Resume Writing - PNC Fairfax Connection

Workplace Readiness Series
Resume Writing
Workplace Readiness Series
 Resume Writing
 Job Search 2014
 How To Successfully Ace a Job Interview
 Workplace Etiquette
 Taking Charge of Your Career
What is a resume
Top Resume Writing Tips…
1. Choose a job objective
2. Tailor your resume to the job you are seeking
3. Select a resume format
4. Make a list of previous jobs
5. List your skills and accomplishments
6. Create and arrange your action statements
7. List your education, training and professional development
8. Check, recheck and check again
Check, Recheck and Check Again
 Do sweat the small stuff
84% of executives polled said it takes just one or two
typographical errors in a résumé to remove a candidate from
consideration for a job opening; 47 % said a single typo could
be the deciding factor. So in addition to proofreading your
document several times, ask a few close friends to review your
résumé before sending it out. They may spot problems your
spell-check function didn't catch.
Include age, race, hobbies or political affiliation
Use fancy or unusual fonts
Use expressions like "Duties included," "Responsibilities included," or "Responsible
for." That's job-description language, not accomplishments-oriented resume
language that sells.
Use personal pronouns (I, my, me) in a resume.
Leave off dates
Use color paper
Use a font smaller than 10 point
List references on your resume
List a quirky e-mail address on your résumé. Employers generally don't want to ask
"" or "" in for an interview. Instead,
create a separate account for professional purposes.
Do choose your words wisely
 Many organizations electronically scan résumés and search
keywords, so, if your experience matches what the company
is looking for, try to include the exact phrases and specific
applications listed in the job description.
If the description asks for an individual who possesses three
or more years of administrative experience and a Certified
Administrative Professional designation, and you have this
background, be sure you include these points in your résumé.
 This will increase the number of hits your résumé generates
during the initial screening process and improve your chances
of being invited for an interview.
Additional Tips…
 Do quantify whenever possible. Use numbers to tell
employers how many people you supervised, by what
percentage you increased sales, how much money you saved,
how many products you represented, etc.
Don't emphasize older experience on your resume. Include
your jobs that are more than 15 years old, but list them in
bare-bones fashion (title, employer, location) with or without
dates of employment. You may want to title this section
Previous Professional Experience.
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