CLASS 2s CURRICULUM MAP: Spring Term 2015 Our Vision is to

CLASS 2s CURRICULUM MAP: Spring Term 2015
Our Vision is to realise our dreams through a journey of choice, challenge and
Learning to Care:
We want to enable our children to make good choices through taking responsibility
We want to ensure our children recognise and manage the challenges they are faced with
Caring to Learn:
We want to encourage each child to be intrinsically motivated to learn and aspire to be anything
they want to be
We want our children to be involved in how and what they learn and play an active part in their
learning journey and in developing their curriculum.
Ongoing Learning Objectives
Focus Learning Objectives
Our Learning theme/s for the Spring term is: Heroes
Whole class stories with
an identifiable hero eg
The Lion,Witch and the
Wardrobe, The Highway
Rat, Animal Heroes.
Non-fiction texts for
researching real-life
heroes eg Buzz Aldrin
Pupils will learn to:
* Write different types of
sentence (question,
command and
Pupils will learn:
* Recognise the place
value of each digit and use
this knowledge to solve
* Solve problems with
addition and subtraction
*Identify and describe the
properties of
2D and 3D shapes
* Begin to count in 2’s, 5’s
and 10’s, making links to
* Begin to take
responsibility for their own
learning by working on
their number targets at
Focus Phonics Sounds:
Split diagraphs eg
a-e,(cake) i-e, (time), ee,(theme) o-p,(hope) ue,(fume)
* Use extended noun
phrases to add
description (e.g. the
dark, spooky wood)
* Write their own story
with a heroic character
* Write a “fact file” for a
hero of their choice
Throughout the year
children will be expected
to read for 10-15 mins at
home every day.
Throughout the year
children will be expected
to be confident using
capital letters and full
stops correctly.
Throughout the year
children will continue to
become confident with
using numbers to 100.
Religious Education
Focus: Judaism and The Torah
For pupils to experience and learn about:
1. Jewish beliefs and celebrations.
2. The importance of the Torah.
3. The importance of the
Synagogue as a place of
Focus: To work scientifically.
* To use their knowledge of materials to explore the suitability of
a range of different materials to clothe a superhero eg
by designing an experiment to test endurance or water
*To make observations and begin to draw conclusions from
Physical Education
Focus: Coding and E-Safety
Focus: Gymnastics
For pupils to create simple programs using
Espresso coding software.
For pupils to be aware of the importance
of e-safety
To participate in gymnastics, developing co-ordination
and control.
Arts (Art & Design, DT & Music)
Geography & History
Focus: Art inspired by theatre trip (Narnia,
Aslan) Moon Landing Collage, Famous
* Fold, crumple, tear and overlap papers
* Experiment with different painting techniques
* Collect, sort, name and match colours appropriate
for an image
* Experiment with a variety of tools and techniques
Focus: Location Knowledge and Famous People
* Name and locate the world’s seven continents and five oceans
* Use world maps, atlases and globes
* Lives of significant individuals and heroic explorers eg
Christopher Columbus, The Wright Brothers ,Buzz Aldrin, Tim
Personal Development, Well-Being &
Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural Links (SMSC)
Focus: Friendships & Keeping safe on line
 For pupils to learn how to manage conflict with
their peers and to learn to recognise and deal with
bullying (anti-bullying week)
 For pupils to learn how to keep safe online
Spiritual: Daily assembly, daily reflection and prayer, moments of
awe and wonder.
Moral: Stories with a moral, moral dilemmas, differences
between right and wrong.
Social: Partner work, friendships, forgiveness, how to get along
Cultural: How different cultures celebrate for example Diwali,
WOW Day: Pirate Themed Day (Date to be confirmed)