contributions 2.4. Develop processes to ensure that issues, concerns and problems identified by team members are recognised and addressed 3.1. Encourage team members and individuals to participate in and to take responsibility for team activities, including communication processes 3.2. Support the team in identifying and resolving work performance problems 3.3. Ensure own contribution to work team serves as a role model for others and enhances the organisation's image for all stakeholders 4. Liaise with stakeholders 4.1. Establish and maintain open communication processes with all stakeholders 4.2. Communicate information from line manager/management to the team 4.3. Communicate unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by team members and follow-up with line manager/management and other relevant stakeholders ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 83 of 84 OVERALL UNIT ASSESSMENT BSBWOR502B ENSURE TEAM EFFECTIVENESS Was the competency demonstrated against all assessment criteria? Yes No Signature of Assessor: Date: If not, what elements were not demonstrated In the opinion of the assessor, the gaps evident in demonstrated competency Requires significant development and learning Requires some development and learning Require minor development and learning and could be explained by lack of knowledge of the organisation and tasks addressed ASSESSMENT KIT Diploma of Project Management (Transition) Page no 84 of 84