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A Proposal:
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By: Paul Onyx Lozito
A Bus Corridor for
George Street in New
The Area of Study
New Brunswick Central
Business District
Bus Stops
Corridor Route
The Problems
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Equity and Access
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Affected Parties:
Downtown Businesses
Cross Town Commuters
Several Possible Solutions
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Modified Car Traffic
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Light Rail
Bus Rapid Transit
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A Bus Corridor
Monorail and Light Rail
Seattle Monorail
Newark Airport Monorail
Has a right of way
Extremely costprohibitive to build and
Needs manpower
These types of systems should be a long term goal!
Modified Car Traffic
Examples of Modified Car Traffic Exist Everywhere.
One-way Roads
Roads with limited Access to Trucks
Reverse Traffic lanes
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This type of solution may help with congestion.
This solution will not help with equity or access.
Bus Rapid Transit
BRT would be cost effective to
BRT would fit into the small scale
urban environment of New
BRT would help show the city is ready
for a more substantive investment
such as light rail or monorail.
Must purchase a bus fleet
Must pay drivers
Must set up support staff, schedules, administrative infrastructure
Must secure government funding
Must comply with DOT expensive public transport regulations.
A Bus Corridor
A Bus Corridor is the solution for New Brunswick
Successful Examples:
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A Bus Corridor provides for a bus exclusive street that
public buses may use.
All buses must stop at all bus stops, and all buses
have priority over cross traffic.
Why in New Brunswick?
A Bus corridor puts into place infrastructure
for any independent bus company to use.
No employees, administrators, fare
A Corridor allows for flexible expansion later.
You CAN Still Build a BRT, or light rail on
the same right of way.
A Bus corridor is extremely inexpensive to
New Brunswick provide the proper landscape
for such a system
The Proposal
Route Rules:
1. Only buses which carry 20 People Shall be Allowed on the Bus Route.
2. The Bus Route Must make all stops.
Infrastructure Changes
New Street and Commercial
Avenue, on street parking
will be removed, and
Hamilton Street to Albany
replaced by a bus lane in
Street along George Street, a
each direction.
painted bus lane should be in
each direction .
Between Albany Street and
New Street, George Street
traffic lights in this area will be
converted to flashing lights.
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Thank You
The objective of this project is to raise the level of mobility
and access in the city of New Brunswick while minimizing
cost to government and institutions.
Perfect Together
Image Bibliography
Slide 1: Image 1: http://www.mdot.state.md.us/bin/v/p/BRT%20cover%20bus.jpg
Slide 3: Image 1:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/24/Trafficjamdelhi.jpg/800px-Trafficjamdelhi.jpg
Slide 3: Image 2: http://www.streetsblog.org/wp-content/uploads/2007/04_09/london_pedspace2.jpg
Slide 4: Image 1: http://www.kkcsworld.com/Houston%20Light%20Rail.jpg
Slide 4: Image 2:http://www.theage.com.au/ffximage/2006/09/02/knCOPENHAGEN_wideweb__470x337,0.jpg
Slide 4: Image 3: http://www.globaltelematics.com/padelford/brtpugetsound.htm
Slide 6: Image 1: http://www.lightrailnow.org/images/anh-mon-disney-monorail-trn-bmway-drippan.jpg
Slide 8: Image 1: http://www.wpclipart.com/travel/US_Road_Signs/regulation/reg_4/one_way_2.png
Slide 8: Image 2: http://www.fta.dot.gov/about/about_FTA_2451.html
Slide 8: Image 3: http://www.edmontonprt.com/ottawa%20brt.jpg
Slide 10: Image 1: http://www.getdowntown.org/images/busshelter.JPG
Slide 10: Image 2: http://blog.syracuse.com/shelflife/2007/08/large_labor.jpg
Slide 10: Image 3: http://www.freefoto.com/preview/41-01-53?ffid=41-01-53