File - World History with Mrs. Ruth

1st Nine Weeks
August 10,2015
• Select a seat in the class that you feel
comfortable at. Seats will be assigned at a
later date.
• Please sit quietly until we begin class.
August 11,2015
• Please write the questions and the answer in
your notebook. (Answers should be in
complete sentence)
• What do you think would be the correct
procedure for coming into Social Studies
August 12,2015
• Please write the questions and the answer in
your notebook. (Answers should be in
complete sentence)
• How would you define History and why is it
important to you?
August 13,2015
• Please write the questions and the answer in
your notebook. (Answers should be in
complete sentence)
• Name any type of map that you have worked
with in the past in other Social Studies classes
and explain what that map is telling the
August 14,2015
• Please write the questions and the answer in
your notebook. (Answers should be in
complete sentence)
• To you as a student which procedure/rule
seems the most important and which
procedure/rule seems the least of
August 17,2015
• Please write the questions and the answer in
your notebook. (Answers should be in
complete sentence)
• What is at least one thing that you know
about the Roman Empire?
August 18,2015
• Please write the questions and the answer in
your notebook. (Answers should be in
complete sentence)
• What are some of the reasons that the Roman
Empire fell apart? Explain your answer.
August 19,2015
• Please write the questions and the answer in
your notebook. (Answers should be in
complete sentence)
• Name two vocabulary words that you are
struggling with from this weeks words and
write them out with the correct definition.
August 20,2015
• Please write the questions and the answer in
your notebook. (Answers should be in
complete sentence)
• What was the largest effect to the collapse of
the Roman Empire justify your reason?
August 21,2015
• Please write the questions and the answer in
your notebook. (Answers should be in
complete sentence)
• Throughout this week what have you learned
that you did not know about the Romans and
Byzantine Empires?
• Once finish clear off your desk with the exception on one
piece of paper and a writing utensil.
August 24, 2015
• Please write the questions and the answer in
your notebook. (Answers should be in
complete sentence)
• How much did you study for your Vocabulary
Quiz and be honest?
• Make sure you have a highlighter for class
today there are extras on the student table.
August 25,2015
• Please write the questions and the answer in
your notebook. (Answers should be in
complete sentence)
• What was the main reform that Justinian
made possible in the Byzantine Empire?
August 26,2015
• Please write the questions and the answer in
your notebook. (Answers should be in
complete sentence)
• Select two people from your People to Know
and explain the importance of each person
and why they are remembered.
August 27,2015
• Please write the questions and the answer in
your notebook. (Answers should be in
complete sentence)
• Explain in your own words what you have
learned about the last two weeks in this unit.
August 28,2015
• Please write the questions and the answer in
your notebook. (Answers should be in
complete sentence)
• List any questions that you have from your
study guide and are still struggling with before
the test on Tuesday.
August 31,2015
• Please write the questions and the answer in
your notebook. (Answers should be in
complete sentence)
• What has been the most challenging point for
you while studying Rome and Byzantine?
September 1,2015
• Please write the questions and the answer in
your notebook. (Answers should be in
complete sentence)
• Clear off your desk and have one sheet of
paper out with the proper heading and sit
quietly until we begin the test.
September 2,2015
• Please write the questions and the answer in
your notebook. (Answers should be in
complete sentence)
• What do you know about the Islamic Culture
and Society?
September 3, 2015
• Please write the questions and the answer in
your notebook. (Answers should be in
complete sentence)
• In your opinion what is the climate that is
found in the Arabian Peninsula(Middle East)?
September 4,2015
• Please write the questions and the answer in
your notebook. (Answers should be in
complete sentence)
• After reading the Hadith what do you believe
will be the center of our focus for the next few
September 8, 2015
• Please write the questions and the answer in
your notebook. (Answers should be in
complete sentence)
• What are the main beliefs of Islam?
September 9, 2015
• Please write the questions and the answer in
your notebook. (Answers should be in
complete sentence)
• When and Where was Islam as a religion
September 10, 2015
• Please write the questions and the answer in
your notebook. (Answers should be in
complete sentence)
• Name two of the people to know that you
have learned about and define them on your
September 11, 2015
• Please write the questions and the answer in
your notebook. (Answers should be in
complete sentence)
– Take the first five minutes of class and study your
people to know before the quiz.
September 14, 2015
• Write the following statement and then
complete the directive given.
• Look at the side board and find the following
piece out of your binder and turn them into
the blue tray.
