Fall 2015 Approved Courses Aalto University (Helsinki, Finland) These courses are approved for Business Credit Financial Statement Accounting International Accounting Strategic Management Accounting Accounting as Social and Institutional Practice Accounting for Management Control Legal Aspects of Finance Tax Planning of International Enterprises Corporate Communication in Global Contexts Managing Corporate Communication Introduction to International Economics and Finance International Trade Entrepreneurship and Managing Innovations Venture Ideation Financial Markets and Institutions Behavioral Finance and Decision Making Marketing Financial Services Capstone: Mergers and Acquisitions Portfolio Management Econometrics for Finance Management Information Systems Strategic Information Technology Management ICT Enabled Business Process Development Project Management and Consulting Practice Driving Global Businesses Introduction to Management and International Business International Design Business Management Distribution and Logistics Services Management of Technology Service Operations and Strategy Coordination of Supply Chains Operations Control Packaging and Warehousing Technologies Intellectual Property Rights Database Marketing Integrated Marketing Communications Business-to-Business Marketing Market Research New Product Development Service Business Strategy Marketing, Strategy and Firm Performance Consumer Culture Managing Innovative Sales Consumer Behavior and Retail Experience Management in Fashion and Design Business Corporate responsibility Strategy Work Human Resource Development Special project Responsibility Management Sustainability Politics and CSR Reading – Seminar Sustainable Business and Consumption These courses are NOT approved for business credit. They are acceptable for USC General elective credit Finnish Language (Any Level) Introduction to Finnish Language and Culture Economics of Development Russian Economy : Opportunities and Challenges for Doing Business Bayesian Econometrics Development Economics I Macroeconometrics Econometrics I: Basics Introduction to Programming Econometrics Simulation Psychology and Practice of Academic Writing Introduction to Business Ethics (Book Exam) Argumentation in Research Essential Literature in Information Systems Science (Book Exam) Operating in Different Cultural and Institutional Contexts Labor Economics Resource and Environmental Economics Industrial Organization (Micro III) Quantitative Business Analysis Current Topics in Quantitative Methods Deutsch situativ 1 Deutsch situativ 2 Deutsch fürs Management Spezialthemen Cultura y Negocios en España Australia National University (Canberra, Australia) Approved for Business Credit Entrepreneurship and Innovation Corporate Social Responsibility, Accountability and Reporting Corporate Valuation Derivatives Investments Applied Portfolio Construction Special Topics in Finance Advanced Derivatives Pricing and Applications International Marketing Marketing Research Marketing for Financial Services Social Marketing Accounting Information Systems Accounting Processes and Systems Accounting Processes and Systems Accounting Theory Actuarial Control Cycle A2 Actuarial Control Cycle B Actuarial Techniques Auditing Business Ethics Business Information Systems Business and Economic Forecasting Company Accounting Dynamics of Asian Business Enterprise Systems in Business International Business International Supply Chain Management Introduction to Commercial Law Principles of Tax Law Leadership Project Management and Information Systems Project/Case Studies in Commerce Special Topics In Commerce Techniques for Business Project Management Cross Cultural Management Not Approved for Business credit but Approved for USC Elective Credit (edited list) Australian Cinema: The Kelly Gang to Baz Luhrmann's Australia Reading Popular Culture: An Introduction to Cultural Studies Animation and Video: Video Production Music and Digital Media Music and Globalisation Art and Interaction in New Media Contemporary Australian Art The Economy, Politics and the State Advanced Mathematical Statistics Applied Macro and Financial Econometrics Applied Statistics Behavioural Economics: Psychology and Economics Credibility Theory Development Poverty and Famine Econometrics 2 Economic Policy Issues Economics 3 (H) Financial Mathematics Generalised Linear Modelling Graphical Data Analysis History of Economic Thought(P) Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis Introductory Mathematical Statistics Life Contingencies Mathematical Economics: Technique and Applications Resource and Environmental Economics (P) Bocconi University (Milan, Italy) Approved for Business Credit Auditing Strategic Management Accounting Financial markets and Institutions Management of Financial Institutions Intro to Options and Futures International Banking International Project Finance Equity and Portfolio Management Alternative Investments Venture and Development Capital Introduction to Financial Econometrics Corporate Valuation Marketing Communication Intro to E-Marketing and E-Commerce Personal Selling Psychology of Marketing Technology and Innovation Management Lean Management Strategic Management for Small and Medium Enterprises Management of Fashion Companies New Product Development and Open Innovation Leadership Skills Organizing Entrepreneurship Competitive Strategies in Creative Industries Global Sustainability Strategy Managing Creativity Applications for Economics, Management and Finance Public Management Management of International and Supranational Organizations Public Finance Competition Law Advanced Intellectual Property Law Intellectual Property and Competition Law Comparative Industrial Relations Law International Trade Law Not Approved for Business credit but Approved for USC Elective Credit Experimental Economics and Psychology Industrial Economics Economics of Imperfect Labor Markets Evolution of Economic Ideas INTRODUCTION TO THE LEGAL SYSTEM - MODULE 1 Law (Module I) International Law Civil Liberties and Human Rights IT and Communication Law Advanced Constitutional Law EU Private International Law The Law of International Organizations Political Science Economics (Poverty, inequality and income distribution) International Demography Method, Critique and Research in Artistic Disciplines Political Science and Comparative Politics Chinese University of Hong Kong These courses are acceptable for Business credit. Business Law PRINCIPLES OF ADVERTISING INTRODUCTION TO INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND E-COMMERCE MONEY AND BANKING FINANCIAL ECONOMICS PUBLIC FINANCE ECONOMICS OF DERIVATIVES FINANCIAL MARKETS INTERNATIONAL FINANCE INVESTMENT ANALYSIS AND PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT RISK MANAGEMENT AND INSURANCE OPTIONS AND FUTURES HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING AND STAFFING TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT GLOBAL ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT BUSINESS POLICY AND STRATEGY GLOBAL STRATEGY GLOBAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP MARKETING RESEARCH STRATEGIC MARKETING MARKETING IN CHINA INTRODUCTION TO RISK MANAGEMENT DATA ANALYSIS IN FINANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT SCIENCE STATISTICAL MODELLING IN FINANCIAL MARKETS RISK MANAGEMENTWITH DERIVATIVES CONCEPTS ACTUARIAL SCIENCE These courses are NOT acceptable for USC Business credit they are acceptable for USC general elective credit. Chinese Language course (any level) CULTURE OF HONG KONG CHINESE CULTURE AND SOCIETY CHINA'S CULTURAL PAST SOCIAL ISSUES AND PROBLEMS IN CONTEMPORARY CHINA CHINA ON SCREEN SELECTED TOPICS IN CONTEMPORARY CHINA STUDIES (HUMANITIES) I - PLACES OF MEMORY IN MODERN CHINA SELECTED TOPICS IN CHINESE LANGUAGE AND CULTURE I - CHINESE STRATAGEMS AND RUSES CRITICAL CULTURAL HISTORY OF CHINA: EARLY EAST ASIAN FILM GENRES IN A GLOBALIZING WORLD HONG KONG AND MAINLAND CHINA: INTERACTION AND INTEGRATION CHINA AND THE WORLD COMPARATIVE POLITICS AND CHINA HUMAN RIGHTS AND CHINA’S INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS MODERN CHINESE LITERATURE MEDIA AND EVERYDAY LIFE NEW MEDIA AND SOCIETY GLOBALIZATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA MANAGEMENT NEGOTIATING ACROSS CULTURE ECONOMICS AND SOCIETY CONTEMPORARY ECONOMIC THINKING INTERMEDIATE MICROECONOMIC THEORY INTRODUCTORY ECONOMETRICS CHINESE ECONOMY : HERITAGE & CHANGE ECONOMY OF CHINA DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS LABOUR ECONOMICS INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION ECONOMICS OF CAPITAL MARKETS INTERNATIONAL MACROECONOMICS ADVANCED TOPICS IN MICROECONOMICS APPLIED FORECASTING METHODS ECONOMETRIC THEORY & APPLICATIONS GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS OF CHINA POLITICAL ECONOMY IN ASIA GLOBALIZATION AND POLITICS ASIAN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS PUBLIC POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION IN CHINA GOVEMMENT AND POLITICS OF CHINA Chulalongkorn (Bangkok, Thailand) These courses are approved for Business Credit Intermediate Account I Accounting Information Systems Taxation Auditing Advanced Accounting I Principles and Techniques for Internal Audit Advanced Accounting