February 22, 2013 - OASFAA Exec Meeting Feb

2012-13 OASFAA Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
February 22, 2013
Cheryl Willard*
Stephanie Sutton*
Angela Johnson*
Matt Moore*
Committee Chairperson
Michele Barry *
Tamika Braswell*
John Brown*
Bev Dalheim
Becky Davis
Adam Dilulio
Debralee Divers*
Todd Everett
Mary Kay Freshour*
Valerie Fultz*
Ann Marie Gruber
Emily Mattison*
Randy Green*
Bridgett Lallathin
Jayme Jarrett*
Betsy Johnson
Jeff Johnston*
MorraLee Keller*
Leann Kendzerski
Kevin Lamb
Tony Leprotti*
Lawrence Matthews*
Carolyn McCluskey*
Lea Mederer
Andrea Morrow*
Mary Lynn Perri*
Regina Harper
LaSaundra Craig*
Valerie Kepner*
Sonia Slomba*
Faith Phillips*
Venus Puliafico*
Ed Recker
Amanda Reisinger*
Sam Selvage*
Carrie Short*
Amy Welty
Lee Ann Timmerman
Randy Ulses
Melanie Weaver
Christy West
* Denotes those present
Cheryl Willard
1. Updates
Cheryl Willard
Thanks to Great Lakes for arranging the conference call. This meeting was planned for
Columbus as an in person meeting, but the weather made for treacherous traveling conditions
and Cheryl changed the format of the meeting to that of a conference call.
Roll call was taken by Sonia Slomba.
Adam Dilulio and his wife welcomed baby girl Norah Catherine, on March 4th. Congratulations!
Deb Divers has returned from surgery. Welcome back, Deb.
A word of thanks was given to all who have been involved in providing training to the
Association. The Executive Committee was praised for its quality programming and ongoing
Minutes/Secretary’s Report
Sonia Slomba
1. Review January 2013 Conference Call Executive Committee Meeting minutes.
Note: Due to membership status issues, I am unable to post minutes online. Minutes from the
November 2012 and January 2013 Executive Committee Meetings will be posted as soon as
A Motion to approve the minutes without changes was made by Jayme Jarrett.
A second was provided by Matt Moore.
2. 2012-13 Inventory List. Review for accuracy of FINAL DRAFT.
3. Archives 11-12 (last year)
6.1 Archives Policy - REAPPROVED 4/07 (OASFAA Policies & Procedures Manual)
OASFAA records are maintained by the Center for Archival Collections (CAC) at Bowling Green
State University in Bowling Green, Ohio. The following steps outline the process to transfer
records to the CAC for inclusion with the OASFAA collection:
In September of each year, the Secretary shall send a form to the members of the previous
year's Executive Committee. The form is used to request that OASFAA information from the
previous year be forwarded to the CAC along with the transmittal letter. The following lists the
officer and the records for which he/she has the primary responsibility.
Annual report
OASFAA publications
Correspondence Finance Committee information Conference site information
Nominations/election information
Vice President for Training
Training workshop information
Vice President for Conferences
Conference Program Information
Meeting agendas Minutes/reports from Executive Committee meetings Minutes/reports
from general business meetings Newsletters Policy and Procedure Manual changes
Tax return Treasurer's reports Annual budget report Annual audit statement
Past President
Constitution changes
Regional Representatives
Regional meeting schedule for year
Conference Program Chair
Copy of conference program(s) Conference planning information Copies of papers
presented at conference(s)
Other chairpersons Records of committee work
In November, the Past President will contact the CAC to determine what information should be
added to the collection. The Past President will obtain the needed information by contacting the
responsible individual(s) and forward it to the CAC.
