Perkins Elementary Parent Teacher Association Meeting Minutes Meeting Date: Meeting Location: Monday, September 14, 1015 Perkins Elementary Library, Des Moines, IA Attendance: Sara Mitchell, President – present Melissa Keller, Vice President – present Jennifer Weir, Treasurer – present Amy Liechti, Secretary – present Amber Siever, Past President – present Dan Koss, Principal – present I. Call the Meeting to Order – The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by President, Sara Mitchell. II. Approval of the Minutes – The May 2015 minutes were approved by those in attendance. III. Introductions – Those in attendance were given the opportunity to introduce themselves and share the names and grades of their children attending Perkins. IV. Officer Reports a. President’s Report – Sara Mitchell Jazz in July was held on July 11th. Perkins made approximately $200. b. Vice President’s Report – Melissa Keller Current PTA membership is 82 members. c. Treasurer’s Report – Katherine Bayens (Past Treasurer) See attached report. V. Principal’s Report – Dan Koss (See attached report) VI. Program a. Mr. Koss shared the 2015-2016 School Improvement Plan which includes basic data from the 2014-2015 Iowa Assessments as well and the 2015-2016 District and School Goals and Strategic Objectives. He also indicated that the district needs a parent volunteer to serve on the calendar committee. b. Ms. Birchmier spoke about the FAST program. FAST is a state mandated program that the school will begin utilizing in the 2015-2016 school year. Screenings are done to help identify students who may be below grade level for fluency and decoding. They will be done in the fall, winter and spring. VII. Business/Announcements a. Garden Club – Michelle Voelker shared info about Garden Club with the group and spoke about the grant received from Whole Kids Foundation. An October 1st event was held to clean-up the garden and move compost in. Whole Foods staff assisted. A potluck was held in the outdoor classroom after the work was finished. b. School Directory – Forms were sent home in students’ Monday folders and were due back by October 1. The directory will again be available in PDF only. c. School Pictures – Taken on September 18th d. Beaverdale Fall Festival Parade – The parade was held on September 19th. Perkins was again in the parade. Thanks to all who donated candy! VIII. PTA Committees a. Walk-a-Thon – Amber Siever reported that Walk-a-Thon will be held on October 9th. The theme will be Oh, The Places You’ll Go! The committee is working to secure prizes. Volunteers still needed for the day of the event. b. Book Fair – On Karina Casini’s behalf, Miriam Sayre reported that Book Fairs will again be held during Parent Teacher Conferences, October 21st and 22nd. c. Teacher Dinners – Held during conferences (October 21 & 22 and Feb 24 & 25). Those interested in providing a dish for the teachers’ dinner can sign-up now. A co-chair is still needed. d. Family Fun Nights – Laura Lockard shared that BINGO night is scheduled for September 29. A date for skate night has not yet been determined. A co-chair for planning these events is also needed. e. Garden Club – Michelle Voelker (see previous report) f. Teacher Appreciation – Two new co-chairs are needed this year. The committee and volunteers do fun stuff for the teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week. g. Holiday Store - Beth Bright shared that this event will be held December 21 & 22. A cochair is needed. h. Holiday Tea – Will again be held after the holidays at Annie Gaster’s home. i. Silent Auction – May 20th – This event is held during the Perkins Carnival. Co-chairs and volunteers willing to call area businesses are needed. j. Carnival – May 20th, outgoing Carnival Chair, Miriam Sayre shared basic info about the Carnival with those in attendance. This is Perkins spring fundraiser. Co-chairs are needed. IX. Announcements/Upcoming Events a. Next Meeting – October 5, 6:30pm X. Adjourn – The meeting was adjourned at 7:15pm.