II Financial Reporting and Analysis Business Concepts and Ethics Intro to Information Technology Principles of International Business Management Entrepreneurship Organization Performance Analysis and Evaluation Managerial Development Role Money Market/Capital Market Current Issues in Finance Analysis of Financial reports Feasibility Study and Project Evaluation Financial Derivatives Brand and Product Management International Marketing Consumer Behaviour Taxation Law International Business Law These courses are NOT approved for business credit. They are acceptable for USC General elective credit Thai Language- Any Level International Economics Philosophy and Logic Man and Environment Politics and Government of Thailand Multidisciplinary Study for Rural Development Copenhagen Business School (Denmark) Approved for Business Credit Approved for Business Credit Asian Economic Organization and Competitiveness Capitalism and Entrepreneurship in Global Historic Setting International Business Environment Corporate Governance Corporate Communication Fundamentals of Information Systems Computer Mediated Communication and Collaboration and Information Context Project Management Organization, Innovation and Systems Design GLOBE Finance and Financial Institutions in Society Operations and Logistics Management Risk Management International Human Resource Management Scandinavian Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility Creative Industries Introductions to Social Entrepreneurship Global Economic Governance Global Strategic Management Negotiation Skills and Conflict Management Fashion Entrepreneurship and Business Development Language of Negotiations New Technologies for Business Communication Conflict Management in the Workplace Leadership Communication-Theory and Practice Supply Chain Management Transfer Pricing in International Enterprises International Management Management Accounting and Control Systems Organising Global Business and Marketing Sports Economics Business Strategy Retail Marketing Google, Ebay, Amazon-Management Challenges in Networked Businesses Behavioral Finance EU Law in A Business Perspective International Business Negotiation Arts Management and Cultural Entrepreneurship Managing People Innovation Management Contemporary Issues in Applied Sales and Price Setting Methods Strategy Problem Solving in Management Consulting Corporate Strategy Forecasting in Business and Economics Qualitative Methods in Marketing and Consumer Research Pricing Management in Theory and Practice Neuromarketing EU, The Internal Market and Business Strategy Global People Management: Human Resource Management and Leadership Markets, Regulation and Security in the Maritime Sector Consumer Behavior Naming and Framing: Creative Wordmaking as a vehicle for Innovative Thinking Complexity of cultures: Towards a consumer centric intercultural marketing Social media management International Commercial Law Decision making and risk management Event and Festival Management Entrepreneurship and Innovation in a Global Perspective These courses are NOT approved for business credit. They are acceptable for USC General elective credit Danish Integrated Skills International Economic Organization and Competitiveness Applied Macroeconomics Political Science International Economics History of Ideas Globe Corporate Response to European Integration The Chinese Political Economy American Business History Politics of Latin America Understanding Globalization History and Theory of European Integration Foreign Policy of the European Union Applied Macroeconomics for Firms Cognition and Communication- an Introduction Visual Communication Public Relations Interaction Design and Communication- New Forms of Interaction… Who Owns the Future? Promise… Crisis Communication- A simulation… United States Foreign Policy Theories of American Politics Applied Quantitative Methods: Intermediary… The Science of Mindfulness The Drama of Leadership Corvinus (Budapest, Hungry) Approved for Business Credit Brand Management Business Economics Business Enterprise – Start Up To SME Business Ethics Business Strategies in CEE Corporate Social Responsibility Environmental Management European Union Law International Business International Business Law Project Management SME Marketing Effective E-Business Management Electronic Commerce Management Information Systems Project Management Climate Change and Sustainable Development Finance and Banking in Developing Countries International Financial Management International Business Strategy (Intensive Course) International Taxation International Trade Policy Market Design Public Economics and Finance Trainings in Financial Communications Workshop on Self-Awareness for Startup Entrepreneurs (Electible) Health Policy and Finance Horticultural Marketing and Quality Management International Marketing Marketing Research Human Resource Management Tourism Management and Marketing Not Approved for Business credit but Approved for USC Elective Credit Hungarian Language- Any Level Changing Macroeconomic Environment for Asian and European Corporations Communism in East-Central Europe Computing Economics and the European Union International Debate International Economics Transition and Post Transition Challenges in Hungary Communication Workshop Elocution Information Society Media Coverage Network Communication Organizational Communication Psycholinguistics Semiotics The Realm of Communication Theories of Communication Visual Communication Comparative Economic Policy Comparative Economics Comparative Political Economy Convergence of Economic Systems in CEE Cost-Benefit Analysis Development Economics II - Institutions and Development Economic Geography Economic Policy Economics of Globalization from the Perspectives of CEE Economics of Health at Work Economics of Transnational Corporations Environmental Economics EU Economic Policies European Economic Governance Family Therapy in Organizations Health Economic Modeling History of Economic Thought Industrial Organization Institutional Economics of the Public Sector International Economic Policies International Economics International Macroeconomics International Political Economy Introduction to Game Theory The Political Economy of EU Decision-Making World Economics Organic Farming Hungary, European Integration and European Security (CIEE) Web Development Central Asian Studies Comparative History of Civilization Development of European Integration Early Modern and Modern World History History of International Relations from 1945 International Relations 1945 to Present Security Policy The Globalization of World Politics Understanding International Economic Order US Foreign Policy: Theoretical Frameworks, Actors, Cases International Law I. European Community Law Experimental Design and Evaluation Regional Geography and Economy of the European Countries 19th and 20th Century Hungarian Art (CIEE) Contemporary Literature, Film, Visual Arts in Hungary Film and History History of Hungarian Architecture ESCP (Paris, France) Approved for Business Credit CA02 – Group Financial Statements accounting for consolidated EA07 – Exotic derivatives EC02 – International Capital Markets FA0C – Emerging markets finance FA08 - Firm Valuation FA10 – Options futures and other FA15 – Fixed income Markets FB03 – Financial strategy of FD01 – Financial analyst FD06 – Portofolio FD10 – Financial institutions IA02 – Innovation and entrepreneurship : from idea to business MA01 – Consumer Behavior MA02 – Marketing postmoderne, experientiel et sensoriel MA05 – Marketing of innovations : MA06 – Stratégic Marketing : (graduate-level students only) MB04 – Branding MC01 – Marketing Communication MD01 - Marketing Research MD02 - Segmentation and targeting of the new Consumer Groups : ME03 – Digital Marketing : OA0B – Consultant Behavior OA0C – Design thinking in management and entrepreneurship : OA01 – Negotiation Bootcamp : OA10 – Supply Chain Management BEBE – International business and human rights BEBF – Breaking the true code of leadership BEB5 – Philanthropy and social entrepreneurship : BEB7 – Applied investment banking : BECA – Competitive intelligence BEC3 – Fundamentals of Indian Markets : BEE1 – Behavioural Finance: BEE2 – Ethics in Finance BE3D – Me-business : using information technology BE35 – Pricing Strategy and Tactics : BE63 – Customer Relationship Management : BE78 – The Big Management Fads : tools and lessons : BE88 – Real estate KE02 – Negotiation & Culture Not Approved for Business credit but Approved for USC Elective Credit French Language- Any Level (If offered for credit) LA0D – The European model : the european integration process – unity and diversity BE3E – WEB 2.0 : Knowledge attitudes and practices : BEB2 – Advanced Excel Level 1 : BEB3 – Advanced Excel Level 2 : BE93 - What does the brain do ? : KE15 – Turning the silver Economy into Gold KE37 – The US Cinema industry : “ The dream factory” BE65 - Formal debating BE0D – International Technology Transfer and High Tech Alliances Best practices in Europe ESADE (Barcelona, Spain) Approved for Business Credit EEO: Business Ethics CIM: Negotiating Skills Marketing from Strategy to Action Marketing & Sociedad: valores, cambio e impacto social CI: Introduction to Sale Management B&E: Global