September 5, 2014 - Exec Meeting Minutes

2014-15 OASFAA Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Franklin University, Columbus, Ohio
September 5th, 2014
* Katelyn Brodman
* Adam Dillulio
* Stephanie Goller
* Randy Green
Committee Chairperson
* Michele Barry
* Stacey Black
* Tamika Braswell
* John Brown
* Greg Carlo
* Trueshonda Carmicle
* Bev Dalheim
* Matt Dalheim
* Kristy Gardner
* Ann Marie Gruber
* Linda Hayes
* Jayme Jarrett
* Kim Jenerette
* Amanda Haire
* Jayme Jarrett
* Angela Johnson
* Andrea Morrow
* Betsy Johnson
* Jeff Johnston
* Michael Jones
* MorraLee Keller
* Val Kepner
* Scott Lehman
* Carolyn McCluskey
* Donna McCullough
* James McDougal
* Cody McMillen
* Lea Mederer
* Matt Moore
* Andrea Morrow
* Ed Recker
* Amanda Reisinger
* Erika Robison
* Lauren Urban
* Kim Nash-Yore
* Mary Lynn Perri
* Venus Puliafico
* Amanda Reisinger
* Sam Selvage
* Rachel Sewell
* Carrie Short
* Ericka Walker-Smith
* Anne Watson
* Amy Welty
* Christy West
* Cheryl Willard
* In attendance
* Not in attendance
- Final contact list updates
- Inventory list updates
Approval of Minutes/Secretary’s Report
- Approval of August minutes
- Ed first, Jayme seconded
Angela Johnson
Stephanie Goller
Treasurer’s Report
Adam DiIlulio/Ed Recker- Tres Elect
- See attached reports
- Transfer of funds are up-to-date
- Adam DiIulio will add the TIA CREF account earning to the report and will be reflected next
- There was a concern about the current expenses associated with Fall conference spend. To
date, we have expenses associated with Conference Planning meeting that took place in June ($1,014)
and a deposit for the conference entertainment ($900).
- E-Merchant is being considered for our service provider for credit card. OASFAA is being
considered for transaction availability for conferences.
- It had been determined that OASFAA members should not have to cover the transaction fee
cost; that was built in to OASFAA. The budget had already been established to include associated credit
card fees.
- There would not be a separate POS (reader), a laptop would be used to login to the portal to
charge the cards by inputting credit card numbers.
- It was decided that we will not have an “over-the-phone” credit card payment process. Adam
will look into this information as to how it would work.
- Other questions to research:
- Would there be a member login so that members could login themselves to make
payments ahead conference or related activities?
- It would be cost and time effective to pay $15 fee to purchase the swipe function reader
- An advantage of the online payment, OASFAA would earn interest for the organization by
getting the money sooner
- Motion to move forward with the credit card purchase function
- Amanda first, Jayme seconded
- Motion to approve Treasurer’s report
- Lauren first, Amanda seconded
Old Business
 Revised P&P - Angela (Randy not in attendance)
- There was a conference call in June; changes were approved
- Betsy and Cheryl taking this back to suggest any changes that need to be made
- Trustees to bring any changes from their current description in the P&P to Betsy and
 Proposed sponsorship levels- Mary Lynn and Michele
- Proposal included in the report for Sponsorship.
- With the changes to the proposed sponsorship tier levels, a few questions were
addressed about whether we want to have sponsorship exclusive, or can multiple
vendors sponsor the same event. It was determined that we can have multiple sponsors
to create a demand for an event (s).
- We will have logo recognition in the program and on the general session PPT for
sponsors. Logos will not be included on the session PPTs.
- Verbal recognition of each sponsors will be shared at the opening and closing sessions.
- If College Goal Sunday sponsorship is to be included as an item, it is very time-sensitive
and should be decided soon.
- Motion to move forward
- Angela first, Jayme seconded
New Business
 MASFAA Update
- The MASFAA conference is scheduled in Charleston, WV – October 12-15, 2015
- MASFAA will have a recognition of retirees. Any OASFAA retirees should be sent to
Angela Johnson as soon as possible.
- Amanda attended the MASFAA President-Elect retreat in July in Iowa.
- Amanda is also going to state exchange in Missouri in November 2014.
- Amanda Sites from West Virginia will be attending the Fall OASFAA conference.
