Spanish 3 Syllabus - 2014-2015

Spanish 3 Syllabus - 2014-2015
Señora Martínez – Salón 6
Text: Dos Mundos – Comunicación y comunidad; Sixth Edition; Terrell, Andrade, Egasse, Muñoz.
Workbook: Cuaderno de actividades: Actividades escritas; Actividades auditivas; Resumen cultural;
Pronunciación y ortografía; Lecturas y Notas culturales.
Text Aides:
Online [] – by chapter:
Quizzes: Los amigos animados; Vocabulario; Gramática; Entrevistas
Laboratory Audio Program
Vocabulario Audio
Dos Mundos is an exciting text focusing on actividades de comunicación y lecturas (communication
activities featuring Total Physical Response [TPR] and readings); Vocabulario (Vocabulary introduced in the
communicative activities); gramática y ejercicios (grammar explanations and verification exercises). There is a
strong focus on culture (Ventanas culturales and Ventanas al pasado), literature (Lecturas, Enlace literario y
Notas culturales), and writing. This course, using comprehensible input, will offer an opportunity to use the
chapter themes and new vocabulary to express yourself freely in speaking and in writing, give you an insight
into Latino culture, and let you hear native speakers from various Latino countries.
Standards: The following foreign language instruction standards are met by the specified course materials:
 Communication: Actividades de comunicación; En resumen; ¡Cuéntenos usted!; Actividades auditivas
 Cultures: Opener page fine art; Sobre el artista; chapter time line; ¡Ojo! Side bars; Ventanas culturales;
Ventanas al pasado; Video (Escenas culturales, Escenas en contexto)
 Connections: Ventanas culturales; Ventanas al pasado; Enlaces literarios; Lecturas; Video (Escenas
culturales, Escenas en contexto)
 Comparisons: Gramática y ejercicios; Pronunciación y ortografía; Ventanas culturales; Ventanas al
pasado; Lecturas; Viodeo (Escenas culturales, Escenas en contexto)
 Communities: Ventanas culturales; Conexión a la comunidad; Video (Escenas culturales, Escenas en
contexto); Internet activities
NEEDED MATERIALS: Students will need a notebook (only for Spanish which can be provided if
needed); it is also strongly recommended that students obtain a good Spanish-English/English-Spanish
Grading: An important part of your grade is participation. Opportunities for extra credit will be available
daily. Grades are weighted as follows:
Spanish Grade Weights
Escuchar/Hablar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cuaderno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10%
Tarea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10%
Gramática/Vocabulario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15%
Pruebas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15%
Participación/Comportamiento. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20%
Exámenes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25%
Español 3 – 2014--2015 –– Salón 6
First Semester:
 8/20/14 – 10/10/14 (Chapter Test during the week of 10/13/14)
Capítulo 6 – La residencia; Metas (goals) – In Capítulo 6 you will talk about where you live and what
you do there. You and your classmates will discuss what you have done recently. You will also learn
how to introduce people to each other.
 10/13/14 – 12/19/14 (Chapter Test during the week of 12/1/14)
Capítulo 7 – Hablando del pasado; Metas (goals) – In Capítulo 7 you will continue to talk about
things that happened in the past: your experiences and those of others.
 COMPREHENSIVE FINAL – Capítulos 6 y 7 during 12/17/14--12/19/14
Second Semester:
 1/06/15 – 2/6/15 (Chapter Test during the week of 2/10/14)
Capítulo 8 – La comida; Metas (goals) – In Capítulo 8 you will learn to talk about food, nutrition,
shopping for and preparing food, and ordering meals in restaurants.
 2/17/15 – 3/20/15 (Chapter Test during the week of 3/23/14)
Capítulo 9 – La niñez y la juventud; Metas (goals) – In Capítulo 9 you will expand your ability to
talk about your family. You will learn to express different kinds of memories: your habitual activities
and those of others, as well as how you felt about things in the past.
 4/7/15 – 5/15/15 (Chapter Test during the week of 5/18/15)
Capítulo 10 – Nuestro planeta; Metas (goals) – In Capítulo 10 you will talk about places you have
traveled to, including their geography and climate. You will also discuss transportation and automobile
travel. Finally, you will learn about and discuss environmental issues and concerns.
 5/26/15 – 6/2/15 REVIEW FOR FINAL
 COMPREHENSIVE FINAL – Capítulos 6, 7, 8, 9, y 10 during 6/02/14-6/06/14
Spanish 4 Syllabus - 2013-2014
Señora Martínez – Salón 6
Text: First Semester: Dos Mundos – Comunicación y comunidad; Sixth Edition; Terrell, Andrade, Egasse,
Workbook: Cuaderno de actividades: Actividades escritas; Actividades auditivas; Resumen cultural;
Pronunciación y ortografía; Lecturas y Notas culturales.