Environmental Challenges and Business Response Change Management for Service Excellence CMP Implementing Strategy: Process and Indicators Supply Chain Management TCO: Communication and Leadership Strategic Simulation of Management/Simulacion Estrategica de Gestion Project Management MFGV: Applied Portfolio Management MFGV: Derivatives OC: Fusiones y Adquisciones ICFD: Consolidation of Financial Statements Information Systems Management Not Approved for Business credit but Approved for USC Elective Credit Spanish Language (any Level)/ Curso de Espanol Antropologia: In Search of Principles for a Life Philosophy EEO: Re-Imagining Capitalism: Alternatives for the XXI Century Art and Culture in Spain and Catalonia: 2000 years of Beauty Never Too many movies: Spanish and Catalan Society through Cinema CEE: Economia de la UE, Politicas y problemas CEE: The Emergence of China in the 21st Century CEE: Country Report: elanoracion y analisis ESCEM (Poitiers, France) These courses are approved for Business Credit Advertising in Europe (2 USC) Cross-Cultural Management (2 USC) European VS American Banking (2 USC) International Contract Negotiation (2 USC) Global Leadership (2 USC) International Business Financing (2 USC) Performance Management (2 USC) Services Marketing (2 USC) Marketing Management (2 USC) Retail Management (2 USC) Sales and Promotion (2 USC) Company/Research Projects Branding: How to get what you see Financial performance management Management ethics Strategy and competitive analysis Retail marketing & Strategy These courses are NOT acceptable for Business credit. They ARE acceptable for USC elective credit. French as a Foreign Language (1.5 USC) Intercultural Skills (1.5 USC) General Study Seminar European Culture International Experience Report Media and Communications (2 USC) Social and Solidatary-based Economy in Europe (2 USC) European Business School (Weisbaden, Germany) These courses are approved for Business Credit Real Estate Economics Fundamentals of Real Estate Development Real Estate Valuation Essentials of Entrepreneurship Innovative Entrepreneurship Lecture Innovation Management Case Study Innovation Management Consulting Workshop Business Law I Investments I and Decision Theory Marketing Decisions for Strategic Business Fields Usage and Management of ICT Introduction to Cost Accounting Marketing Research Human Resource Management Leadership and People Management Preparing Financial Statements: Case Studies Analysis of Financial Statements: Case Studies Portfolio Management Derivatives and Risk Management Advanced Strategy Money, Banking and Financial Markets Capital Markets: Institutions, Pricing and Risk International Financial Management I International Financial Management II Brand Management Operations and Market Communications Network and Revenue Management Foundation of Ethics These courses are NOT acceptable for Business credit. They ARE acceptable for USC elective credit. German Language Mathematical Economics II Propedeutics Economics of the Firm Logic II SPSS Multivariate Statistical Methods Econometrics Economics and Aesthetics Health Economics Law and Economics International Economics Global Economic Governance HEC Paris (France) These courses are approved for Business Credit Bayesian Decision Analysis MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS : FINANCIAL ANALYSIS;Fusions-Acquisitions: Strategie et mise en oeuvre FINANCIAL ECONOMICS METHODS OF COST ANALYSIS/ METHODES D'ANALYSE DES COUTS ACCOUNTING II/ COMPTABILITE II INTERNATIONAL BANKING PROJECT FINANCE Financial Geography in Central and Eastern Europe MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS EU Law/ DROIT EUROPEEN Contract Law/Droit des Contrats SPORTS MARKETING WINE MARKETING INTERNATIONAL MARKETING Marketing Models for Practical Decision Making and Consulting MODELING AND DATA ANALYSIS WITH EXCEL – Level 2 Project Management Business Strategy for the Digital Age Global Human Resource Management Ethics and Sustainability Introduction Au capital investissement (Private Equity) GESTION DE PATRIMOINE MODELISATION FINANCIERE - BUSINESS PLAN ASSURANCE – Principes et Defis LE SECTEUR ECONOMIQUE DU TOURISME De La Strategie Militaire Au Success Dans L’enterprise Droit des Fusions et Acquisitions EXERCER UN MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBLE PRATIQUES ET ENJEUX DE LA DISTRIBUTION Management des industries culturelles Gagner la preference clients: nouvel enjeu strategique des enterprises Generer du trafic en ligne et le convertir en vrais clients These courses are NOT approved for business credit. They are acceptable for USC General elective credit French Language (Any Level) Study of French Culture Study of French Society Comparative Politics of Latin America Geo-politics of the Arctic Understanding the Middle-East : Economic and Strategic Fundamentals EURO-AMERICAN COMPARATIVE POLITICS DEBATING Philosophy of Liberalism Introduction to 21st century energy challenges SYSTEMES SOCIAUX ET COMPETITIVITE POLITIQUES SOCIALES Apprendre a Concevoir un site web Le pouvir des images faconne-t-il notre vision du monde? Paris Rive Droite-Rive Gauche HKUST (Hong Kong) These courses are approved for Business Credit Intermediate Financial Accounting for Non-Accounting Majors Functions of Law in Society and Business Professional Excellence Program Advanced Financial Accounting Auditing Money and Banking International Trade and Investment Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Derivative Securities Financial Markets International Finance Management of Financial Institutions Wealth Management Advanced Financial Management Equity Valuation Financial Applications Using R Current Topics in Financial Practices: Structured Products Marketing and Trading Derivative Trading Social Media: Collective Intelligence & Creativity Technology and Innovation: Social and Business Perspectives Insightful Decisions Business Protections for Innovations Chronicle of Internet Commerce Information systems Project Management Business Intelligence and Data Mining A Second Course in Business Statistics Introduction to Probability Models Service Management Logistics Management Innovation Management and Technology Entrepreneurship Statistical Analysis of Financial Data Enterprise Resource Management Business Project Management Communications in the Digital Era Marketing Research Global Marketing Business to Business Marketing Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Human Resources Management Judgement and Decision Making in Organizations Negotiation Corporate Strategy Entrepreneurship and Small Business Studies International Management Management Consulting Business Ethics and the Individual Environment and Business These courses are not approved for business credit, they are approved for General Elective credit only Chinese for Non-Chinese Language Background Students (Any Level) French: World Language and Culture German in the World of Science and Technology Spanish and the Other America Latin and the Legacy of the Roman World Mathematics for Economist Macroeconomic Theory II Introduction to Econometrics Labor Economics and Human Resources Econometrics for Cross Section and Panel Data Hong Kong's Economy Economic Development and Growth Introduction to Photography (LA1) Introduction to Single Channel Video Art Introduction to Contemporary Dance Introduction to Experimental Drawing Introduction to Graphic Design The Art Narrative in Drama Singing on Stage Culture and Values Music of the World Chinese Writing and Culture Enjoyment of Classical Music General Chinese History: Pre-Modern Modern China Marriage, Family and Kinship Art of Singing Metaphors in English and Chinese Intro to Music Composition Intro to Music Theory Music, Drama and Theatre Western Short Stories East Asia and the West: Cultures in Contact Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler: Dictators and their Regimes Before Mao: Traditional Chinese Society from 1800 to 1949 Western Opera and Literature Making Chamber Music Questions of Humanity in World Literature History of Pre-Modern Chinese Technology and its Transfer Overseas Community and Cultural Identity Contemporary Architecture: The Pritzker Prize Winners Verbal and Visual Representation of China History of US-China Relations Science, Technology and Work China and the World: China's Development in Historical and Comparative Perspectives Contemporary China: Continuity and Change Contemporary HK: Government and Politics Understanding Society Discovering Mind and Behavior Psychology and Everyday Life Environmental Politics Research Methods in the Social Sciences The Chinese Economy Development in Rural China The Chinese Cultural Revolution: A Case Study in Politico-Social Movements Gender and Society Abnormal Psychology Personality Psychology Social Theory and Modernity Science and Technology in Hong Kong Economic Development Hong Kong Culture Modern Dictatorship: West and East Understanding Comparative Politics Democracy and Democratization around the World Social Inequality and Social Mobility China’s Economic Transformation China’s Sustainable Development Exploring Multimedia and Internet Computing Intro to Computer Science Intro to JAVA Intro to Computing with Excel VBA Electronic and Information Technology The