E-Logistics and the Natural Environment Joseph Sarkis Clark University 1 Outline of Talk Introduction on why this topic is of interest Background on Logistics and E-Logistics Forward E-Logistics and the Natural Environment Reverse E-Logistics and the Natural Environment Industry, Gov’t, Academic Issues 2 Introduction Billions will be spent on Internet Based Logistics Systems. B2C market $7.7 $28 Billion (98-00) B2B market $2.1 $81 Billion (01-05) If growth is to be maintained (as we now know) efficient logistics systems have to be in place. Investments in e-logistics will also be great, question is: What are the environmental implications? 3 External Transportation Internal Transportation, Materials Movement Raw and Virgin Material Inventory Management Selection Vendors New Components and Parts Recycled, Reused Material and Parts Closed-Loop Manufacturing, Demanufacturing, Source Reduction Disposal Location Analysis, Inventory Management, Warehousing Transportation Packaging Fabrication Storag e Storag e Distribution, Forward Logistics USE Assembly Purchasing, Materials Management, Inbound Logistics Product/Process Design Engineering Energy Energy Energy Waste Outbound Logistics Production Waste Waste Energy Reusable, Remanufacturable, Recyclable Materials and Components Marketing Reverse Logistics Figure 1: Materials, Product and Information Flow. Forward and Reverse Logistics, Adapted From Sarkis, 2001. Waste 4 Background E-Logistics Technology (examples) The personal computer Electronic data interchange (EDI) among carriers, shippers and customers Barcoding and scanning Advance ship notices (ASNs) Shipment and package tracking systems Satellite global positioning systems (GPS) and geographic information systems (GIS) The World Wide Web The Internet, intranets and extranets Web-enabled relational databases, data warehouses and data marts Decision support systems Electronic signature technology Wireless technology Enterprise resource planning systems 5 Forward E-Logistics and the Natural Environment Procurement Email, EDI and XML linkages aiding procurement Savings: Ideally reduce all paper driven transactions (.25% drop in net greenhouse gas production (Romm, 2000). Costs: (general issue with all technology) • energy costs because of technology (Mills 2000, 2001). • Electronic Hardware - a growing waste stream, millions of computers, CRTs, etc. into landfills. 6 Forward E-Logistics and the Natural Environment • Procurement • Additional Benefits – Green Purchasing is easier. • European Partners for the Environment has the European Green Purchasing Network - www.epe.be. • An example site that has a database of green purchasing depending on product type, material, other criteria, for green purchasing www.econexus.net • A meta-site that gives a number of sites for green purchasing, especially in North America is located at www.nerc.gpn/gpn • The Japanese Green Purchasing Network is located at: www.wnn.or.jp/wnn-eco/gpne 7 Forward E-Logistics and the Natural Environment Inventory and Warehousing Postponement – less inventory due to quick speed of information (JIT) Aggregation and centralization of warehousing/inventory do not need to be next to customer • + less waste, energy to run additional locations • - additional transportation costs Information integration – substitution of durable goods with information – better efficiency – less bullwhip effect. 8 Forward E-Logistics and the Natural Environment Transportation and Delivery Management Transportation exchanges allow for more efficient carrier management Transportation costs may increase due to centralized warehousing Services and electronic (software/music) goods are easily delivered. Packaging and Order Management Marketing with fancy packaging less necessary Have more flexibility in packaging 9 Reverse E-Logistics and the Natural Environment By definition is an environmentally conscious practice, bringing back disposed products, components, waste into system. Returns due to warranties, customer service, competitiveness issues are all increasing reverse logistics. Major RL activities: gatekeeping, collection, sortation and disposition 10 Reverse E-Logistics and the Natural Environment Challenges of E-logistics E-commerce has higher return rates. Culture of focus on sales not returns service Volumes of returns are unknown Lack of retailing experience Variety of sources of returns – manufacturers deliver directly Some responses Return Stores subcontracted Third-party Reverse Logistics providers (but need to rethink business in internet situation, e.g. smaller orders, pickups). 