Diversity Committee description
- The new Diversity Committee needs a description to be added to the OASFAA policies
and procedures manual, website, and committee description. This item has been tabled
pending more discussion with the president and committee chair.
Annual Training Calendar
- Jayme Jarrett is working on a training calendar to provide a robust list of training
options to our members. This will include the virtual conference session options as well.
Equipment Purchase
- Amanda will research the cost associated a laptop and LCD that OASFAA will purchase
this year. The purpose of this purchase is to replenish the dated equipment that the
association has on hand.
- Mary Lynn Perri has two old laptops and Andrea Morrow has one. It was suggested that
OASFAA either donates to Best Buy or Goodwill for recycling to relieve the association of
the responsibility for data equipment.
Conference Scholarships
- OASFAA scholarship applications due September 26 for the Fall Conference.
- There are only two applicants so far, there are ten scholarships available
OBOR Financial Aid Workgroup
- Lawrence Matthews is the OASFAA representative and will send report. Lawrence had
attended one meeting and planning to attend another meeting in October.
Research Committee
- Sam Selvage is the research chair. If committee chairs want to send research
information and questions to the membership, OASFAA plan to purchase Survey Monkey
for this purpose.
OASFAA credit card for limited trustees
- The consensus from the group is that this makes sense and to move forward research.
Adam DiIluio and Ed Recker will research.
- From an auditing perspective, original receipts are not required. This is an OASFAA
requirement and required for 501(C)3.
- There may be an opportunity for a reloadable pre-paid card rather than a credit card.
1. Regional Representatives
a) Northeast
Lauren Urban
Summary of activities:
- Selected date and location for fall meeting (Friday, September 26th at Cuyahoga
Community College Western Campus)
- Sent out “Save the Date” email for the meeting, as well as asked for topic
- Confirmed one speaker, working to finalize other two
- Spring meeting date selected as well (March 6th, 2015)
Activities planned but not yet completed:
- Finalize two other presenters
- Send out RSVP information
- Finalizing planning and food for meeting
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
- Hoping “Save the Date” email will increase attendance at meeting as there was
option for input on topics and early notice of meeting date
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
b) Northwest
Katelyn Brodman
Summary of activities:
Since the last regional meeting, a conference call was held between Jayme Jarrett,
VP of Training, and the regional representatives to discuss ATAC, roles and
responsibilities, and helpful hints for the year ahead. A summary of this conference
call is available upon request. A survey was sent out to the Northwest Region as well
as to associate members regarding meeting preferences, possible host locations,
likes and dislikes about regional meetings, as well as topic suggestions. Over the
course of one week, 20 responses were recorded. The Fall Northwest Regional
Meeting is scheduled for Friday, October 3, 2014. Two associate members have
expressed interest in presenting at this meeting.
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Now that survey responses are available, further review is required to accommodate
the needs and interests of the Northwest Region. A location for the Fall Northwest
Regional Meeting also needs to be decided. Schools who expressed interest in
hosting the regional meeting will be contacted within the next week or two so that
further arrangements can be made for the meeting. Those who are interested in
presenting will also be given topic ideas (suggested by the FAA’s of the Northwest
Region) so that they can prepare for their presentation.
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
By creating a survey aimed to address the needs and wants of the region, there was
an opportunity for participation that was presented to the entire region of current
members. Technology was used in multiple instances already to reach out to schools
and members via the online survey and e-mails sent through ATAC.
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
No current recommended items for discussion at this time.
c) Southeast
Amanda Haire
Summary of activities:
- Prepared for first regional meeting
- Worked with other members and regional reps on
topics/communication/organization, etc)
- Finalized date and location for fall meeting
- Finalized presenters and topics (Greg Carlo & Dennis Hollern)
- Sent out date/location reminder for meeting (8/20/14)
Activities planned but not yet completed:
- Selecting room on campus for meeting
- Coordinate with catering
- Send final agenda/RSVP items to region
- Begin preparation for winter conference meeting
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
d) Southwest
Summary of activities:
- Solidified presenters for conference
Erika Robison
Activities planned but not yet completed:
- Regional Meeting September 26th, 2014
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
2. President-Elect
Amanda Reisinger
Summary of activities:
Planning the MASFAA President Exchange – I will be going to Missouri and the West Va.
President will be coming here for our conference
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
a) Associate Member Relations
Michele Barry/Mary Lynn Perri
- The sponsorship group is moving forward on banner ads on the homepage. They will
provide a cost associated with this upgrade.