Impact and Value of Technology Innovation IE School of Business (Madrid, Spain) Highlighted courses offered on Segovia Campus only Approved for Business Credit Intro to IT Ethics Entrepreneurship & Innovation Finance II HR Management Professional Ethics & Corporate Responsibility Consumer Insights and Marketing Metrics Product and Brand Management Pricing for Value and Profitability Advertising and Digital Marketing Managing Channels and Salesforce Breakthrough innovation Unplugged the Marketing Workshop Competition Policy International Strategy Current Issues in the Global Arena Advanced Topics in International Finance Economics of Taxation Strategic Interaction and Business Qualitative Research on Current HRM topics Management Information Systems Management of the Multinational Corporation Commercial Law and Corporations I Labor Law I Taxation I Professional Deontology Brand Management: Marketing and Public Relations Financial Communication Not Approved for Business credit but Approved for USC Elective Credit Spanish Language- Any Level History of IR up to 1945 Political Theory 1 Introduction to Political Science Peace and Conflict Resolution Global Governance and International Institutions International Relations Lab Introduction to Private Law. Civil Law Constitutional Law European Legal History Administrative Law Civil Law. Property Law Unplugged II European Union Law Administrative Law & Economic Regulation Law Unplugged IV Civil Law. Family, Estate and Trust Litigation II Commercial Law I Journalistic Genres Audiovisual Language Sociology of Consumption Media Corporations International Relations Virtual Communities Cross‐cultural Communication and Development Spanish‐American Journalism Digital Content Management: Design and Production Intellectual Property Public Diplomacy Specialized Journalism: Political Journalism. Political Consulting and Campaigning Korea University (Seoul, South Korea) Approved For Business Credit Intermediate Accounting Intermediate Accounting II Introduction to Management Information Systems Advertising Management Management Accounting Marketing Research Investments International Business Korean Business and the Management Regional Studies (Japan) Regional Studies (China II) International Trade Theory International Marketing Management Consumer Behaviour International Finance Tax Accounting Labor Relations Cost Accounting Personnel Management Advanced Accounting Distribution Channel Management Marketing Strategy Business Ethics Organization Design and Competitive Advantage Service Operations Management Process Innovation and Project Management Insurance and Risk Management Futures and Options Markets Internet Business and Electronic Commerce IT Service Evaluation Marketing Engineering Business Negotiation Management Strategy Marketing and Innovation IT Innovation and Management: Issues and Trends Fixed-Income Securities Business Valuation Social Network and Competitive Advantage Auditing Recent Trends in Finance Product and Brand Management Internet Marketing Purchasing and Supply Management Understanding Market Economy Public Finance International Trade Financial Economics Seminar in International Finance Theory of Financial Derivatives Consumer Behaviour and Strategic Communication System Analysis and Design Human resource Management Accounting Information Human Relations II Business Law I Business Law II Trade Operations Domestic laws for International Trade Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management Not Approved for Business Credit- Approved for General Elective Credit Korean Language-Any Level Introduction to Korean and East-Asian History Broadcasting and Film Studies Broadcasting and Film Criticism Introduction to Journalism World Economy and Business Economics of Industrial Organizations Labor Economics Econometrics Econometrics II Korea’s Economic Development Strategy Economic History of Modern Korea Economic Policy Environmental Economics Economics of Law Economics and its Philosophy Economic Thought of Ancient Classics Socio-Economics Empirical Micro-Economics Media Economics Korean Economy Economic History of East Asia Economics of North Korea Seminar of Korean Economy Social Welfare Economics Empirical Analysis of Economic Policy and Program Effects Manchester (Manchester, UK) Approved for Business Credit Law in a Management Context Business Analysis Business, Ethics and Society Consumer Behaviour e-Business & e-Marketing Employment Relations Enabling Creativity and Innovation, and Managing Creative Organisations Financial Markets and Institutions Financial Statement Analysis Global Team Working Innovation in Product Markets International Business International Competitiveness and Innovation Introduction to Business Information Systems Management of Projects Personnel Selection and Assessment The Modern Corporation: Control, Critique, Change Accountability and Auditing Advanced Business Information Systems Advanced Corporate Finance Behavioural Strategy Business Modelling and Simulation Corporate Governance in Context Critical Consumption & Ethics in Marketing Entrepreneurship & Small Business Development Financial Derivatives Foundations of Supply Chain Management International and Comparative Public Management International Marketing Managerial Decision Making and Support Systems Networks, Organisations & Society Retail Marketing Share Prices and Accounting Information The Business of Healthcare The Economics of Sport Critical Management and Organisation Skills Financial Reporting & Accountability Intermediate Management Accounting Marketing: Applications and Communications Sustainable Business Advanced Management Accounting Comparative Industrial Relations Contemporary Issues in Financial Reporting Regulation Employment Law Global Management, People & the Digital Divide Human Resource Management Industrial Organisation & Business Strategy International Finance Leadership & Success at Work Not Approved for Business credit but Approved for USC Elective Credit Globalisation and National Employment Systems Understanding The Financial Crisis: Competing Perspectives The Reflective Manager Managerial Economics Globalisation, The World Economy and MNEs Science, Technology and Society Further Business French Melbourne (Australia) Partial List Approved for Business Credit Real Estate Finance Sports Economics Entrepreneurial Marketing Strategic Marketing Neuromarketing Advertising and Promotions Internet Marketing Management Consulting Business in the Global Economy Asian Capital Markets Business Case Analysis Advanced Derivative Securities Business Forensics and Fraud Business Negotiations Competition and Strategy Cost Management Derivative Securities Enterprise Performance Management Financial Accounting Theory Financial Institutions Management Global Management Consulting Intermediate Financial Accounting Intermediate Finance International Human Resource Management Investments Managing Conflict in Global Workplaces Managing Employee Relations Managing Strategic Change Money and Banking Research in Auditing Special Topics in Accounting Actuarial Practice and Control I Actuarial Practice and Control II Not Approved for Business credit but Approved for USC Elective Credit Making Movies 1 Sports and Education in Australian Society Rock to Rave Renaissance Art in Florence and Venice Music Psychology Australia Now Genetics, Health, and Society Introductory Econometrics Globalization and the World Economy Sustainability in Developing Communities Africa: Environment, Development, People Hollywood and Entertainment Guitar Cultures and Practice 1 Owning Ideas: Creation, Innovation and Law Sport Coaching: Theory and Practice Property Management Principles of Property Property Development Wellbeing, Motivation and Performance Painting Advanced Financial Mathematics National University of Singapore These courses are approved for Business Credit Accounting Information Systems Corporate Accounting and Reporting Managerial Planning and Control Assurance and Attestation Corporate and Security Law Taxation Advanced Corporate Accounting and Reporting Corporate Governance and Ethics Risk Management and internal Control Advanced Assurance and Attestation Valuation Accounting Theory Advanced Taxation Advanced Accounting Theory Forensic Accounting Business Analysis and Valuation Legal Environment of Business Managerial Economics Asian Business Environments Family Business Econometrics: Theory and Practical Business Applications Managing Social Networks in Markets and Organizations Supply Chain Management Purchasing and Materials Management Service Operations Management Introduction to Optimization Stochastic Models in Management Physical Distribution Management Sustainable Operations Management SIOSCM: Operations Strategy Business-driven Technology Analytics in Managerial Economics Supply Chain Coordination and Risk Management Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Financial Markets Financial Statement Analysis Options and Futures Bank Management Financial Risk Management Risk and Insurance Topics in Finance: Physical Commodity Markets and Assets Financial Modeling Fixed Income Securities Research methods in Finance Seminars in Finance: Private Equity SIF: Applied Portfolio Management techniques