Observation of Primary MFL lesson checklist

Observation of Primary Languages lesson checklist
Primary languages lessons should include interactive, visual, auditory and kinesthetic
elements, suitable for all learning styles and abilities. This list is a suggested guide for
observations of primary languages lessons with space for subsequent feedback, but
remember not every single characteristic will be produced in all lessons.
Date of observation.............................
Class observed..........................................
Name of languages teacher...................................................
Lesson characteristics
Aims of the lesson are clear and the
lesson is appropriately structured.
Objectives are shared with the class.
Teacher shows enthusiasm, motivating
all pupils to participate.
Teacher encourages and rewards good
behaviour with appropriate use of praise
in target language whenever possible.
New topics/areas to be introduced
aurally using visual prompts and/or
Opportunities for pupils to hear and
repeat new language several times
Emphasis on speaking and listening
skills with reading and writing to be
introduced as pupils gain in confidence
and knowledge.
Basic instructions to be given in target
language with support of audio/ dvd/
video/ cdrom materials where
appropriate, especially providing the
opportunity for pupils to hear native
Wide range of activities to be used
including visual, auditory prompts,
games, songs, puppets, role-play,
performance, movement and mime.
Pupils should have plenty of
opportunities to produce language
themselves. Some activities should not
be teacher led.
Variety of group activities – whole class,
small groups/pairs – and individual work
as appropriate for levels and class.
General comments/strengths/areas for development
Observed by.............................................