HHS Syllabus

Highlands High School
2510 – Anatomy & Physiology
2015-2016 Course Syllabus
Jean Becker
Physics I Adv. or Introduction to Physics; Biology I Advanced or Biology I; Chemistry I
Advanced or Regular (can be co-requisite)
Using a college level introductory textbook, we will study human anatomy and physiology using
a cat model for dissection. The class is recommended for students interested in all medical
fields, psychology, medical illustration or other science and professional careers.
Course Standards:
Students will:
 develop an advanced level of understanding of the structures and functions of human
body parts.
 become proficient at utilizing the laboratory with a variety of procedures and equipment.
 be able to use medical and biological terminology in relevant ways to communicate
proper functioning as well as pathologies.
 gain new insights into the historical and current perspectives on human health.
 understand the role science plays in understanding human anatomy and physiology.
 understand the interdependencies between the various systems of the human body.
 be prepared for more extensive studies in life science at the college level.
Human Anatomy & Physiology by Elaine N. Marieb, 10th Ed
ISBN: 978-0-321-92704-0
a. Access Code for Mastering A & P (gives you access to powerful online tools developed
by the publisher, such as A&P flix, Focus Figure Tutorials, Video Tutors, Art Labeling
Activities, Practice Quizzes and Tests, and access to the e – book)
Course Outline:
Unit One:
Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology, Biochemistry; Cell Biology;
Metabolism; Histology
Unit Two:
Integumentary System; Skeletal System; Joints; Muscular System, Nervous
Unit Three: Endocrine System; Cardiovascular System; Lymphatic System/Immune System,
Respiratory System
Unit Four:
Digestive System; Nutrition; Metabolism, Urinary System; Reproductive System
A lab safety contract must be signed by the student and parent/legal guardian and on file with
the instructor before students will be allowed to participate in labs.
Grades are composed of in class work, homework, labs, projects, writing assignments, reading
assignments, quizzes, binder checks and tests. Grades are added together and then divided by the
total to find the average. Harder assignments such as projects and larger tests/quizzes over units
will be worth more points, and therefore will carry a higher “weight” in your total points. Points
for assignments will be discussed when the assignment is given.
 Students will receive a ZERO in Infinite Campus for any assignment that is not turned in
when due. The grade will only be changed when the assignment is completed and turned
 No extra credit papers will be accepted. However, homework turned in early or done very
well will be awarded extra points. Periodically the instructor will give an assignment that
can be done for extra credit. However, this will not be done at the end of a grading period
simply to raise a grade. Therefore, if extra credit is given it is recommended that you
complete it!
Required Materials:
Nitrile (non-latex) gloves; colored pencils, old towel, hand lotion, three ring binder, empty baby
food jar, lab manual, coloring workbook and your charged MacBook.
Your active participation is necessary! You must come to class each day prepared to engage in
learning at a high level. Bring questions. Bring issues in the news that are relevant to our studies.
Add to your new biological terminology each day. You will be involved in lab work on a regular
basis. Upon successful completion of this class you will have a head start on your peers in postsecondary studies of biology and medicine!
Course Expectations:
Students will:
 attend class regularly. (See make-up policy below)
 study, read, and complete work outside of class. This will include weekends and
 complete all assignments on time.
 participate in laboratory activities including the dissection of a cat.
 bring all required materials to class. (See below)
 be able to present a point of view in writing.
 be able to discuss a point of view and defend a position.
 work cooperatively in groups.
 develop group and individual work skills.
 ask questions and be communicative about areas of need.
Classroom Procedures:
1. Follow all school wide policies.
2. Be on time with all necessary materials - you will not be allowed to go to your locker.
3. Be in your seat when the bell rings, and remain in your seat unless instructed to move for
group work. Also, I dismiss the class not the bell.
4. Turn in homework assignments/bell ringers to the basket at the beginning of class.
5. Respect yourself, your classmates and me. Do not do anything that interferes with your
education or your classmates’ education.
6. Talk in class when called upon. DO NOT TALK when someone else is speaking.
7. Positive attitudes appreciated, negative attitudes keep to yourself.
8. Keep comments on a positive note. The old saying: “if you can’t say something nice,
don’t say anything at all”, applies to our class. Commenting on not liking the
assignment, moaning or groaning about what you think is silly will not get you far.
9. We now have an open Wi-Fi system. You are expected to bring your MacBook, it should
be charged, and it must be used for Anatomy work, not games, videos, pictures and
chatting. Please review the RUP that you signed.
10. On the subject of electronic devices, cell phones and MP3’s cannot be used in class
unless we are COMPLETELY finished and I give you permission to use them. If I see
them, I will take them, give them to the assistant principal, and you will lose the
opportunity to use them in my class.
11. I reserve the right to collect all cell phones before a test. You will get them back when
you leave. If a phone or electronic device is out during a test or a quiz, you will receive a
zero on the assignment (so don’t “check the time or your texts” – if the devise is out I
will consider it cheating).