SIF: Corporate Governance in Financial Policy SIF: Advanced Portfolio Management: Security Analysis and Valuation Measuring Success in Philanthropy Investing Equity Research Seminar Human Capital in Organizations Asian Markets and Marketing Management Retail Management Global Marketing Consumer Behaviour Marketing in a Digital Age Product and Brand Management Promotional Management TOM: Marketing for Financial Services Branding Strategy Marketing Strategy Marketing Theory and Research Pricing Models and Strategy Applied Marketing and Research Human Resource Management Organizational Effectiveness Negotiations and Bargaining Management of Employee Relations Social Entrepreneurship Managerial and Organisational Cognition Experiencing Work: Effects on Behaviour and Well-Being Taxation and the Singapore Miracle Entrepreneurial Marketing Technological Innovation New Product Development New Venture Creation Momey and Banking I Financial Economics I International Trade International Finance Japanese Business Management Entrepreneurship: Self-made in Japan These courses are NOT approved for business credit. They are acceptable for USC General elective credit Any Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Thai, Korean, German, Vietnamese Language Course Macro And International Economics Macroeconomics in the Global Economy Foundations for Econometrics Economy of Modern China II Econometrics I Game Theory and Application Economics Mathematical Economics Industrial Organization I Public Finance Labour Economics Development Economics Asean Economics Economics of European Integration Global Economic History Environmental Economics Economics and Ethics Reading the Horror Film History of Film Singapore Society Singapore Film: Performing of Identity Science fiction and Philosophy Life, The Universe and Everything Asia and the Modern World United States in the Asia-Pacific Communications, New Media and Society Social Media in Communication Management Advertising Strategies Leadership, Organisations and New Media Social Psychology of New Media South Asian Politics Government and Politics of Singapore Ethnicity and Religion in Asian Politics Money, Business and Social Networks Visual Culture I: Seeing & Representing Southeast Asia: A Changing Region Religion, Society & Politics in SE Asia Martial Arts in Southeast Asia Nationalism in Southeast Asia Economies of Southeast Asia I ntroduction to Asian Theatre Database Systems As If: Actors and Acting (A Partial list- less than 50% of non-Business courses offered) Navarra (Pamplona, Spain) Approved for Business Credit Business Ethics E-Commerce Entrepreneurship International Trade Investments in Financial Markets (Group A) Investments in Financial Markets (Group B) Methods in Valuating Firms Project Management Quality Management Sports and Brands** Film and TV Marketing Introduction to Advertising and Public Relations International Corporate Law Introduction to Accounting for Lawyers Introduction to International Commercial Law Legal Aspects of International Finance I U.S. Tax Law U.S. Tort Law Análisis de estados financieros Auditoría Comercio internacional Dirección financiera II E-commerce Ética de la actividad económica y empresarial Grupo B Ética de la actividad económica y empresarial Grupo A Logística Teoría impositiva Organización industrial Not Approved for Business credit but Approved for USC Elective Credit Modernización de la economía y la empresa española Communication History Contemporary History Contemporary Political System International Relations Literature Media, Culture and Identity Multimedia Communication Sociology Econometrics I Sociology in the 21st Century ** Introduction to Anglo-American Law U.S. Criminal Law Modern Happiness Studies Anthropology (Annual) Classic Characters in English and American literature Classic World Ethics (Annual) Images and Culture Information and Communication Technologies (Annual) Introduction to Philosophy World Literature Worldviews and the Human Person Español A Español B Arte español Conversación en español I Cultura y sociedad hispánica Expresión escrita en español Grandes figuras de la literatura en español Historia de España Introducción a la traducción Antropología Grupo B Antropología Grupo A Antropología Grupo C Econometría básica Economía pública Ética Grupo A Ética Grupo B Ética Grupo C Ética Grupo D Fiscalidad Historia económica Grupo A Historia económica Grupo B Literatura, poder y liderazgo Peking University (Bejing, China) These courses are approved for Business Credit Electronic Commerce Financial Risk Management Topics in International Finance and Capital Markets Business Simulation Games Financial Statement Analysis Channel Management 金融市场与金融机构: Financial Markets and Financial Institutions 品牌管理: Brand Management 产品管理: Product Management These courses are NOT approved for business credit. They are acceptable for USC General elective credit Chinese Language course (any level) Primary Business Chinese I Primary Business Chinese II Seoul National University (Korea) Approved for Business Credit Intermediate Accounting Human Resource Management Cost Accounting Management of Financial Institutions International Business Management Intermediate Accounting 2 Management Information Systems Corporate Governance and Investment Ethics Corporate Strategy Knowledge Management Systems Business Law Human Resource Management International Business Management Intermediate Accounting 2** Advanced Accounting ** Consumer Behavior Special Topics in Management Managing Networked Business Business Ethics New Product Development and Product Management Financial Statement Analyses and Firm Valuation Design and Business Strategy Preparation for the Corporate World Tax Accounting** Marketing Research Investments Industrials Relations Corporate Strategy International Business Enviornment International Financal Management Information Technology and Business Innovation Not Approved for Business credit but Approved for USC Elective Credit Korean Language-Any Level Korean Culture and Tradition in Everyday Life Korean Economic History Politics and Society in North Korea Introduction to Korean Musical Culture Understanding Korean Contemporary History Understanding and Analyzing Korean Politics International Economics Game Theory and its Application Law and Democracy Public Finance Administration Media and Contemporary Society Media Industry and Policy Singapore Management University These courses are approved for Business Credit COMM253 Storytelling for Brands and organizations (NEW) COMM301 Interpreting and Communicating with Data (NEW) COMM330 Persuasion: The Business of Influence COMM360 Investor Relations FNCE203 Analysis of Equity Investment FNCE204 Analysis of Fixed-Income Investment FNCE217 Wealth Management FNCE218 Wealth Management and the Law * FNCE221 Investment Banking FNCE222 Financial Planning & Advisory * FNCE225 Consumer Banking FNCE229 Corporate Banking FNCE230 Financial Sector Development and Bank Management (new course) FNCE305 Analysis of Derivative Securities FNCE307 Portfolio Management FNCE310 Trade Finance FNCE311 Mergers & Acquisitions MGMT005 Managing in a VUCA context (new course) MGMT104 Corporate Entrepreneurship (used to be called Entrepreneurial Management) MGMT205 International Business MGMT218 Entrepreneurship & Business Creation MGMT222 Family Business MGMT227 Corporate Creativity MGMT232 Business Consulting MGMT233 Leadership Seminar with CEOs MGMT234 Strategic Management in China MGMT300 Business Capstone Course MGMT310 Leading New Ventures to Growth (replacing MGMT221 Enterprise Development) MGMT312 Asia Pacific Business MGMT315 Global Mega-Trends MGMT318 Design thinking and Innovation MGMT322 International Corporate Governance & Strategy (new course) MKTG102 Consumer Behaviour MKTG103 Marketing Research MKTG204 Services Marketing MKTG205 Advertising MKTG217 Strategic Brand Management MKTG225 Customer Relationship Management MKTG227 Integrated Marketing: A Brand Perspective MKTG231 Mktg, Branding & Service Excellence in Hospitality MKTG313 Pricing OBHR201 Human Capital Management OBHR202 Performance Management and Compensation OBHR204 Training & Development OBHR220 High Performance Team Management OBHR222 Business Negotiation & Conflict Management OBHR228 The Psychology of Managerial Decision Making OBHR229 Workforce Planning and Talent Management OBHR231 Mosaic of Leadership OBHR232 Legal Environment & Employee Relations (new course) OPIM311 Service Processes OPIM313 Project Management OPIM314 Logistics and Transportation Management OPIM318 Sustainable Operations OPIM319 Operations Strategy : Principles and Practice (blended learning) OPIM321 Supply Chain Management OPIM325 Sales and Operations Planning OPIM342 Operational Risk Management QF204 Probability and Finance Theory QF205 Computing Technology for Finance QF301 Structured Finance QF302 Investment and Financial Data Analysis QF303 Stochastic Calculus and Finance Theory * QF304 Numerical Methods * QF305 Global Financial Risk Management TRAD201 Shipping Business ACCT201 Corporate Reporting and Financial Analysis ACCT 221 Accounting Information Systems ACCT223 Taxation ACCT 224 Financial Reporting and Analysis ACCT331 Audit and Assurance ACCT 332 Accounting Thought and Practice ACCT334 