Summary of activities:
- Associate Member Relations provided website updates for fall conference
Activities planned but not yet completed:
- Suggestions for sponsorship at the August meeting were taken into
consideration and Associate Member Relations is working on a final draft to
be submitted to Exec
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
b) Communications/Web
Summary of activities:
Reviewing the website needed updates
Trueshonda Carmicle/Kim Nash-Yore
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Successfully moving towards
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
If each committee can write a blurb by September 15, 2014 introducing the new
chair(s), discussing plans/events for the year, and describing volunteer opportunities, that
would be fantastic! Email to or
c) Finance
Summary of activities:
Amanda has reviewed the reconciliation.
Amanda Reisinger
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
d) New Member/Mentor
Donna McCullough/Rachel Sewell
Summary of activities:
Processed membership payments, both older and more currently received ones
Activities planned but not yet completed:
- Mentor Guide/Call for Mentors
- Session Presentation for New Members for Winter Conference
- New Member conference kit item list
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
e) Nominations
Summary of activities:
Amanda Reisinger
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
3. Past-President
- Meeting with Federal and State Issues chairs on August 22.
- Working on past-president outreach.
a) Association Governance and Planning
Summary of activities:
Nothing to report at this time
Randy Green
Betsy Johnson/Cheryl Willard
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
b) Regulatory-Federal
John Brown/Linda Hayes
Summary of activities:
The State and Federal Issues chairs had a joint conference call with Angela Johnson
and Randy Green on Friday, August 22, 2014. We began the meeting with a quick
look back over the activities of these two committees during the past year. We then
discussed our goals and objectives for the coming year.
During that conversation we identified three main priorities for the year, which are:
- Get the association members more involved in state and federal issues
- Identify participants and message for Capital Hill visits in February or March
- Build a plan for the OASFAA Policy Day to be held in the spring
Activities planned but not yet completed:
To meet the objectives associated with our first goal above, we plan to recruit
committee members for the State and Federal Issues Committees from the
association. In the past, the chair and/or co-chairs were the only ones on the
committee. Our goal is to build multi-member committees. We will also build
interest in our committees by creating a dialogue on the OASFAA listserv on state
and federal issues.
For our second goal, we will solicit ideas from the OASFAA Executive Committee and
the association at large for topics we wish to address on our Capital Hill visits and the
OASFAA Policy Day.
The third goal will be an on-going project throughout the year that will culminate in
the OASFAA Policy Day. We will work with state and federal elected officials
throughout the year with a plan to engage them in November prior to our fall
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Nothing to report at this time
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
We would like to discuss state and federal issues that are impacting schools in Ohio.
We will ask for some consensus of topic areas we should focus on throughout the
year knowing additional topics will arise. We would also like to know if there are
staff members at your institution that are heavily involved in state or federal issues
that might serve on our committees or act as a resource.
c) Regulatory-State
Kim Jenerette/Venus Puliafico
Summary of activities:
The past year was indeed a year of “attempting” to plant seed. During a meeting with
the SOCHE Board (06.13.2014), I met with Senator Bill Beagle (5th district) and briefly
discussed state funding. Provided Senator Beagle with data showing Ohio being the
47th state (in the country) of providing educational appropriations. As a result of this
and an expressed desire to discuss additional funding, I met with the Senator on
Friday, July 18. Lastly, discussed with the Dean of the School of Business (at Cedarville
University) the possibility to have students involved. Their task, through a SR
Thesis/Research project, would be to provide the data to present to various leaders
throughout Ohio, including the State legislature. (repeat from 07.18.2014)
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Working on State Legislature visits to coincide with the Fall OASFAA Meeting on
November 11th (conference is November 12-14) November 11, 2014 is Veterans Day
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
See above #2
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
There is a need to assess data to present to the Ohio State Legislature. Discuss our
possible resources to both research and compile data for presentation.
- It was recommended that Ohio Board of Regents assist with the data needed to
research state funding by region (district).
- The committee should consist a graduate thesis or doctorate topic for those who
need to do research for school. It was suggested that the committee sends a request to the
4. VP-Conferences
Andrea Morrow
a) Conference Planning
Andrea Morrow
Summary of activities:
- Registration: Conference Registration is on track to go live on August 29th. The costs
associated with the fall conference: full conference, $150; one day registration, $75.
