Technical Theatre II, III and Advanced Studies

Course Expectations
Technical Theatre II, III and Advanced Studies
Grade: 10-12
I. Course Description:
This course is designed to acquaint the technical theatre student with
the craft skills of theatre production. Students will be instructed in
stage lighting, scenery construction, stage crew work, scenic artistry,
theatre crafts, sound, stage management and theatre business.
Students will assume technical responsibilities for school plays,
musicals and other theatre related activities. This course will fulfill one
of the elective credits required for graduation. There is $20.00 a fee
for this course.
II. Prerequisites:
Tech Theatre I, II, III or teacher approval
III. Pre-assessment:
Each student will take a pretest of a diagnostic nature to determine:
1. Student knowledge and skill strengths in technical theatre.
2. Areas of knowledge and skill deficiencies in technical theatre.
IV. Post-Assessments:
Each student will take a post-test to determine:
1. Individual growth in course content.
2. Accomplishment of individual growth within career objectives.
3. Strengths and weaknesses of the teaching system.
V. Possible Careers:
Director, Educator, Stage Manager, Box Office Personnel, Set
Construction Crew, Grip, Lighting Designer, Special Effects Designer,
Set Designer.
VI. Course Goals
1. To incorporate sensory and emotional experience into theatrical
2. To use imagination in designing and implementing technical theatre.
3. To consider the aesthetic and practical requirements of movement
in design.
4. To communicate understanding of technical theatre through
5. To design sound to clarify and enhance vocal expression of
6. To apply artistic discipline in collaboration with others.
7. To develop objectivity in assessing skills and abilities in design and
8. To strive for ensemble work in technical production.
9. To explore technical theatre as creative problem solving.
10. To use improvisation in devising theatre sets.
11. To use technical theatre to enhance characterization.
12. To contribute to original dramatic pieces by providing technical
13. To comprehend and respond to the directing process.
14. To understand and use processes, techniques, and materials of
technical theatre.
15. To understand the relationship of management to design and
technical functions.
16. To use life to understand theatre and theatre to understand life.
17. To gain insight concerning discipline, knowledge and skills requisite
for career preparation in theatre.
18. To consider the cultural, social, and political aspects of theatre.
19. To analyze dramatic text as a basis for technical theatre decisions.
20. To expand depth and scope of aesthetic judgment by experiencing
theatre of diverse styles, modes, and genres.
21. To synthesize knowledge of other arts into the creation of a role.
22. To respond to theatre art as an effort to interpret, intensity, and
ennoble human experience.
VII. Lessons That Develop Goals and Time Schedule:
Term 1
Terminology for Stage
Safety review
Lighting/Lighting Design Tech III
Set Construction/Scenic Design Tech III
Set Painting
Prop construction
Term 2
Theatre Production
Sound/Sound Design Tech III
Technical Production
Design and Concept Elements
VII. Major Text:
The textbooks for this class are Theatre, Art in Action and Drama
Projects. These texts will be used in the classroom and may be
checked out for use at home. We will also use a variety of books,
magazines and handouts in class. The growing and changing field of
technical theatre makes it necessary to supplement classroom
materials with current technical information.
IX. Course Information:
A. Testing: I will administer tests and quizzes throughout the course
of study to determine the individual student’s development as well as
the effectiveness of my teaching system.
B. Assignments: Students will begin the majority of their
assignments in class with a few special assignments to be worked on
at home or after school in the shop. Techs are required to work the
shows. There is a listing of shows and corresponding points on my
C. Homework Policy: Homework is a practice at home of a skill
learned in class. Homework will not always be corrected nor graded.
Students are held accountable for all assigned homework. I will accept
homework assignments only when directions have been followed, the
assignment is complete, the paper labeled, and neatness and legibility
are evident.
D. Make-Up Work: Students: If you are absent, it will be your
responsibility to find out what you have missed. Please see me when
you miss an exam, it is your responsibility to make it up.
