COURSE SECTION INFORMATION Business Technology and Outdoor Training Introduction to Business Math Professor’s Name: S. Hall Course Number: MAT7603 Email: Course Section: 010 Phone: N/A Academic Year: 2010/2011 Office: N/A Term: Out of Class Assistance: Academic Level: Fall 01 Learning Resources Texts Hummelbrunner, S. A. . Contemporary Business Mathematics with Canadian Applications (8th ed. Updated Text). Toronto: Prentice Hall. Distributed class notes and lecture materials – available on Blackboard Note: This course also makes extensive use of an online software program called MathXL. Learning Schedule Class Topics A detailed schedule outlining assignments is included in the syllabus. The majority of assignments in this course are delivered through an online software package called MathXL. Any additional assignments or homework will be provided throughout the term. Date Week I Topics Sept 13th class cancelled 1 Date Topics Week II Course Introduction 1.1 Basics of Arithmetic 1.2 Fractions 1.3 Percents Assignments 1 and 2 Week III 1.4 Averages 1.5 Applications – Payroll 1.6 Applications – Taxes Assignments 3 and 4 Week IV Review of Chapter 1 TEST Chapter 1 Week V 2.1 Algebraic Equations 2.2 Integral Exponents 2.3 Fractional Exponents Assignments 5 and 6 Week VI 2.4 Logarithms 2.5 Solving Equations – Basic Assignment 7 Week VII 2.6 Solving Equations 2.7 Solving Word Problems Assignment 8 Review Of Chapter 2 Week VIII Test Chapter 2 3.1 Ratios Week IX 3.2 Proportions 3.3 Percentage Problems 3.4 Increase and Decrease Assignments 9 and 10 Week X 3.5 Problems Involving Percent 3.6 Currency Conversions Assignment 11 Week XI 3.7 Applications – Index Numbers 3.8 Personal Income Tax Assignment 12 Review of Chapter 3 Week XII Test Chapter 3 4.1 Solving Linear Equations Assignment 13 2 Date Topics 4.2 Graphing Linear Equations Week XIII 4.3 Graphing Linear Equations (2 Unknowns) Assignments 14 and 15 4.4 Problem Solving Week XIV Completion of Chapter 4 Assignment 16 Week XV Review of Chapter 4 Chapter 4 test Summary of Assignments/ Due Dates CLR EES Due Date Value % Assignments 1,2,3 3,4 Various (refer to syllabus) 40 Test 1 1,3 3 Week 4 15 Test 2 1.3 3,4 Week 8 15 Test 3 1,3 3,4 Week 12 15 Test 4 1,2,3 3,4 Week 15 15 Course Total: CLR: Course Learning Requirement 100 EES: Essential Employability Skill Important Notes: 1. Assignments must be submitted on the date due. Assignments handed in late will be given a mark of zero. 2. You must write all four tests in this course. 3. The passing grade for this course is 50%. Other Important Information I have the following expectations of all class participants: 1. Be prepared for and attend class. Assignments are explained in detail during class time, since many learning activities take place during class time, please ensure that you attend. 2. Respect all class participants. In order to maximize everyone’s opportunity to learn, you are expected to respect the opinions and learning styles of everyone else in the class. Please do not interfere with anyone else’s learning. 3 3. Stay connected. I often use e-mail and Blackboard to communicate with students. Please activate your college e-mail as soon as possible and check it at least twice a week. Before each class, you should also check Blackboard and MATHXL software for announcements, due dates and course materials. Policy Regarding Missed Tests/In Class Assignments & Late Assignments 1. Missed Tests/ In class Assignments Value of 5% or less of final grade: There is no make-up opportunity unless the student makes arrangements with the teacher ahead of time. Value of more than 5 % of final grade: There is no make-up opportunity unless extenuating circumstances* exist, and the student notifies the teacher ahead of time. 2. Late Assignments Assignments must be submitted on the date due. Assignments handed in late will be given a mark of zero. 4. Lateness for Tests and In-class Assignments A student, who is late for class and arrives after another student has submitted a test/in-class assignment and has left the classroom, will not be eligible to write the test or complete the assignment. * Extenuating circumstances may be defined as unforeseeable, unpreventable events such as personal illness, serious illness of a close family member, motor vehicle accident, or other emergency. Appropriate documentation will be required. Note: Unless otherwise specified, all assignments are due at the time specified in the MathXL program. Plagiarism Plagiarism (copying the work of another person and submitting it as your own) is not tolerated in this course where the central aim is to learn to communicate your own ideas. Please review Directive E43 carefully, and ensure that your assignments are not plagiarized. 4