World History Mrs. Sosar “What will we need to bring for World History?” •Textbook •Notebook or Binder •Folder •Journal •Pen or Pencil Classroom Rules 1.Be Respectful 2.Be Prepared 3.Be Active and Attentive 4.Be Productive From Bell to Bell 5.Follow PRIDE at All Times Mustang Money • Mustang Money can be earned for: – Outstanding class participation – Outstanding attitude and following classroom rules even when others are not – Outstanding performance on assigned work – Extra credit opportunities through out the year Mustang Money Redemption Menu • 1 Ticket …………. Lost worksheet/form, rent a pencil • 2 Tickets …………..Pencil top eraser, wooden pencil • 5 Tickets ………………. 2 from Special Prize Box • 10 Tickets ……………. Mechanical Pencil or Pen • 15 Tickets ……………. Notebook • 25 Tickets ……………. Drop lowest quiz grade Consequences If you violate any of the rules the following will take place: 1. Students will get a verbal warning and lose 1-2 class participation points 2. Students may be removed from class to finish the assignments elsewhere or given lunch detention, Students will lose 2-4 class participation points, Parents will be notified 3. Students will lose 10 points, be removed from class, and receive an office referral Consequences If you violate any of the rules the following will take place: – Any office referrals can affect a students participation in PRIDE incentive activities – See PRIDE handbook for more info Grading Policy • Class Participation = 25% • Exam and Projects = 25% • Tests = 20% • Classwork and Homework = 15% • Quizzes and Binders = 15% Class Participation • 100 possible points in a marking period (recorded as two 50 point grades) • First grade will be at mid-quarter when progress reports are due • Second grade at the end of the quarter Class Participation (Continued) • Points can be deducted on an individual basis if the class rules are not followed, any deduction will be recorded and available for the review by any parent who requests to see why points were deducted • If you are removed from class it counts as a -10 for the day • Suspensions were the work is not made up will count as 5 for each day you are out • Once you hit 7 illegal absences you cannot receive any class participation grade over a 50% *as per HASD Policy, determined by office records Project and Exams • Exams are given at the end of quarters and are comprehensive for the quarter • Projects are averaged in with the Exam to help those students who are not good test takers improve their grade • Students should not depend on projects to raise their grade Tests • Graded on points system • Given at the end of each Chapter Classwork and Homework • Graded on points system • Usually consists of smaller assignments to prepare for the next class, or “Please Do Now” exercises Quizzes and Binders • Think of these as “Review Exercises” • Most are announced • If class behavior or participation is poor at anytime a “Review Exercise” can be given to reward the students who are working hard • Binders will be checked by quizzes that are taken using your notes (they will always be announced) Passes and Emergencies • Only one person will be allowed out of the room at anytime for any purpose!!!!! • Sign out and back in!!!! • Please try to use the restroom before class or within the first 5 minutes or last 5 minutes • Bathroom PRIVILEGES are meant for emergencies, if you are caught abusing the privilege you will loose points and the issue will be discussed with the VP • Nurse slips are also emergency purposes only Passes and Emergencies (Continued) • Locker passes • Lockers are to be visited in the morning, after lunch, and at dismissal • If you forgot something in your locker you receive a once a quarter pass to retrieve something, but it will cost you 2 class participation points • Homeroom may go to their lockers as they need until 8:10, with permission • 3rd period will be given a chance to get their lunches before the end of the period Make Up Work • All make up work must be handed into me no later than 5 school days after an absence for any reason if you want full credit. • Any work turned in after the 5 day passes it can be turned in until the end of the quarter for ½ of the earned points Cheating If you are caught cheating the following steps will take place: 1. A copy will be made of the assignment, the grade will be a 0, and students will get a verbal warning 2. A copy will be made of the assignment, the grade will be a 0, and parents will be notified by mail and with a phone call 3. A copy will be made of the assignment, the grade will be a 0, parents will be notified by mail and with a phone call, written referral to the office 4. If the assignment a student is cheating on is a test or project steps 1 and 2 will be bypassed MRS. SOSAR’S CONTACTS • School Phone: (570)459-3221 • E-mail: • Please feel free to contact me by email any time of the day I will respond to you as soon as I receive the email • Students may also feel free to email me at anytime if they have questions regarding an assignments or any other issue that they need addressed, most assignments can also be emailed to this address if an emergency arises