E. Extra-Credit:
Students will be given the opportunity to earn extra credit through
attending or participating in various theatrical experiences in the
F. Unique Aspects of Course:
Your attendance is vital in this class. Your grade is based mainly on
participation, (daily Performance Assessments). Advanced technical
theatre students are required to work shows and accumulate
200 points per semester for such shows. All technical theatre
students must attend the mainstage productions at Palo Verde
Theatre. To get credit for attending you must turn in a one
page critique of the production, your ticket stub with name and
period in ink on the back. If you are unable to attend a
performance, you will be expected to turn in a 5 page, typed
and annotated paper on an assigned topic that relates to the
X. Across the Curriculum Activities
A. Preparation Skills Requirements:
I will advise students during the first week of school regarding the
importance of being prepared daily for class. It is required that
students have a tech notebook for notes, vocabulary and homework
assignments, a folder to keep all handouts, and pencil or pen each day
when class begins.
B. Writing:
1. Tech Notebook: All tech students are required to keep a
notebook for daily notes, tech vocabulary and set design ideas. This
notebook must be kept on a daily basis and be dated. I will collect
these books periodically for grading.
2. Play cards: Theatre students may be required to read 1 play
each nine weeks and write a short play card for the play. Each report
will be submitted on a playcard form.
3. All students are required to write an evaluation of a live
theatre performance for the major theatre productions at Palo Verde.
XI. Evaluation
A. Criteria for Grades
The basic criteria for grading are Performance Assessments. This
includes tests, projects, and daily Performance Assessments. In
addition to class, you will be required to attend the three main stage
theatre productions at Palo Verde. You will be required to write a one
page critique of one of the productions. All advanced technical
theatre students must be involved in at least 1 production per
semester in addition to or corresponding with their 200
practical tech points.
Attendance is extremely important. There will be others in class
that will be depending on you to do your part. Students lose five of
the ten participation points for every excused absence; ten points are
deducted for unexcused absences. If you have extenuating
circumstances, please talk to me. Tardiness is unacceptable, and 50
points will be deducted for each tardy.
A student is considered tardy when the student is not in his/her seat in
the classroom when the bell rings. Any student who is more than
thirty (30) minutes late to a class shall be counted absent for the class
Consequences for tardiness are explained in the Palo Verde High
School Handbook and the Palo Verde student planner.
B. Explanation of Grades:
The grading procedure is based on a point system. For every
assignment or project there will be points available. If you complete
assignments, participate daily in the activities and projects, you will
receive points based on the correctness and quality of your work.
Performance assessments
100 points
Assignments/Play Cards
50 points
Tech notebook
10 points per entry plus handouts
Tech hours
200 per semester required
20-25 points
Special Projects
25-100 points
Final Examinations
10% of total grade
Five points will be deducted for each day an assignment/project is
Grading Scale
A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 70-79%
D 60-69%
F-Below 50%
C. Receiving grade reports
I will post a grade report every week on Infinite Campus. Students
may request a grade report at any time by leaving a note for me. I
will have your report ready the following class.
XII. Technical Theatre Classroom Conduct
A. Beginning class and cleanup
At the beginning of class, we will spend the first 10-20 minutes
taking attendance, notes and learning our craft. At this time I will
assign backstage projects. Tardiness will not be tolerated. It is
imperative we spend these minutes communicating to avoid mistakes
and clarify assignments. I will call a 5-10 minute cleanup period at the
end of class.
If I cannot find you in the area you have been assigned or you
leave class without permission, you will be considered truant. If your
crew is working on a large project that requires significant clean up
time, I will make every effort to remind your crew to cleanup, but it is
ultimately the crew’s responsibility to clean up their area in a timely
manner so that no one is held after the bell. Your crew’s area/project
must be cleaned up thoroughly before you are excused.
B. Our Work Spaces
We have several places in which we will be working: costume room,
storage areas, control booth, stage, the shop (classroom area), back
shop and the dock. At the beginning of class, report to the shop
(classroom area) unless other plans have been made in advance or
there is a sign posted to go elsewhere. Disruption of other classes and
wandering around the school is forbidden. There will be times when
you will need to pass from one work area to another. Don't lose this
privilege by disturbing others. If you need to leave your assigned
area for any reason (to use the bathroom, to go to the office, see
another teacher, etc.) you must first receive permission from me.
If I go to your work area and you are not there, you will be considered
truant from class.
The restrooms in the theatre are locked except for theatre
rehearsal and performance. You must use the restrooms in the main
part of the school. You must be signed out by me to leave the theatre.