12. No food permitted in the classroom/lab. Water is ok as long as you recycle the container
and assuming we are not doing a lab.
13. Use the restroom before class only. No leaving the classroom once class starts. Do not
ask to leave for the bathroom in the middle of class unless it is an emergency.
14. You must clean up any messes that you create. I expect your lab table, floor, desks, and
sinks to be clean when you leave.
15. Closed shoes must be worn in some of our lab exercises. Therefore, keep a pair of old
gym shoes in your locker for lab days. Inappropriate shoes will require the lab to be
completed after school.
16. This class will depend on all of us. It will require work; whether we have fun doing the
work will be up to all of you. You know what the expectations are so live up to them.
Failure to Follow Procedures:
If you choose not to follow the procedures, then you are choosing to stay after school with me.
Your choices will determine the length of time that you will be required to stay! Depending on
your choices, phone calls/conferences with parents/guardians or referrals to the Principal maybe
If at any time a student is belligerent or impolite, it will result in an immediate detention and/or
further school ramifications. No warning will be given!! If my detention is skipped then a school
detention will be assigned.
We can have a great deal of fun this year if ALL OF YOU ALLOW IT. I will work hard for you;
I expect the same in return!
You are expected to hand your assignments in on time. Due dates will be announced or posted.
Ordinarily, the assignment is considered late if it is not handed in with the rest of the class. The
assignment is also considered to be late if you are completing it after the bell has rung (homework
is meant to be done at home and not in a rush).
Large Assignments
Any late large assignment (such as models, papers, labs, reading reports etc.) will be
dropped one full letter grade each day it is late. Very few excuses will be accepted. The
assignments are posted with a lot of time to complete and therefore are due on the assigned
date. For example, your printer being out of ink, “I had to work”, I did it but forgot to
bring it, is not acceptable. Therefore, never wait until the night before to finish a large
assignment. If you are absent when a large assignment is due, I expect you to have a
sibling, parent/guardian, or friend bring it to class on the day it is due. If this is absolutely
not possible, then a note from your parent/guardian must be turned in with the assignment.
This note must clearly state they understood you had a large assignment due and it
was not possible to turn the assignment in on the due date.
Daily Assignments
Any daily assignments (such as vocabulary, chapter reviews, worksheets, text question)
are usually worth 5-25 points. You may receive partial points the next day, if we did not
go over the assignment. However, if we discussed the assignment then no points will be
given. Daily assignments will be kept in your binder. Each assignment must have your
name, date, assignment number, and class period written in the top right hand corner.
All assignments for a unit/chapter must be turned in before the summative assessment for that
unit/chapter is given, no assignments for that unit/chapter will be accepted after this time.
Students are expected to make up all assignments given while they were absent, whether the
absence is excused or unexcused as work is cumulative and missed work will leave gaps in student
understanding. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the assignments, notes etc. missed while
absent. It is recommended the student inquire about missed work after school. Missed work
should be completed in a timely manner, usually one day for each day absent unless other
arrangements are made with me.
If a student is absent on the day of a lab, test or announced quiz they are responsible for making
up these assignments on the first day of their return! If this is not possible, the student must discuss
this with me on the day they return. Failure to stay for the scheduled make-up will result in a zero,
unless other arrangements are made with me first. I understand that things “come up” and you
might not be able to stay on the arranged day. However, if I schedule my time to stay with you,
so that you can complete your make-up work, please be considerate and show up!
Students may be given a different assessment upon their return.
Daily Assignments: You must turn it in before class upon your return. This is your
responsibility to remember, so don’t forget!
Large Assignments: You must send them in on time or bring a note from parent/guardian
that shows they clearly knew you had a large assignment due.
Tutoring/Extra Instruction;
Mornings are usually reserved for laboratory preparations, and therefore I may not be readily
available. Arrangements can be made with me on the previous day, if morning tutoring is
necessary. Students my stay for tutoring afterschool as needed, and are encouraged to stay to
complete homework, to study with me, etc. It is suggested the student make arrangements with
me in advanced so that I am in my classroom when you arrive.
Academic Integrity – i.e. cheating
Cheating is a very serious issue to me and therefore our class!!!! If a student is caught cheating
(copying homework, allowing someone to copy your work, using a “cheat sheet”, plagiarism,
aiding another student with a test/quiz/homework, using notes/electronic devises during a test/quiz,
altering grades, etc…) it will result in an immediate zero. Additionally, the schools rules for
cheating and plagiarism will be followed. This is a very serious issue both in my classroom,
Highlands, College, and the “real world”. Please read the Academic integrity section of your
student handbook clearly. I also will discuss the incident with your parent/guardians. When you
put your name on a paper, it is your work – not a friends, parents, siblings etc… so take pride in
your effort.
I will help you if you are having difficulty, I cannot help you if you receive a zero for cheating.
I reserve the right to modify the terms of this syllabus and lecture schedule, if changing circumstances
require it. All changes will be announced in class and through the Schoology system **