2015 membership can be renewed and is $35. Hotel reservations go live August 29 th and
the cost is $124 plus tax per night.
- Program: The program is in the works, but not finished. Printed copies at conference
will be distributed to members and the program will be online as well. Moderators will
be sent the template for presenter’s PowerPoint very soon.
- Entertainment: The entertainment committee is hard at work securing the “The Murder
Mystery” to be conducted during Wednesday evening’s dinner festivities. The charity
hasn’t been selected as of now; the committee is working on finalizing these details.
- Site: Site coordinators are busy organizing rooms/space at the hotel. Some moderators
haven’t submitted topic descriptions, reminders will go out again.
- Professional Development: The professional development committee is moderating 3
different sessions throughout conference.
- Leadership: The leadership committee is securing presenters for the incoming class. An
application is available on the OASFAA website to be completed and submitted by
August 29th.
- The Mary Arter Bell scholarship application is on the OASFAA website with a due date
of September 26th.
Activities planned but not yet completed:
- Finalizing general session speakers
- In need of laptops and projectors. If anyone is willing to share laptops and/or projectors
during conference, please let Bev Dalheim ( or Matt
Dalheim ( know. It is very much appreciated that members are
willing to bring equipment to use at our conferences; it saves OASFAA a great deal of
- Discussion on virtual conference for general sessions - May consider restricting attendance to OASFAA members
- May consider live-stream, record and send as a link after the event
- May impact conference attendance
- Should there be a cost associated with the video?
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
b) Registration
Lea Mederer
Summary of activities:
- Revised the registration website to reflect information/pricing pertaining to the Fall
2014 OASFAA conference
Activities planned but not yet completed:
- Fall 2014 Conference registration website to go live on 8/29/14
- Creating conference badges once logo has been created for the program
- Processing conference registration payments as received
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
c) Entertainment
Greg Carlo/Scott Lehman
Summary of activities:
Negotiated with Murder Mystery Inc to assist us with hosting our entertainment venue
for the Winter Conference. Total cost is $1800 for the event, which includes 5 actors as
well as sound system, AV, costumes, etc. Down-payment was completed and currently
finishing up details for event.
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Still working with local groups to determine charity for conference
- Fisher House (like Ronald McDonald House for Veterans) will be the charitable
organization. With a connection to Veterans Day, members will be able to make donations at the
conference to the Fisher House this year.
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
d) Program
Summary of activities:
Ann Marie Gruber
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
e) Site
Bev Dalheim/Matt Dalheim
Summary of activities:
- Receiving Interest Session sheets and Audio Visual requests from Moderators for Fall
Activities planned but not yet completed:
- Working on the work chart of sessions for Fall Conference
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee
- If anyone is able to donate a laptop and/or LED Projector to be used at conference
please contact or Or let Andrea
Morrow know. It is really important to helping keep conference costs down having
equipment borrowed. There is no budget to purchase, rent or lease equipment for
f) Chennelle Leadership
Kristy Gardner/Amy Welty
Summary of activities:
- The leadership committee had contacted etiquette person at Zane State for a session
for the Leadership Class.
- The application deadline has been extended to increase the number of volunteers.
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee
g) Professional Development
Summary of activities:
Val Kepner/Anne Watson
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
5. VP-Training
Summary of activities:
- NASFAA materials now finalized and received by the committee chair.
Jayme Jarrett
Activities planned but not yet completed:
- Training calendar
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
a) College Goal Sunday
Matt Moore/Carrie Short
Summary of activities:
- Conference call to discuss final touches on USA Funds Grant application
- Received confirmation Great Lakes grant renewal at $15,000
- Received two more applications for College Goal Sunday – Eastern Gateway
Community College – Steubenville and Youngstown locations. Whew! Total 2015
sites = 54
- Finalized sites and submitted to graphic designer for OACAC articulation save-thedate flyers
- Saved $$ on shipping by picking up the flyers from the printer
- Saved more $$ by delivering the flyers to the OACAC Articulation chair, who will
deliver to each articulation coordinator
- Received Great Lakes grant application
- Submitted USA Funds Grant application
Activities planned but not yet completed: (completed by September 5, 2014
- CGS Save-the-Date flyers are ready, will pick up in person to save delivery costs!
- Deliver CGS Save-the-Date flyers to OACAC Articulation Chairs, in person to save
delivery costs!