C. Assigned Areas
You will be assigned areas of the theater. These areas will be your
responsibility to keep clean and orderly. Areas will be rotated
throughout the year.
D. Tools
You will learn where all tools are located. Your crew’s responsibility is
to return all tools used. Crews will lose points for leaving tools and
materials where they do not belong.
E. Safety
SAFETY FIRST! DO NOT operate any tool, hand or power, before you
have had the proper training. DO NOT operate the fly system or any
other backstage equipment until we have gone over the proper use,
care and safety instructions. You must have direct permission from me
to use any tool or equipment in the theatre. Safety infractions may
cost you points and/or lose you the privilege of working backstage.
Think twice before you use any tool. Stay out of the control booth,
box office, lobby and the cat walk unless expressly given permission
by me.
E. Classroom Rules
1. Students will follow directions the first time.
2. Students will be respectful and courteous to the teacher and
fellow students.
3. Students will remain on assigned tasks.
4. Students will be responsible for their actions and the actions of
their crew, if not reported to me.
5. Students will ignore disruptive behavior.
F. No Food, Drink or Gum
There is NO FOOD, DRINK or GUM ALLOWED in the theatre. Our
theatre is a special and wonderful place to be. It is our responsibility
to keep it as beautiful and clean as possible. I absolutely will not
tolerate any student behavior that may lead to the destruction of any
area of the Palo Verde theatre. This includes gum, food, drink, graffiti,
destruction of theatre seats or any other act of willful negligence. I
will deal very severely with any of these infractions!
G. School Property
Willful and deliberate destruction of any school property is against the
law and morally and ethically reprehensible. Any individual caught
defacing or stealing from the theatre will be severely disciplined within
the school system and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
H. Personal Conduct
The art and craft of theatre depend on mutual respect and trust within
the ensemble. Any action or language that belittles or slanders others
will not be tolerated.
Remember...technical theatre is an essential part of producing
great shows at Palo Verde! We are proud of our theatre and will
continue to strive to make Palo Verde the best theatre program Las
Vegas. We need your help and commitment to each production!
We will all be proud when the curtain goes up! The sets, lights and
sound are part of your great effort that will keep our audiences coming
back again and again.
Palo Verde Technical Theatre Agreement
AS POSSIBLE. (Deadline September 3rd)
Student's Name: ___________________________
**In the event of accident, my child will be covered by our insurance
policy. (Initial)___________
Parents/Guardians please read and sign the following:
I give my permission to have the above named student use the
power machines and hand tools in the Technical Theatre class. I
understand that all power machines will be used under supervision.
Only after my child has read the accompanying literature and has
received proper instruction and passed all applicable safety tests, will
he/she be allowed to use the machines. Any student who is unable to
behave in a safe, cooperative manner in all areas of the theatre will
lose his/her privilege of using our tools and equipment for at least two
weeks. If his/her behavior does not improve, your student will be
banned for the remainder of the year from working backstage.
** Any Tool willfully broken by a student will be replaced by that
To the Student:
1. I have read, with my parent/guardian, these course expectations
and agree to follow them.
2. I will not attempt to use power machines unless I have observed a
demonstration of their use, passed the safety test, and obtained the
teacher's permission.
3. I will not endanger the safety of other students by acting carelessly
or fooling around in the shop.
4. I will report any and all accidents or injuries to the teacher
5. I will follow all rules of behavior and conduct for the shop and
cooperate with others or I will be asked to stop work and leave the
backstage area.
__________________________________________ ___________
Student Signature
Print student name
___________________________________________ ____________
Parent/Guardian Signature
Print Parent/Guardian name
Dear Parent or Guardian,
I am thrilled to have your student in Tech Theatre. It is my
earnest hope that your child will enjoy the experience; learn valuable
skills and return next year for Tech Theatre. Please fill out the
following information for my files. There are several times during the
year that I may need to contact you regarding a production, your
student’s work, or commitment to an ongoing play. Thank you.
Best phone number to contact you during the day _______________.
Best phone number to contact you in the evening________________.
Best phone number to contact your student____________________.
Any other information that you feel will help me in understanding or
getting to know your student (not required, any information you share
here will be kept confidential).
We are always looking for volunteer help. Please inform me if you are
I would like to volunteer in the following area: ___________________