{P&P OASFAA, PP Manual 1-2011 rev.doc) Approved 11-16-07 by Exec. Committee (OASFAA PP
Manual 11-2007 rev. doc) Page 26 of 42 Approved 05-30-06 by Exec. Committee (OASFAA P&P
Manual 2002-06)
Treasurer’s Report
Emily Mattison
Financial statements were provided – conference scholarships recording procedure is being
Old Business
Cheryl Willard
1. Financial Review/Audit
Randy Green
Exec Committee has been given proposal. Sample language from MASFAA P & P is being
reviewed. A draft of financial review policy text will be available at April Executive Committee
2. Credit Card Payment Option
Randy Green
Val Kepner and Randy Green are discussing the application – they will review in detail while
attending NASFAA Leadership Symposium in DC. Credit card option will be available for spring in
person but not on line. Spring Conference Registration will be updated when the option has
been determined as ready for usage: P & P language specifying that OASFAA does not accepted
credit cards will be removed at that time as well.
New Business
Cheryl Willard
1. OASFAA Nominations
Randy Green
A call for nominations has been sent to the Membership. Don’t be shy about nominating
yourself. Reminder will be sent next week, with a final reminder sent the following week.
2. MASFAA Update
Executive Board Meeting Report (As per Randy Ulses)
Summer Institute: June 4 – 7 2013 / St. Louis, MO
Randy Green
Attended January 25-26, 2013 MASFAA Exec Board Meeting in place of Randy Green due to
schedule conflict for him and Cheryl.
Reports from committees with more significant elements noted here:
o ED has not announced FSA conference site; some speculation that sequester may limit ED’s
ability to host annual conference
 Sequester and other budget initiatives may limit ED staff travel further for
attendance at state and regional conferences
 MASFAA’s Indianapolis conference (October 6-9, 2013) could be key ED update in
o MASFAA’s 2014 conference scheduled for West Virginia; follow-up to be done with West
Virginia rep to determine interest in hosting
o Membership year for MASFAA reverting to calendar year (from more recent conference-toconference term).
o Summer Institute priced at flat $295 to include complementary membership through
remainder of calendar year.
 Registration to open February 13 and run to April 14, 2013.
 Summer Institute June 4-7 in St. Louis.
o Family Education Concerns moving from model of Reality Store (a copyrighted program we
are infringing on) to modified program based on a concept from Iowa that allows aid
administrators or teachers to easily engage students in discussion of importance of college,
budgeting, and finances.
o February 21st will be a Hill Visit day in DC for MASFAA Federal Issues Committee and others
coordinated with EASFAA and SASFAA.
o Nominations deadline was also January 25th.
o Exploring greater use of Drop Box for data storage.
Activities planned but not yet completed:
MASFAA Donor Development seeks our listing of vendors who advertise or exhibit at conference so
that they can see what overlap there is between states and MASFAA
Randy to work with Keith Williams if not getting President Listserve
Encourage MASFAA membership to our membership
1. Regional Representatives
a) Northeast
b) Northwest
Bridgett Lallathin
Jayme Jarrett
Summary of activities: Members expressed concern over 2nd meeting date. Conducted a vote, and from
responses received, changed 2nd meeting date from March 1 to March 15.
Associated members happy to be included in email notifications of regional meetings.
Activities planned but not yet completed: Have second meeting at Defiance planned for 3/15, and have
worked with Matt/Bridgett/Tony on April 5th training at Ashland. Email went out to members and I’m getting
RSVPs for it.
Progress on committee’s 2012-13 goals/initiatives: Still at 90% until we get the meetings completed. 
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: none.
c) Southeast
Regina Harper
1. Summary of activities: A SE Regional meeting was held at COTC/OSU Newark on Friday, February1. We
had the following presentations at the meeting:
 Tara Piantanida-Kelly from USA Funds University - Professional Judgment
 Becky Davis from Great Lakes Higher Education - Your Students Are Asking: Loan Forgiveness and
 Tamika Braswell from The Ohio Board of Regents - State Update
 James Elliott from Columbus State Community College - Veteran’s Benefits and Selective Service
The meeting went very well. We had 26 people in attendance.
2. Activities planned but not yet completed: N/A
3. Progress on committee’s 2012-13 goals/initiatives: The NASFAA Training on Direct Lending workshop
for SE &SW Regions has been scheduled for March 28 at Central State University. La Saundra Craig,
Wallace Laverne and I are working on coordinating a meeting within the next couple of weeks to
discuss plans for the training.
4. Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: Reimbursement Policy
Cheryl Willard indicated this policy is being evaluated.
a) Southwest
La Saundra Craig
Summary of activities:
NASFAA Needs Analysis Training completed hosted by Wright State University Friday,
February 1 – yield 14 participants
Sent out Valentine Email to Regional Members February 11, 2013
Date and location confirmed joint regional meeting for March 28, 2013 at Central State.
10 AM – 2PM
Topic – NASFAA Training
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Date and location confirmed joint regional meeting for March 28, 2013 at Central State.
10 AM – 2PM
Topic – NASFAA Training
Preparation of Spring Conference BOF topic
Progress on committee’s 2012-13 goals/initiatives:
Recommended and paid for 8 new professionals for 2013 membership from Cincinnati.
2. President-Elect
Randy Green
Associate Member Relations
Mary Lynn Perri, Michele Barry
All sponsorship payments have been received by the committee and there are no further
outstanding balances for Winter Conference 2012.
The committee is gearing up for sponsorship to go live on March 1, 2013 per the conference
planning committee. We will continue to reach out to those who have exhibited at the past
conferences as well as potential new sponsors as recommended by the Association.
Randy Green: How should we approach possible vendors? Please give names to Mary Lynn
or Michele.
Leann Kendzerski, Betsy Johnson
No Report
Cheryl Indicated that the committee will be asking for articles – submission deadline is March 8. If you
have anything to submit, Betsy Johnson may be contacted.
a) Finance
Randy Green
b) Membership
Carolyn McCluskey, Lea Mederer
Summary of activities:
● Members not renewed from last year:
● 2013 New Memberships:
● 2013 Renewal Memberships:
● Institutions with current Memberships: 151
● Total membership for 2012 was
696 (as per L. Mederer/C. McCluskey)
● To date 2013 membership is
Lea is still awaiting a response from Paula at ATAC regarding the following 2 questions:
Is there a way for us to create an automated email that would be
sent every year to remind members that their membership is set
to expire within a certain time-frame? If so, is there a possibility
that we are able to do multiple notifications at different increments
of time (for example, one month and then a reminder when there
is one week remaining in membership).
Is there a way to update the automatically inputted expiration date from
12/31/13 to be 1/31/14 for all members that are not processed as of yet?
Is there a way that we could reset all of those that have already renewed?
Answer from Paula …
The database has been set so that the ending membership date is 1/31/2014.
We’ll follow that plan for subsequent years so there is a Grace Period built in.
We can do a customized reminder emailing to members that would include their username
and password and the link to complete the membership application.
It can also include whatever message you want and can be sent to just the past
year’s members, or to several year’s past members. The cost for that type of
custom mailing is $25 per group mailing. They can be done at any intervals you
want (one month, one week, etc.). Reminders can also be sent out to the listserv
at no charge, but those are not customizable with the access information.
Activities planned but not yet completed:
● Another message to members who have not yet renewed
● New member session for Spring 2013 Conference
Morralee Keller suggested we review membership calendar timeline as we have lowest number of
members during CGS, nominations, and Spring Conference.
Carolyn: 1630
Deb Divers mentioned the timing of membership as well. Institutional membership should be
considered: public institutions might be more willing to pay institutional membership, versus
individual memberships.
Cheryl Willard cited the economy’s impact on membership / budgetary cuts. OASFAA will most likely
revisit the concept of institutional memberships – solicit feedback from the general Membership. We
will look to MASFAA, as they currently consider implementing an institutional membership model.
Randy Green – raised the question if we do not offer institutional membership, do we continue to
allow non-members to participate in training opportunities?
Cheryl Willard thanked Carolyn and Lea for their efforts in providing Membership historical data
throughout the week.
c) Nominations
Randy Green
Stephanie Sutton
a) Association Governance and Planning
Ann Marie Gruber, Randy Ulses
Financial Review
Stephanie Sutton
Randy Green is working on verbiage for financial review.