September 15,2015
• What do these pictures mean to you?
September 16,2015
• Please write the questions and the answer in
your notebook. (Answers should be in
complete sentence)
• Given the article from yesterday select one
invention that you could not live without and
explain why.
September 17, 2015
• Please write the questions and the answer in
your notebook. (Answers should be in
complete sentence)
• What is one thing that you have learned about
that you had no idea that it was created or
came form the Middle East?
September 21,2015
• Read the excerpt given to you and answer the question
• Believe or else pay tribute [money]... obey the Lord and
His Apostle [Mohammad], and he will defend you... But if
you displease them... I will fight against you and take
captive your little ones and slay the elder..
• What alternatives does Mohammad offer to the
leader of the Christian Arab tribe?
September 22,2015
• Source: This excerpt from History of the Arabs, by Philip K. Hitti, explains
the Muslim view on equality. (London: MacMillan & Co. Ltd., 1946).
• We have witnessed a people [Muslims] to each and every one
of whom death is preferable to life, and humility to
prominence, and to none of whom this world has the least
attraction. Their leader is like one of them: the low cannot be
distinguished from the high, nor the master from the slave.
And when the prayer time comes, all wash their hands and
feet and humbly pray.
• How does this writer describe the Muslim
September 23,2015
Source: This excerpt from History of the Arabs, by Philip K. Hitti, explains the Muslim view on equality. (London: MacMillan & Co. Ltd.,
• The passion to go to heaven in the next life may have been
operative with some, but the desire for the comforts and
luxuries of the civilized regions of the Fertile Crescent was just as
strong in the case of many... The campaigns seen to have started
as raids to provide new outlets for the warring tribes, the
objective in most cases being booty [riches] and not the gaining
of a permanent foothold... The movement acquired momentum
as the warriors passed from victory to victory... the creation of
the Arab empire followed inevitably
• How is the expansion of Islam explained in this
September 24,2015
• Answer the following question based off of
the passage provided.
Ye shall do battle with them, or they shall profess Islam... whosoever shall obey
God and His Apostle, He shall bring him into the gardens of [Paradise]; but
whosoever shall turn back, He will punish him..
• What does Mohammad offer to Muslims who follow
September 25,2015
• Answer the following question based off of
the map provided.
What does the map reveal about the
extensive area in the Muslim empire by
750 CE?
September 28, 2015
• Label the locations on the map that has been
marked with the correct geographical name.
September 29,2015
• Label the locations on the map that has been marked with the
correct geographical name.
September 30,2015
• Read the Passage provided and answer the question given.
Source: This description of Justinian is from Buildings by Procopius, Justinian’s official court historian.
• Justinian created countless cities which did not exist before. And finding
that the belief in God was... straying into errors... he brought it about that
it stood on the firm foundation of a single faith. Moreover, finding laws
obscure because they had become far more numerous than they should
be, and in obvious confusion because they disagreed with each other. He
preserved them [in the Legal Code of Emperor Justinian, A.D. 529]... by
controlling their discrepancies with the greatest firmness.
• According to Procopius, what are three contributions of
October 1,2015
• Answer the following in question.
• What are you still struggling with from the
Islamic Unit?
October 2, 2015
• Read the statement and complete the
• Clear off your desk and take out a sheet of
paper and pencil to begin your test as soon as
the bell rings.
October 5,2015
• Please write the questions and the answer in
your notebook. (Answers should be in
complete sentence)
• Given any knowledge that you know about
Africa what type of place do you imagine it
being in the 500’s- to 1500’s
October 6,2015
• Copy the chart down and fill in with all the
information that you learned about yesterday.
Years Ruled
Trade Relations
October 7, 2015
• Read the passage below and answer the question
The Arab traders of this region wanted gold as much as the Wangara
wanted salt, but both had to pass through Ghana to trade...Ghana
controlled had the military maintain peace in the area,
thereby assuring safe trade for the Arabs and the Wangara.Ancient Ghana
was an extremely complex empire. It possessed many of the
characteristics of powerful nations today: wealth based on trade,
sufficient food to feed its people, income derived from taxes, social
organization that ensured justice and efficient political control, a strong
army equipped with advanced weapons, and a foreign policy that led to
the peace and cooperation with other people.
• Explain ancientGhana’sroleinthegoldā€salttrade
October 8,2015
• Write the statement and follow the directives.
• Students may study their vocabulary for the
next 5 minutes.
October 9, 2015
• Define the following words