11 Reverse E-Logistics and the Natural Environment Environmental Issues Extending the life of the product - Secondary market development. • • • • C2C – Ebay Materials Exchanges – quick and easy information Brokering Firms – inventory excess – find a buyer Excess Inventory – Obsolete equipment markets direct from Manufacturer Transportation issues, energy usage, LCA issues 12 Web Site Type of Organization Description Industry E-Relationship www.180commerce.com For Profit 180Commerce is the leading provider of software that enables companies to focus on their core business by removing the headache of reverse logistics. Multi B2B/B2C www.amazon.com For Profit Individuals may list their used books for sale on the web site. The transaction is facilitated between the two parties. Books B2C/C2C www.arcainc.com For Profit Excel in recycling of appliances. Appliances B2B www.bhplogistics.com For Profit Provide logistics online software solutions to insure that unnecessary shipping costs do not occur. Return parts are consolidated for return to a designated facility, returned parts can be tested for no fault found status and beyond repair parts can be scrapped locally to save in transit costs. Multi B2B www.burnhamcorp.com For Profit A reverse logistics provider who specializes in the various types of industries and the challenges each industry has in the reverse logistics cycle. Multi B2B www.ciwmb.ca.gov/CAIMAX Government Developed by California integrated waste management board to assist in exchange of discards. Multi B2B www.dmcrecycling.com For Profit DMC Electronics Recycling Company offers electronics recycling by developing methods and strategies to minimize electronic waste disposed to landfills. Electronics B2B Epic.er.doe.gov/epic/Bulletin/Mat exch.htm Government List of Material Exchange Web Sites compiled by the U.S. Department of Energy Multi B2B/B2C/C2C www.genco.com For Profit GENCO’s reverse logistics services include e-returns, return center management, return center software, asset recovery services and transportation management. Multi B2B/B2C www.insite.com For Profit Information technology provider. Electronics B2B www.materialsexchange.org www.metrokc.gov/hazwaste/imex/ Not For Profit Not For Profit A service that connects businesses with markets and buyers for their reusable materials. The Industrial Materials Exchange is a free service designed to match King Country area business that produce wastes, industrial by products, or surplus materials with businesses that need them. Industrial B2B B2B www.renet.de Car recycling network. Automobiles B2B www.rlec.org Government Not For Profit Education center Study the process, technology and disposition options available for products in the reverse logistics cycle. Multi B2B/B2C/C2C www.shiprmx.com For Profit Strategically located processing centers provide the perfect solution to costly cross-country shipments and customer response delays. Retail B2C www.suddathlogistics.com For Profit Return merchandise processing Retail and Manufacturing B2B/B2C www.texweb.de German Government Internet portals and online shopping guides for environmentally-friendly products and services. Internet based company networks Textile B2B www.tntlogistics.com Profit Reverse logistics provider of automotive parts. Automotive B2B www.tsilogistics.com www.usfreightways.com Profit Profit Provider of logistics services and software Reverse logistics for following industries: Grocery, Pharmaceuticals, Health and beauty, Automotive parts, Food service, Convenience stores, Music, Specialty retail, Electronics Multi Multi B2B B2B/B2C Table 1: Example Internet Sites and Programs related to Reverse E-Logistics (B2B = Business to business, B2C = Business to Consumer, C2C = Consumer to Consumer). 13 Industry, Gov’t, Academic Issues Industry Adoption Technology development Investment and integration Adoption and Development of Processes 14 Industry, Gov’t, Academic Issues Government Awareness Development Standards setting Regulatory oversight Intergovernmental relationships Infrastructural support and development 15 Industry, Gov’t, Academic Issues Academia Basic Research and Development Implications of Technology on the Environment Determining what works and what doesn’t Educating and Publicizing • • • • • • Case Studies Course Integration Project Development Speakers Field tours Sharing of ideas – Simulations - Games 16