- Complete Great Lakes grant application
- Work with ATAC to update online registration forms – volunteer and attendee
- Looking at starting registration earlier than in the past for attendees to coincide
with College Application Week
- Start CGS website updates
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
b) NASFAA Training
Summary of activities:
Jayme Jarrett
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
c) Need Analysis
Stacey Black/Ericka Walker-Smith
Summary of activities:
Since the August Executive Committee Meeting, our subcommittee has completed
the following:
- Determined our 2014-15 committee members
Activities planned but not yet completed:
- Determine 2014-15 subcommittee meeting schedule
- Considering in person meeting in September 2014 and conference calls in
October 2014 & December 2014
- Review and prepare NASFAA Need Analysis Training materials for use at following
upcoming events
- 2014 Winter Conference Sessions
- 2015 Regional Training Sessions
- Coordinate and present 2014 Winter conference sessions
- Assign session moderators and presenters
- Print and assemble training materials
- Coordinate and present 2015 Regional Training Sessions
- Determine locations
- Total of three (3) regional training sessions located in each of the following
areas of the state North, Mid, and South
- Assign session presenters
- Print and assemble training materials
- Coordination and presentation of 2014 Winter Conference Sessions
- Coordination and presentation of 2015 Regional Training Sessions
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
- The subcommittee co-chairs have determined subcommittee members
- An email has been sent to assigned trustee inquiring about receipt of NASFAA need
analysis training materials
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
None at this time
d) Outreach
Jeff Johnston/Cody McMillen/Christy West
Summary of activities:
- We held out first meeting and mapped out our activities for the fall. Several new
members attended the meeting we were excited to see!
- By the time that this executive meeting takes place we will have held our second
meeting (an online webinar) to create the financial aid updates handout and
presentations for Articulations, as well as to finalize the strategy for our tables at
the events
- Many new members have joined the committee.
- The Outreach committee had been invited to present at the Articulation Workshops
after not participating the year prior.
- High School financial aid nights are requested online.
- The FAFSA 101 Counselor session presented by Lawrence Matthews.
Activities planned but not yet completed:
- High School requests for College/FAFSA Nights (requests have started rolling in)
- Articulations at OACAC (four events in early September around the state of Ohio;
we will present and have a table to hand out resources to counselors)
- Financial Aid 101 webinar in November. Will feature Lawrence Matthews from
Bluffton once again this year (thanks Lawrence!)
- Counselor Workshops in December
- Financial Aid 201 webinar in February of next year
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Our current focus is Articulations. Most of the progress will be made next week (i.e.
the week between this report and the executive committee meeting. Our
presentation is going to be different this year, an attempt to meet the evolving
needs of OACAC. We are creating a presentation that shows school and access
counselors the experience of high and low EFC students at four different types of
schools, as far as what their budget is, and what their settled account looks like.
This will help counselors see how students actually pay for school at community
colleges, proprietary schools, public 4 year schools, as well as private 4 year schools.
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
e) Support Professional
Michael Jones/Carolyn McCluskey
Summary of activities:
- Committee chairs met to discuss:
- Site locations
- When messages will be sent for upcoming meetings & support professional
award nominations
- Topics & possible presenters
Activities planned but not yet completed:
- Finalizing site locations
- Finalizing topics / presenters
- Finalizing date for messages to ListServ for meeting date(s) & location
- Tentative agenda in the works
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
- On target
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
f) Diversity
James McDougal
Summary of activities:
- The committee is working on finalizing speakers for the fall conference. Discussions
are underway with potential speakers for the 2 remaining sessions.
Activities planned but not yet completed:
- The committee will meet on 8-28-14 to discuss committee initiatives at The Ohio
State University. Will discuss potential year round activities for the association
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
- Still in progress. Hoping to secure more volunteers for the committee.
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
- None at this time
VII. Liaisons
a) Board of Regents
Tamika Braswell
Summary of activities:
- Finalized NEALP awards; same as last year
- Letters for 2013-201414 enrollment and financial aid audits will be sent next
- Tamika Braswell will work with Kim Jenerette on obtaining State update
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
Summary of activities:
- Ads have been distributed for College Goal Sunday.
MorraLee Keller
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
c) Research
Summary of activities:
Sam Selvage
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
Motion to adjourn
- Amanda first, Jayme seconded