Stephanie and Angela Johnson are working on verbiage for accounts receivable: credit
card payment and past due conference/membership balances.
a. Regulatory-Federal
Adam Dilulio, Todd Everett
1. Summary of activities:
 Adam and I are going to brainstorm for the two Federal interest sessions in early March planned for
spring conference.
 Based on the status of sequestration and the volatility of federal aid programs we are
contemplating topics of Spring Newsletter.
 Todd was scheduled to travel to Washington DC with MASFAA but is unable to attend.
2. Activities planned but not yet completed:
We will need to start organizing the next newsletter. We have been in touch with the state
regulations committee and plan to combine both federal and state issues into the next newsletter.
3. Progress on committee’s 2012-13 goals/initiatives:
 We have completed two of our goals as stated above. Now that the semester is starting to slow
down we can pursue other goals that we have initially stated as well as continue to publish the
newsletter with the state issues team.
Discussion on RADD (Reimaging Aid Design and Delivery) Project / White Papers recently released. Suggesions
made to include this topic in a session or as a discussion item for Regional Reps during Regional Meetings) in
upcoming Conference agenda.
a. Regulatory-State
Faith Phillips, Tony Leprotti
No report
Morralee Keller suggested what the state budget recommendations be submitted.
Newsletter – Shooting for March, separate from Gazette.
b. VP-Conferences
1. Conference Planning
Angela Johnson
Angela Johnson
As we wrap up the Winter 2012 OASFAA/OCAN conference, we have taken care of final conference payments
regarding site. We have a few outstanding reimbursements to complete but are in good shape. On January
30, 2013, all presentations that had been received for the Winter 2012 OASFAA/OCAN conference had been
uploaded to the OASFAA website. We have also received the Winter Conference survey and feedback from
members, which session topics will be shared for our Spring 2013 Conference planning.
The Spring 2013 Conference Committee met in Columbus – Franklin University on Thursday, January 24, 2013.
We are excited to kick off the planning season. The Spring Conference will take place May 6-7, 2013 at the
Columbus Marriott Northwest, our second time at this location.
We have a robust schedule planned with at 2012-2013 Chenelle Leadership Class graduation. We are planning
a Committee Fair to encourage volunteerism and participation on the various committees.
We will provide 2 full-days of conference sessions. Conference registration fee is $125. for full-conference and
$75 for one-day. Conference registration and hotel reservations will open on Friday, March 1, 2013.
We hope to exceed last Spring Conference attendee numbers of 230. A Save the Date announcement will be
sent to the OASFAA listserv by February 18.
Registration Update
Spring 2013 Conference Registration will open on March 1, 2013.
As an update to the outstanding balances issue, below outlines the current collectibles since the January 2013
meeting. As our revised practice, the Registration Chair will only focus one year back to collect outstanding
Outstanding balances:
Winter 2012 – 15 outstanding balances totaling $1,890 ($1,460 collected since last executive meeting, January
18, 2013)
---- 262 Registrants
Full conf registration-$ 1,350
One day registration-$75
2012 membership-$60
Late cancelation-$75
2013 membership-$330
Spring 2012- 2 outstanding invoices totaling $330 (new balance – 4 members/$485 previously)
---- 230 Registrants
Full conf registration-$250
2012 membership-$30
Late fees-$50
Winter 2011- 10 outstanding invoices totaling $1,025 (new balance – 11 members/$1235 previously)
---- 302 Registrants
2011 membership-$210
2012 membership-$90
Late fee-$50
Full conf registration-$450
One day registration-$75
Late Cancellation fee-$150
Spring 2011- 3 outstanding invoices totaling $215 (no change since last exec meeting)
---- 231 Registrants
2011 membership-$90
One Day registration-$75
Late Fee-$50
Conference payment reminders will be sent to Winter 2012 Conference and Spring 2012 Conference
registrants over the next couple weeks. We continue to discuss with ATAC options to determine feasibility to
connect past balances to current balances to reduce receivables.
Although we had promoted the ability to pay on site with credit card, we had not been able to get the credit
card site set up prior to Winter conference. Randy Green, Emily Mattison, and Valerie Kepner are working
through details needed to secure the credit card set up. We hope to have the credit card available for
members for Spring conference.