Intermediate Financial Accounting ACCT 335 Advanced Financial Accounting ACCT 401 Strategic Management Accounting ACCT 402 Governance and Risk Management ACCT403 Advanced Taxation ACCT 407 Corporate Financial Management ACCT 408 Valuation ACCT 409 Auditing for the Public Sector ACCT 410 Internal Audit ACCT412 - MNC Business Models and Tax in Asia Pacific ACCT 4141 Intelligent Accounting Function ACCT002 – Accounting for Entrepreneurs ACCT 003 Capital Markets in China ACCT321 - Ethics and Social Responsibilty STAT 203 Financial Mathematics Analytics Foundation Analytics Praticum Seminar on Information Systems Management IS Software Foundations Software Engineering Architectural Analysis Process Modeling and Solution Blueprinting Enterprise Web Solutions IS Application Project Networking IT and Business Innovation Enterprise Business Solution Retail Banking Processes and Technology Financial markets Processes and Technology Data Mining and Business Analytics Advanced Seminar on Information Systems Management Technopreneurship Study Mission Visual Analytics for Business Intelligence Contract Law Law of Business Organizations Corporate Law Commercial Conflict of Law Law of Equity and Trusts Economic Analysis of Law Chinese Contract Law Corporate Crime Interntional Commercialization of Intellectual Property Rights Trade and Investment Law Law of International Trade International Financial regulation Foreign Investment Law in China Ethics and Social Responsibility Business Law Company Law Islamic Law, Banking and Commerce Introduction to Sport Management Biological Model for Business Applications Biotechnology and Bioentrepreneurship The Business of Biotechnology These courses are NOT approved for business credit. They are acceptable for USC General elective credit COMM120 Intercultural Communication COMM302 Media Psychology (NEW) COMM331 Public Relations Strategy COMM246 Crisis Management and Communication COMM346 Social Media Strategies (Title Change) MGMT002 Technology & World Change MGMT003 Business, Government & Society MGMT004 Creative Thinking QF201 Linear Algebra and Regression QF202 Differential Equations QF203 Real Analysis Introduction to Econometrics International Economics (A or B) Port Economics and Management Game Theory Industrial Organization Labour Economics Health Economics Economics of Ageing Macroeconomics of Income Distribution Organization Economics The Economics of Politics Political Economy of Globilization Advanced Mathematical Methods International Macroeconomics Intermediate Econometrics Advanced Microeconomics Intermediate Mathematics for Economics Economic development in Asia Computer as an Analysis Tool Computational Thinking Search Engine Technologies Mobile and Pervasive Technologies Interaction Design and Prototyping Public Sector Systems Social Analytics and Applications Data Security and Privacy Software and Systems Security Internet of Things: Technology and Applications IS Application Project 2 Criminal Law\ Legal System, Methods and Analysis Law of Property Comparative Legal Systems Legal Theory and Philosophy Law of Evidence Intellectual Property Law IT and the Lww International Moots Shipping and Admirality Law International Construction Law Law Study Mission Pre-Trial Civil Litigation Evidence, Litigation and the Criminal Process Introduction to Psychology Introduction to Political and Policy Studies Understanding Societies World Politics Politics of Japan and Korea European Union Politics Conflict and Justice in international Relations Development, Underdevelopment and Poverty Special Projects with International Organizations Global Migration and Human Society Elections and the Media Industrial and Organizational Psychology Psychology of Individual Differences Social Psychology Psychology of Group Processes Psychology Decision making Psychology Research Methods Subjective Well-Being Psychometrics and Psychological testing Psychology and Reasoning Psychology Research Methods II Research Methods in Sociology and Political Science Social Stratification and Inequality Gender and Family Mandarin (Language any Level) Spanish (language any level) Peer Mentoring and Facilitation Environmental Science Introduction to Physical Science Thai (language any level) St Gallen (St Gallen, Switzerland) These courses are approved for Business Credit Dealing with Uncertainty in Dynamic Markets: An Asian-European Comparison Doing Business in India - Development of Sustainble Business Models for Low-income Groups Management in the Digital Economy - Enterprise 2.0 and Business 2.0 Sustainable Consumption and Behaviour Change Fundamentals of Logistics Management Insurance Management Real Estate Finance and Investments Money, Banking and Financial Markets: Monetary Policy and International Finance Strategy Crafting & Execution Doing Business in China Doing Business in Latin America: Marketing Doing Business in Africa International Retail and E-Commerce Management European Economic Law European and International Capital Markets Law The Economics of Sports - Business Strategies and Governance Cross Cultural Management Managing languages in International Companies Digital Games: Culture, Business, Ethics Leadership in Action Food Security and Corporate Responsibility Self Awareness and Conversations - Building Leadership Capabilities Introduction to Sustainable Investment Intercultural Customer Satisfaction Capital Market Theory Sport Economics International Trade (BVWL) Managerial Economics An Introduction to Financial Econometrics (Masters Courses) Research Paper Seminar on Information Management R & D Management Sustainable and responsible Business Model Innovation Clean Energy Marketing Automotive Marketing Aviation Management Marketing for Sustainability Management Accounting Auditing Excel-based Financial Modelling for Financial Statement Analysis and Corporate Valuation Fundamental Corporate Valuation for active Investors Challenges of Financial Management for International (family owned) Companies Entrepreneurial Finance - the applied perspective Valuation for Accounting Financial Markets Financial Markets Financial Institutions Management Innovation Corporate Development and Business Innovation Strategy Execution Family Business International Management (MUG) Quantitative Risk Management International Politics, Economics and Business Corporate Social Responsibility (MIA) Managing Change in the Public Sector Energy Governance and Management Workshop and Lecture Series in Law and Finance The Law of Central Banks and International Monetary Order Swiss International Corporate Law Introduction to International Tax Law Management of Transnational Ligitation Managing Legal Risk Management of Information Security Solving Economics and Finance Problems with MATLAB Practising creative leadership Corporate Development with Project and Change Management - Methods and Concepts Managing relations between business and government Corporate Legal and Compliance Visual Techniques for Design Management in Business Contexts Haniel Seminar: Public Financing Intercultural Competence Vulnerability of Financial Systems: Threats, Consequences and Institutional Issues Global Finance and Hollywood: Economies of the Spectacle Business and Human Rights - Legal, Managerial and Ethical Perspectives The Lost Art of Accounting Knowledge, Power and Novelty - Managing Innovation in Context of Formal Organization Sociology of advertising Knowing Consumers? Knowledge, Practices and Devices in Market(ing) Research CSR as Source of Innovation for Business Models in Latin America Business Strategies for Emerging Markets Megatrend Global Demographic Challenge: Tackling Business and Society Challenges in 2030 and Beyond Corporate and International Finance (CEMS exclusive course) Business Intelligence: Independent Studies Applied Research Project III Selected Topics in Corporate Finance International Financial Statement Analysis Board Governance Selected Topics in Accounting Systemic Risk Retail Banking Advanced Corporate Finance Value Based Management in Insurance Public Debt Management Fixed Income Instruments Applied Corporate Valuation - CFA Research Challenge Theory of Risk and Insurance Workshop on Microeconometrics for Finance Empirical Real Estate Finance Empirical Real Estate Finance Behavioral Finance Pension Finance Energy Finance Insurance-Linked Securities Financial Modeling Workshop: Derivatives Ethics of Financial Services Commercial Banking Economics of Central Banking Entrepreneurial Finance, Venture Capital and Economic Performance Debt and Fiscal Policy Mechanism Design Topics in International Finance and Monetary Policy These courses are NOT approved for business credit. They are acceptable for USC General elective credit Any foreign language any level (Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Russian, Italian, German, etc) Air Transport and Tourism Public Management and Governance National Model United Nations (März 2016: NMUN in New York) oikos Model WTO American Grand Strategy: European Colonies to Global Superpower Integrated Self Development: Becoming an Agent of Transformation An introduction to MATLAB Performance Design - Organizing Affective Experience on Campus Programming with R The Stories Films Tell: Narratology and Cinema Principles