Text Aides:
Online [] – by chapter:
Quizzes: Los amigos animados; Vocabulario; Gramática; Entrevistas
Laboratory Audio Program
Vocabulario Audio
Dos Mundos is an exciting text focusing on actividades de comunicación y lecturas (communicative
activities featuring Total Physical Response [TPR] and readings); Vocabulario (Vocabulary introduced in the
communicative activities); gramática y ejercicios (grammar explanations and verification exercises). There is a
strong focus on culture (Ventanas culturales and Ventanas al pasado), literature (Lecturas, Enlace literario y
Notas culturales), and writing. This course, using comprehensible input, will offer an opportunity to use the
chapter themes and new vocabulary to express yourself freely in speaking and in writing, give you an insight
into Latino culture, and let you hear native speakers from various Latino countries.
Standards: The following foreign language instruction standards are met by the specified course materials:
 Communication: Actividades de comunicación; En resumen; ¡Cuéntenos usted!; Actividades auditivas
 Cultures: Opener page fine art; Sobre el artista; chapter time line; ¡Ojo! Side bars; Ventanas culturales;
Ventanas al pasado; Video (Escenas culturales, Escenas en contexto)
 Connections: Ventanas culturales; Ventanas al pasado; Enlaces literarios; Lecturas; Video (Escenas
culturales, Escenas en contexto)
 Comparisons: Gramática y ejercicios; Pronunciación y ortografía; Ventanas culturales; Ventanas al
pasado; Lecturas; Viodeo (Escenas culturales, Escenas en contexto)
 Communities: Ventanas culturales; Conexión a la comunidad; Video (Escenas culturales, Escenas en
contexto); Internet activities
Text: Second Semester: Situaciones, SPANISH for Mastery; First Edition; Valette, Valette, Carrera-Hanley;
Workbook: Situaciones -- Cuaderno de actividades: Actividades escritas.
Novela: Bendíceme,Última
NEEDED MATERIALS: Students will need a 3” three-ring binder (to be shared with other classes and
can be provided if the student is unable to provide one) and a notebook (only for Spanish which can also
be provided if needed); it is also strongly recommended that students obtain a good SpanishEnglish/English-Spanish dictionary.
Español 4 – DÍA “A” – 3o clase – Salón 2
First Semester:
 8/18/13 -- 9/13/13 (Chapter Test during the week of 9/9/13)
Capítulo 12 – La salud y las emergencias; Metas (goals) – In Capítulo 12 you will talk about healthrelated situations, including keeping healthy and fit. You will also talk about experiences with illnesses
and accidents.
 9/16/13 – 10/4/13 (Chapter Test during the week of 10/1/13)
Capítulo 13 – La comida; Metas (goals) – In Capítulo 8 you will learn to talk about food, nutrition,
shopping for and preparing food, and ordering meals in restaurants.
 10/07/13 – 11/6/13 (Chapter Test during the week of 11/4/13)
Capítulo 14 – La niñez y la juventud; Metas (goals) – In Capítulo 9 you will expand your ability to
talk about your family. You will learn to express different kinds of memories: your habitual activities
and those of others, as well as how you felt about things in the past.
 11/12/13 – 12/20/13 (Chapter Test will be part of your final the week of 12/16/13)
Capítulo 15 – Nuestro planeta; Metas (goals) – In Capítulo 10 you will talk about places you have
traveled to, including their geography and climate. You will also discuss transportation and automobile
travel. Finally, you will learn about and discuss environmental issues and concerns.
 COMPREHENSIVE FINAL – Capítulos 12, 13, 14, y 15 during 12/16/13-12/20/13
Second Semester:
Bendíceme, Última:
 1/07/13 – 6/08/13 (22 capítulos -- Final Test during finals week)
Es su responsibilidad de leer un capítulo cada semana y escribir un resumen de cada capítulo bien
pensado y comprensivo en sus cuadernos.
 FINAL – Bendíceme, Última during 6/19/13-6/21/13
Grading: An important part of your grade is participation. Opportunities for extra credit will be available
daily. Grades are weighted as follows:
Spanish Grade Weights
Escuchar/Hablar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cuaderno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10%
Tarea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10%
Gramática/Vocabulario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15%
Pruebas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15%
Participación/Comportamiento. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20%
Exámenes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25%