Conference costs that are noteworthy of sharing is the negotiated conference meal costs. We had the same
menu as Winter 2011 but knew that we would experience a modest increase in meal prices, which is typical in
conference planning.
Program Update
The Spring Conference theme is Finding Solutions Together: One Piece at a Time. Our intent for this theme is
to support each other in a changing higher education and financial aid environment. As we continue the
champion concepts from the Winter 2012 Conference, we want to encourage attendees to continue to be
advocates for OASFAA, students, and their schools/organizations by putting together pieces of a puzzle that is
under-construction, if you will, and champion causes that support student success. As we begin the creative
process, we will develop a theme around the idea of puzzles.
Entertainment/Charity Update
At this conference, we will hold a Twilight Golf Outing on Monday evening as an optional event. Members can
sign up with their registration and play golf with colleagues. In recent years, we have held a golf outing the
day prior to conference, either Sunday afternoon when we hold a Monday/Tuesday conference and prior, on
Tuesday afternoon when we hold a Wednesday/Thursday/Friday conference. This year, we will have an
evening on your own to allow members to enjoy the many amenities near the hotel, participate in golf, etc.
More details about the golf outing is forthcoming.
We will not hold a charity event at the Spring 2013 conference.
Activities planned, but not completed:
Developing concepts for a “Save the Date” for Winter 2013 – 45-year celebration, which takes place
December 10-12, 2013
Continue researching technology options (with ATAC) to support receivables/collections
Will work with Conference Committee Chairs to develop templates for incoming chairs for each specific
conference chair role to ensure an ease of transition
Reviewing Spring 2014 conference site proposals for future discussion for future planning, with final
recommendations in May
2. Site
Becky Davis, Bev Dalheim
Summary of activities:
Activities planned but not yet completed: NO
Progress on committee’s 2012-13 goals/initiatives: N/A
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
Requesting the members of the Executive Committee please contact us to loan either a laptop or a
projector for use during the Spring Conference.
Spring planning meeting held.
3. Leadership
Mary Kay Freshour, Valerie Fultz, Lawrence Matthews
1. Summary of activities: The committee has met via conference call and plans are well underway for the
spring conference sessions for the Leadership class. Communication to the class will be going out soon
and will include the StrengthsFinders assignment, an invitation for March Madness, and plans for a
webinar on Emotional Intelligence, scheduled to take place prior to spring conference.
Activities planned but not yet completed: The morning Spring Conference session will include a session on
their StrengthsFinders results, led by Kathy Dickson of Bluffton University, who is certified with SF’s.
Graduation of the class will take place at the Monday noon luncheon of spring conference. A final
afternoon session will be a Town Hall format, and members of the OASFAA Exec Committee will be invited
to be part of that session.
3. Progress on committee’s 2012-13 goals/initiatives: We are on schedule
4. Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: None
g) Professional Development
Amy Welty, Melanie Weaver
1. Summary of activities:
a. Attended conference planning meeting
b. Three sessions planned to be presented by PHEAA for Spring Conference
i. Planning & Prioritization
ii. Effective Written Communication
iii. Listening and Receiving Feedback
2. Activities planned but not yet completed:
3. Progress on committee’s 2011-12 goals:
4. Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
c. VP-Training
(Report is under NASFAA Training)
1. College Goal Sunday
Matt Moore
MorraLee Keller, Carrie Short, Amanda Reisinger
5. Summary of activities:
Worked with OCAN on Media Advisory
Distributed CGS Shirts to Volunteers & Site Coordinators
Distributed Sponsors Power Point
Shipped College 101 Magazines
Continued Recruiting Volunteers
Monitored Student Registrations
Held CGS at 51 sites throughout Ohio
Gathered initial stats from event
6. Activities planned but not yet completed:
Hold debrief conference call for site coordinators
Submit paper surveys and finish data entry by site coordinators
Process reimbursement requests and forward to trustee
Distribute Mini-Grant Report Forms
Complete report for Great Lakes
Complete report for USAFunds
7. Progress on committee’s 2012-13 goals/initiatives:
8. Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
2. NASFAA Training
Matt Moore
Summary of activities:
Working on March/April Regional Direct Loan Training. Sent an email to
membership requesting RSVPs for events.