of Political Economy China's Transformation: A View from Media and Culture A Book to Kill For? Islam, The Satanic Verses, and the Limits of Free Speech Food, Culture and Society Experimental and quasi-experimental empirical methods Public Economics I: Government Expenditures Behavioral Economics Behavioural Macroeconomics Public International Law European Law Comparative Politics Comparative Politics: Independent Studies (Masters Courses) Transportation Systems Quantitative Methods (MBF) Advanced Macroeconomics I Advanced Microeconomics II Industrial Organization Econometrics I International Governance Social Science Methodology: Concepts and Measurement Europe and the USA - Together Apart? Social Science Methodology: Network Analysis Practical Leadership in Development Aid Management Practical Project: Public Affairs in the Aviation Industry Public Policy in the Middle East: Political, Organizational, Legal, and Business Aspects The Private and Public Sectors in Policymaking Foreign Policy Strategies: Theories and Cases Asia-Pacific Security Economic Fundamentals of International Relations Future Thinking in Energy Governance Political Science Fundamentals of International Relations Challenges of Democracy and Democratization Global Climate and Energy Governance Internet Governance The bilateral relations between Switzerland and the European Union European and International Intellectual Property Law Introduction to Common Law Introduction to R: Solving Quantitative Problems with R Introduction to Stata and Gauss Advanced Numerical Methods with MATLAB Imagining the American South China's Avantgarde: Authors, Artists and Activists Transparency and Trust in Capitalist Democracy From Gandhi to Jihad: Culture and Conflict in South Asia Game Theory and Decision Theory: Origins and Development Popular Culture and Media in India and South Asia Political Economy of the Crisis in the Eurozone History of Economic Thought Superpower China: Economic Imbalances and Cultural Shifts Arts and Economics Political Islam EU and Swiss Competition Law and Economics Service Innovations in Emerging Markets - Insights from India Enterprise Applications of Text Intelligence International Macroeconomics (MEcon) Political Economics Economics of European Integration Behavioral Game Theory Law and Economics of Cross Border Insolvency Law and Art (MLE) Thammasat University (Bangkok, Thailand) These courses are approved for Business Credit Entrepreneurial Marketing Global Environment of International Business Consumer Behaviour Quantitative Research in Marketing Product and Brand Management Service Marketing International Marketing Special Topics in Marketing 1 (Hit or miss grabbing the ASEAN treasure) Risk Management and Insurance Financial Management Strategic Financial Management Financial Risk Analysis and Management Investment Banking Equity Security Analysis Management Information Systems Quality Management Intermediate Accounting I Tax Accounting Cost Accounting Auditing Internal Control and Enterprise Risk Management Accounting Information Systems Accounting for Planning and Control Business Law Taxation These courses are NOT approved for business credit. They are acceptable for USC General elective credit. Beginning Thai Thai Dance Thai Society and Culture Modern Thai History Social and Economic Development in Thailand Ethnic Groups of Thailand Buddhism in Thailand Art and Architecture in Thailand Thai Foreign Affairs Seminar in Political Science Fiscal and Budgeting Environmental Politics Foreign Policy of the People’s Republic of China Islam and Global Politics Southeast Asian Affairs Introduction to ASEAN Affairs Integrated Humanities Integrated Social Sciences Integrated Sciences and Technology UC3M (Madrid, Spain) These courses are approved for Business Credit Asset Valuation and Selection Auditing Financial Statements Bank Management Banking Consumer Behavior Corporate Management and Social Responsibility Cost Management International Development and Economic Law International Taxation International Trade Managerial Accounting Markets and Environment Financial Accounting II Financial Derivatives Financial Econometrics Financial Economics Financial Institution Systems Financial Market Law Financial Systems and Institutions Human Resource Management Mediation and other alternative of Conflict Resolution Methods for Quality Control Multivariate Techniques for Data Analysis Commercial Law Organization and Management of Media Enterprises Organizational Design Research Techniques The Origins of the Modern Firm These courses are NOT approved for business credit. They are acceptable for USC General elective credit Spanish Language (Any Level) “Mise-en-scène” Advanced Mathematics for Economics Advanced Microeconomics American Cinema Art History I Bayesian Methods Comparative Politics I Digital Post-Production Econometric Methods Econometric Techniques Econometrics II Economic Growth Economic History Economic Progress in Spain, 1850-2000 Economics of European Integration Fiction Videomaking Film and television in Spain Film Genre Film Production Film Studies Fundamentals of Film and Television Direction I Game Theory History of Cinema History of Spain Image Theory Information Law in Interactive and Multimedia Context Institutional Information Interpretative and investigative reporting Introduction to communication and media studies Introduction to Patrimonial Law Introduction to Politics Introduction to Sociology Journalistic information about situations, trends and social problems Labor Economics Mathematics for Economics Media Technology Media Theory Moving Image History New Trends in Media Newspaper Reporting Organizational Economics Photography: theory and practice Political Philosophy Public Economics Quantitative Microeconomics Radio Journalism Reading Moving Image (Film and Television) Regional and Urban Economics Scientific and Environmental Journalism Scriptwriting for Cinema I Scriptwriting for Television: Fiction Social and Political Theory Sociology Spanish history: 20th century Spanish Politics Theory and Analysis of the Audiovisual Documentary Theory of Law Theory of Law and Sociology of Law Universidad del Desarrollo (Santiago, Chile) Approved for Business Credit DIGITAL MARKETING INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS INTRODUCTION TO CROWDFUNDING GLOBAL MARKETING SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION MANAGEMENT NEGOTIATION AND DEAL MAKING FAMILY BUSINESS INTERNATIONAL DEBATE WORKSHOP SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN INDUSTRY AND BUSINESS OD:COMMUNICATIONS FOR A SUCCESSFUL ORGANIZATION OD: TECH VENTURES BRANDING STREET MARKETING DINAMICAS DE MERCADO DESARROLLO DE CONCEPTOS GESTION DE EMPRESAS SEGMENTACIÓN ESTRATÉGICA DE MERCADO RESPONSABILIDAD PÚBLICA EMPRENDIMIENTO Y LIDERAZGO TECNOLOGÍA DE LA INFORMACIÓN DIRECCIÓN DE LA PRODUCCIÓN FINANZAS II Marketing II EVALUACIÓN DE PROYECTOS ADMINISTRACIÓN DE EMPRESAS FAMILIARES DIRECCIÓN ESTRATÉGICA DE VENTAS Y SERVICIOS MARKETING DIGITAL MARKETING NO CONVENCIONAL MARKETING RELACIONAL MERCADO DE CAPITALES GLOBALES NEGOCIACIÓN Y HABILIDADES DIRECTIVAS AUDITORÍA DE ESTADOS FINANCIEROS HERRAMIENTAS TECNOLOGICAS AL SERVICIO DE LA INNOVACIÓN Y LA GESTIÓN EMPRESARIAL ETICA EN FINANZAS Y GOBIERNO CORPORATIVO INNOVACIÓN Y EMPRENDIMIENTO CORPORATIVO MARKETING DEL DEPORTE RESPONSABILIDAD SOCAIL EMPRESARIAL DERECHO EN LA EMPRESA DERECHO DEL TRABAJO DISEÑO Y EVALUACIÓN DE NUEVOS NEGOCIOS MERCADOS: SEÑALES Y PRECIOS RECURSOS HUMANOS Y ORGANIZACIONES Not Approved for Business credit but Approved for USC Elective Credit Spanish Language- Any Level OD: CHILEAN CULTURE OD: GLOBALIZATION AND ITS IMPACT GRÁFICA DIGITAL DIRECCION CREATIVA NUEVAS SOLUCIONES PARA NUEVOS MUNDOS EL MUNDO ES MOVIL PLAY VIAJE AL CORAZÓN DE LOS MÚSICOS ROMÁNTICOS EL SIGNIFICADO DE LAS DIFERENCIAS BIOLÓGICAS SOCIEDAD, DESIGUALDAD Y SALUD ECOLOGÍA Y FUNDAMENTOS DE GESTIÓN AMBIENTAL ALIMENTACIÓN Y NUTRICIÓN: PANORAMA ACTUAL PROCESOS PSICOLÓGICOS EL COMPORTAMIENTO HUMANO EN LAS ORGANIZACIONES EXPERIMENTOS SOCIALES: SU CONTRIBUCIÓN A LA INVESTIGACIÓN Y APLICACIONES A LA VIDA COTIDIANA ESPECTÁCULOS Y CULTURA DESARROLLO DE HABILIDADES DE COMUNICACIÓN EFECTIVA FELICIDAD Y SENTIDO DE LA VIDA ESCRITURA Y PENSAMIENTO CRÍTICO MÚSICA SU INFLUENCIA EN EL ARTE Y LA CULTURA APRECIACIÓN CRITICA DE LA CIUDAD Y SU ARQUITECTURA APROXIMACIÓN AL ARTE CONTEMPORÁNEO TALLER DE GRABADO EN XILOGRAFÍA PINTURA CREATIVA CINE: FORMAS DE EXPRESIÓN DE LA SOCIEDAD CONTEMPORÁNEA GOBERNABILIDAD Y DESAFÍOS DEMOCRÁTICOS LA GLOBALIZACIÓN Y SU IMPACTO POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS, GOBIERNO Y TOMA DE DECISIONES ACTUALIDAD POLÍTICA LA MUNDIALIZACIÓN COMO NUEVA REFERENCIA POLÍTICA GEOGRAFÍA POLÍTICA LA RELACIÓN CIVIL MILITAR EN LA HISTORIA DE CHILE, 1810 – 2014 DERECHO Y SOCIEDAD DERECHO Y SALUD CRIMINOLOGÍA HISTORIA DEL SIGLO XX LAS GUERRAS DE HOY HISTORIA Y CULTURA DE CHILE VIAJE A LAS IDEAS. HISTORIA INTELECTUAL DE OCCIDENTE LITERATURA Y SOCIEDAD EN CHILE LITERATURA FANTÁSTICA Y CINE DE TERROR Y SUSPENSO EL AMOR Y LA POESÍA LA EXPERIENCIA DE LO SAGRADO LITERATURA Y ECONOMÍA PENSAMIENTO CONTEMPORÁNEO, LA NUEVA CAJA DE PANDORA UN PARTIDO AMISTOSO ENTRE FÚTBOL Y LITERATURA LA AVENTURA DE PENSAR: DESAFÍOS FILOSÓFICOS DE NUESTRO TIEMPO J.R.R. TOLKIEN Y SUS INSPIRACIONES NOVELAS DEL DESCUBRIMIENTO Y CONQUISTA DE AMÉRICA ANÁLISIS DEL ENTORNO ECONÓMICO LAS ORGANIZACIONES Y SUS DILEMAS LA EMPRESA Y SUS NÚMEROS INNOVACIÓN SOCIAL CREATIVIDAD PARA LA INNOVACIÓN PROTOTIPADO RÁPIDO: DE LA IDEA A LA FORMA DESIGN THINKING FUNDAMENTOS DEL EMPRENDIMIENTO DIGITAL PERIODISMO TELEVISIVO I ETICA PERIODISMO DIGITAL I ACTUALIDAD NACIONAL TALLER DE PERIODISMO INTERPRETATIVO TALLER DE MEDIOS PERIODISMO DIGITAL COMUNICACIÓN EFECTIVA ETICA PERIODÍSTICA TEORÍAS PSICODINÁMICAS PSICOLOGÍA EVOLUTIVA EN LA PRIMERA INFANCIA CONSTRUCCIÓN DE IDENTIDAD Y SOCIEDAD PSICOLOGÍA EVOLUTIVA II TEORÍAS PSICOLÓGICA III PERSONALIDAD II EVALUACIÓN PSICOLÓGICA II SALUD MENTALY COMUNIDAD PSIQUIATRÍA TALLER DE DESARROLLO DE COMPETENCIAS PROFESIONALES IIII University of Hong Kong These courses are approved for Business Credit BUSI0019 Intermediate Accounting I ACCT2102 Intermediate Financial Accounting I BUSI0020 Intermediate Accounting II ACCT3103 Intermediate Financial Accounting II BUSI0028 Management Accounting II ACCT3106 Management Control BUSI0018 Hong Kong Taxation BUSI0006 Auditing BUSI0003 Advanced Financial Accounting BUSI0085 Advanced Topics in Taxation BUSI2812 Social Venture Management Internship Course BUSI3801 Business Law BUSI0010 Company Law BUSI3012 Legal and ethical environment of global business BUSI0081 Advanced Business Communication Skills BUSI2811 Negotiation and Conflict Resolution IIMT2601 Management Information Systems IIMT3603 Project Management BUSI0095 Creativity and Business Innovations BUSI3601 Supply chain management BUSI3001 Global Analysis Team Project MGMT3403 Leadership BUSI0015 Principles of Entrepreneurship MGMT3434 Human Resource: Theory and Practice MKTG3501 Consumer Behaviour MKTG3502 Marketing Research BUSI0004 Advertising Management MKTG3511 Advertising Management BUSI0038 Services Marketing STRA3702 International Business STRA3706 China Business Environment STRA3709 Applications of Strategic Thinking in Business BUSI0009 Business Policy ECON3803 Senior Seminar in Economics and Finance (Capstone Course) ECON2222 Monetary Economics ECON0301 Theory of International Trade ECON2249 Foreign Trade & Investment in China ECON2257 Trade, Investment and Development in APEC Economies FINA2322 Derivatives FINA2802 Investments and Portfolio Analysis FINA3350 Mathematical Finance FINA0403 Financial Engineering FINA3351 Spreadsheet Financial Modeling FINA2331 Management of Commercial Bank FINA0105 International Financial Management FINA2342 Insurance: Theory & Practice FINA0304 Advanced Corporate Finance FINA0405 Interest Rate Models FINA3340 Risk Management Not Approved for Business credit but Approved for USC Elective Credit Chinese Language- Any Level IIMT3623 Architectural design studio I ECON2214 Games & Decision ECON0109 Topics in Macroeconomics ECON0701 Introductory Econometrics ECON2253 International Macroeconomics ECON2216 Industrial Organization ECON0504 Transportation Economics ECON0601 Economic Development of China ECON0703 Mathematical Economics Vienna University (Vienna, Austria) Approved for Business Credit #0670 International Accounting I - Financial Reporting #0671 International Accounting II #0640 European Law and Economics #1885 Fundamentals of European Union Law #0114 Negotiation Strategies and Techniques. A Case Study Approach Based on the Harvard Program on Negotiation #0298 Communication and Conflict Management 1318 Negotiations Management #0981 Specialist Class – Money and the Business Cycle #1403 Monetary Policy in the US and the EU − with a special focus on the financial Crisis and the Great Recession 1893 International Trade- Theory and Policy #0687 E&I Zone: Challenges with open Innovation #1513, #1765 Entrepreneurship Camp: Learn how to start your own business! 0149 1849 International Finance #0490, #0492, #0891 International Financial Management I #0724, #1119, #1278, #1279 International Financial Management II #0961 Principles of Strategic and Financial Controlling #1412, #1444, #1468 Risk Management and Insurance #1515 Corporate Investment Decisions and Financial Statement Analysis #0657 Diversity Management in Practice #0285 IT-Support in Project and Program Management #0948 Integration Management with SAP ECC: An Introduction to Controlling and Logistics #1228 IS Project Management 0722 Business Information Systems II #1012, #1013, #1014, #1015, #1894, #1895 International Business Applications #1068 You, Corporate Strategy and the World #1192 International Mergers and Acquisitions #1321 The Role of Human Resources in International Business #1323 Project Seminar with an Industry Partner #1404 Global Leadership #1512 Doing Business in the Arab World #1746 International Business I #1896 Sustainability and Strategy in International Business #1897 Global Markets - Industry Evolution and Firm Strategy #2029 Advanced Strategies in CEE 1829 International Business II 2114 K5-Corporate Restructuring 2173 Doing Business in CEE 2175 Business Strategy and Analysis 2180 Emerging Europe-Internationalization Processes 2181 International Entrepreneurial Strategy #0545, #0789, #1024 International Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior I #0757, #0963, #1445 International Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior II #2139 Human Resource Management and Diversity Issues in Central and Eastern Europe #1324, #1326, #1337 International Marketing and Management: International Management #1451 Sustainable Business - Managing for Tomorrow #1902 Project-oriented Management: Theories & Research Approaches #0669 International Tourism - Principle and Practice #0685 International Marketing #0671 Global Social Marketing #0744, #1469, #1764 Global Branding #0930 Global Consumer Behavior #0937 Social Media Marketing #0992 Cross-Cultural-Communications Management: Application to Marketing & Sales #1043 Marketing in the Emerging Markets #1354 Global Marketing Research 1432 Information Dissemination and Communication for Services and Tourism #1681 Hot Topics in Marketing #1901 Brand Management 1817 Integrated Marketing for Digital Stakeholders 1833 Global Marketing Communications #2137 Marketing Strategies for Central and Eastern Europe #0559 Supply Chain Management #0708 International Supply Chain I #0709 International Supply Chain II #1048 Mobility Management #0557, #0993, #1242, #1350 International Strategic Management I #0622, #0994, #1243, #1367 International Strategic Management II Not Approved for Business credit but Approved for USC Elective Credit German Language (Any Level) German Business Communication Classes (any class) 1810 European Integration: Political Institutions and Processes #0540 Working in Teams #2064 Facilitating Meetings #0600, #0957 International Macroeconomics #0996 Econometrics 2 0883 Advanced Macroeconomics #1728 Social Policy #1730 Advanced Research Methods in Economics #2140 Macroeconomic Issues in CEE Countries #0651 English Business Communication 4 (EBC4) / Legal English #0652 English Business Communication 4 (EBC4) / Financial Markets and Investment: Investment Terminology and Jargon #0653 English Business Communication 4 (EBC4) / World Englishes: Economic, Linguistic and Cultural Observations #1389 English Business Communication 4 (EBC4) / Life in Britain and the U.S. #2037 English Business Communication 4 (EBC4) / The Language of Accounting #2083 English Business Communication 4 (EBC4) / The Language of Work 1701 Applied Statistical Modeling #1069 International Energy Strategies #1234 Economies of East Asia - Government, Businesses and Society #1320 Responsible Global Leadership - Leading Responsibly in a Globalized World #1191 IB Helps: Developing Fundraising Strategies for International Social Projects WHU (Koblenz, Germany) Approved for Business Credit Applied Supply Chain Management; Making a Case for Advancing SCM Asset Management Brand Management Business Information Systems (BIS I, BIS II) Business and Trade Law Business Taxation Cases in Business Taxation Cases in International Accounting Competing on Innovation in Emerging Industries Cost Accounting Creating Social Value Developing Novel Business Models Entrepreneurship Financial Statements Individual Decision Making and Motivation Innovation Management Interdependent Decision Making and Coordination International Accounting Intergenerational Business and Economics International Marketing International Markets and Derivatives Logistics Management Control Managing the Family Business Market Research Methods (any group) Marketing Communication Negotiations and Dispute Resolution Operations Management-Finance Interface Organizational Change Real Options Retail Marketing Structured Problem Solving Supply Management Venture capital organizations Not Approved for Business credit but Approved for USC Elective Credit German Language (any Level) French Langauge (any Level) Germany in Europe Architecture and Art. Perception - Interpretation - History. Biotechnology: Genetic engineering - the basics Civil Law- with a special emphasis on IT law Creating Entrepreneurial Mindsets - Improvising as a Method Econometrics European Economic Integration Fun and Games Introduction to International Economics National Model United Nations I Principles of the Market Economy Psychology