3. Need Analysis
Kevin Lamb, Venus Puliafico
Summary of activities:
Regional Training Sessions were held on January 25 and February 1
Registration for each of the four sessions was higher than previous year between 1525
Actual attendance was lower due to weather conditions on both days but for those
who did attend there was positive feedback
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Co-chairs will meet to assess overall successes and where improvements can be
made for this committee moving forward.
Invoices from the regional sessions will need to be collected, reviewed and
Progress on committee’s 2012-13 goals/initiatives:
Approximately 95 of yearly activities are complete.
4. Outreach
Ed Recker, Jeff Johnston, Christy West
5. Summary of AY activities:
a. August: Website updates
b. September: Articulations (generally, fin aid updates)
c. November: Leaf Initiative
d. December: Counselor Workshops, OASFAA/OCAN conference, High School Night requests.
6. Activities planned but not yet completed:
a. Outreach is winding down for 12-13 activities.
b. High School Night Requests
i. New process has worked well. Requests have slowed down but can still be filled. Over
20 High School night presenter requests have been fulfilled this AY!
7. Progress on committee’s 2012-13 goals:
a. Counselor Workshops
i. Site reimbursement requests are being processed as they are received. Currently, all
but three sites have contacted us regarding their reimbursement intentions.
8. Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
a. The Outreach Committee held a meeting at Franklin University on Friday, February 15th, to
discuss the year’s activities, as well as the direction we are going for next year. One of the ideas
the committee came up with was the better utilization of technology. Specifically, the
committee discussed purchasing an annual webinar license (such as Go To Meeting) as a better
way of providing training to high school counselors, as well as our other constituency groups.
Uses of the service would include webinars, but also using the tool to record the webinars and
other training sessions, and making them available via the web. We envision this tool as a way
to supplement and enhance our current in-person training sessions. For example, we would
ask new counselors to watch a pre-recorded “Financial Aid 101” webinar before they attend
our annual high school counselor workshop. Our hope is that OCAN and OACAC will share the
license cost with us. We, the Outreach Committee, do not think that this should come out of
the Outreach Committee budget. Rather, it should be an OASFAA budget line item, potentially
under the VP for Training, due to the potential for multiple committee usage (Executive
Committee, Needs Analysis, State & Federal Updates, etc.).
Discussion: How might OASFAA Committees utilize this type of training platform for the Membership?
Will this be sustainable for the Association?
Randy Green will contact OASFAA Committee Chairs and ask for feedback regarding their interest and
possible usages. We plan to have this information available for further discussion at April Executive
Committee Meeting.
5. Support Professional
Debralee Divers, Sam Salvage
Summary of activities:
Sam and Deb held a conference call to discuss the Support Professional of the Year
award process. The request for nominations form, along with a message requesting
nominations will be sent out on February 25 with a deadline of March 22. The
committee will meet the week of March 25 to review and discuss all nomination and
select a recipient.
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Selection of the Support Professional of the Year will occur the week of March 25.
Progress on committee’s 2012-13 goals/initiatives:
Once selection of Support Professional of the Year is completed, our goals will be
met (aside from the actual awarding which will take place at conference.
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
d. Liaisons
1. Board of Regents
Tamika Braswell
Chancellor Pietro retired at the end of January. Stephanie Davis is now interim.
Brady Oxander is leaving OBR before May.
OCOG budget: Governor’s recommendations are out, and running projections,
OCOG award will be estimated expected by mid-March.
$41 versus $37 million,
Decrease in enrollment and Central State being eligible due to Tuition minus Pell
Expect a decrease, running projections
Most programs remain at the same levels.
MorraLee Keller
No report
e. Adjournment
No further business was requested to be brought forward.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:38 PM
A Motion was provided by Jayme Jarrett.
Angela Johnson provided a second.